HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-05-16, Page 24Times-Advocate, May 16, 1979 16 For Sale 16 For Sale 16 For Sale ■pf7Wanted To Buy J 19 Property For Sale H 20 Property For Rent ^B20Property For Rent [ 20 Property For Rent ■ 21 For Rent APPLES, special $6.00 a bushel. Excellent Spys, bring containers anytime. .Ross Middleton Storage, 1 mile north .past of Bayfield. 18:19:20:21c WOODEN flower boxes $3.00 each, flower tree. Hamilton’s Machine Shop. 235-1665. 18f 12 x 55-3 Bedroom mobile home, excellent condition, with drapes and carpet. Located at Birch Bark Trailer Park. 1-238* 8256. 14t GARDEN TRACTOR. 110 John Deere, floatation tires, mower, lights and 3 point hitch. $500.00. Phone 235-0490. 19:20c CABINS, suitable for tool sheds, camp sites etc. Must be moved off location. Call 1-238-2943 evenings. ______ 19f 1969 HALADAY truck camper top 8'j ft., furnace, 3 burner stove, 2 way fridge, sleeps 4. Asking $1,650.00. Call 1-238- 2943 evenings. 19t - $15.00 $5.00 * ATTENTION FARMERS ' HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLIN TON. ONTARIO We are now paying $5.00 — $15.00 for fresh dead or disabled cows and horses over 500 lbs. All calves and pigs picked up free of charge. Fast Efficient Service — 24 hrs. a day 7 days a week. CALL COLLECT 482-9811 “Call us first you won’t have to call anyone else.” "NEW HOME FOR SALE" "READY 70 MOVE INTO" Spacious 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 1 ?2 bathrooms and finished rec room with fireplace and sodded lawn. Contact Jim Gregus 235-1647 HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers, Car­ dinal watches. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repair­ ing guaranteed. 2t Order Your GOSLINGS DUCKLINGS HEAVY BREED CHICKENS for Egg and Meat Purpose ALSO PHEASANTS from EDELWEISS ACRES FARMS Erich Frelter RR1 Dashwood Ph. 237-3382 Ask for price list ________________________lot 1975 GLENDALE trailer, tandem axle. Like new. 235- 2737.____________________19t 1-12 HORSE POWER Massey Ferguson garden tractor with hydrostatic transmission. 42” mower and rototiller. 1 refrigera­ tion unit, large enough for 18’ x 8’ walk in cooler with all accessories. Phone _234- 6734.__________________19:20c WHITE reclaimed brick. For in­ formation call Ken Rader J37- 3537 after 6 p.m.________19:20c 12 x 70 MOBILE home with patio on rented lot in Bucklin acres on #83 Hwy. Fully carpeted with fridge and stove. Tool shed included. 237- 3260,____________________19t 17 FT CORSAIR trailer, sleeps# with portable added room 8x12. Asking $2,700 or best offei. Phone 262-6709.___________19t USED 54” springs and mattress, and sofa apd floor polisher. Phone 235-1426. 19:20* TWO WHEELED box trailer. Call 235-0932. 20* GOOD used black covered United Church Hymnals for Centralia United Church. Phomj 228-6292 Sam Skinner. 20:21c 100-150 ACRES south or east of Exeter. Set up.for beef preferred* Phone 666-0134. 18:19:20:21c USED building materials* Phone 238-2709. 18:19:20c 18 Wanted “WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage pur­ poses. Contact Ross Lumley_ 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1- 542-4088; Ontario’s largest supplier of reclaimed bricks.”__________ _______1 It ROOMMATE Wanted - to share luxury two bedroom apart­ ment on Huron St. Call Don at 235-0800 days or 235-0966. eveninos.______________20:21c URGENTLY needed for the first of June. One or two bedroom home in the Exeter, Grand Bend area. Landlord re­ quires residence for personal use,. Phone 238-8340. 20:21* 19 Property For Sale CREDITON 17 King St. Asking $38,500.00 for this brick bungalow, in quiet residential village. 12 x 24 living room. 16 x 12 eat in kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bathroom plus main floor laun­ dry and large garage. Call Jan. Marees 433-6622 .office; 471- 3600 home; 673-1345 l.D 688. Canada Permanent . Trust Realtor._____________19:20:21c 100 ACRE FARM near Staffa Very well equipped with ex­ cellent buildings plus 2 silos, im­ plement shed, some cash crop, pasture and bush. Very good drainage plus 3 bedroom home. Call Jan. Marees 433-66J22 office;471-3600 home; 673-1345 l.D 688. Canada Permanent Trust Realtor. __ ________________19:20:21c RETIREMENT or starter home, Dashwood 3 bedroom brick, 3 piece bath, basement, large lot, workshop and garage. Cash talks or will accept low down payment with affordable terms. Call 238-2484.____19:20c PRIVATE SALE - house located on large lot, quiet street in Ex­ eter. No down payment to qualify purchaser. Far more in- formation call 433-8191. 20c AILSA CRAIG Private, just built 3 bedroom all brick bungalow, fully carpeted, quality Pela windows. Call around 6 p.m. phone 293-3647, 20:21:22c 134 DUKE ST. Parkhill. 2 bedroom brick home, full carpet, 4 pc. bath, stone fireplace, full panelled basement with laundry area. Attached garage and paved driveway. Large lot and tool sh­ ed. High 40’s. Phone 294-6174 or 238-2144, _ ___________20t FARM - 105 acres, all pasture, 4 bedroom house, barn, drilled well. 229-6585,____________2(T l'/2 STOREY BRICK in ex­ cellent condition, 45 bedrooms, 2 baths, new family kitchen, low* taxes and heat, foam insulated, newly redecorated, carpeting and hardwood floors,, good base­ ment. Phone 235-1483* . . _ ______________17:18:19:20* EXETER, 56 Alexander St. E. 2 bedroom 9 yr. old I floor, well insulated, electric heated, brick home. Livingroom, big bright kitchen with patio doors. Wood stove in basement, extra building lot with sewer connection. All this for 43,900.00 and open to offer* Call John Broere, London 47 1-9066. Craig and Vanoirschot, Real Estate and In- surance Ltd. West Lome. 17t DASHWOOD — modern home. Three bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, laundry room, rec room, attached gar­ age, central air conditioning, fireplace. $45,000. Call 237-3281 or 237-3692. Mortgage will be considered._______________15f HENSALL — 2 bedroom frame home, kitchen, dining and living room, sun porch, 4 piece and 2 piece bath, large attractive cor­ ner lot, double garage. Hensail 262-2735.________________12f Residential Building Sites OFFICE SUITE For Rent - Over 850 sq. fl., natural wood and stained glass beauty, fireplace in lounge, central loca­ tion. $350.00 per month all utilities included. Smaller space available. Call 235-1950 or 235- 2533. Ask for Dirk. Available mid June.________________19f FREDERICK STREET apartments, Zurich are now ren­ ting. For information phone Leo Meidingerat236-4I82.______2f ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW AVAILABLE One, two and three bedroom apartments. Featuring shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone. 262-2129 Hen- sall or 433-7781, London. _ 50t THREE BEDROOM house for rent on 413 Andrew St. Available April 1st. Phone 23#x 0890. Ilf THREE BEDROOM home, 216 miles from Zurich, newly renovated, carpeted. Available immediately. 262-5768,_____12t LOVELY 3 bedroom apartment, centrally located, mostly carpeted, private entrance, fireplace, four piece bath, utility shed. $340,00 heat and hydro in­ cluded. Ayailable immediately. Call 235-1950.____________15t LARGE BEDROOM apart­ ment, redecorated. Main floor. Lawn, garden, parking etc. Senior citizen only. Phone for appointment. Mealtime. Also 2 large garden lots. Phone 235-. 0354. 20:21c 2 BEDROOM apartment in Hepsall with private entrance. $150,00 per month. Phone 262- 2736. 17t LARGE 8 room, 2 bath, well in­ sulated home. Country setting. Hwy 4 near Exeter, garden. $365.00 monthly. Phone 235- 2430. _________20:21:22c 2 BEDROOM apartment, coun­ try setting, Hwy 4 near Exeter. Beautiful yard, garden and appliances. Utilities paid. Phone 235-2430.___________ 20:21:22c 2 BEDROOM, apartment, available June 1st. Phone 235- 2706.____________________20c 2 BEDROOM apartment. Main St. Phone 235-1864 after 6 p.m. 235-1944,________________20f 3 BEDROOM’ house on Huron St. Available June 1. Apply August, Gregus 235- 1647. 20:21:22c — LARGE ONE bedroom apt. fur­ nished and heated, laundry. Facilities above Canadian Tire. $160.00 monthly. Phone 235- 1497 or 235-0451. 20t 3 BEDROOM house with fireplace, Southcott Pinei1, Grand Bend. Available June 15. Will lease for 1 year. $300.00 a month 238-8318. 20f THE MAPLES - 1 bedroom town house. Available June 1 262-2014. 20t 21 For Rent FOR RENT Newly redecorated ranch in immaculate condition, large private lot, full basement, garage. 235-2233. 20f FORMAL RENTALS — by Jeffs of Sarnia available in our store. See what you’re renting. Bob Swartman Men’s Wear, Ex­ eter, 235-0991. lot Clay Tile Installation Auger Backfill Installation Maps Provided Workmanship Guaranteed KISTNER DRAINAGE LIMITED RR#1 GADSHILL 656-2363 OR 656-2781 <______________J Rent a Car or Truck BYTHE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 31f Farmers WF AHE NOW PICKING UP FRESH DEAD or DISABLED COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. $5.00 - $15.00 payment for animals over 500 lbs. 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24-Hour Service 7 Days A Week TOLL FREE 1-800-265-4267 (Area Code 519) 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies i rilH t UC'N m. I 7b NEAR EXETER — 25 acres part bush. About 12 acres clear. Corner lot in lower 30's. Call Fred Eyre. NEW LISTING — 3 industrial lots with frame house on one. Situated on Thames Road West of town. Altogether about 174 foot frontage. Asking $45,- 000.00. Call Adrian Eyre. EXTRA LARGE 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW — on about '2 acre lot. Only 6 years old and has large eat-in kitchen, formal dining room and beautiful liv­ ing room. With double garage and workshop this home must be seen to be appreciated. Call Fred Eyre for appointment. OWNER MOVING — and has 16 acres of land on edge of town. Can be bought with a bungalow or alone. Future development possibilities. On edge of town. Call Fred Eyre for details. NEW LISTING — residential building lot. Asking 510,500.00. Call Adrian Eyre. VENDOR WOULD LIKE AN OFFER — on this 1 V2 storey brick home on good lot, excellent location, needs renovations. Call Norm Stanlake. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY CENTRALIA — Empty store with 2 bedroom, living quarters (all one floor) could be made into large home. Owners need quick sale and are asking only 529,900. Call Fred Eyre for details. PROPERTIES OUTSIDE TOWN KIRKTON $78,900 - Newer 4 bedroom brick 2 storey home, double garage, ground floor family room with stone fireplace on about ’2 acre lot. Call Fred Eyre. HENSALL Adjacent to wood lot 100-foot frontage Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 ________________________39t KIPPEN — Low taxes, inexpen- s i v e to ma in tain, nicely decorated. P/2 storey, 3 bedroom house, on 69 x 107 ft. lot. Fenced back yard and separate garage. Priced to sell 262-2682._____10t PRIVATE LUCAN 4 bedroom, 2 storey brick, oak interior, fireplace, P/2 baths, paved drive, existing JP% mortgage optional. 227-4511.__________ 18t HOUSE IN Zurich. 1 Vi storey, 4 bedroom, brick attached garage. Oak floors, chfe^tnut trim. Phone 236-4359. 19:20c 20 Property For Rent STORE OR office space for rent. Approximately 800 sq. ft. of main floor and basement in Hen­ sail Main St. Phone 235- 0537. 19:20:21:22c NEW BUILDMAPLE ARMS Apartments, Senior St. Exeter. Adult luxury apartment, main floor front, 2 bedrooms (completely decorated, formerly model suite) immediate posses- sion. Phone 235-2754. 16f 2 BEDROOM apartment cen­ trally located, alL utilities paid. Available June 1. 235-2087 after 6:30 p.m. 16t EXETER 235-0541 MacFarlane REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR EXETER REAL SHARP — 3 bedroom home, A-l shape, cosy livingroom, dining room, kitchen and bath, NEAR DOWN TOWN. livingroom, dining ^Jths, den, enclosed ^price reduced, owner ONE ACRE — 4 bedroom. room, cosy coun+^» breezeway, SMAiWB anxious to move. W CONSIDERING OWNING YOUR OWN HOME? — this 4 bedroom home, carpeting throughout, could be the-answer, spacious rooms throughout. PLUS — an apartment at back to help pay the mortgage. REAL BUY — Main street 4 bedroom home, spacious livingroom, dining room, kitchen, 3 piece bath, utility room, car port. CORNER LOT. FAMILY HOME — carpeted livingrec room, new furnacj edroom home with piece bath, family ^KtET. SALESMEN Tim MacFarlane 434-8824 LUCAN 227-4071 LONDON 434-8824 Si Simmons Gerry Prout Mert Culbert Bob Thomas Ed Lawson 235-0526 235-1866 227-4766 482-3096 235-0266 LUCAN SIDE SPLIT 3 bed looms, livingroom, 2 fireplaces, games loom, tec loom, 1 ’? baths, wall to wall caipefmg thioughout, attached garage, double paved diive. RENTAL PROPERTY duplex, two apartments, eleettic heat, detached 2 cai garage, close to down town PROPERTY IN AREA WINCHELSEA — 3 bedroom modular home in EXCELLENT CONDITION, livingroom with cathedral ceiling, broadloom, dining room, kitchen and pan­ try, breakfast room, REAR CEDAR DECK, spacious lot. VARIETY & GAS BAR — ideally located, Huron County, great potential. CALL FOR FURTHER DETAILS. CREDITON — 3 bedroom HOBBY FARM, livingroom has oak floors, fireplace, dining room, kitchen, TWO ACRES with BEAUTIFUL TREES. Reduced for quick sale. e 3 BEDROOM 2 STOREY — brick home close to hospital and up town. Large living room, TV room, dining room and kitchen. 2-3 pc. baths, single gar­ age priced at 547,000. Call Norm Stanlake. OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL — 3 bedroom vinyl sided bungalow with 80 ft. frontage lot. Large carpeted livingroom with fireplace, dining area, modern kitchen with counter top stove, utility room and carport. Asking 544,900.00. Call Norm Stanlake. $25.0 00.00 NEW LISTING 2 bedroom starter or retirement bungalow, near park, schools and downtown. Call Fred Eyre. REALLY A HOME! — This house has warmth and comfort built right in and is situated on a nice lot west of village. Asking only 549,900. Call Fred Eyre. OLDER 2 STOREY BRICK HOUSE — New plum­ bing and 1 ’/2 baths. 4 bedrooms plus dressing room, eat-in kitchen, large formal dining room and separate living room. Priced in mid forties. Call Fred Eyre. HENSALL — One of Hensall's finest homes of dis­ tinction. Ground floor family room, open fireplace in 32 ft. living room. Separate dining room, 5 good size bedrooms. All this plus a double garage. For further details call Frea Eyre. CREDITON NEW LISTING — Older brick house on acre lot. Needs renovations but only asking 512,000.00. Call Norm Stanlake. Do you need an inexpensive place to live? This building has lots of potential and can be bought for a very reasonable price. Owner anxious to sell. Try your reasonably low offer. Call Fred Eyre. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT WITH A POLYGLAZE SHINE That lasts and lasts PHONE GEORGE AT DOBBS MOTORS 235-1800 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY — immediate posses­ sion, 9,000 s.f. down town location, great potential, WILL SELL OR LEASE. COMMERCIAL LOT — Main and Huron, excellent site. BODY SHOP — good sized lot, near downtown, CALL TODAY FOR FURTHER DETAILS. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY — Main street location, cement block building, A-l condition, double lot, CALL NOW AND DISCUSS POSSIBILITIES. CENTRALIA — 1 ’/2 storey brick, 3 bedrooms, livingroom, kitchen, breakfast nook, 3 piece bath large lot NEEDS SOME REPAIR. IDEAL BUILDING LOT — fully serviced. FARMS, ACREAGES, & LOTS STEPHEN TOWt sandy loam, + mSOLD:res, 40 workable, ed right. USBORNE TOWNSHIP — 150 acres — 135 workable, 10 bush, barn set up to finish 120 pigs, two grain bins, 5 bedroom home. EXETER — 12 acres INDUSTRIAL ZONED PROPERTY, ideally located on 83 Highway, hydro and water. CENTRALIA — real sharp 4 bedroom home, carpeted livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece bath, 2 car garage, LARGE DOUBLE LOT WALTON — 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home on Va acre, needs work, oil heat, dug well, low taxes, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. DASHWOOD — 3 bedroom raised ranch, electric heat, carpeted livingroom, family room with fireplace, panelled rec room, excellent condition. DASHWOOD DASHWOOD — 5 acre hobby farm. Large superior brick home with ground floor family. Large stone fireplace with built in barbeque for comfortable eating. Call Fred Eyre for appointment. LARGE 3000 SQ. FT. COMMERCIAL BUILDING — All on floor, suitable for almost any enterprise, such as: restaurant, boutiques, variety store or of­ fices. owners have asked us to sell as soon as possi­ ble. 550,000 range with paved parking facilities. Call Fred Eyre. LARGE BRICK HOME — with 4 bedrooms, ground floor family room, 2 - 3 piece bathrooms plus patio and garage. A real buy in the upper forties.. Call Fred Eyre. ZURICH 4 BEDROOM — Brick and Aluminum raised ranch only 3 years old. Featuring large L-shaped family room with fire place, living room, dining room, spacious eat-in kitchen, two baths and attached garage. Priced at $59,900.00. Call Norm Stanlake. BUSINESSES SMALL TOWN RESTAURANT — with easy hours and good living quarters. Asking only $70,000.00 including building and equipment. Call Fred Eyre. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY — to run a complex business. This busy bowling alley with restaurant and fast food outlet can be a winner for someone. Large modern living quarters are above. Get a strike; see this now. Call Fred Eyre. LIST ON THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE! FOR BETTER RESULTS. WE HAVE LOCAL BUSINESSES FOR SALE. CALL OFFICE FOR DETAILS Member of the Huron Real Estate Board ■Mk /--------------------------\ CHANGE IN NAME INDEPENDENT SHIPPER TO United Co- Operatives of Ontario Livestock Department Toronto Ship your livestock with FRANK VOOGEL Dashwood Monday is shipping day from Varna Stockyard previously Roy Scotchmer Call Dashwood 238-2707 k.or Bayfield 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday for prompt service.—-- ---------o LUCAN — in Biddulph township, ONE ACRE, near paved road. LUCAN — near down town, approximately 53 x 100. CLANDEBOYE — immediate possession 3.95 acres. LUCAN - 1/3 acre #4 Highway, 107 foot fron­ tage, south of town, $10,500. LUCAN IDEAL FAMILY HOME — Five plus one bedrooms, separate dining room, new addition, sun room, 2 car garage, double lot, paved street, good condi­ tion. EXTRA GOOD — 2 bedrooms plus den, carpeting throughout, livingroom, kitchen, 4 piece modern bath, laundry room, newer addition. 1041 sq. ft. liv­ ing space. REAL BEAUTY — 3 bedroom back split, excellent condition, family room, laundry room, two baths, LARGE LOT NEW HOMES — modern subdivision, 3 bedrooms, livingroom, kitchen and bath, varied designs, color selection still yours. WILL RENT. GOOD STARTER — 2 bedroom home in CLANDEBOYE, needs decorating, livingroom, kitchen, Summer kitchen, 3 piece bath. WON'T LAST LONQ GRANTON —- one storey 3 bedroom home, large livingroom, dining room, 2 baths, family room, barn, FIVE ACRES OF COUNTRY.' BIDDULPH — 4 bedroom home, carpeting throughout livingroom, kitchen, family room, fireplace, 1 ’/2 baths, completely remodelled, LARGE LOT. SYLVAN — 2 bedroom home on SIX ACRES, livingroom, kitchen, utility room, 4 piece bath, small barn, stream, trees. COULD BE SUBDIVIDED. . 1 storey brick COMMERCIAL oil heat, 200 amp wiring, approximately 1600 s.f. — MANY POSSIBILITIES. HENSALL —- 4 bedroom home approx. 3 acres, Tuckersmith Twsp. needs repair, low faxes, barn 48 x 27. PRICED TO SELL. HENSALL — 1 ’/2 storey, '3 bedroom home livingroom, den, kitchen, 3 piece bath, attached garage, good lot, PRICED TO SELL. -*3 bedroom home on 16 ACRES Or LAND, needs some finishing, livingroom with broadloom, large kitchen, 3 piece bath. .new,y sided 11/2 storeY home, ONE HALF ACRE LOT in country, only $35,000. 23 HIGHWAY — 4 bedroom home on TWO ACRES, many trees & fruit bushes, livingroom, din­ ing room, 3 piece bath, panelled rec room. LONDON & ST THOMAS EXPERT A A C I REAL ESTATE BOARD MEMBER APPRAISAL SERVICE