HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-04-11, Page 10e 10 Times-Advocate, April 11, 1979 out aJennison tries sponsored by the T-A photo SMALL TRANSPORTATION Billy •■mall sized tiacioi at Satuiday s bazaar (.’land Bend Lioness cIuLj Many resort residents enjoy Washington festival More than 20 from Grand Bend and area went on the four day bus tour to Washington Cherry Blossom Festival and parade of Princesses and the Coronation Pageant. A highlight of the tour was a guided tour of Washington to see the U.S. Capital Building, Arlington Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial and etc. One night was spent at Breezewood, Pennsylvania and another at Summerdale Jet. near Harrisburg Penn. Personals Mrs. Delos Stebbins is a patient in Strathroy General hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson spenX a fewdayslast week visiting their daughters and families, Mr. & Mrs. Duncan McVittie, Robin and Lawrence, Southampton, and Mr. & Mrs. Don McArthur, Kevin and Karen, Port Elgin. Library news Grand Bend library will be closed Good Friday April 13 and Easter Monday April 16. parents. Mrs. Paula Taylor had each one bring Satur­ day’s Free Press. Divided into groups they had a question and answer period from the paper. Refresh­ ments of lemonade and squares were served. Golden Agers meet The April meeting of Grand Bend Golden Agers was held Wednesday af­ ternoon at the Village Inn, with 31 in attendance. Opening was “O Canada” and a sing song, ac­ companied by their musician Vera Kuntz at the piano. President, Mary Ravelie presided for business. The June 12 bus trip was discussed but no definite place has yet been decided. Entertainment was provided by Group 4. Nola Taylor gave two readings. Mrs. Ervin Martin of Zurich played several piano . numbers, accompanied by her son Frank on the guitar. Jeanne Kading conducted a series of exercises, which all participated in, as Vera played Easter music. After games of euchre and crokinole group 4 served lunch, enjoyed by all. Seniors to rally at resort The Zone 8 Rally of U.S.C.O., United Senior Citizens of Ontario, will be held this year, at St. Johns Anglican Church in the Parish hall on May 1. Registration between 9 and 10 a.m. All seniors are welcome. Tuesday Allister’s previous by Arlene 4-H meets Grand Bend “Stylistics”, 4-H club Number 2 held meeting five, on April 5 at Kathy home. Minutes of meeting were read Walper. During the business, discussion centred on Achievement day, coming up on May 5 at Stephen Central school at 9 a.m. These girls are planning a fashion show. rXDANlD RFKIDDlZINLz costume and real jewellery. Each girl brought a favorite piece of jewellery wrapped in brown paper, mixed them up and the girls Roll call was answered by ways to take care of shoes. Leaders, Karen Woods and Marg Desjardine showed the girls the difference between tried to guess who each piece belonged to. Next meeting at Marilyn Walpers April 10 at 7 p.m. Reported by Sherry Desjardine. I Hans Kreutzmann was one of the Saturday s bazaar sponsored by Above, Hans completes his A YOUNG BUYER youngest purchasers at the Grand Bend Lioness club, transaction with Dianne Bexton. Newsupper date set The pancake and sausage supper which was scheduled for Friday night April 6 was postponed due to the bad weather and hydro in­ terruptions and will be held Monday evening, April 23. Bridge winners Winners of Grand Bend duplicate bridge club held at the Anglican church in the Parish, last Wednesday evening, were north-south, Isabel Wilson and Olga Keay, east-west, Lenore Orr and Kay Thompson. New players are welcome. For information phone 238-2035. Personal Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson have returned to their home in Grand Cove after spen­ ding the winter in the sunny south. Prices effective April 11 to April 17 I Clover LeaforRepsi and Solid White NUMEROUS ORNAMENTS Articles of all kinds were on sale at Saturday's bazaar spon- oied by the Grand Bend Lioness club. Shown with some ornaments are Judy Jennison, Sheila leevins and convener Kathy Hume. ‘ T-A photo AND DISTRICT NEWS 2% Partly Skimmed Chapman's WHITE Ice Cream 3/$1.33 2 litres CREAMERY ♦ . No, 1 ,..*1.49 ☆ Westons Sliced Everyday Low Prices BAG MILK Discuss communication Thirteen young people met Sunday night at the United Church. Discussion centred on ways communicate with < BAKING FOR SALE • A larqe quantity of delicious baking featured Saturday's Giand Bend Lioness club bazaar. Shown with some of baked goodies are Helen Elliott, Bonnie Kotwa and Mildied MacLaren. T A photo HEAD Mexican LETTUCE 38* to our new location on Hwy. 21 to offer you, our customers, the expanded services you want. WE'RE CLOSED on Friday and Saturday April 13 and 14 but will be open at our new location on Monday. WE'RE OPEN MONDAY APRIL 16TH! i GRAND BEND DECORATING 1 and FLOORING CENTRE 15 Main St. 238-8603 >■ All Canada Dry Products Tend-R Spot Smoked Whole or shank portion 14 to 20 lbs $4.99 Not included in 6% refunds 98< SAVE 60' LB. •1.38 Not included in 6% refunds. Maxwell House Reg. te^d-R-Spot Cooked Bag Coffee $2.78 SMOKED PICNICS > & jflW&F & * EI save 60* ib- Not included in 6% refunds.Not included in 6% refunds Canada Grade A BUTTERBALL TURKEYS 6 to 20 lbs., lb. f e2S Save 20e lb. _ Good Friday SUpe* Only Tend-R-Spot Whole Slab Bacon A Add 10< lb. IgOB C for processing lb. JF ^0 Save 60c lb. Tend-R-Spot Store Sliced HAM AND TURKEY ’1.98 Save 50c lb. Lazy Maple Sliced SIDE BACON *1.48 Save 40c lb. Tend-R-Spot Pure Pork FRESH COUNTRY SAUSACE *1.28 Save30clb. Swifts Fully Cooked DINNER HAMS 3 to 4 lb. avg,, lb. Save 30c lb. STALK CELERY each 44* Canada No. 1 SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS 68* PINEAPPLE io's 88* GRAND BEND STORE HOURS Mon. to Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Open Sunday Dares Peanut Butter Chip' 400gr. M.19 Ocean Spray Whole or Jellied COOKIES CRANBERRIES 14 oz. 53* Palmolive Liquid 32 oz. *1.38 Laundry Detergent SOAP FOR DISHES TIDE 6 titres $2.88 Squirrel 2 lbs. ’2.18 King Size Peanut Butter SPIC & SPAN 2htres $2.69 E.D. Smith 28 oz. 59^ Fabric Softener GARDEN COCKTAIL DOWNY 2 litres f *88 Del Monte, Sliced, Tid-bit, crushed i9oz* 58* Powdered Cleanser PINEAPPLE COMET Banded, 2's ® 1 7 Capri 2 rolls 95* Westons Brown 'n' Serve rowftS w ROLLS 2/88* Good supply of Easter Lilies at competitive prices. 8-6 8- 9 8-6 8-6 9- 5 SENIOR CITIZENS Offf* GOOD ON rUf$DA*\ to AN* n»VON AS *FA»$ OF AO! Ot OlDIB UW» mMNMNON Of tMfl! GOVfONMFNT SAVE 6% ash oiicnuNt On RueoM* on NOW 2 LOCATIONS SAVE 6%TENDER SPOT W« retom lhe nghl to limit qtiaftlifiOt. 238-2512 GRAND BEND I t m tn n vn """ " With coupon and $25 order excluding \ i cigarettes, tobacco and coupon item. VALUABLE COUPON BABY BONUS CACH TOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CMFOUF AT TM1 flMDffKPOf AND E BAYFIELD STORE HOURS Mon. to Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Open Sunday 8-6 8-9 8- 9 8-6 9- 5 TELEPHONE 565-2791