HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-04-11, Page 5UCW meets at Granton, Foresters enjoy dinner By MRS. E. SUMMERS Unit (1) of the Granton UCW met at the home of Miss Mabel McNaughton Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Gordon McRobert presided and opened the meeting with the hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” follow­ ed by the scripture. Lesson Thoughts were on "Long Ago in Jerusalem”, and closed with prayer. During the business period the U.C.W. Regional Rally was announced, it will be held at Bryanston Church on the evening of April 25, the theme will be "'Die Child in the Church”. Mrs. G. McRobert was in charge of the program which dealt with the current Bible Study on the "Lordship of Jesus” this was "Take Up Thy Cross”. It was questioned whether the church was too preoc­ cupied with its own security to get involved with the developing Countries of the Third World, or to aline itself with the under­ privileged and despised, in its own Community. This resulted in a legnthy discus­ sion. Mrs. McRobert closed with a reading entitled"The joy of finding the stone roll­ ed away” and Grace was said. The hostess was assisted in serving lunch by conveners Mrs. Robt. Har­ die and Mrs. Glen Jameson. Unit (5) met at the home of Mrs. Clare Bryan, Thurs­ day evening, Mrs. Chas. McRobert presided and opened with a reading on "Easter Blessings” follow­ ed by the singing of the hymn "When I survey the Wondrous Cross” the scrip­ ture was read from Luke. Lesson Thoughts and prayer closed the Devotionals. Mrs. C. Bryan was in charge of the program with the theme "Take Up They Cross”, Mrs. Chas. McRobert gave an in­ teresting account of her re­ cent trip to Hawaii, il­ lustrating her talk with pic­ tures. Mrs. Garnet Baker assisted the hostess to serve lunch. When the members were ready to go home, they went outside into a thunderstorm, high velocity winds and a blizzard, the weather was playing a late April Fool game. Court Valentine C.F, enjoy a night out Members of Court Valen­ tine Canadian Foresters met at the Barn Steak House in London, for a smorgasbord dinner Tuesday evening. Following the excellent meal, a few contests were enjoyed lucky prize winners were Audrey Hodgins, Lois Herbert and Melba St. Den­ nis. A humorous reading on "Left overs” was given by Sandra Hern. Melba St. Dennis presided over a short business meeting, where it was decid­ ed to again purchase tickets to a play at the Country Playhouse at Grand Bend. This year the choice was The Owl and the Pussy Cat, and the date August 6. Arrangements will be made to charter a bus and all members of the Court will have tickets to sell. Sister St. Dennis thanked the committee for planning such a nice evening. Forester coffee spoons for perfect attendance, were presented to the following: Melba St. Dennis, ’ Edith Youngson and Lois Herbert. Anglican Church pot luck supper The St. Thomas Church held a very successful pot luck supper Thursday even­ ing. Approximately 80 peo­ ple were in attendance. Following the supper a sing song was enjoyed, also a talk connected with the "Year of the Child” by Sgt. Bruce Shaw of the Lucan O.P.P. Two young ladies from the Lucan Travel Agency, gave an interesting travelogue on the points of interest in Canada, and Disney Land in Florida illustrating their talk with slides. The evening came to a close just ahead of a bad storm, so everyone arrived home without inci­ dent. Anglican church At St. ThomasChurch Rev. Mary Mills was in charge of the morning Passion Sunday service. Preaching her ser­ mon from the Gospel of St. John. Rev. Mills said, Christ prays to his Father to glorify Him, and to preserve nis Apostles and all other believers, by giving them knowledge of God, by talk­ ing, listening and thinking, while praying. True unity consits of Faith, Love, Honesty and the Glory you gave to me, that they may be ours as we are one. Rev. Mills offered a Special Prayer, for all those who are involved in the Field of Research towards a cure and prevention of Cancer. United church At 'the United Church, Rev. Elwood Morden con­ ducted the Passion Sunday Service, and took the theme for his sermon which was entitled "The Grand Parade” from John 12. Jesus avoided publicity all through His ministry, yet he entered Jerusalem as a triumphant King. . Rev. Morden went on to describe the meaning of Passion and said that he had found 8 meanings for the word in the dictionary, in­ tense emotion was one description, said, the minister. "The will of God must become a passion for all of us, or it will have no mean­ ing, as on this Day long ago, they spread palm branches and garments along the way before Jesus on Sunday, and left Him despised on the street on Monday. Let us not be like the multitude, let us proclaim Him our King for all time. Special music was rendered by the Senior and Junior choirs for this ser­ vice. A Good Friday service will be held in Granton United Church for both con­ gregations and St. Thomas Anglican Church as well. The Sacrement of Holy Community will be observed at the conclusion of the ser­ vice. Personals Congratulations are ex­ tended to Frank Squire who celebrated his 91st birthday, KINDERGARTEN GETS FLAG The kindergarten class at the Lucan-Biddulph school tecently leceived a Canadian flag horn ♦ he Lucan Women's Institute. Making the presentation for the Wl weie Public Relations Officer Iva Hodgins and piesideni Vina Emeiy. Students hom the tell air Sylvia Beatson, Mark Humphrey, Gmgei McColl, Kim Gieenlee,’ Tim lalla and Kenny I A photo deaden "Wzcte Clarifies conflict of interest Dear Sir: I write this letter as an interested realtor and citizen. While not a resident of Exeter, I follow the activities of the Exeter Council through the pages of your paper. Two articles in your April 4 edition struck a note of concern. The first was headed "Resolution is filed on real estate matter”. This matter deals with a resolution forwarded for endorsation. The second last paragraph of the article uses the words “often” and Friday at the Blue Water Nursing Home Zurich. Mr. Squire was a former Gran­ ton resident. Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins as Lay Delegate attended a joint consultation with the Diocese of Huron and the General Synod for the Archdeanary of Perth held at St. John’s the Evangelist Church, Kitchener on the evening of April 3. "unscrupulous” which I presume were quoted from the context of the resolution so forewarded. The author certainly lacks in basic knowledge of the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act as it supplies excessive restrictions to the real estate industry. More appalling is the mayor’s lack of knowledge of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. Chap. 142 R, S. 0. 1970 as passed December 15, 1972 and amended January 17,1973 and June 22, 1976. The Mayor refused to accept a motion from Mr. Simmons "ruling that as a real estate agent Simmons was in conflict of interest”. No where in the Act does the presiding of­ ficer, chair,Mayor or Reeve or acting head of council or chairman of a local board) have the right to rule on a member being in conflict of interest (he may state his opinion but can not rule on the matter) and he must accept the motion if duly seconded and present it for a vote. Should the mayor feel that there is a conflict of interest he must follow the procedure laid out in the act. Only a judge of the County court may rule on the matter. He in effect is making an accusation aimed at Mr. Simmons which he does not have to back up. I note that your article is silent on whether Mr, Simmons voted on the matter. As to the propriety of Mr. Simmons action in speaking to the matter: the Act states that a person has a conflict of interest if he she has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in the matter before the council or local board. This is a rather vague section but it has been clarified by Supreme Court of Ontario (which decision was subsequently upheld by the Court of Appeal). The clarification basically was that if the person’s interest was the same interest as the Exeter Mens A Final Standing* C4th G Black 751 5144 LE C Murray 657 5117 SP B Hogg 669 2112 RO P Durand 708 5107 OP M Looby 575 2 98 OB W Pearce 597 5 93 FL D Heywood 712 2 91 SU G Webb 662 2 71 CB G Ford 585 0 56 DA B Vandeworp 731 7 56 Wed B Division FL D Brintnell 665 4127 YW F Wells 828 2110 BS B Hogarth 691 7106 EX L Christiaen 573 3100 8TH B Jones 602 0 98 TR T Dayman 627 5 83 PE 0 73 HI S Holtzmann 7 58 Ladies Tuesday Playoffs HD P Hunter Duvar 617 9106 MM G Farquhar 633 9438 AH M Holtzmann 706 9026 PP P Haugh 555 9311 BB B Sangster 661 9416 PK L Hern 579 9025 Consolation SP L Brock 516 8845 CG M Sweitzer 532 8840 RO V Flynn 555 8659 WR J Cooper 544 8667 JS R Greene 528 8924 rest of Her Majesty’s sub­ jects (or a large number of them) there is no conflict of interest. Secondly, the mayor is incorrect to refer to Mr. Simmons as an agent as he is a salesman and only a broker can be an agent. This in accordance with both the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act and the Law of Agency. Thank you for the op­ portunity to present my views on the subject. Yours sincerely, R. M. (Bob) Sharen Real Estate Broker ED NOTE: Most of the discussion on the subject to which Mr. Sharen refers was in jest at the Exeter council meeting, and we regret if our account of the meeting failed to emphasize that fact. It was in that vein that Mayor Boyle failed to accept a motion from Reeve Simmons on the matter. We do, however, appreciate the letter writer’s information. Thursday TB R Negri jn 608 9242 MN N Galloway 633 9568 IB M Parsons 637 8771 TL B Bowerman 704 9397 OM S Lammie 634 8787 GG B Bierling 631 8814 TS P Seller 578 8535 HG J Sedlak 572 8478 DS D Datars 608 8699 HH J Haggitt 543 8551 Mixed League A CR D Wallace 616 9152 FA G Campbell 684 9184 CH C Murray 692 9381 CF L Webber 810 9394 MP C McGrath 571 9286 HR J Gage 758 9151 Times-Advocate, April 1 L 1979 Pag* 5 Exeter Mixed League B BB B Snell 618 9033 CO PMcFalls744 8953 T&C M Koricina 604 8552 BL G Wilson 651 9013 DN C Smith 535 9117 GT B Hogg 695 9478 Mon. Men Afternoon T Yellow 454 T Walker 426 C Hendy 592 B Etherington 514 C Smith 410 G Hoggarth 393 Wed Morning Ladies B Elgie 514 N Coleman 622 D Kipfer 493 A Wilson 549 R Berends 500 S Taylor 483 Senior Citizens C Hendy 387 L Brock 349 R Broderick 313 C Smith 279 T Walker 345 0 Etherington 305 T Yellow 274 M Hern 250 Woodham By MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. & Mrs. Reg McCurdy, Jason and Jeffrey were supper guests Tuesday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Davis and Mr. Miller McCurdy, Kirkton and helped Mr. McCurdy celebrate his 90th birthday. The United Church Women were guests Monday evening of the Thames Road United Church Women. Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Baker, Lambeth. Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd were guests at the Hern- Daniel wedding in Exeter Saturday and the evening reception. R. K. 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