HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-04-04, Page 15i k SENIOR A" CHAMPS This team from Mount Carmel school defeated a team from St. Patrick's School, Dublin by a 4-3 score to win the Knights of Columbus championship trophy in a tournament at the Seaforth arena on Sunday afternoon. The team members are (back row) Bill Regier, coach; John Barkauskas, Glen Lessard, Stephen Morrissey, Greg Lawrence, Dale Regier, Brian O'Neill, and principal Garry Birmingham; (second row) Rob Mennen, Don Fields, Skating club ends successful year Vandenbygaart.(Expositor photo) Liam Brennan, Dave Dietrich, Mike Lessard and Grand Knight Seamus Doherty who presented the team with their trophy and (front row) Paul Vanneste, Richard Vandenoerk and Albert JUNIOR "B" CHAMPS — These Our Lady of Mount Carmel students defeated a team from St. Columban School by a 5-0 score to-win the Junior "B" championship in the Knights of Columbus tournament held at the Seaforth arena on Sunday. The team members are back, left Bill Regier, coach, Joe Kaak, Joe Vanneste, Mark Morrissey, Wesley Morrison, Ron VanMassenhoven, and principal Gary Birmingham with Grand Knight Seamus Doherty of Seaforth and (front row) Mike Conlin, Mike VanMassenhoven, Michael Vandenberk, Kelly Dalton, Stephen Watson, Scott Fields and Bill Lessard. (Expositor photo) * ■ * i Only six show up for ball formation meeting While there are many people in Exeter interested in either softball or baseball few are interested in forming a ball association if a meeting held Wednesday is any indication. Only six people showed up at the South Huron Rec Centre to discuss the for­ mation of a group which would see the men’s rec softball league, and minor softball and hardball join together. Bill Brock of the South Huron Rec Centre’s Board recreation subcommittee said as a first step a joint registration for minor soft- ball and hardball will be held next Saturday from 10-12 and from 2-4 at the rec centre. Boys and girls can sign up for teeball, atom and peewee softball, and peewee and bantam boys hardball. Brock asked that those registering please bring along a parent as there is need for coaches for the various teams. Those girls interested in playing for a midget girls softball team are asked to show up. If interest is shown, a team will be put together, Brock said. Brock said he will be meeting- with represen­ tatives of the rec softball league tomorrow night to see if they’re interested in joining the ball association. Alaskan talk at Centralia UC Wallace Selves, Mount Pleasant called on'Mrs. John Butters, Thursday. Miss Rhea Mills ac­ companied Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Skinner to Sarnia Friday evening and enjoyed the Polysar Glee Clubs presentation of Rodgers and Hammersteins operetta, South Pacific. Miss Shirley Skinner was a member of the chorus. The flowers in the church Sunday were placed by Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Strahan in memory of his brother, the late Carl Strahan. Mr. & Mrs. Reg McCurdy attended the 25th wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Bertens and five other couples in the Lucan Arena on Friday night. Mrs. Grace Mills of St. Marys was the honoured guest on Sunday, at the home of her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Woodham By MISS JEAN COPELAND Richardson, Tammy and Michael to celebrate her birthday. Other guests were Mrs. Martin Arenthals, Beth, Barbara and Dean of Lucan, Mrs. Mildred Mills, Mrs. Annie Youngson of St. Marys, Mrs. Pearl Stephen of Kirkton, Mrs. Elsie Hopkin and Miss Rhea Mills. Guests with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna were Mrs. John Butters, Mr. & Mrs. George Wheeler, Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd and Calvin, Mr. & Mrs. David Wheeler, Steven, Bobby and Craig and Miss Jean Copeland. Mr. Wheeler was also celebrating a birthday. The community was sorry to hear of the passing of Mrs. Marvina Hazlewood, Saginaw, Michigan, March 22. Mrs. Hazlewood was the former Marvina Colgan and was born in Woodham where she still had many friends. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Centralia U.C.W. had their regular meeting on Thur­ sday night with an open meeting for guests and husbands. Janet Hicks opened with an Easter po6m. Hymn “We plough the fields” was sung. Janet Hicks read a message Joyous Return of Spring Fulfills the Promise of God. President Freda Rollings welcomed everyone. The treasurers report was given. It was reported that the stamps collected were turned in to Mrs. Doerr, Exeter The volunteers for the shut ins boxes for Easter were Etta Powe, Marg Cook and Freda Rollings. Following the service April 8, Aldeen Skinner and Donna Smith will convene the lunch. The Banner for the London Conference was to be made by Mildred Greb, Edith Lobb and Freda Rollings. Iva Blair reported that $80 was collected for the March of Dimes in Centralia. Freda Rollings introduced Mr. Walter Fydenchuck of Crediton who showed pic­ tures and spoke of his trip to Alaska. It was very in­ teresting. Jean thanked him. Isaac The Exeter Figure Skating Club ended a successful skating year with a C.F.S.A. test day, March 26. The following were suc­ cessful in passing C.F.S.A. tests: Preliminary figure - Kelly Vanstone, Melanie Smith, Kendra Arthur, Monique Aunger. First figure - Brenda Bell and Sue Anne Adkins. Dances - Preliminary - Dutchwaltz - Cheri Wedlake, Jennifer Rose, Carolyn Dykeman, Lori Faber, Catherine Davison, Patty O’Toole, Suzanne Wareham, Tracy Spencer, Janene Seller, Kelly Hern, Tracey Oke and Bridgette Newton. Canasta Tango - Bridgette Newton, Tammy Bell Melanie Smith, Diane Willis Patti Bierling, Debbie Down Sandra Miller, Joann McLellan, Darren Faber and Kelly Van Stone. Swing - Tracy MacDonald and Lisa Blue. Junior Bronze - Tenfox - Monique Aunger and Brenda Bell. Fiesta - Karla Josephson Willow - Cindy Down. Junior Silver - Harris Tango - Patti Down American Waltz - Debbie I DeBoer, Karen Sheryl DeBoer, Seller, Laurie Play cards at Whalen By MRS. HAMILTON HODGINS WHALEN Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hern were hosts for the euchre Saturday evening at the Community Centre. The winners were: men’s high, Larry Hern; ladies high, Maureen Scott; lone hands, Barbara Wallis; low score, Danny Scott; most euchres, Marjorie Mills. The next euchre will be a pot luck supper and euchre on Thursday, April 12. Mrs. Art Ashworth, Ilderton and Mrs. Lyle Beatson, Birr visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson recently. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Damen were Saturday supper guests with Mrs. Irene Egan. Mrs. Margery Morley and Mrs. Lillian Davies returned home on the weekend from a holiday in Hawaii. Wednesday, Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter, Guelph visited with Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Ferguson. Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Hodgins visited with Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Worrall, Denfield, Sunday evening. Rocker - Patti Down. Congratulations skaters! Congratulations also to those skaters who took part in a recent H.O.M.E. competition held at Parkhili. The skaters and their placings follow: Preliminary test SueAnne Adkins - first, Janet Pfaff - fifth. Preliminary Dance Similiar - Brenda Bell and Janet Pfaff-fifth; Elizabeth Cottrell and Jackie Cottrell - seventh. Junior Bronze Similiar - Carrie Blackburn and Karen Hart-second; Debbie Taylor and Susan Tieman - fourth. Those passing their N.S.T. badges are as follows Beginners - Jason Dix, Becky Hann, David Negrijn and Terrie Humphrey. Stroking - Gregory Clarke, Henry Debruyn, Sekou Sanford, Barbara Tieman, Lori Dalrymple, Heide Gregson, Richard Philips, Lisa Shepperd, Jennifer Wareham and Sandra Stire. Elementary - Stephanie Baptiste, Marie Debruyn, Natalie D’Ornellas, Laurie Glavin, Angela Gilbert, Jens Gregson, Julie Merner, Rick Topp, and Bruce Dundas. Basic - Susan Coates, Marcie Ellison, Michelle Ellison, Rhonda Turnbull, Lisa Faber, and Julie Glavin. Novice I - Carol Willis, Kelly Hern, Wendy Ballentyne. Dance I - Joel Aunger, Catherine Davison, Julie Hendrick, Karen Miller, Tracy Oke, Patti O’Toole, Suzanne Wareham, and Diane Willis. Novice II - Janene Seller. Speed - Lisa Blue, Darren Faber, Lori Faber, Joanne Seller, and Bridgette Newton. Jump - Sheryl DeBoer, and Kim Vanderwiel. Dance II - Jodi Chanyi.and Sandra DeBoer. Times-Advocate, April 4, 1979 HONOUR COACHES — The amateur coaches of the Exeter figure skating club were honoured recently. Back, left, club presi­ dent Shirley Hart presents gifts to Patti Down, Karen Hart, Elaine Pym, Patti Willis and Dale Armstrong. Front, Carrie Blackburn, Brenda Bell, Cindy Down, Audrey Adkins and Debbie Josephson. ’ T-A photo GIFTS FOR PROS — The 1978-79 season of the Exeter figure skating club ended recently. Above, club president Marie Tieman presents gifts to club professionals Marg Carey, Rick Pettit and Sharon Saunders. T-A photo Greenway church as busy as city Lucan 4-H club meets The Lucan Healthy Hillbillies held a 4-H Club meeting Saturday in the form of a bowling party at the Lucan Lanes. Each member invited a friend and following bowling all returned to the home of Mrs. Adrian DeBrouwer. Each member provided a delicious dish made during classes. They are now preparing exhibits Achievement Day. Pam Moor, Christine Geertsen, Karen Vander Loo and Mary Dewan attended a training school for the summer project, “Outdoor Living” at the Hyde Park United Church. Classes will early May meetings will doors. for commence in and most be held out- By MANUEL CURTS After reading an article in the current issue of the United Church Observer entitled “Full House — London’s Metropolitan United packs them in on Sunday and all through the week,” this United Church worker would like to take this means, and losing no time about it, of reporting that all is well in his church too. If “they” want to brag, consider these activities in Greenway United Church during the past week. Monday evening the Bible Study group continued their in-depth study of the Gospel of John, led by the minister. Friday, the Willing Workers let their presence be known by selling daffodils in the area for the Cancer Society and also placed them in the church for the Sunday service. Saturday forenoon Rev. Harley Moore began a church membership class, held in the Sunday School room, at which time nine teen-agers were in at­ tendance. During the service Sunday morning, Karen Guenther accompanied the organist on the piano. To add to the service was a presentation by Stuart Bullock, clerk of the Session, on behalf of the North Middlesex District Historical Society, of an album and associated drawings of the church. The work was carried out under a Young Canada Works Program during the summer of 1978 by students at the University of Western Ontario. The minister preached a masterful sermon, suitable for the Lenten season to'a well-attended congregation. And we don’t forget the anthems by the Junior and senior choirs. Persona Is Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Steeper and Mr. & Mrs. Cleve Brophey, Chatham, have returned home following a week’s holiday in Jamaica. CarmanMr. & Mrs. Woodburn were guests Friday evening at the marriage of Kevin Faber and Lorie Campbell in the Blyth United Church. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gibson, Oshawa, were weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Brophey. By the way: Trudeau —- “What we need is a working majority and then —” A Voice — “Better reverse it, mister. What we really need is a majority working.” Hensail Rev. Kenneth Knight conducted worship in Car­ mel Presbyterian Church on Sunday speaking on the subject “A Caring Church is a Growing Church”. Mrs. Robert Taylor organist presided at the instrument for the service of song. Vrroom to spare YAMAHA XS ELEVEN The ideal combination of speed, smoothness, and performance. With the sophisticated fea­ tures that make a superbike super. TOP ATOM PLAYERS -- Trophies were awarded to the top players of the Exeter atom team Wednesday night. From the left are Lester Heywood presenting the Exeter Ford trophy to the most improved player Terry Zachar and Jim Lewis receiving the Bogart family trophy as the most valuable from Frank Boyle. T A photo ELDER ENTERPRISES RR2Hensall Phone 262-6142 1 mile west and 1 mile south of Hensall When you know how they re built. Presented as a public service by Im imes Serving South Huron, North Middlesex 16.5 REMEMBER THAT NUMBER. It could save you a lot of money and time and help your home town. DID YOU EVER DRIVE 50 to 100 miles or more to take advantage of a super-duper special? A local $50 item 50 miles away would have to sell for $33 in order for you to break even. THE AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION certifies that 16.5 cents is what it costs to drive your car one mile. So if you've driven 100 miles round trip to pick up that special, you'll have to add $16 to that purchase. That sweet buy can suddenly turn quite sour. AND EACH 1 00 MILES takes from 6 to 10 gallons of gasoline which the potential shortage of oil-derived fuels would encourage us to save. LOCAL MERCHANTS, whether they sell groceries, clothing, drugs, furniture, hardware, appliances or whatever, feature top line, nationally advertised products at competitive prices. These same merchants support your school, churches and civic groups. They help us all pay for the improvements that make this community a better place to live. SAVE YOURSELF SOME MONEY, help conserve energy and support your town. vocate & North Umbfon Since 1873