HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-03-21, Page 25Times-Ad vocal®, March 21, 1979 By JACK RIDDELL MPP Huron-Middlesex Jack's Jottings Paa* 25 The third session of the 31st Ontario Legislature . opened with a Throne Speech which was one of the longest in recent memory. Among the highlights were a promise of an employment development fund to co-ordinate aid to in­ dustry and “spur economic activity and employment”. The Provincial Treasurer is to be chairman of a special board of Ministers to decide which companies qualify for assistance, and how much money is to be involved in each case. New measures are to be taken to .nuuurage the flow Of risk capital into new and expanding small businesses, and the speech indicated that programs to encourage investment in en­ trepreneurial business ven­ tures have failed in recent years. One rumoured possibility is a form of tax rebate for money invested. The Minister of Labour will henceforth be known as the Minister of Labour and Will introduce bill to help northern primary emphasis of this session should be directed to improving the economic climate of Ontario or to im­ proving the social services available to our people. In truth, extensive attention must be paid to both”. Home care services for the chronically ill will be ex­ tended and hospitals will get additional beds. Speaking of hospitals I questioned the Minister of Health in the Legislature about the rationale that was used in arriving at a formula of 3.5 beds per 1000 popula­ tion which will create ex­ treme difficulties for hospitals in many areas of Ontario. The Minister indicated that economies and efficien­ cies of operation were taken into consideration as was the make-up. of the popula­ tion in the various areas. He said that there would be ad­ justments made in the program, and that ad­ ditional chronic beds will be allowed in areas of the province where the percen­ tage of senior citizens ex- Manpower, and will be responsible for job creation programs. There is to be greater emphasis on more training in skilled trades and on the development of "a more positive attitude among young people” toward these trades. Priority is promised for special programs for women in the public and private sec­ tors. An Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee com­ posed of senior labour and management represen­ tatives, is to be established within the Labour Ministry. Food prices are, of course, a matter of concern to the average citizen, and the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial relations is to assist consumers make in­ formed choices by es­ tablishing a program to monitor and report on prices across the province.. Some of the Money made on the sale of Ontario’s shares in the syncrude oil- sandS project in Alberta is to go to energy-related businesses, including those using energy produced from waste, and the government hopes soon to launch a joint program with the federal government which would make available some $58 million over~a five year period to demonstrate new technology in energy conser- vation and renewable energy. / See film at Elimville fellowship meeting / By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD The ladies of the U.C.W. ■ are asked to meet after church on Sunday March 25 for a business meeting. The film "He Restoreth My Soul” was shown at the Fellowship Group Meeting on Sunday evening at Elimville. It tended. The ladies Church Women catered to the Oddfellows Friendship Night Banquet on Saturday evening at South Huron Rec. Centre. There were 291 in attendance. Mr. & Mrs. Don Johns and family, Miss Marie Ker- slake, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Johns and family, Staffa, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Rock, Walton, Mrs. Muriel Miller, London, Mrs. Fred Johns, Mr. Herb Bibby were Sunday supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Barry Miller, Robbie, Kenny and Shelly. The occasion was the 15th wedding an­ niversary of Mr. & Mrs. Ken Johns. Mr. & Mrs. Bev Alexander and Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hodgert returned home Friday evening after holidaying in California and Arizona for a month. Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Luxton and Juanita, Chatham visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Mac Hodgert. Juanita is staying for a few was well at- of the United days holidays with the Hodgerts’. Mr. & Mrs.Alvin Passmore returned home recently after spending two months in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Ross Ballan- tyne returned home Sunday after spending two weeks in Florida. Many from this com­ munity attended the funeral of the late Todd Passmore last Tuesday at the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home. The flowers in the church on Sunday were placed there by his family in his memory. Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde, Glenn and Calvin called at the Lockhart Funeral Home, Mitchell Thursday evening where they paid their respect to the late Mrs. Agnes Rohde. On Saturday afternoon Mr. & Mrs. William Lamport, Doug Rohde, Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde at­ tended the funeral in Mit­ chell. Fred Johns is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Mr. & Hargreaves Woodstock spent the week end with the formers parents Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hargreaves. Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde were Sunday evening supper guests with Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Thomson, Woodham. Community Mrs. Ted and Robbie, Our annual store-wide sale starts next Wednesday, March 28. We will be close^l all day Tuesday, March 27 to reduce prices. WHITING'S MAIN ST. Exeter 235-1964 A Kyle Harrison Representing Crown life Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 EXETER 235-2420 Any business that pays equal rewards to its goof-offs and its eager beavers sooner or later will find itself with more goof-offs than eager beavers. pdaney Legislation is to be in­ troduced to allow unorganiz­ ed Northern municipalities to give locally elected bodies the power to raise revenue and provide basic services. Legislation is to be in­ troduced to allow unorganiz­ ed Northern municipalities to give locally elected bodies the power to raise revenue and provide basic services. General insurance agents and brokers will be per­ mitted to become self­ regulating, as a step toward removing what many people consider government over­ regulation. The government has main­ tained that spending on social services will not be reduced in favour of grants to industry, and "after careful review’’ it has withdrawn a suggestion mentioned by the Premier in a recent speech, that some drugs might no longer be available under the drug benefit program for the elderly. The Throne Speech stated that "some may wish to argue as to whether ceeds the provincial average of 8.6%. Huron and Bruce Counties fall in that category with aged population of 12.9 and 13,3 per cent respectively. Hopefully, adjustments will be made to account for this. The Minister also in­ dicated that he will be work­ ing though the Health Coun­ cils where applicable, or, where there is no Health Council, he will deal with hospitals on an area basis where there is a request for consideration for additional chronic beds. Although far from being a solution to the problem it would help considerably if chronic beds were approved rather than elimination of hospital beds in their entire­ ty- „ Starting ApriT 1st there is to be a $9.80 per diem fee for those using chronic care beds for a period longer than 60 days. Home care services for chronically ill patients who wish to live at home, but who require some nur­ sing and other medical assistance, will be extended. The International Year of towns the Child is to be marked by an intensive immunization awareness campaign directed at the public, and particularly parents of young children. Specialized services such as poison con­ trol centres will be es­ tablished in the children’s hospitals. The second phase of The Children’s Law Reform Act will recognize the best interests of the child in custody and access cases. Foster care programs for mentally retarded and emotionally disturbed children will be expanded. Increased funding will be allocated to programs to counter child abuse. This year’s Civic Holiday on August 6th, will be declared Children’s Day in all provin­ cial parks! One of the most notable aspects of the Throne Speech was the un­ precedented emphasis upon national unity and con­ stitutional reform. The Government’s position will no doubt, come before the House in the near future, for unanimous support. LADIES CURLING WINNERS — A rink skipped by Helen Burton won the first draw of the season of the Exeter ladies curling club. Shown with the trophy are Helen Burton, Alma Etherington, Sylvia Paton and Ann Switzer. T-A photo < - -.' Vicki Miller in Singapore ............ " ...................—....... ■.................. —........................................., Business Directory C. HARRY RODER, D.C. NORMAN L. RODER, D.C. DOCTORS OF CHIROPRACTIC 84 Panel Lane, STRATHROY Telephone 245-1272 By appointment please Guaranteed Investment Certificates representing several trust companies Norma J. Hooper 15 Gidley St., E. Exeter 235-1010 PERCY WRIGHT 1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Kippen, Ont. Auction Sale Service that is most efficient and courteous. CALL THE WRIGHT AUCTIONEER Telephone Hensall (519) 262-5515 Hugh Tom FILSON and ROBSON AUCTIONEERS 20 years' experience of complete sale service Provincially licensed Conduct sales of any kind, any place We guarantee you more. To insure success of your sale or appraisal Phone Collect 666-0833 666-1967 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE ANY SIZE, ' ANYWHERE We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER Q. H. WARD & PARTNERS Chartered d^lccountants 476 Main St., South Exeter, Ontario 235-0120 Resident Partner A.W. Read, C.A. Home Telephone 238-8075 Manager J.S. McNeilly, C.A. Home Telephone 235-1734 GERALD L. MERNER Chartered Accountant BUS: 257 Churchill Dr. EXETER 235-0281 X NORRIS & GEE Chartered Accountants 497 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO (519) 235-0101 ’ (519) 2274455 J. A. NORRIS, C.A. Manager: S. W. HOMUTH, CJK. SUITE 200 190 WORTLEY ROAD LONDON, ONTARIO (519) 673-1421 L. D. GEE, C.A. RICHARD WELSH Chartered Accountant 120 Alice St. Lucan, Ont. Ph. 227-4224 By MRS. IRVIN RADER Zion Lutheran Church Ladies’ Aid held its March meeting Wednesday following the Lenten service. Pastor Mellecke has been using as his mid-week ser­ mon a series based on the seven last words of Christ. Mrs. Lome Genttner, president, dealt with the business. The Altar Guild reported 25 visits, one flower and one phone call. The new Guild is Mrs. Oscar Miller and Mrs. LorneBecker. Cards of thanks and a donation were received. The Lord’s Prayer brought the meeting to a close. Ed Lawson LICENSED AUCTIONEER EXETER ONT. We’re Just A Little "BID" Better For Complete Auction Service Call Bus. 235-0541 Res. 235-0266 f l-ABRIC MASTER^) EXETER (Formerly Huron Carpet Care) 235-1451 We clean ordinary fabrics — BUT WE SPECIALIZE IN PROBLEM FABRICS with outstanding results. UPHOLSTERY — DRAPERY — CARPET RENTAL MACHINES — By Appointment free delivery & pickup within 5 mi. of Exeter. Fellowship group to visit local sugar bush By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The Fellowship Group are reminded of the visit this coming Sunday afternoon to Mr. Earl Dixon’s bash to learn about the making of maple syrup. Those wishing to go arte to meet at the church at 2.30 p.m. Sunday Service "Lead us not into temp­ tation, but deliver us from evil” was the subject chosen by Mr. Paul Schott for his sermon in the United Church on Sunday morning. He told his listeners to never underestimate the power of evil in the world. Defences that we should be building to help us resist evil are our own self-respect; comfort of all the people around us and strength from our Bible. The children’s story was told by Mrs. Harvey Smith. There was an anthem by the choir and a solo by Joanne Smyth. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Greb returned home last week following a vacation in Sarasota, Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Vogan, Listowel were visitors Tuesday with Mrs. Fred Cunnington. On Sunday Mrs. Cunnington was a guest at the home of her son Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunnington and family, Thames Road. Bernard Rimmer has returned home from South Huron Hospital. We hope to see him out around again in the near future. Cardlyn Schott, daughter of Mr.&Mrs.Paul Schott is a patient in University Hospital, London where she underwent surgery Friday. Mrs. Schott’s mother, Mrs, Alson Bauman, Kitchener is looking after the family during Carolyn’s illness. Jeremy and Melissa Brock, Exeter are spending a few days at the home of Mr, & Mrs. Sam Skinner. Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Lobb Make donation to camp Calvary United Church Women held their meeting Tuesday when they were in charge of the birthday party at the Blue Water Rest Home. Mrs. Hugh Boyle was chairlady for the program. Those taking part were Mary Anne Des jar dine, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Love, Lynn Gaiser and Susanne Smith; Faye Gaiser. A sing song was also was also enjoyed. President, Mrs. Gordon Bender presided for the business. A donation was made to Camp Menesetung. & in St. returned home recently following a vacation at Haines City, Florida. On the weekend they had as guests, their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. & Mrs. Les Brown and family, Barrie; their son Mr. Ray Lobb and Miss Elaine Ney, Mississauga. Mr.’ & Mrs. Richard Shoebottom and family were weekend visitors with Richard’s parents Mr. Mrs. Ray Shoebottom Parry Sound. Miss Elaine Powe, Catharines is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Powe and other weekend guests were Mrs. Ron Brittain of Richmond Hill and Allan Powe of Guelph. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel were Mr. & Mrs. Don Hirtzel and daughters and Mr. Earl Young, Parkhill; Mr. & Mrs. Karl Keller and Tracy accompanied by her • friend Robin, London. Mrs? Lome Hicks was a Sunday visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Scheifele in Kitchener. / Mr. & Mrs. Harold Taylor, Exeter were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden. Celebrates birthday It was a grand occasion for Mrs. Adella (Bammie) Fisher who celebrated her 106th birthday March 17 and enjoyed every minute of all the fuss. An orchestra made up of Mr. Webster, Varna, Mr. Finlayson and Mr. Boyle, Seaforth serenaded her for almost an hour. She received over 70 cards, flowers and many gifts, Friends and relatives gathered both Saturday and Sunday to celebrate her. with Win gold medals Elizabeth Datars Missy Sandilands won gold medals in Jr. Bronze dance at the skating competitions in Parkhill Sunday March 11. and Personal Mrs. Elmer Rader and Dianne, Stratford, and Doug Allan, Kitchener, were, Tuesday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Van Dorsselaer and Susan. Miss Dianne Miller, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Miller. Joy Webb, London, is vacationing a few days this week with Lisa Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Miller had the pleasure Sunday morning of a phone call from their daughter Vickie who is skating in Singapore. Most things in Singapore are clean, modern and very expensive. Mrs. Edwin Miller has returned home from University Hospital where she was confined with a fractured hip. Ervin Devine is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Dave Rader, Stacey and Derek attended a post Christmas celebration at Shipka Community Centre when Mrs. Angeline Scott entertained members of her family. Over 80 were in attendance including her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Rader spent the weekend in London with Paul Rader and visited with Susan Rader and baby Benjamin Mathew at Vic­ toria Hospital. Sunday was spent with Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Gamble. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Rader were guests there also. Mrs. Elda Koehler returned home Sunday after spending several weeks with Mr. & Mrs. Spike Nagel, Chris and Susan Baynham, Oshawa. AauUOUJUCEMEJUT Effective April 1 st Leo's Plumbing, Heating and Electrical will be under new management. Heating Division will be Operated By Edward Smith. Known as Ed's Burner Service, Zurich, Ontario. Phone 236-4195 Plumbing and Electric Division will be operated by Norman Koehler. Known as Norm's Plumbing and Electric. Located Lot 18, Con. 11 Hay township, (& mile south of Zurich) Phone 236-4182. Leo Meidinger * <££ Realty EXETER 235-2420 GRAND BEND 238-8484 CLINTON 482-9747 Appraisals Mortgages Life Insurance Trust Certificates DAVID C. HANN, D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 105 Main Street, Exeter 235-1535 fly Appointment Daily — Evening People do read small ads. You are. MT. CARMEL Income Tax Centre Income Tax — Accounting For Farmers & Businessmen Mbnthlv Bookkeeping Service Phone 237-3469 Vince Rvan B.A. R.R 3. Dash wood Gerald A. Webb D.C. Doctor Of Chiropractic 438 MAIN ST., EXETER By Appointment Phone 235-1680 TKITRompiTr Bookkeeping & Tax Service Inc. 254 Huron Street East Exeter Bookkeeping Service available Income tax preparation for Individuals Farmers & Businesses 235-0443 HURON FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. I st A 2nd mortgages arranged Box 1341, EXETER, ONT. PH: LUCKNOW 1-528- 2016 G. RANDALL PAUL Administrative Services MAIN ST. LUCAN PHONE 227-4462 & 227-4463 JOSEPH F. DARLING CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANT TEI.t BlD-23B-220fl THE OLD TOWN HAt.L 022 MAIN STREET EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO CONSOLIDATED SIGN & LIGHTING SERVICES INC. CREDITON PH. 234-6721 Complete Sales, SERVICE & Leasing We carry a complete stock of signs, lamps and ballasts. Let Over 18,000 Headers Know You're In Business To Serve Them Phone 235-1331 EXETER, ONTARIO, TELEPHONE P.O. BOX 1600 (519)235-2211 . NOM 1 SO