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Times-Advocate, 1979-03-21, Page 14
Page 14 Times-Advocate, March 21, 1979 GRAND BEND Rec committee backs children's program AHO DISTRICT NEWS At Wl meeting Homemaker speaks I Twenty-five ladies and six pre-schoolers met Thursday afternoon for the March meeting of the Women’s Institute in theUnited church basement. Topic was Family and Consumer affairs, convened by Ann Russell. Guest speaker was Linda Young, town and country homemaker for Huron County. She showed slide pictures of people being helped in their homes by this service, with commentary. Any resident of Huron County can buy the services of a homemaker or Home helper on a private basis. Some of the home help services available are handy man, housecleaners, hair dresser, barber, sitter in a crisis, friendly visiting and transportation. Brenda Love chairlady. Roll call was answered by, “Name a comical incident that happened when you were young,” which brought forth humorous answers. Motto was “Perfection is not expected in human beings, but improvement is.” During the business it was decided the ladies would do another custom quilting. Did you know? was given by Karen Woods, who spoke on laundry detergents, ex plaining the quality and prices of several brands. The April meeting will be held in the evening and members are asked to bring an item of handwork for a display. Lunch hostesses were Clara Hamilton and Eva Bariteau. purses and shoes. The girls chose a cover design for their Record books. The design chosen was done by Helen Vlemmix. This project, “Accessories, the final touch”, is proving in teresting and beneficial the girls. Library news Sing with Suess! forages 2-8 years. Where? at Grand Bend library. When? Thursday, March 22, at 10 a.m. Free. to A program of music and fun by Anita Baker and Ruth Allen, Bridge winners Winners of the Grand Bend duplicate bridge club held at the Anglican church in the Parish hall last Wednesday evening were north-south, Muriel and Ted Hunt, east west, Linda Corigall and Irene Ward. Birthday party at church well attended The Grand Bend and area recreation committee has agreed to sponsor a small children’s program for this coming summer in the parkette on Eilber street on property recently purchased by the village. The provincial Experience ’79 will provide grants in the amount of 75 percent of the costs involved. Councillor, Keith Crawford is in charge of making the necessary applications for funds. Chairman Pauline Lingard reported that Nancy Cameron has been chosen as the swim instructor for the 1979 season and has been assured of an income of at least $1,000 plus a bonus should there be a surplus. Tracy Meecham may be assisting Ms. Cameron. Deputy-reeve Judy Uniac offered to assist in the preparation of a contract for the swim instructor. The rec committee gave approval to Lambton Steel to use the area of the recreational property as a storage area during sewer construction of the sewers. Permission was granted providing the property is completely cleared and material disposed of and no traffic allowed on the soccer field. The committee agreed to look into setting up a fireworks program for the Victoria Day week end. A grant of $500 was ap proved to the Huron Country Playhouse. Personals Mrs. John Campbell spent last week in Pontiac, Michigan, with her mother Mrs. Louie Walker due to illness and surgery that her father Mr. Walker un derwent, last week. Michael Owen and David Wilkinson from Lancashire, England, have bought the Village Inn and are busy making renovations. Grand Bend ladies have been quite busy these past few weeks at quilting bees. I DashwoodinDONATE TO ARC KITCHEN —.Members of the Forest Catholic Women's League visited ARC Industries Wednesday to donate an electric mixer to be used in the kitchen. Above, CWL officials Mary Van Bree, Joanne Saetemans and Ricky Van Moorsei present the mixer to April Homes and Myra Dawson of ARC. T-A photo was Choose cover design Grand Bend 4H club No. I, “Mad Hatters” held their fourth meeting Monday evening at Helen Vlemmix home. Roll call was to show three ways to tie a scarf, and include ways not illustrated in the manual. Discussion followed on Church of God Church of God men’s club met last Monday evening at the church. George Winegarden conducted devotions. Russell Snider showed slides with com mentary on Jamaica. President, Harold Vincent, presided for business. Rev. J. Campbell’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. A. Douglas Campbell of Westfield, near Bly th, took over housekeeping duties at the manse for John, Laura Lee and Douglas, during Betty’s absence. Around 60 attended a church school birthday party at Church of God, Friday night. Games were played at the public school gym with fun for all. A lovely decorated birthday cake was served for lunch. At the Sunday morning Church of God service Bob and Alex Desjardine sang a duet, “He was wounded for my transgressions”. Sunday evening Rev. J. Campbell showed a film strip\ on Samson and his meditation message was from Jude 16, verse 20. United church news Rev. H. Moore’s sermon topic, Sunday morning at the United Church was “Prayer”, based on the first chapter of Mark’s gospel. Choir anthem was “Hap piness is the Lord.” Rev. Moore announced that confirmation classes will begin Saturday morning March 31, and held at Greenway church this year. The members of the Grand Bend Couples Club are again sponsoring an Easter Sunrise service, followed by breakfast. Everyone is in vited. A pot luck supper is being planned at Grand Bend church for Friday March 30. More details later. Would you like to help the Sunday school? The United church Sunday school has need of empty plastic detergent bottles (e.g. Lemon, Joy, Ivory), also large vinegar, javex and fabric softener containers. Any old musical instruments would be welcome also. These can be placed in a box in the Sunday School by March 25. Would you like to help the Couples Club? The Grand Bend Couples Club will hold a lawn and bake sale at the church on July 7. Any donations for the sale would be truly ap preciated. Items may be left with any member of the Club or at the Manse. Pickup of donated articles can be arranged. 2% Partly Skimmed Westons Peerless .’1.49 ☆ Westons Sliced everybody saves on food here mrmm? is coming Watch for our Grand Opening Merkies Green Houses & Garden Centre Grand Bend Personals Congratulations to Robert Holt of Grand Bend Public School who won top spot in public speaking competition sponsored by Grand Bend Lions club. Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Adams and Mrs. Susie Devine visited last Wednesday with’ - Ervin Devine who was a patient at University Hospital, London. The needlepoint short course sponsored by the Womens Institute has been quite successful. About 4Q ladies completed the project. Night classes were held in the United church basement and afternoon classes at Nola Taylor’s home. Some lovely pieces of needlepoint are in the making. c^pET SA'/,A'GS - HARDING "—- DAYDREAM High-Lo Cut n' Loop in fantastic colours. Scotchgard treatment. 100% nylon - easy to clean. INSTALLATION & ' ILLUSIONS High-Lo Cut n' Loop in 10 beautiful shades. Scotchgard treatment. 100% nylon - easy to clean. INCLUDES CUSTOM UNDER PAD AT ONE LOW PRICE ... SAVE $4°° £$18’®■ yd. SAVE *4°° 3 7 Everyday Low Prices Chocolate Chip,Blade, Bone Out Prices Effective Mar. 21 to Mar. 27 BAG MILK WHITE BREAD 24 oz. 3/’1.33 Can. No, 1 CREAMERY Produce of U.S.A. Head Lettuce . 43' ‘2.18 Not included in 6% refunds. Crackers 14oz. 58^ BUDE BOAST »1.48 STEAK ROAST Paper Towels 2 roll pkg. 88’ Not included in 6% refunds. Capri SAVE 60c lb SAVE 50' lb. ************ Outside Round Boneless Valley Farm French Not included in 6% refunds.Not included in 6% refunds. Shoulder ARM STEAK ’1.98 Save 30c lb. Aged Al Steer Beef Only Charolais, Angus and Hereford Sides b$1.58 Fronts *1.38 Hinds b *1.88 Whole pig »>. 95* Price Includes Processing- Regular Family Pack Fresh GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. & up, lb. f Save 30c lb. Tend-R-Spot Fresh , BAVARIAN SAUSAGE ’1.28 Save 40‘ lb. Tend-R-Spot Smoked/ Cooked COTTAGE ROLL ’1.88 Weston's WAGON WHEELS 2oz 88* Duncan Hines Country Recipe CAKE MIXES '520gr. 78^ MOUTHWASH 7w*1.78 Chapmans ICECREAM 2 litres 98* White Swan FACIAL TISSUE ?°o > 58* Weston's s HOT CROSS BUHS 68* Dietrich's 100% WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 24 OI. 48* Bon Ami WIHDOW CLEANER 2oOI .88* Fab DETERGENT 12litres >4.28 Squirrel PEANUT BUTTER 2ibs. 51.98 Canada Fancy HOMESPUN Tight level loop - rubber back. Regular $8.95 ON $A95SALE *Qsq.yd. Produce of U.S.A. Stalk Celery Mac Apples Store Sliced COOKED HAM $1 .68 With coupon and $25 order excluding CAVE Qfi<J Ik cigarettes, tobacco and coupon item. wnVG7U ID. VALUABLE COUPON 9 GRAND BEND 9B NOW 2 LOCATIONS 1 DECORATING and FLOORING CENTRE 15 Main St.238-8603 r a i master charge i m ■.it iaHf GRAND BEND STORE HOURS Mon. to ThurS. 8 to 6 Fri. 8 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6L_ SENIOR CITIZENS WW onno on ’O amt Hiirm rrot nt 4f,f ni otor» u*aw poisfwmvniu oi we * wnmH tn»N» •» r and SAVE 6<7o 0 ...TENDER SPOT 238-2512 Wc reserve th© nqht to ImM quantities GRAND BEND BABY BONUS CMtt tout FAMHT AMOWANTV fMFOUl AT TH# TtNOttVOT ANO SAVE 6% BAYFIELD STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8 to 6 i Friday 8 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 Open Sunday 9 to 5 TELEPHONE 565-2791