HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-02-07, Page 22Times-Advocate, February 7, 1979 ANNOUNCEM CARDS OF THANKS CARDS OF THANKS CARDS OF THANKS Fred Bowden wishes to say "Thank You” to his family, relatives and friends for the flowers, fruit, gifts and cards received and to those who visited him while he was a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Gans and the hospital staff for their kind and competent care. 6c To all my relatives and friends who helped in many ways to make my visit to University Hospital more cheerful. I wish to say a sincere thank you. Every act of kindness was appreciated great­ ly. Esther Wright. 6c I would like to thank all my friends and neighbours for all the cards, gifts and visits while I was a patient in Strathroy District Hospital and since returning home. John Muller. 6c Sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who sent cards and treats while I was a patient in University Hospital. I extend a special thank you to all who have visited with me since returning home. Your thought­ fulness will never be forgotten Norval Jones 6nc Sincere thanks to my. neighbours, friends, and Hoff­ man’s Ambulance Service for their acts of kindness.while-.in- hospital and since returning home. Dennis Regan 6p Voigt I wish to thank my friends, neighbours and family for the cards, flowers, phone calls and visits while I was in University Hospital. Special thanks to Dr Brown and nurses on Sth floor, also to the Ladies Guild of Brinsley Anglican Church for the lovely basket of fruit I received since returning home. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated. Molly Gilmour 6p I would like to express my gratitude to all my friends, neighbours and family for cards, flowers, and visits while a patient in hospital and since returning home Thanks to Dr. Brubacher. Dr Sweeney and his staff, and the nurses and staff of the 4th floor south east. St. Joseph’s Hospital Also V.O.N. of Clinton district for their great care since returning home. Special thanks to Pastor Bob Degraw and all those who were so faithful with prayers on my behalf and to Mom and Dad for all they have done since coming home from the hospital. Roy Dykeman 6c The family of the late Kenneth McKay wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind ex­ pressions of sympathy received throughbeautifulfloral tributes, donations to Canadian Cancer Society, sympathy cards, phone calls, gifts of food, ana the many acts of kindness extended to them in the passing of a dear husband, son. father, grand­ father and brother. Special thanks to Rev. McMullen of Kippen United Church. Hopper- Hockey Funeral Ho me. pallbearers and the ladies of Kippen U.C.W. for the lovely lunch. Our deep appreciation to the doctors, nurses and Sisters of the 4th floor St. Joseph’s Hospital. London, to Dr. O’Con­ nor. nurses and staff at South Huron Hospital. Exeter for their special acts of kindness, and to Jim and Harry Hoffman for their help. To everyone, your thoughtful acts of kindness and sympathy will always be remembered. The McKay family 6c I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for their many acts of kindness and ex­ pressions of sympathy shown to me during the passing of my dear friend Lloyd Hey. Lome "'■‘“t ’ 6c IN M EMO RI AM Discuss dump situation discussion between LUCAN SLIDERS — Monday was ideal for sliding down steep snowbanks. Ready to try their luck at the south end of Lucan are Peter Molenkamp, Mike Ager and Terry Evans. T-A photo GB and Bosanquet Sweetheart Dance tlKitiiiiiiiitiiiitiiiiiiniiriiiuHHi iiiiiiniiiiiiu mu tun iiiiiiirii i ii nun itiiiiiiumi tn KERCHER - In lovin memory of a wonderful an kind husband, father and grand­ father. Herb Kercher, who left us suddenly 6 years ago. on February 12.1973. It is six long years since that sad day When the one we loved was called away The years may wipe out many things But this they’ll wipe out never The memory of those happy days Which.we all spent together Of a dear one gone, but cherished yet A beloved face we’ll never forget I love vou now Herb, and always will’ For in my heart you liveth still. Sadly missed and always remembered by, wife Myrtle, Margaret and Jim, Doris and Spencer. Ross, grandchildren Judy and Ken, Ruth and Bill. 6p SWEITZER - In loving memory of a dear uncle Stuart Sweitzer who passed away February 7,1976. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Sandra and Jim. Kelly and Kim 6p SWIETZER - In loving memory of a dear brother Stuart Sweitzer who passed away three years ago February 7.1976. His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. Lovingly remembered arid sadly missed by brother Milton andEv. ' , • . 6p. .rnemory of my desr hususTiUi . z j ‘At**S'fuart Matthew, who passed .deter^ned .four fifths of the a^vay* three years ago-.February- ' loads'.Were.- coining- frpxn the s , , 7th, 1976.'; tdWnsfiip: / SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Sat., Feb, 17 Music by SPECIAL APPOINTMENT *6 per couple Tickets at door 9 p.m. *1 a.m. Proceeds to Sunshine Kids Nursery School ---------------- - . Hensall Curling Club Dance Sat., Feb. 17th HENSALL& DISTRICT COMMUNITY CENTRE 9-1 Music By BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS $6.00 per couple Lunch Included Everyone Welcome All proceeds to arena fund. CLUB ALBATROSS TAVERN HURON PARK Bethel ' • Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter Evangelical in teaching, Presbyterian in churchgovernment, • welcomes you. ' • Sunday, February 11 10:00 a.m,—Worship Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, February 11 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:10 a,m.—Sunday School . 11:00 a.m.—Worship Al! Welcome7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship Pastor . REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN B.A. B.D. Telephone church 235-2084 Manse 235-1435 Christian Reformed Church Minister REV. CLARENCE BISHOP, B.A., M Sunday, February 11 10:00 a.m.—Morning-Worship 2:15 p,m.—Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 580 Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY, B.A. Organist Miss Idella Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, February 11 - 9:45 a.m.—Church Service 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School ' ; Everyone Welcome Centralia Faith Tabernacle Rev. Bob Degraw Sunday, Feb. 11 • • 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 1.1:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Special Music by Clare Schwartz Tuesday, Feb. 13 7:30 p.m.—Prayer time 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study Everyone Welcome Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental — Evangelical Pastor REV. LINN LOSHBOUGH Sunday, February 11,1979 9:45 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Worship Wed., 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Nursery Facilities Everyone Welcome Mrs. E.A. Keyes, Organist The family of the late Clarence Brenner would like to thank everyone for expressions of sympathy received during the recent loss of our brother and uncle. Special thanks to Rev. Dressier for his prayers, and Westlake Funeral’ Home, Zurich. Your kindness was greatly appreciated. The Brenner Family 6c Many thanks to my friends and neighbours for the cards, phone calls, and visits while I was a patient in University Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. Wallace and Hoffman’s Am­ bulance Service. Thank' you for- all-your kindness and thought- ; fulness. Ronald Wilson • • 6p • We wish to thank our ‘friends, neighbours and “business associates for their kindness, ’ help and co-operation of the past 10 years at Braemor Manor. Everything was greatly appreciated and help to make our stay ten happy years. Hop­ ing everyone will continue io give Braemor Manor their co­ operation. Also a special thank vou to all our residents and our ,, verv loval staff You will Heno &tu in tne same oia way always be remembered. Thanks • ’ Tp hear your voice, to see your agai"’ Hussel and Shlr,e„y TnT^ndchat.Wi+hvriu Awhile 1 . \ DU I have pever. asked for. miracles r _5 But to-ilay just one would do ■. To see the front door .open ; And have you Stu walk through. Lovingly remembered : and sadly missed always, by your loving wife Doris. 6p SWEITZER - In loving memory of a dear and loving dad and grampa Stuart Matthew wno passed away three years ago February 7th, 1976. Always a smile instead of a frown Always a hand when someone was down Always true, thoughtful and kind Wonderful memories dad and grampa you left behind. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by your loving daughter Bonnie-Heather, sons James, Scott, daughters-in-law Marg and Joan, sons-in-law Mike, grandchildren Jeffrey, Amy, Dody-Lyn and Derek. 6p A representatives of Grand Bend and Bosanquet township Monday revealed the two bodies still maintain a sense of humor even with their differences of opinion. Reeve Bob Sharen told Bosanquet Reeve Charlie Srokosz and councillor Bill Kingdon that a preliminary study .of the waste .disposal, site Which - .Grand Bend operates • .and; .w.hich Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister: REV. JAMES FORSYTHE Assistant Minister REV. GRANT MILLS Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, February 11 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—Rev. Grant Mills Nursery Courtesy Car — 235-1010 Caven Presbyterian Church MINISTER Rev. Kenneth Knight Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, February 11 11:15 a.m.—Morning Service Junior Sunday School during service 10:00 a.m.—Senior Sunday School Nursery Available Centralia and Zion United Churches Sunday, February 11 STUDENT MINISTER Paul Schott ZION Organists Mrs. Lome Hern, Yvonne Jaques 9:45 a.m.—Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School CENTRALIA Organist Mr. Douglas Gill 10:00 a.m.—Sundey School 11:15 a.m.—Morriirig Worship Everyone Welcome Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church Main at Gidley Rector Rev. G.A. Anderson, D.F.C. Organist Mr. Gerald McAuley Septuagesima Sunday February 11,1979 11:15 a.m.—Holy Communion Sermon In the Beginning Sunday School for all grades Come and Worship with us exeterLUJ PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets PASTOR REV.M. BARZ Sunday, February 11 9:00 a.m,—Morning Service Welcome Main at Victoria -REV, DON FORREST February 11 11:00 a.rn.—Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service Tuesday 8:00 p.m.—Youth Wednesday 7:00 p.m.—Bible Study And Crusaders Nursery Facilities You are Welcome Wilhelm I wish to extend sincere, thanks and appreciation .to my family,- relatives,’, neighbours and friends that remembered me with cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital and all the food that has been brought into our home since my return. Your kindness will never be forgotten, Frebis Stephen 6c Sincere thanks to all my relatives, neighbours and friends for the many acts of kindness, cards, floral tributes and donations shown to me dur­ ing the passing of my dear hus­ band Lloyd. Special thanks to South Huron Hospital, staff, nurses, Dr. Wallace and Rev. M.E. Reuber, the T.H. Hoffman Funeral Home, Tom and Cathy Silverthorn, pallbearers, O:P,.P, for delivering a special message and Crediton United Church U.C.W. for the funeral lunch served. Your thoughtfulness and kindness will always be remembered. Helen Hey ENTERTAINMENT Fri. & Sat. Nitesnotorious for putting it to us. We’d like to see some realistic figures, not that we don’t trust you.” Council agreed to provide the township with an ac­ curate breakdown of the oprating costs for the land­ fill site. A needs study for the Grahd Bend Fire Depart­ ment prepared by .Sharen .•‘calls, for. $30,00Q to be set present hajl. and. .the pur­ chase of new equipment. ’Among .the major items weekends and holidays from ;Whjch the study proposed was an addition to* the fire hall which would cost $20,000. Other equipment which could be purchased includes pagers for the firemen ($2,500) portable back packs for bush and grass fires ($600) and a standby the township of Hay whicn presently sees the township pay $1,000 per year and an hourly amount, should be renegotiated. Council took no action on the matter. In other business, council: Received a request from Harold Gibbs for $5250 rental on the main beach to which Gibbs claims ownership. , - .. Council referred the matter aside for am addition to the . to their solicitpr. Approved the raising of the maih beach, parking fee for HOT BUFFET LUNCHEON $2.50 12-2 p.m. Mon.-fri. PHONE 228-6733 SKhren proposed that a new dump agreement be drawn up which see Bosanquet assume 80 per­ cent of the operating costs of the dump. This would work out to $15,000. At present Bosanquet pays the village $10,000 for the use „ t , . - of the dump, ' ' / generator for the hall in the *^60 To'sit and chat.with.you a while Srokosz reminded village ”.a Power loss -------council .‘•Just remember, - A$3j)op). • ■ . iur ., someday people will do unto • Sharensaid 'the agreement nfharc.ac LJhoxV /In ' WhiCh the Village hOS With ■ I Three sad and lonely years have passed Since the great sorrow fell The shock that I received that day No one will ever know You were gone before I knew it And only God knows why What I would give if I could say Hello Stu in the same old way others as they do unto you/’ The Bcisanquet reeve said he viewed the operation of the dump as a co- which- the village has with $1 to $2 per day.. Agreed to rebate taxes and garbage collection fees in the amount of $252.62 to the Grand Bend Legion. The village has free accessjto the hall for meetings. Approved a request from Thompson-Warner Motors to rent the village docks in May for an in-water boat show. The firm will be charged $100 for the use of the docks, ’ ' -X Vanastra & District Lions Club i PARTY Hope to beat operative effort with the ■ , township using the village . S site until it was full with F Grand Bend then using a site ■ which had been found by the township. Srokosz said he wasn’t against , paying a “full • share” of the costs but he felt • paying on a percentage ‘ morning,-"We still haye 11 breakdown wasn’t fair. . .Marching Mothers.to. com- . The Bosanquet reeve . ; plete-their-carivassing.- With • • received a humorbus., the expected donations add-- reaction from council wheri . ed - to the $1,2$6.25 already.' he said "You buggers are turned in., I feel We should. top last year’s figure.” Mrs. Pfaff is also the organizer for similar paigns in Stephen . Usborne townships, are expected to be pleted within the ’ month. * jiiminiiiiiiHHiHiinitiiimnnniiiiiiiimiiHiHiiHiiuiiiiHiiiiiiimtiiiiiiHHiiiiiiiiiimjiiininj S’ The 1979 canvass for the Ability Fund-is. expected to exceed last year’s-amount of $1,610. . Ability fund co-ordinator Dorothy .Pfaff said' Tuesday Valentine's Dance Sat. Feb. 10 A ANNUAL PUBt/C MEETING cam- and They com- next ■ Vanastra Rec Centre Music by KADENZA Dancing f rom < 9:00-1:00 *10.00 per couple Lunch provided Special occasion permit Tickets available from Lions members or at the door. PARKHILL WINTER FUN DAY Sunday, February 11 The Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority is sponsoring the Parkhill Winter Fun Day at the Parkhill conservation area, 2 km. northeast of Parkhill, Ontario, off Highway #7. Events at 1:00 p.m. Events scheduled include: *A Cross-Country Ski Relay *Sleigh Rides *A Snowmobile Relay *A Snowmobile Rally *A Cross-Country Ski Rally ^Tobogganing and films in the heated Activity Centre. Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the relay and rally events. Hot chocolate and coffee will be available, as will a barbeque to cook your lunch or a snack. For further information, please contact the Ausable-Bayfield Conservation Authority, . 235-2610; > « - • ■ • • ■ - BINGO — Every Tuesday night at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton .^t 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00, 15 regular games of $15,00, 3 Share the Wealth and Jack Pot of $200.00 must go. Ad­ mission restricted to 16 years or over. 50tnc YOU’RE INVITED - to attend the Huron Cancer Society meeting to be held Monday, February 19 at the Exeter United Church, starting at 8:00 p.m. Ron Calhoun, former provincial campaign manager will be the guest speaker, along with his daughter, Laurie, who will address young people on the reasons for not smoking. 5: 6c BENNY HINN EVANGELIST Miracle Service, Sunday, February 11th. 2:30 p.m. at Vic­ torian Inn, Romeo Street North, Stratford. Everyone welcome. 4:5:6p PANCAKE AND SAUSAGE Supper Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall. Tuesday, February 27, 1979,5:00 to 7:30. 6:7:8c THE 68TH ANNUAL Meeting of the Family and Children’s Ser­ vices of Huron County will be held in the Board Room, Assess­ ment Building, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario on Wednesday. February 21st, 1979 at 2:00 P.M. The topic is Child Abuse, with a film presentation. The public is cordially invited to attend. 6:7c EUCHRE - Hensall Legion Hall, Wednesday. February 14, 1979, 8:00 p.m. Admission $1.00. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Hensall Women’s Institute. . 6c ST. PATRICK’S PARISH Coun­ cil Winter Frolic, Friday, February 16, 1979. 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Lucan Community Centre. Music by Joe Fieder Dance Band Trio. Lunch provided. Tickets: $4 Each. Proceeds to building fund. 6p THE HURON COUNTY Health Unit invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic, held at the Health Unit office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Monday, February 12, 1979 from 9:30 * 11:30 a.m. for: Health Surveillance, Anaemia Screen­ ing, Immunization, and Fluoride. 6c THE NEWLY FORMED Young Wives Fellowship will meet in Trivitt Anglican Church Hall on Thursday 8th. February at 8 p.m. ‘All young wives welcome. 6p FOR Larry Shapton Rec Centre Annex HURON PARK Fri., Feb. 9 - 9:00-1:00 *2.00 Admission Lunch Provided k Everyone Welcome - -v «■». • of the KIRKTON-WQODHAIV i • iE COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD NOW I 20 IGAMES BINGO Thors*, Feb. 8 EXETER LEGION HALL 8:00 p.m. £ S Wed., Feb. 14th 9 p.m. Annual Reports / 3 • 17 Regular • 1 Jackpot • 2 Share-the- Wealth fBONUS^ $125 k BALL J WINTER CARNIVAL AT KIRKTON ATHLETIC GROUNDS ... Dance - Friday, February 9, 1979 Joe Overholt Crowning of Snow Queen 8:15 P.M., Friday ☆ ☆ ☆ Dance - Saturday, February 10, 1979 Roger Quick Orchestra Saturday, February 10th, 1979 Novelty Events Start at 12:00 P.M. ☆ ☆ ☆ Sunday, February 11th, 1979 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Poker Rally & Drags Cross Country Skiing ☆ ☆ ☆ . Admission: $1.00 Sat. Public School Children Free Sunday Admission - Free JACKPGT $400 in 56 calls i 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats Admission *1.00 for 18 Rounds Extra cards 25’ each or 5/ *1.00 _Share-the-Wea)th ■ 5 forU.OO 11 for *2.00 = riininnfiiHiiiiouHiOKnmiir Sponsored By Ladies' Auxiliary S No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted .MiiiitiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitltiiriiiiiritHiiiliiiiiiiiliiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiitiiliiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi Licence No. 212181 PROCEEDS FOR YOUTH BETTERMENT Refreshments on Grounds Pancake & Sausage Dinner Sunday, February 11 - 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. Price - $2.50 per person A. > OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEk ; .x.™ 235-2311 I GRANDMA'S SUBMARINES mH k Heart Sunday February 11 Don’t gamble with your life It could be fatal! SHDHS WINTER CARNIVAL Fri., Feb. 9th Movies 7-12 Featuring SMOKEY & THE BANDIT at 9:00 . Admission $2.50 -{x -U t.z Feb. 10th 8 p.m. Zon Concert Admission $4.00 wMmhi J Heart disease is not a game of chance Heart disease is an unlucky deal. Give... to the Heart Fund and stack the deck in your favour! For every $1. donated to the Heart Fund in Ontario, 82.7® is spent on research to keep you in the game. To date, Canadian research achievements include: pacemakers; artery transplants; ■ human heart valve replacement; coronary care units; hypothermia - a blood-cooling technique which has been an invaluable aid to modern heart surgery; surgical methods to correct many of the effects resulting in 'blue babies'. But, we haven’t hit the jackpot yet! The odds are Still Joo high. We need more than a fast shuffle or a trick card to beat heart disease. The ace up our sleeve is the Heart Fund and it’s our best bet. We can all cash in by giving to the Heart Fund. Please be generous when the volunteer canvasser visits you tomorrow. Put your heart Into it! emwaorae