HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes-Advocate, 1979-02-07, Page 14Page 14 Times-Advocate, February 7, 1979 Pick new slate for spring fair The 1979 Hensall Spring Fair will be held Tuesday, June 19 at the Hensall fair grounds with a full program to interest spectators of all ages. The new executive was named at the annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society held Tuesday night at the Hensall Community Centre. Bob Baker is the new president succeeding Bruce Rathwell who has held the position for the past two years. Vice-presidents will be David Turner and John Kinsman Jr. Taking over as secretary­ treasurer is John Baker from Gladys McGregor who held the position since the retirement of Peter McNaughton several years ago. The beef feeder calf club competition and sale is one of the highlights of the fair. This year 48 heifer calves are being prepared by club members. Included in the fair program is an extensive horse show, a baby show, a junior talent show and a parade. Fair directors are John Soldan, Ross Corbett, Elgin Thompson, Bob Kinsman, Bill Morley, Barry Miller, Jack Kinsman, Ken Parker, Les Coleman, Tom Consitt, Stewart Brown, Donald Dearing, John Corbett and Ron Wareing. Associate directors are Verne Alderdice, Peter McNaughton, Harold Knight, Ross Haugh, Beth Cooper, Cecil Desjardine, Vic Hargreaves, Robert Kinsman, Bevan Kinsman, Eric Luther, Jim McGregor, Elgin McKinley, Larry Merner, Barry Miller, Bob Parsons, Bruce Shapton, Jack Tinney, Joe Miller, Paul Steckle, Bill Rogerson, Ray Consitt, Joe Dietrich, John Kinsman, Walter McBride and Don Reynolds. f NEW HENSALL FAIR PRESIDENT — Bob Baker is the new president of the South Huron Agricultural Society, sponsors of the Hensall Spring Fair. Above, left, Baker is being congratulated by retiring president Bruce Rathwell. In the centre is vice- president John Kinsman and at the right is retiring secretary Gladys McGregor. T-A photo PLAY WELL SHORTHANDED — The Hensall pee wees won one game in the weekend WOAA pee wee tournament and played strongly in two other contests despite the presence of only eight or nine players. Back, left, David Skea, John O'Brien, Ian Munroe, Calvin Stanlake and coach Roy Bell. Front, Jeff Caldwell, Steve Bedard, Lovekesh Malik and Dan Reid. Legion sponsors cribbage contest NOTICE OF The Hensall Canadian Branch Legion held a most successful cribbage tour­ nament on Saturday when participants from Blyth and Hensall played. The event was arranged by John and Robbie Taylor and Larry Ducharme, with about 50 attending. The top prize winners were Mrs. Donna McClinchey and Mrs. Betty Grenier. They were top out of a possible 110 points 10 games 1199 in all. Runners- up were Ken Pollock and Mrs. Nellie Burkholder, Blyth. The low prize went to Bill Reihl, Blyth and Tom Neilands, There were 16 teams, four from Blyth and the remainder from Hensall. Seniors to meet The Hensall “Three Links” Senior Citizens will meet on Tuesday February 13th in the local hall. The Entertainment Committee is Mrs. Laird Mickle replacing Mrs. Irene Finlayson, Mrs. Edgar Munn, Mrs. Gertie Moir. The Social Committee are Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Vera Brintnell. Set euchre date The C.P.T. committee of the IOOF and Rebekah Lodges are holding a progressive Euchre Party in the local hall on Friday February 9th at 8.30 p.m. Everyone is cordially in­ vited. Mr. & Mrs. Lome Archer returned home after vacationing in Florida. Mrs. William Wareing who has been a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London has been transferred to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Lady Luck gives some people a boost, but we feel that she’s been trying to shove us under a bus. ANNUAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the 104th ANNUAL MEETING of the HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY will be held in Township Hall, Zurich on Saturday, February 24, 1979 at 2:00 p.m. for the presentation of the Annual Report, to elect three directors to replace those whose terms expire, and to transact all business as may be done at a general meeting of the policy holders. The Directors whose term of office ex­ pire are Herb Beierling, Zurich; Cecil Des­ jardine, Grand Bend: and Arnold McCann, Dashwood; all of whom are eligible for re­ election. A Director will also be elected for a one year period to complete the three year term of retired Director Donald Campbell, Bayfield, who was appointed as an agent of the Company effective January 1st, 1979. By-Law #21 - Qualifications of Directors: d) Any person wishing to seek election or re-election as a Director must file his inten­ tion to stand for election in writing with the Secretary of the Corporation at least ten days in advance of an Annual Meeting or Special General Meeting called for the pur­ pose of electing Directors. There has been Notice 'given regar­ ding changes to By-Law #33 - Remunera­ tion (Mileage Allowance), to be dealt with at the Annual Meeting. Carl Turnbull President John R. Consitt Secret® ry^Manager Hensall and district new • CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Hilda Payne, Phono 262*5018 : Mrs. Phone 262*2025 Annual church meetings The annual Congregational Meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday evening with Rev. Kenneth Knight Chairman for the meeting which opened by singing “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” followed by the reading of the 15th Chapter of St. John verses 1- 14 and prayer. A period of Silence was observed in memory of those who had passed away in the past year. Rev. Knight spoke on the “Growing Church” Mrs. Robert Bell was appointed Secretary for the meeting and read the minutes of the last meeting. The reports were reviewed and accepted. Rev. Knight spoke on the “Church Budget’’ Bevan Bonthron, Clarence Volland and Russell Faber were appointed to the Board of Managers. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Campbell were appointed Church auditors. Alex Hoggarth and Bert Thomp­ son were appointed Church Trustees. Rev. Knight spoke briefly on Church activities • he would like to introduce for the coming year. The meeting closed with prayer followed by a social hour. Hensall United Church Hensall United Church members met at the church Wednesday evening for the Annual Congregational meeting. Following a pot luck supper a short programme was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Grace Drummond, president of the U.C.W. acted as Emcee and a sing-song was enjoyed, followed by a vocal solo by Mrs. Wm, Fuss ac­ companied by Mrs. Goddard at the piano. Mrs. Drum­ mond closed the programme by giving a humourous reading. Rev. T. Garnet Husser chaired the business meeting and the supervising pastor for Presbytery, Rev. John Wareham of Exeter read the scripture and led in prayer. A few minutes of silence were observed in memory of those of the congregation who had passed away during the year. Mrs. Donna St. John was elected recording Secretary for the evening. The Annual reports were handed out and the various ports were commented on and questions answered by the Chairman of each committee. Doug Mock- Chairman of Worship and Membership announced that his committee had set up a fund for repairs on the organ and anyone wishing to donate specifically to this fund may do so. Mrs. Cecil Pepper Chairman of the communications Committee asked for the assistance of someone in the congregation who might be interested in taking slides in the Church for special occasions. Mrs. Barbara Gackstetter of the Christian Development Committee announced that their committee still needs a Sunday School Superin­ tendent,. Hans Gerstenhorn reported for the Stewardship Committee and Cecil Pepper gave the Treasurer’s report. The U.C.W. report was given by Mrs. Grace Drummond. Mrs. Cecil Pepper reported for the senior choir and announced that new members are badly needed. All the reports were ac­ cepted as presented. In new business the budget for 1979 was presented by Hans Gerstenhorn and was ac­ cepted. The nominating com­ mittee report was given by Doug Mock and a permanent manse committee was set up which consists of members of the property committee, two representatives from the U.C.W. and two represen­ tatives from the Chiselhurst Congregation. Rev. Husser thanked everyone for their assistance to him this past year. A slide presentation of some highlights of the year prepared by Mrs. H. Wright and presented by Mrs. Cecil Pepper was enjoyed by all. Rev. Husser closed the evening with prayer. BEST BUYS AT AL'S Choice local Beef gn^ Pork Sliced Fresh Side Pork Fresh Pork & Beef Sausage Fresh 5 kg. bag 1 lb. tubs, each 59’ I .X M.35 ib. 89* Former resident dies near Granton Mrs. Anneke (Gartsman) Branderhorst formerly of Hensall passed away at her late residence R.R. 1 Granton on Monday, February 5th 1979 in her 82nd year. She was the wife of the late Gerrit P. Branderhorst, formerly of Hensall. Sur­ viving are sons: Gerrit, Simeon, Pieter, Pella Iowa. U.S.A.; Nick, Pella Iowa; Cornie, Kalamazoo Michigan; Lambert and John, R.R. 1 Hensall; daughters: Mrs. Lambert (Marie) Vanderbeek, Palla Iowa, U.S.A.; Mrs. Hank (Jane) Vangiessen, Chatham; Mrs. Edward (Reda) Plate, Prairie City, Iowa; Mrs. Leo (Dorothy) Vanderlaan,Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island; Mrs. Laurens (Wilma) Kodde, R.R. 1 Granton; Mrs. Dave (Annie) Koning,Mount Hope, Ontario. One brother Cor­ nells Gartsman, Holland. Sister Mrs. Dirgje Bok, Holland and Mrs. Sjaan Vansstten, Grand Rapids. 57 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren. Predeceased by 2 brothers in Holland. Resting at Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall. Funeral Service will be held from the Christian Reformed Church, Exeter Thursday February 8th at 2 p.m. Rev. C. Bishop officiating. Interment in Hensall Union Cemetery. Have guest speaker Rev. K. Knight conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning and spoke on the sermon “Good and Bad in the Kingdom”. Mrs, Robert Taylor presided at the piano. Rev. T. Garnet Husser will be the guest speaker at the World Day of Prayer service 4 to be held in Carmel Presbyterian Church in March. Rev. T. Garnet Husser conducted service in Hensail United on Sunday speaking on the subject “Noah’s Carpenter.” Mrs. Marianne McCaffrey led the choir in singing “The New 23rd Psalm.” Dr. Ralph Topp presided at the organ. On Thursday evening last the choir members and Rev. and Mrs. Husser were pleasantly entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Topp in Exeter. Chlselhurst Church hold Congregational Meeting Following a delicious pot luck supper on Friday evening Chiselhurst United Church held their Annual Congregational meeting. Rev. Husser was Chairman for the evening. The various organizations presented their reports which were most gratifying. The reports were discussed and ac­ cepted. Plans were made for the coming year and programs arranged. The meeting closed with prayer, -------------------------------- ------------------------- Personals Miss Mary Kinsman returned home after spen­ ding two weeks’ Vacation in Hawaii. djiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiI The I Light i ITouch f By JACK lavender Cocktail party: where old friends gather to make new enemies.* * ★ Our friend says he'd stop using the word 'viable' if he could just find a viable alternative. , * * * Mummies are Egyptians that were pressed for time.★ * * Pessimists expect nothing on a silver platter except tarnish.* * * Sign in bank: "Don't kiss our girls — they're tellers."* * * Why not deposit yourself at | Jack's | Small Engine Repair = Service = 107 Queen St., Hensall E 262-2103 E and withdraw efficient = maintenance on your E snowthrower. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir^ ------------------------ R. K. PECK APPLIANCES '7n the heart of downtown Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & Service of most makes CB Radios & Accessories Speed Queen Appliances Moffat Appliances Smoke Sensors Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units Handcrafted Gifts Phone 482-7103 J Minced Pork ? 1.29 Eversweet Bacon Store Packed Wieners No Filler PATTIES Sliced 1 lb. pkg. | *29 JI.49 Mac & Cheese or Pickle & Pimento loaf *1 *39 SHOP & SAVE NOW I Sears catalogues ■■■ a marketplace for home fashion finds. Qppre CATALOGUE OCdlb SHOPPING Come in and look through our fastest catalogue- PHONE 262*3316 T ABATTOIR HOURS iB"' Five Roses All-Purpose Flour Kismet Soft Margarine Aylmer Raspberry or Strawberry Jams 24 oz., added pectin Quaker 1.23 kg. instant or 1.35 kg. quick, Oats Stokely Dark Red Kidney Beans Van Camp Beans with Pork 28oz.tin Pepperoni Pizza in a skillet 3 °z*1»29 Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea Bags Colonial Assorted Cookies ice-wafers, 200 gr. pkg. maple leaf, 326 gr. pkg. striped dainties, 350 gr. pkg. Laura Secord Assorted Puddings Dietrich Sandwich Subs Weston Cinnamon Butterhorns --------FROZEN FOOD-— 99’ each 28 oz. tin 69* 69’ 6O's, pkg. f >69 all varieties each 69' 4-pack 5 oz. 99’ • 2/’1 6's pkg.69’ McCain's, straight cut, crinkle cut, or julienne french Fries 21b. bog 69' ------------PRODUCE No. 1, Product of Honduras Bananas Temple, Product U.S.A. Oranges 4lbs.»1 125's, doz. 89( ■ r — Monday, Pork Slaughter — Tuesday. Hours for Picking Up Freezer i or Custom Orders, Tues, to Fri. — 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Prices in effect February 8, 9, 10, AL Choice Local Beef & Pork Abattoir Phone: 262*2041 MARKETS PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit all quantities on all advertised items. Because of increased costs we find it necessary to make a 50c charge for grocery delivery ARKET GROCERIES & FRESH PRODUCE Phone: 262-2017 Hensail