HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-22, Page 26Now In Our 45th Year as an International Harvester Dealer WITH US, SERVICE IS NOT A MOTTO IT'S A FACT! .0;',0`*-#Y,#W#51W-91ZCOZOA-t tO'S*0*0*' 'T.C.01114C7.CC.CMVVVVWCMC.C"' tte.0 401" 0 Gifts Of Warmth And Happiness To All Of Our Friends This Holiday Season. V. L. Becker & Sons Ltd. Phone 237-3242 Dashwood t See our selection of 'NN1 KRAFTS including Macrame and paint yourself Krafts. L I, Dep tor t. eBUTLER S s 397 Main St., Exeter At this glittering time of the year we send wishes .for your happiness, • glowing with bright* hope for the future. Jack Riddell MPP Huron-MiddleJex Season's Greetings from Jack and Leone Riddell and Family tvgi ,W43 W4 r;:2 - • • ••4:-,-`\Nmvs.‘,:.A.%, HURON EXETER TRACTOR (519) 235-111 Jach gift. of love to our neighbors is a gift of peace to the world. Let us join in the happy spirit of the holiday to share its warmth and wonder. K K BLYTH ( 19) 523-4244? 3 KINTORE GRAIN INSTALLED A FALLON GRAIN DRYER! Peter Baldwin of Kintore Grain installed an oil-fired 1,000 bushel per hour Fallon Grain Dryer in September. He recently said he was "completely satisfied" with the installation and would recommend it to anyone with similar needs. AN OIL-FIRED DRYER IS THE ALTERNATIVE where natural gas is not available We also have a complete millwrighting service and a full line of grain handling equipment. -; MODELS FROM 500 BU. TO 3,000 BU. PER HOUR FALL N GRAIN DRYING FACILITIES 354.4357 R R 1, CHARING CROSS (CHATHAM) ONT. Xrigzi'G.7,kiZki=%t Oki ,r-'-'::NiCVd"PY4`,.:,-3.itzg't..i 041E05 of it4Fi9i5TIMIAIS • Our customers are something to crow about!' We say thanks and hope your holidays are wreathed in joy! Page 26 Times.Aivocate, Pecember 22,1977 C-CMCfr CCCC rgCCOICCAICCOWN. During this holiday season we extend to an our neighbours, friends and customers Warmest wishes for Christmas and the New Year. BILL'S BURNER SERVICE BILL & ELAINE YEARLEY & FAMILY R 6,5) 8,,,, All members of Nairn congregation participate East Williams Public School students spell out a "Merry Christmas" By JOY SCHEIFELE Sunday, December 18, marked a very special day in the life of the members of the Nairn Mennonite Church. Every member of the congregation, from the Nursery children Young, old celebrate Saturday evening, December 17, young and old alike gathered at the Ailsa Craig town hall for a special Christmas party. The proverbial pin could have been b..—rd had it been dropped during an act by magician- ventriloquist, David Mitchell of Sarnia. His many acts of magic won him a loud round of ap- plause, as did his ventriloquist routine, Jim Walsh acted as MC for the occasion, and other local talent acts were included on the programme. A short play "Who Stole Christmas", was presented by the Stewart family including Jana Lyn Stewart and brothers Blair, Karl and Kevin. Other members of the cast included Mark and Bill Shipway and Judi Henry. Christmas carols were sung to the accompaniment of guitarists Peter Snell and Emerson McKay with Alf Ropp projecting sing-a- long slides. The evening was climaxed with Santa himself appearing and presenting each .of the children with candy and an apple. through to grandparents, was involved in Christmas celebration as the church un- dertook to present the Cantata "The Night Before Christmas" to which the community was in- vited. The church was filled as the senior choir, under the direction of pastor, David Brunner with the junior choir, led by Scott Watkins, presented a very uplifting program which was climaxed with the Hallelujah Chorus. Sue Heidebrecht, church organist, accompanied both choirs on the piano. Members of the junior Sunday School dramatized the Christmas story throughout the cantata. Included in the drama was a " The Masonic Hall in Ailsa Craig was specially decorated for the Riverview W.I. Christmas meeting held December 6. On entering the room one im- mediately felt the Christmas mood. The Rev. & Mrs. Ken Hayes, pastor of the Parkhill, Denfield and Ailsa Craig charges of the Baptist church and his wife, enlarged the spirit of Christmas further by relating the Christmas story from the Bible. While Mrs. Hayes played a number Of Christmas selections on the piano, Mr. Hayes told tile story of the wise men bringing their gifts to the Christ Child. Many memories were stirred by the roll call which required a response to "A Christmas Memory I Cherish". President Mrs. Alden Craven presided over the meeting and members decided to send a donation to the War Memorial Children's Hospital in London. Several members had attended the December 3 Achievement Day at Parkhill. Sandra Heaman, who had been sponsored by the Riverview W.I. and won the crown as Queen of the Parkhill Fair, received Provincial Honours. The next course will be "Focus on Living". Classes will start in January. Mrs. Craven expressed her thanks to Mrs. Ivey Adams and Mrs. Ruth Garrod for arranging a visit to Craigholme Nursing Home in November. Mrs. Don Hughes, convener of Family and Consumer Affairs read a passage of scripture from Luke and a time was spent singing Christmas carols. Mrs. Hilda Morton presented Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hayes with a small gift in appreciation for their contribution to the af- white gift service when the children and others brought forth their gifts "to the manger", These gifts of toys, food and clothing will be distributed to the less fortunate through the London Mission Services. Simon Bender, one of the oldest members of the congregation, related a special story to the children. Prior to the evening service, the church members enjoyed a "Church family Christmas dinner" together in the hall downstairs. Dessert was omitted from the meal and following the presentation, all present were invited downstairs to share Christmas cake and cookies over coffee and fellowship. ternoon. Mrs, Reta Hughes distributed gifts from the gift exchange. Mrs. Frank Dickens and her committee served the Christmas lunch and a social half hour followed. Dinner for • seniors The Ailsa Craig town hall was ,filled to capacity Sunday evening, December 18, as the Ailsa Craig and district Lions club held their annual Christmas dinner for the senior citizens of the area. Eighty-five sat down to a turkey. dinner with all the trimmings, pie and ice cream, Christmas cake and coffee compliments of the Lions Club. In addition, sixteen dinners were taken to seniors unable to come out to the town hall, The meal was cooked by the wives of the Lions while the Lions themselves served the seniors. Earlier in the week, 50 seniors enjoyed a ham and turkey dinner at the Craigweil Gardens Activity Centre. The Centre was again filled with seniors from the community along with a few of the residents from Craigholme Nursing Home as a noon meal was taken together. Entertainment following the meal was. provided by Craigholme residents Bessie O'Neil on the piano and Harry Kerton on the violin. Vesta Stocks also played the piano and a sing- song was held. Monthly noon dinners are being planned on a regular basis by the Craigweil Gardens Centre board for the seniors in the area together with mobile residents from Craigholme. Seniors pick new officers By JOY SCHEIFELE At their December 15 meeting, the Ailsa Craig senior citizens elected a new executive for the coming year with Lorne Smith as president, Kay Simpson as vice- president, and Alex Smith as secretary-treasurer. The Christmas meeting began with a game of euchre, Ten tables were formed with Willis Dorman taking the prize for the men's 'high score and Eldon Charlton, the men's low, The ladies high was won by Marjorie Steeper and Mrs. Jack Ede was given the prize for ladies' low, with Bessie O'Neil winning the, lone hand. Special prizes were awarded to Jenny Morton and Murray Collins, Eldon and Eleanor Charlton and Walter and Olive Douglas, Ilderton and Denfield entertained the seniors with old time music along with Harry Shipley. Marjorie Steeper gave a reading she had written especially for the occasion recalling many of the events the seniors have been involved in throughout the past year, A pot luck supper to which 55 sat down climaxed the day's activities. Letters to Santa Dear Santa Claus This is Doug Scott. Some people believe in you and some people don't. I am one of the people who do believe in you. I live in Exeter Ontario., I don't think it's as cold down here as it is up in the North Pole. Wu just had a few snow storms down here but now it's raining out again. I hope we have a lot of snow for Christmas for your raindeer can come. But if not I guess you will have to use your helicopter. Thats about all I have to say so see you at Christmas time. DOUG SCOTT E.P.S. Dear Santa, How are you? Fine I hope. I have been a very good boy this year. For Christmas I would like: A set of drums, Hugo, Stretch Armstrong, Super Joe, Tim Can Alley, vertibird and Darta Race Set. Love, George Pratt P.S. I hope we don't have a green Christmas or else you won't get to the merry old town of Exeter. GEORGE PRATT E.P.S. Christmas Time BY LAURIE HENDERSON Grade 5 J.A.D. McCurdy Christmas time can be fun, When you have the shopping done. Christmas time can be dull, When you don't get any toys at all. Christmas time can be happy, With your grandma and grandpappy. Christmas should be happy and fun, Look on the bright side, look at the sun. 'targi'W440AtieS 0:`.e4VAitIN41Vs'45 c.„*wt wfdqe,i • ;". A sincere wish for a Merry Christmas and thank you for letting us g: serve you. Jahn & Marilyn Prichard CREDIT ON GARAGE i• Wki r:Ft0 zrit0 w<0 t.'Nt o7t, w,?0 111 I Riverview institute in Christmas mood Sherwood (Exeter) Ltd. Your Massey Ferguson Dealer EXETER 235.0743 tr.CS =NZSIVZS tnti Cit,243 VAi V46 W 14,44 1:74$ t:ndt#41,:013