The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-22, Page 25Santa Comes BY TRKEY REMKES Z4rade 4 Steihen Central All the chihten were merry and gay Waiting forthis very special day, When Santacomes riding down in his slegh Except little Jenny Tan She was writing by the Christims fan, She heard no-ho behind her back Then turntd around and saw a big red lack, She started to run, Tripped and hurt her boot, When a fat looking thing came over, Who was covered with soot, "I'm Santa Claus", replied the thing, That was merry and plump, All of a sudden? Jenny heard a thump. That's my reindeer, I'm sorry I have to go, So Santa went, With a big merry ho-ho-ho. MILLER'S AUTO WRECKERS (11/4 miles west of Crediton) are pleased to announce a licenced mechanic is on duty Mont* to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 noon We have parts for all makes of cars, specializing in late models, A Ucenced Motor Vehicle Inspection Station. WE SELL USED CARS Mechanic Scotty Playfoot,,owner John Miller and yardman Don Minzen. FIRST CUSTOMER — The first customer at the Toronto-Dominion bank branch in Lucan, Wednesday wo three months old Leeanne Lewis, Leeanne.is at the left with her parents Lynda and Larry Lewis. Next an bank employee Linda Patterson, branch manager earl Anderson and the baby's grandfather Cec Lewis. T-A photc Lucan church ladies host friends for pot luck dinner NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM During The Month of December 1977, There Will Be NO INSTALLATION CHARGES For The Following Installations Extension Telephones (on Premises Residence Only) Cqntenipro Telephones Digipulse Telephones Place Your Order By Calling The Business Office 2$64333 Bill Wagner, Manager Hay Municipal Telephone System Monthly Rate $1.45 1.50 2.50 Fresh Oysters in stock for the Festive Season. .11104111•11•611MM We will have Fresh Turke s and Fresh! Frozen Geese • ... ER ER 'S .,imerna e SiMMER SAUSAGE Canada Packers BREAKFAST SLICES 4.)1d Fashioned 3:ia( OKED HAM Reg. Price • Ave. 6 to 8 lbs. $3.50 $ 99 lb. Schneiders WIENERS Schneiders lb. 984 BUNG BOLOGNA by the piece lb. $1 15 Christmas Candy In Stock 01111=1•11111MIMEN PLANTERS 350 Gr. Tins MIXED NUTS „, COCKTAIL PEANUTS * CASHEWS 199 135 $359 Assorted 'Jell° Jelly Powders E, D, Smith Cherry Pie Filling BlacIMagic Chocolates Quarts Pepsi and Gingerale 3 °z• 5/$1" l9 oz. $101 1 lb. $259 plus tax and deposit 4,#99 PRODUCE TURNIPS Ocean Spray lb. 104 4 CRANBERRIES freshly frozen Phone CELERY 39' * 49' 7-3314 For.All Processing or Freezer Weds Reeve Cecil Desjardine * Deputy-Reeve Ken Campbell * Councillors Doug Russell, Alan Walper and Ralph Weber * Clerk-Treasurer - Wilmar D. Wein * Road Supt. R.F. "Frank" Mclsaac F1: w.ks ;to Netl•;k:s re,Itst*ettsiittA'0 ISTM,3-8 May the joy and peace ti of this holiday season be with you. We hope you experience all the joy and warmth that goes with this Christmas season. Our gratitude for your friendship and trust. Snell Bros. Limited and Staff CHEVROLET — OLDSMOBILE . MAN STRtEr eXETER ..eliel*lef:e-44141V63tea. a04*.14*.tret.te*etft4194."*.ettiXetrizt:t,ittee,t0Mel.... is Times-Advocate, December .22, 1977 Pa Seniors hold final meeting P,,.9e4:1;510 IkAerry Christmas and Happy New Year te g , Phone 234-6343 ha t;V:fcWtitct*tftvilttot:ftzqteect:MtfttF4tct:15A. 'gttt:MtItt*11:3:3?Atzgt5'017.tit:NtqAtIgtit:KiltgedvtiltattMrStWtt?tktVWWtt41:6tl"d To The Ratepayers ' Of Stephen Township Members and friends of the Lucan United Church Women held their annual Christmas pot luck smorgasbord supper and meeting Tuesday evening in the C.E. wing. Representatives were present from the Catholic Women's League and special guests were the leaders of the Youth Groups, Teachers in the Church School, the Quitters, and ladies from Crestwood & Crestview Homes. Following a delicious supper president Marjorie Park led the group in carol singing. Genevieve Nicholson of "Nicholson's Flowers" demonstrated the Sermon theme Sermon theme `be faithful `be faithful I A Christmas sermon story "Be A Christmas sermon story "Be Thou Faithful" was given by Thou Faithful" was given by Rev. Keith Brown on Sunday for Rev. Keith Brown on Sunday for both children and adults, It told of both children and adults, It told of a conversation between the a conversation between the shepherds concerning their shepherds concerning their feelings regarding the prophecy feelings regarding the prophecy of the coming of a Messiah, then of the coming of a Messiah, then of the appearance of the celestial of the appearance of the celestial A A throng with the proclamation of throng with the proclamation of the birth of Christ and the visit to the birth of Christ and the visit to the manger and presentation of the manger and presentation of the humble gifts of the shepherds. the humble gifts of the shepherds. The choir sang the lovely an- The choir sang the lovely an- them "There. Were Shepherds" them "There. Were Shepherds" and the organ prelude by Helen and the organ prelude by Helen Brown consisted. of many well Brown consisted. of many well known carols with the chimes known carols with the chimes being used, being used, making of a Christmas corsage and each one present made their own to wear home. Members of the Evening Unit, Freeda Melanson, Iola Goring, Marjorie Park and Iva Hodgins presented a beautiful Advent Candle light service of worship, prepared by Mrs. Melanson, which included several unison prayers, scrip- tures and more carols. Members of the Friendship Unit, narrator, Kit Hearn, Donna VanArenthals, Marguerite McRoberts, Beth Cowdrey, Sharron Barnes, Jane Forrester, Linda Froats, Ruth Butler, and Sharon MacDonald presented a skit "The Shoemaker's Guest'.!„ which illustrated very well the true spirit of Christmas. During the business meeting a substantial amount was voted to start a "Manse Maintenance Fund" and a fund for the in- sulating of the roof of the church, It was pointed out that the charge has only reached 90 percent of its goal for the Mission & Maintenance Fund and all were urged to share at this Christmas Season by making a contribution to this fund by the end of the year. Leda Revington reporting for the nominating committee gave the following slate of officers who were installed by Rev. Keit!. Brown: Honorary president Mrs, Keith Brown; president Mrs, Park; first vice-president Mrs. Emerson Stanley; second vice-president, Mrs, Jack Ryan; secretary, Mrs. John Mac. Donald treasurer, Mrs. Donald Maguire; Christian development committee, Mrs, Ross McRoberts, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. James Lockyer; stewardship and finance committee, Mrs. Martin VanArenthals and Mrs. McGuire; The Church in Society Committee, Mrs. Cecil Robb, Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mrs. Wm. Frogs; press and publicity committee, Mrs. M.H. Hodgins, Mrs. A. Murray, Mrs. Harold Cobleigh and Mrs. Wayne Gibson; world outreach chair- man, Mrs. Wm. Froats; social convener, Mrs. M.I'. Hodgson; Communion secretary, Mrs. Maguire; auditors, Mrs. Ross Holden and Mrs. Charles Grose; Unit leaders, Mrs. Jack Ryan and Mrs. James Lockyer. A meeting of the new executive will be held at the home of the President, Mrs. David Park, on Thursday afternoon, December 29 at 2 p.m. entitled "The Spirit of Chrietmei - Others", from "The Ideals". Ivan Stanley won the high bridge score and euchre prizes were won as fellows: high lady's .Mary Scott; lady's lone, Ann Kish; lady's low, Charlotte Barker; man's high, Pat Marrinan; man's lone, Rose Atkinson, playing a man's card and man's low, Lon Phillips. Lunch was provided by Pearl Ray Shoebottom, Dora Thomp- son and Laura Williams. The Sunshine Group and The Busy Buddies' craft group held their final meeting of 1977 in the Masonic Hall Thursday afternoon enjoying euchre, bridge and ceramics. All those requiring tran- sportation to the annual Christmas dinner today are ,to be at the hall by .12;30 and, preferably, should contact either Cecil Robb or Edythe Murday before that time. Birthday greetings for December were extended to Eleanor Darling, Margaret Allen, Gordon Atkinson, Oney McFalls and Hazel There wilt be no bowling between Christmas and New Years but everyone is invited back, or new bowlers will be welcomed Tuesday, January 3. Cards of thanks were read from Harriet Holmes, Stella Dixon and Earl Atkinson and good wishes and thanks from John and Marie Park. Lloyd Elliott and his bride, Jean, were welcomed as well as Harriet Holmes and Pat Marrinan who were back after being ill. • Iva Hodgins gave a reading A "minute talk" was given by the Secretary of the M. & S. II Is Committee Mrs. David Park in which she mentioned that the Charge M. & S. Fund has only reached the 90 percent mark of our accepted allocation and asked each member of both congregations if they could comply with a brochure from London Conference M. & S. Chairman, entitled "Are You Able to Give $5 as a Worldwide Christmas Gift", Members of the congregation were also invited to sign the petition in the vestibule asking for the withdrawal of all foreign troups from Angola. Mr. Brown read a letter from Mrs. M. Ward, thanking the charge Manse Committee, plus all others who helped, for the many im- provements in the Manse. Two floral tributes in the Sanctuary were from the funeral of the late Hilton Roberts and the sincere sympathy of the congregation is extended to his loved Ones, All who, are interested in a Church Membership Class with a view to joining the Church are asked to contact Mr. Brown at 227-1143. JUST ARRIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF LIGHTING FIXTURES Use your Vila or Mostercharge Free Parking at Rear of Store operated by hopper-hockey furniture limited, the lighting gallery 355 main street, exeter 235-1990