HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-22, Page 11ineoR4i wOrt:(1013MitsWaimixittAvN zrAll:W.4141IfitO?Ki • 0 i5 6 0 Li 3 Your business has been appreciated and we look forward to serving you in 1978. 1 3 Mckerlie Automotive Ltd. 329 Main St. S. 235-1040 goilfdv.ge4mtszwdoKittzriggo:f.t.ilq!ts•PF.tyczmizm .t•e:giettnt.w.Otftifkirsgioz?Atc;:?.4i.tsi§ Exeter, Ontario vhittwat-Phila Nta s4,::211A14:: ,4„:::: g:a:1,.::* r? ;':d:a clitz Pno 1*,0 rtli S4i* N= Pur: gs!, stk&l.ofra:, We're wishing you all the blessings of an old-fashioned Christmas. May your Yuletide be merry and full of good cheer. Thank you. • - — r*gTgzM'z*M*';:?.t't;:?;fdzr!4:i^NI't:qi4'*?,t'etti'fgtit:?Ai lcgti'zNrtci*%)ht:%t/qt•e4vZF:c4Vgrtll;t'*?A'ftogt*'W.ed'4gktWe:t, t,) I tnell igiotitto A: Cies time once More to turn aside from the routine of day-to-day business and greet our fine patrons and neighbors with hearty wishes for a merry, old- fashioned Yule. May your holiday be filled with the happy sounds of laughter as you rejoice in the conipany of family and friends« Sineere thanks for your loyal trust and support. Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St‘ 235-2544 1T.6,0ft•tft oNetvie4.0#1444 rvzrottlitrikt itOttottiv(10 ttited t'qt:t tAe•em 0e6 0%itrAtft etke4 t*ti 00$404itt‘toweftegteaVo, ii*4•4?..4teNaitect:e.tgea?eveftwkrwm w.144.zlea, I We Still Have A Complete Selection of Samsonite & Dionite Soft-Sided Luggage Single Pieces or Sets 3 3 We Also Have 3 • Tote Bags • Attache Cases • Portable Bars Free Gift Wrapping In Our Christmas Wrap 9 SHOE 4,7myth 4.71 STORE VISA MAIN ST. PHONE 215-1933 EXETER gismo 40, vy.i..$0..,4.02,+4,04•40,404tootAtiv..4004:tagt,itAtokt4PAA*.ttiNettottN40.:Al. .t1 ?): p .61-11111, They'll Appreciate a for Christmas BRIGHT-EYED CHERUBS — These four girls were among the cherubs participating in the Exeter United Church pageant, Sunday. From the left are: Diane McCarter, Teresa McCarter, Deanna Underwood and Brenda Balsdon. Staff photo Exchange cookies, recipe Efinwilie WI told of customs * a• It's Christmas again and time to say how mach it means to have the friendship and good will of folks like you. Accept our sincere thanks and warm wishes 4 for a 209Y litida General Contractors HOMES ZWART AND BUILDERS GRAANSMA Happy .„,igiallimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIlliiiiiilifiolillThilli„„iii..,, Custom OF- 20 OS 0454 Times-AdVacate, Decernlaer 22, 1977 Page 11 FIRE It is our sincere hope that the joyous spirit of this happiest of all holidays will light up your home and your heart with peace and good will, May we respectfully request that you be very careful with your Christmas decorations to avoid a tragic fire which could spoil the festive season ahead. Yours for better service. Fire Chief GARY MIDDLETON N61:rAtNillMotftvggrO lcect!fiWgrt*),*ftttfAVONY :WC*Attzkle*C11(te To The Citizens of Exeter and District Have a Safe Holiday Your police department with for you a Happy Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. May we remind you agOlh that alcohol and gasoline do not mix. Remember the festive season is fast approaching and at this time of year don't forget your family. If you have too much to drink, DON'T DRIVE YOUR VEHICLE. Call a taxi or ask someone for assistance, With the new laws in regards to the Breathelizer tests, drinking and driving con become very costly and a punishment such as a jail term and the loss of your licence can be imposed. BE MUCH WISER pow. GET CAUGHT BY THE BREATHALIZER, E. DAY, Chief of Police .,-•er#ctekol*gt*Oleist***itetreter•site(00aterotteititeetteritteaftett6 ti 3 WORKS Your works department wishes all the citizens of the town the compliments of the season and looks forward to serving you to the best of our ability during 1978 Signed on behalf of the men and myself. GLENN KELLS Work's Superintendent wish to extend heartfelt greetings for a very and a Happy New Year. It has been our you ERIC CARSCADDEN DERRY BOYLE Clerk TED WRIGHT MRS. ELIZABETH BELL LOSSY FULLER Dep, Clerk KEN OTTEWELL HAROLD PATTERSON STEVE PFAFF WE, your council, Merry Christmas privilege to serve BRUCE SHAW Mayor ELDRID SIMMONS Reeve DON MacGREGOR Deputy-Reeve all the joys and blessings of this glorious holiday season is the tradition we treasure. Merry Christmas, GREGUS CONSTRUCTION LTD! ,MtegrzgtIttftir4lkyttNttr?A•tzileArz?Ssiai'AteMars•i*:iagii-,e.t:Ni,egi Merry Christmas BY PAUL VANNESTE Grade 5 Mt. Carmel School Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas Santa is so small, Down the chimney, black and sooty He will fall. Place the candy and the toys Without a stall. Up the chimney with a blast Santa leaves the house at last In the morning all the toys Will be found by girls and boys. A Spatial Star BY LORRI MCDONALD Grade 5 • Mt, Carmel School One bright night Shown a light As Mary was giving birth to her child. In a manger He lay, quiet and sweet, As the angels watched and sang. Saint Nicholas BY RANDY HULLEY Exeter P.S. Is there a Santa Claus? Well do you want there to be? As long as you believe in him he lives. When you stop he exists only to others. Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus is really the spirit of this joyous occasion we look upon as Christmas. This gift giving holiday brings much, much happiness to many children an around this large planet, earth. Also it is very, very much enjoyment getting prepared. Children look upon him as really a sort of a second father. To them he is very, generous, good, kind and other such things. To little children without him they would not have as much fun at Christmas, So as long as there is a Christmas there will be a Santa Claus. There's a little bit of Santa Claus in all of us BY LINDA SMITH Grade 7 E.P.S. When I was little I beleived in Santa Claus, i like everyone else my age. It wasn't until grade four that I found out that Mom and Dad weren't really sending my letters to the North Pole. Now...I know that there is no Santa Claus...at least not a little, old man with a red suit and white beard who drops presents down everyone's chimney. Santa Claus is, though, a part of everyone around Christmas and very real indeed. You see, if Santa was real he would have to be the kindest, nicest old man on the face of the earth, so, as Christmas comes we all get this same Christmas Spirt. By this, I mean that people are happy, kind and nice just like Santa Claus would have to be. Christmas Spirit is also when people think more and enjoy giving gifts instead of receving them. I may not beleive in Santa Claus any more but I know that there is a little bit of him in everyone. By KATHY COOPER ELIMVILLE The Elimville Women's Institute held their Christmas meeting Friday afternoon with a good attendance. The president Mrs. Murray Coward opened the meeting with the Opening Ode and the Collect, A donation will be given to the Children's War Memorial Hospital and the Heritage Foundation. The Institute will sponsor euchres this winter and will tune the piano in the spring. There will be no Institute meeting in January. The February meeting will be a bowling party for the family, Sunday, February 19. The meeting was turned over to the programme committee of Mrs. Ross Skinner and Mrs. Paul Vanderspek. Mrs. Skinner read a poem "Christmas Time is Here". Everyone joined in singing the Christmas Carol "it Came Upon the Midnight Clear", The Christmas scripture was read by Mrs. Howard Pym. Mrs. Judson Dykeman read a story "Home for Christmas". Mrs. Floyd Cooper read a poem ' The Concert in the hall". Susan Vanderspek sang a Christmas Carol "Glory to God" in Dutch. Susan also sang "Hark the Herald Angels Sing", Mrs. Vanderspek introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Van Essen who told of some of the Christmas customs from Holland. She also showed in- teresting slides she had when her family had returned to Holland for a two year stay. Mrs. Skinner thanked Mrs. Van Essen and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Van Essen then led everyone in singing "Glory to God" in English. An exchange of a dozen cookies and the recipe followed, U.C.W. Elects Sunday morning during the church service the United Church Women officers were installed. They were Mrs. Philip Johns, Miss Ruth Skinner, Mrs. Gilbert Jphns, Mrs. Philip Hern, Mrs. Ross Skinner, Mrs. Howard Pym and Mrs. Ina Skinner. The Thames Rd.-Elimville Young Peoples held a hayride Friday evening. Following the hayride, they returned to Esther Wilson's for games and fun. The Elimville Sunday School Christmas concert will be held Thursday evening at 8:00 p.m. at the church, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Rennie and family, Brantford spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Routly. Hold concert at Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN There was a good attendance at the Sunday service at the United Church with Terry Somerville conducting the service, The choir sang an anthem, a solo was sung by Terry Somer- ville to his own guitar accom- paniment, Singing in the men's quartette were Doug Gill, Bob Blair, Bob Heywood and Sam Skinner with Mrs. Gill at the piano. The organ and piano music was provided by Mr. Gill and Mary Lou Tasko. Personals Guests at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins over the weekend in the celebration of Christmas were Miss Ada Mit- chell, Mount Feller; Dr. & Mrs. Imre ,Toth and family, Boston; Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hodgins and family, Georgetown; Mr. & Mrs. Dan Pickering and girls, Hyde Park; Mr. & Mrs. Jim Files, London. Miss Mary Shoebottom, London was a weekend visitor at the home of her brother and sister-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Richard, Shoebottom and family. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden were Sunday evening dinner guests with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Paynter and Anne Marie and attended the Christmas cantata in the Kirkton United Church. Christmas Sunday the service in the United Church will be at the usual time. There will be no Sunday School, Mr. & Mrs, Sinclair, London visited with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Routly. Mr. & Mrs. Doug Johnson, Rod and Shelly, Lucan, Robert Bray, Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Cooper to celebrate Christmas.