HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-15, Page 24A HAPPY GROUP — Santa Claus was the feature attraction Sunday at Centralia College when staff members and their families enjoyed a Christmas party. At the back are from the left, Greg O'Toole, Cathy Topp, Kim Livingstone, Lynn and Lori Stephens, Kelly Livingstone, Tim Moore, Cindy Moore, Deanna Underwood, Natalie Sandford and Patti O'Toole. Front, Aidan Cameron, Brian Topp, Chris O'Toole, Ted Hyde and Chris Zeehuisen. T-A photo Church women at Hensall elect slate, hear season talk No church at Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY BRINSLEY Brinsley United and St. Mary's Anglican church services were both cancelled Sunday due to the recent snow storms. Mr. & Mrs, Neil Trevithick, Brantford were recent visitors with his parents Mr. & Mrs, Jack Trevithick. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Durand and family visited Wednesday with her parents Mr. & Mrs, Jim Morley. Kathleen Morley visited Sunday afternoon with her sister Mrs. Violet Allison. Mr, & Mrs. George Prest have a friend Susan staying with them, She will be returning to Germany Wednesday. Keep the date open for the Brinsley United Church concert on the evening of December 21. Mr. & Mrs, George Prest and Scott and Susan were dinner guests, Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Odd, London. Don't Miss The Savings . . . 10% Off ALL WINTER CLOTHING • Parkas and VeSts IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Don't Forget The Birds We Stock A Complete Selection of BIRD FEED Buy Bulk And Save! Exeter District Co-Op Phone 235-2081 ll ij Iilll "". CREDIT ENION HOLIDAY ff4 HOURS: FRIDAY, DEC. 23 — 9 A.m. - 8 P.M. MONDAY, DEC. 26 — CLOSED TUESDAY, DEC. 27 — CLOSED WEDNESDAY, DEC. 28 — 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. THURSAY, DEC. 29 — 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. FRIDAY, DEC. 30 — 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. MONDAY, JANUARY 2 — CLOSED STARTING TUESDAY, JAN. 3 REGULAR HOURS C inton Community Credit Union EXETER BRANCH 235-0640 NIF,A "4' ;Cligred?::!' • • .foote • ••111..:40,k 0,02/ Sponsored by the following Sea forth Merchants Pulsifer Music Archie's Frank Kling Ltd. Seaforth Jewellers Roth Food Market Larone's Stationary 04.04:4 *444:4* Crown Hardware Hetherington Shoes Sills Hardware Seaforth Meat Market Seaforth IGA Seaforth Farmers' Co-op Stewart Bros. Graves Paint And Wallpaper Stedmans Sunoco Box Furniture Canadian Tire Bill O'Shea Keating's **VA-Xi' tit * Mrs. James Drummond was elected president of the Hensall U.C.W. for the coming year at the annual meeting held Monday evening, December 12, Other officers are as follows: past president, Mrs. Ian McAllister; 1st vice-president, vacant; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Carl Payne; secretary, Mrs. Jack Drysdale; treasurer, Mrs. Ian McAllister; chairman of SHOO IRV! Queensway Happen Hensall council members filed a request this week to endorse a resolution from the town of Paris to have a world referendum on disarmament and world order, The group organizing the petition have suggested that nothing will probably ever come of their idea, but they want to Arena work progressing Hensall Reeve Harold Knight told council this week that progress on the new community centre is as good as possible. He reported that the building committee would soon have to make decisions on some items, such as the layout of the kitchen and whether they would have the contractor complete work on the conference room. Knight said that the contractor required a decision so materials could be ordered for the job. Completion of the conference room is a $19,000 option in the contract. No decision has yet been made on air conditioning for the con- ference room as prices have not been received. Knight said the contractor was having difficulty coming up with a satisfactory "knock-out panel" for the refrigeration room. He said tha panel has to be flimsy enough to fall out in an emergency, but must be sturdy enough to stay in place during a high wind. As far as can be ascertained, the Hensall facility is among the first to be required to install such a panel. The next on-site meeting is scheduled for January 12 and Knight said decisions about the kitchen and conference room should be made prior to that. draw to the attention- of world leaders that few of them are listening to their citizens. Councillor Bevan Bonthron opined that some councils must not have very much work to do when they can spend their time on such items. "They mustn't have any .snow problems," commented Coun- cillor Harry Klungel. The only support for the idea came from Reeve Harold Knight, although he had a rather selfish motive. "I'd like to be the enuiverator for such a vote," he said. Knight suggested he would start his enumeration of the world in Hawaii and work his way northward. . slowly. Council also took no action on a request from the Township of Sandwich West for endorsation of a resolution that calls for an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act to allow that where the identity of the driver of vehicle illegally passing a school bus is not possible, the vehicle owner be fined upon proper identification of the vehicle by the school bus driver. Paul NeUands suggested that changes in the Act should be left up to the provincial government. Bonthron said the change would suit him, pointing out that he leased his car and the firm from whom he leased it would then have to pay the fines. Ir committees: stewardship and finance, Miss Mary Goodwin; communications and leadership development, Mrs. Carl Payne; world , outreach and christian development and church in society, vacant; christian citizenship, Mrs. Jack Corbett; supply and welfare,Mrs.Russell Erratt. Friendship and visitation, Mrs. Clendon Christie; social func- tions, Mrs. Vern Alderdice. Unit leaders: unit 1, Mrs. Ken Elder; unit two, Mrs. Hans Ger- stenkorn; unit 4, Mrs. James McAllister. Nursery, Mrs. Edison Forrest; nominating committee, Mrs. Ian McAllister. During the business period, reports were given by treasurer, Mrs. Ian McAllister on behalf of Mrs. Walter Spencer; finance and budget, Miss Mary Goodwin; friendship and visitation, Mrs. Howard Scane; social functions, Mrs. Vern Alderdice and supply and welfare, Mrs. Russell Erratt, The Christmas meeting of the U.C.W. followed with Mrs. Stewart Miner, Exeter as the guest speaker. She spoke on the Christmas season and making room in our hearts for Jesus Christ — we can make time for Him in our conversation, life plans, entertainment, time, 'gift giving and in our sorrows. Then we shall leave Christmas behind as a new person, returning by another way. Mrs. Miner was introduced by Mrs. Carl Britton and thanked by Mrs. Russell Erratt. Mrs. Eric Luther gave a very lovely solo, "0 Come to my heart, Lord Jesus" and was ac- companied on the piano by Mrs. Robert TipIl Steer This Way By LARRY SNIDER Never buy tires smaller than the original equipment; they will be overloaded. Sometimes you can go one size larger to increase load-carrying capabilities. Make sure the larger tire doesn't rub against anything. If your car's temperature lamp burns red, it usually means the coolant is up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit — or more. Pull over and cool off. * Mild soapsuds and a soft- bristle brush are the answer for a dirty vinyl top. Use enough water to remove soil, rather than grind it into the vinyl. Follow with a top dress- ing. There's more than wasted gas to worry about when a dirty filter restricts air flow. Un- burned gasoline may wash protective lubrication off cylinder walls and dilute engine oil in the crankcase. Result: excess wear on the engine. * Key to the metric system is the meter itself, Keep in mind that it is roughly 39 inches, just a little more than a yard. * Happy holidays from your friends at Larry Sniders. Larry Snider MOTORS LIMITED EXETER 235.1640 LONDON 227.4191 Huron County's Largest Ford beater 101.111111011111111.1•111111111•111•1111111111ft COMPLETE INSULATION SERVICE RIGID URETHANE and ROCK WOOL INSULATION Spray on Rigid Urethane Foam for all types of farm buildings, new and older homes, warehouses, cottages, retail stores, etc. ▪ FREE ESTIMATES . CALL US TODAY . ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED H. VAN MOORSEL INSULATION . RR 5 Mitchell S Phone 348-9376 411111111‘ Altlfr COMPLETE 1 10 COVERAGE FOR 4„iew Home * Farm * Life 14 *Am * Commercial * Automobile * Registered Retirment Plans cSMITACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Exeter Across horn Saveway Lumber fit at is at This Year fit Shop In SEAFORTH The Town Where "Friendly Courteous Service " Aren't Forgotten Words ! is is The Town that offers. . . . is * Convenient Hours * Bright Lights ft * Big Savings at +ge Huge Gift Selection ft * Free Christmas Parking is is * Over 65 Stores ivy & Services is fit is Huron Expositor * Seaforth Automotive Vincent Farm Equipment Seaforth Record Shoppe O Robert I. Plumsteel Interiors ***V4 ************ Page 24 Times Advocate, December 15,1977 Henn!!l reeve seeks enumeration position Visitors during the past weeks with Irene Kalbfleisch were Mrs. Violet Bishop and Joan Bet- teridge. Visitors with Russell Erratt were Helen Taylor, Lee and Anna McConnell, George and Olive Stephenson, Frank and Mabel McClinchey and Rev. Morrison, Varna and Ira Geiger. Fred Taylor, Murray Taylor, Ivan and Dorothy Taylor visited Adeline Taylor. Mary Neil, Roberta Neil and Calvin Gervis visited Mrs. Mabel Johns. Marion Schenk and Jeanette Lippert visited Hugo Schenk and Harold Glanville. Mrs. Clara Featherston was visited by Mr. & Mrs. W.E. Parker, Margaret Larson, Beula Smith and Louise Reid, Bayfield. Chester Dunn, John and Iva Ridley, Mervyn and Irene Dunn visited Vera Lammie. Bill and Alma. Schwartz visited Lori Wu erth. Verna Coates, Lena Willert and Vera Pincombe, Mrs. Mary Hannigan visited Louise Mit- chell. Mr. & Mrs. Sid Pullman, Rosa Harris visited Bernice Lavery. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Reynolds visited Gladys Reynolds. Edna Simmons visited her mother Mrs. Sarah Arthur. Bea Dykstra visited Aleeta Kats. Church service during the past two weeks was conducted by Shirley Luther assisted by Nan Britton and Rev. Bishop with Louise Mitchell on the piano. The Anglican Church ladies en- tertained with Christmas music and bingo. A beautiful devotional was given by Mrs. Jack Drysdale and Mrs, Roger Venner illustrating that giving a gift from the heart at Christmas time, like kindness, is the greatest gift we can give. The offering is to be given to the Family and Children's Services. To conclude the evening, gift tray favours for Queensway nursing home were made and a lovely Christmas lunch was served by the ladies of unit one. St. Paul's ACW St. Paul's ACW resumed their meetings after entertaining at the Queensway nursing home. The president, Mrs. Frank Forrest, opened the meeting with the "Members Prayer". Mrs. Annie Reid read the scripture. Boxes for the shut-ins were looked after. Mrs. G. A. Anderson gave the study book and then closed the meeting with prayer. Personals Mr. & Mrs. William MacKin- non, Bryon, were Sunday guests with the former's mother, Mrs. Janet MacKinnon. * ** * * * * * * * * $st- SEAFORTH HAS CHRISTMAS IttHOPPING IN SEAFORTH 41111111 NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM During The Month of December 1977, There Will Be NO INSTALLATION CHARGES For The Following Installations Monthly Rate Extension Telephones (on Premises Residence Only) $1.45 Contempra Telephones 1.50 Digipulse Telephones 2.50 Place Your Order By Calling The Business Office 236-4333 Bill Wagner, Manager Hay Municipal Telephone System