HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-08, Page 5Eliminate problem
before it happens
MT, CARMEL STUDENT COUNCIL — The student council for the 1977.78 school year at Our Lady of
Mount Carmel Separate School was named recently. Back, left with teacher D. Sharpe are Irene Dietrich,
Pauline McCann, Michael Fleming, Albert Vanden By9aart and Mark Relouw. Front, treasurer Lori Cronyn,
vice-president Alice Dietrich, president Lynn Cronyn, secretary Mary-Jo McCann and Rosemary
Vandenberk. T-A photo
Manpower introduces plan
to help young employees
Here's The Back-Saver
$1088 24" wide
Jerry MacLean & Son
Exeter 235.0800
Time Advocate, -Pecem4er .8, 1971
information regarding The Job
Experience Program should
contact the Goderich Canada
Manpower Centre.
111111-11,11 II 11111cl lift itillth 1.1 I nlll11ll't•I 111111111
The Huron County Board of
Education considered what may
happen if no trustee wanted to
chair the board itself or board
committees in 1978 and
„ established a policy at its Mon-
day meeting that would eliminate
that problem before it occurred.
Director of education John
Cochrane told the board that
there is no board by-law outlining
the procedure to be followed if no
candiate stands for election in a
new year to any of the board
Cochrane said the board seems
to operate on the assumption that
at least one, and hopefully
several, trustees will seek a
chairmanship and that the
situation would never occur, He
indicated that the possibility was
remote when the board had only
to elect a chairman and vice-
chairman but that the possibility
becomes greater when six
positions are to be filled.
Board Chairman Herb
Turkheim suggested to the board
that any year that situation
arises the outgoing advisory • committee or executive corn-
mittee of the board be given the
power to appoint trustees to
Separate school trustee Eugene
Frayne reminded the board that
in a non-election year that
situation would be fine but
pointed out that in an election
year there would be no guarantee
that members of the executive
Senior citizens
enjoy turkey
The Exeter Senior Citizens held
their Xmas meeting Monday with
a hot turkey supper for about 85
members although the weather
was bad the turnout was good.
The Legion Auxiliary served a
lovely turkey supper which
everyone enjoyed. After supper
although some of the entertainers
were unable to arrive cards were
played by. some.
Others sang christmas songs
with Mrs Finkbeiner acting as
chairman and Charles Hoffman
leading. Mrs, Dougall ac-
companied on the piano.
The president Mrs. Rundle
welcomed everyone and in-
formed that the January meeting
will be held in the afternoon at
Ill2:30. ,The club will be trying
af ternoons for several of the
winter months. Please ask about
these meetings.
David Rundle and Miss Perry
filled in for entertainment very
ably with their music, ,
committee would seek re-election
Or that they would be re-elected
by voters.
"The executive committee
wouldn't be able to make ap-
pointments until January and
there is a possibility of trustees
not returning to the board," said
Fray fie,
Turkheim said that if the
matter was "referred" to the
executive committee it would
alleviate the situation of trustees
not returning to the board. He
said that if trustees failed to
secure a seat on the board the
new executive committee
established at the board's
inaugural meeting would be
given the responsibility to ap-
point people to chairmanships if
no trustee new or returning,
volunteered for the position.
Colborne-Goderich township
trustee Shirley Hazlitt said it
would be a "sorry day for the
Huron County Board of
Education when not enough
people on the board were in-
terested enough in education to
serve as a committee chairman."
Turkheim reminded the board
that no one is saying that there is
not enough. interest from trustees
to serve. He said what is being
pointed out is that if the situation
arises in any year the board has
no policy to handle it.
Later in the agenda board
members were given an op-
portunity to announce intentions
to seek chairmanships for the
coming year, Board policy is
such that at the last meeting of
the year trustees are given an
opportunity to declare candidacy
for board offices for the coming
The election of the officers
takes place at the board's
inaugural meeting in the next
year and before those elections
the trustees are given a second
opportunity to declare can-
R.J. Elliott, Blyth, indicated he
plans to seek the position of board
chairman. Alex Corrigan,
Wingham, will seek the post of
vice-chairman. Jack Alexander,
Wingham, and John Henderson,
Seaforth, will seek chairmanship
of the fiscal and property policy
committee. Colborne-Goderich
township trustee Shirley Hazlitt,
plans to be candidate for the
instructional staff and personal
policy committee. Dorothy
Wallace of Goderich is willing to
chair the school program poliuy
committee and no trustee in-
dicated a desire to chair the
student policy committee.
An opportunity will be made at
the inaugural meeting January 3,
1978 at 2:00 p.m. for trustees to
announce intentions to seek of-
fice. The board's first business
meeting of the new year will be
January 9, 1978 at 1:00 p,m.
Canada Manpower Centre
Manager, Ben Gey, recently
announced the introduction of the
Job Experience Training
Program. The program is
designed to help young people
begin their employment careers
and assist employers with the
cost of hiring new employees.
The program matches selected
participatnts, as identified by the
local Canada Manpower Centre
with interested employers for the
purpose of employment. Par-
ticipating employers will be
subsidized for a maximum of
twenty six weeks with all
agreements ending no later than
May 31, 1978. During the period of
training, the employer receives
50 percent of the hourly rate to a
ceiling of $1.50 hour trainee to a
maximum of $1,560.00 per
To assist in delivering the
program in the Huron County
area Russell Shaw has been hired
as selection and referral officer.
Shaw's past experience includes:
nine months as Plant Manager,
Sheaffer Eaton, Goderich; five
years as Plant Manager,
Marlette Homes, Stratford; five
years as General Manager,
Lynshaw Glass Ltd., Brantford;
Instead of bewailing the fact that
we can't have all that we want,
many of us should be thankful we
don't get all we deserve.
SHDHS report
— Continued from Page 4
realistically. The politics,
economics, sociology, culture
and emotional state of Quebec is
examined, Canadian art and
literature are important parts of
a student's education, names like
Richler, Roy, Lawrence,
Callaghan, Atwood, Munro,
MacLellan are increasingly
In other words if the un-
derstanding of the Canadian
character, the Canadian
economy and Canadian cultural
development depended more on
what we tried to do in the
classrooms of the schools and
universities we would be further
along the road to having a clearer
view of the issues.
But as we remarked before
education goes on quite apart
from the schools. Education
"misapplied or misused can lead
backward and downward. The
hazard here is less in the
classroom than in the home (or
society at large).
For good or bad the child is led
in large parts by his peers and his
parents, In other words
classroom instruction is almost
certain to lead in the right
It seems to me that in so far as
developing an ,understanding of
Canada, of its problems and its
character this comment above is
obviously true, If we fail to
survive as a country, as a people,
and as a culture with a significant
degree of independence and
identity it won't he because
schools and universities have
failed. It will be due to an over-
whelming flood of foreign views
and foreign attitudes mainly
through television.
It will be because "Eojalt,
Hollywood Squares, and Laverne
. & Shirley" have led us down the
path of somnolence and lack of
concern. American television is
conquering Canada just as surely
as any army could and the
conquest is more insidious since
it conquers ow minds.
Schools and Universities in the
formal educational proeess can
try to "lead out" in the right
directions for Canada as a nation,
But it may well' be that the
"feeding out" done by American.
television may be tee 1)9v/eau) and too destructive. In this sense
Quebec's survival may be easier
to achieve than is the case in
English Canada.
Survival as an independent
cultural entity will net be easy for
Canada. The .schools are, indeed,
pointing the way toward greater
understanding but we may be
and six years as a salesman,
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