HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-01, Page 35ANNUAL MEETING of Kirkton Hor- ticulture Society, Tuesday, December 6 at Kirkton Woodham Community Centre, 8:15 p.m. Christ- mas demonstration by Mrs. ,John Stephens, Exeter. Door prizes, potluck lunch. Admission 50e. 48c PRIDE OF HURON Rebekah Lodge Christmas party December 7 at 7:00 pm. Exchange of gifts. Dress op- tional. 48c CHRISTMAS PAGEANT at Exeter United Church, Sunday, December 18 at 8:00 p.m. 48,49,50c BINGO — every Tuesday night at the Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5, Clinton at 8 p.m. First regular card $1.00, 15 regular games of $15.00, 3 Share the Wealth and Jack Pot of $200.00 Must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over, 48tfnc KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Turkey Bingo, Sunday, December 4th, 8 p.m., Council rooms at St. Colurnban, Lap cards — 3 for 50e or 7 for $1.00, 15 turkey games, 3 Share the Wealth, turkey door prize. All welcome. 48c HERITAGE SHOP — Open Tuesday and Friday 1-5 p.m. basement at rear of Dr, Read's office — 286 Main — Come in and browse. Moving soon to Town Hall. 48,49p,50nc'. — The Initiatory Degree will be conferred in Eiceter Lodge No. 67 on Tuesday, DeceMber 6th. All Brothers welcome, Norm Stanlake Rec, Sec., John Morgan N.G. 48c BE WISE? SPEND LESS? — Shop at Hurotiastta Flea Market for unusual Christmas gifts at Flee Market prices, Now open Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings till 10 p.m. Offering you a wider variety of gifts and treasures, toys, dishes, fur- niture, pictures, brats antique bottles and glass. Valves crafts, garble, Ken, Jodi — all doll clothes -6 sets „ 8.00. Lunch 4ouniet 2 Miles south of Clinton on Hwy. 4. Phone 4824877, 48,49c SANTA CLAUS PARADE PARKHILL SAT. DEC. 3 1.30 P.M. Prizes for Best Floats Santa will meet all children at FIRE HALL with FREE CANDY C RE-SCHEDULED DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER Shipka Community Centre 3RD ANNUAL HARVEST DANCE at Parkhill Community Centre Fri. Dec. 16 Dancing 9 til 1 to the Bluewater Playboys Refreshments, Lunch $8 per couple Partial proceeds to ARC INDUSTRIES L Chamber of Commerce Lottery Draw .$11,000 BILL DRAW ON Sat., Dec. 3 Tickets WOO Each 500 to ho Sold Tickets. Available From Any C of C Member Sponsored By Zurich 8, District Chamber of Commerce Lis, #234376 Family Night Dance KIRKTON-WOQDHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Fri., Dec. 2 8:30 p.m, music by COUNTRY Ladies Please Bring Lunch 30th Wedding Anniversary Dance for MR. AND MRS. GORDON SCOTT Crediton Fri., Dec. 2 9 - 1 a.m. SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE Music by BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Best Wishes Only Please 1 Reception and Dance for MARION UHDEN and GARY TIEMAN (Bridal Couple) Sat., Dec. 3 8:30p.m.- 1 a.m, OLD MOVIE HOUSE MAIN ST., GRAND BEND Music by BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome _Nsousumsommoommmossassmososomosimoimpr DASHWOOD HOTEL "Huron County's Fun Hotel" Picture Lounge Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Dec. 1, 2, 3, Entertainment 25th Wedding Anniversary Dance for . RON & HELEN SWARTZ Fri., Dec. 9 9-1 KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by HEYWOOD BROTHERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Best Wishes Only Dick Christofer & The Outlaws Tiffany Dining Lounge Hours Open Mon. through Sot. 12-1:30 p.ni. Only Reserve Now for Banquets & Holiday Parties • ---Aso lorionsmsommomosimarosomosemosionio OPEN DANCE FRI. DEC. 2 SAT. DEC. 3 Pineridge Chalet Music By JOE OVERHOLT & the Standbys For Reservations Call 262-2277 236-4610 236-4213 Limited number of New Years Eve tickets available. ZURICH LIONS CLUB NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE ZURICH COMMUNITY CENTRE $30 per couple (includes refreshments, favours and smorgasbord) 'Music By BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS 10-2 For tickets call 236-4506, 236-4052 or 236.4318. JACKPOT $525 In 59 Calls 11 Reg. games $19.prize S Special games $l/ prize I Share-the-wealth game G Wed„ Dec. 7 8:30 P.M. ZURICH ARENA SPONSORED BY ZURICH REC BOARD oweekemeheelememeememeoemeomeeeeeeet NO PERSON UNDER 16 WILL. BE ADMITTED The family of MAURICE & JESSIE TIEDEMAN are having a 40th Wedding Anniversary Dance on Sat., Dec. 3 8130 to 1 GRAND BEND LEGION HALL Music by "HOE DOWNERS" Lunch Served No Gifts Please Donations At Door 1 3frtn Retreat Ttntre .••••••••• VILLAGE RETREAT AND RECREATIONAL SERVICES Times-Advocate, December 1, 1971 Pow* 3$ NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL at HURON PARK REC CENTRE $30.00.per couple includes Refreshments, Lunch & Favours Music By THE SQUIRES LIMITED AMOUNT OF TICKETS Tickets available at: Park Tire, Scott & Alices Restaurant, ...,, j Huron Park Arena Booth, Bill McGrath, Barry Lewis, Bob Lawrence, Tony Janes, Alice Watson, Andy MacIntyre. PUBLIC SKATING SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE 50' SAT. DEC. 3rd 3-5 cancelled NOW 9-11 p.m. SUN. DEC. 4th '1-3 p.m. WED. DEC 7th 3:30-5:30 p.m. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ONLY TUES. DEC. 6th 3:30-5:30 p.m. ADULT ONLY SKATING SUN. DEC. 4th 9-11 p.m. MOMS & TOTS SKATING THURS. & FRI. DEC. lst & 2nd 1-3 p.m. CANCELLED TO COMPLETE A PERFECT EVENING CALL idi& OPEN 7 Min A i:HIE/1U "New from An • elo's, sweet and sour pizza” ) 235-2311 4 1 • • " " .1••• • • • • 'Th. at LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by The New Serenades Lunch Provided Tickets only $18.00 a couple Available from any Lucan Lions Member of call 227-4782 Reserve your Christmas Dinner, Banquets or Party at the Village inn Open all winter by reservation for groups, anniversaries, banquets, family dinners, wedding dinners. Phone 238.2348 geel•NINEIdellINNIRIMMAIRO* Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING .CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information Call 235,1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone weltome BIRTHS BIERLING — Patti, Scott and Crystal are pleased to announce the birth of their baby brother Kent William Norman, 7 lbs. 113/4 oz. at South Huron Hospital. Proud parents are Gord and fiev, 48p HESS — Larry and Bev (nee Finnen) are very happy to announce the arrival of their daughter Virginia Anne at St. Catharines General Hospital on November 23, 1977, weighing in at 8 lbs, 11 oz. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Finnen and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hess, , 48c L013B — Ronald and Barbara Lobb (Noseworthy) are proud to announce the arrival of their son Marcus on November 14, 1977 at Sydenham District Hospital, Wallaceburg. 48p LUTHER — Carole and Larry thank God for the safe arrival of their daughter Terri-Lynn Rene weighing 7 lbs, 9'/2 oz. A little sister for Robert, Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier, Hensel!, On- tario and Mr. and Mrs. Hanford Luther, RR 1, Dashwood. 48p PARKER — Tom and Jane-Ann are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter, Erin Michelle, born November 18, 1977 at Victoria Hospital. A sister for Krista. 48p TRAQUAIR — Jerry and Linda thank God for the arrival of Janet Louise their chosen daughter, born November 16, 1977. 48c ANNOUNCEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corbett are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Jane Elizabeth, to Mr, John Becker, son of the Rev, and Mrs. G.W. Becker, of Guelph. The wedding will take place on December 21, 1977, at 8 p.m. in St. Mary's Church, Briesley, 48c Chub and Joan Lenz, Black Creek, B.C., are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Deborah Denice to Lawrence Edward, son of Jarvis and Mary Dobinson, R.R. #5 London, On- tario, Wedding will take place at 11 a.m., December 17, 1977 at Thorn- dale United Church, Thorndale. 48c CARDS OF THANKS — I would like to thank my relatives and friends for their flowers, cards and all who visited me while in hospital. — Audene Cunningham. 48c Centralia Faith Tabernacle PASTOR, BOB DEGRAW Sunday, December 4 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 8:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service Tues. Dec. 6 — 8:00 p.m. Catechism Class Everyone Welcome Bethel Reformed Church Huron Street East, Exeter REV, HENRY VAN ESSEN, B.A., BA Minister Sunday, December 4 10:00 a.m,—Worship 11:10 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Evening Worship THURSDAY, DEC. 1, 8 P.M. DUTCH LANGUAGE WORSHIP Everyone Welcome Peace Lutheran Church Andrew and George Streets PASTOR: REV. E. LOOTSMA Sunday, December 4 11:00 a.m,—Morning Service Welcome Calvary United Church of Canada Dashwood Minister: REV. BRUCE GUY, B,A. Organist: Miss !della Gabel, A.R.C.T. Sunday, December 4 9:45 a.m.—Church Service 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School Everyone Welcome Centralia and Zion United Churches Sunday, DeteMber 4 Student Supply Terry SOmetville ZION Organists Mrs, Lorne Hem, Yvonne Jaques' 9;45 mit —Morning Worship 10:45 a.m.—Sunday School CENTRALIA Organist Mr, Douglas Gill 0:00 a.m.--Sunday &hoe{ 11:15 ELM.—Morning Worship Everyone Welcome cAROS OF THANKS -*- The family of the late Marie Cud- more wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, neighbours and friends for the floral tributes, donations, cards and letters of sympathy in the loss of a dear mother and grandmother. Thanks also to Dinney 'Funeral Home, Rev. Snell, pallbearers and flower bearers. Thanks to the many friends who served lunch after the funeral. Your kindness will always be remembered, — The Cudmore family. 48p I would like to thank friends, neighbours and relatives for cards, visits, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to my babysitter, It was all ap- preciated. — Danny Dittmer. 48p The family of the late Lloyd England wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to if relatives, friends an nrours for their many acts o kin ness, floral tributes, memori I 0 nations and sympathy cards in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Hoff- man Ambulance Service, Dr. Ecker, the staff at South Huron Hospital, the Dinney Funeral( Home, Rev. Pierce, 1 Mrs. Mabel F ner, Mrs. Helen Hey, Miss Nola Fist, John Fleming and the kindness' of the many others who were involved. — Beatrice A. England and family, Gerald, Jacque, Ruth (England) Sisson, 48c Words cannot express my sincere thanks to my relatives, friends, neighbours and employee's of Dashwood Industries for cards, visits and gifts while I was a patient in Vic- toria Hospital and since returning home, Thanks to Rev. Pearce for his visits and prayers to Dr. Allan, Dr. Hunter and nursing staff on the 4th floor. Special thanks to my family and Ray and Grace Morlock. Your kindness will always be remembered. — Alwinna Galloway. , 48c I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives for cards, visits, gifts and fruit boxes I received while a patient in Univer- sity Hospital and since returning home, A ,special thanks to Dr. McLachlan and his team and the nurses on the 8th floor north. All your kindnesses will be remembered. — Rhoda Rohde. 48nc Zion Lutheran Church Dashwood Pastor REV. MAYO MELLECKE Sunday, December 4 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m.—Morning Service All Welcome Christian Reformed Church Minister REV. CLARENCE BISHOP, B.A., B.O. Sunday, December 4 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 2:15 p.m.—Afternoon Service Everyone Welcome The Back to God Hour CHLO 4:30 p.m. Dial 1570 Exeter United Church James at Andrew Minister: REV. GLEN D. WRIGHT, B.A., B.D. Organist and Choirmaster: Mr. Robert Cameron Sunday, December 4 9;45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship with the Rev. Harold Snell preaching Nursery Courtesy Car - 235-2291 The Anglican Church of Canada Trivitt Memorial / EXETER A.D. 1 887 Rector REV. G. A. ANDERSON, D.F.C., Dip. Th. Organist Mr. Gerald McAuley The 2nd Sunday In ADVENT Sunday, December 4 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 1 1:1 5 a.m.—Morning Prayer Sermon. The Advent Hope Sunday School during Service Don't be a church dropout. Drop In. Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle Main at Victoria REV. DON FORREST D. J. ADCOCK, Youth Sunday, December 4 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Communlon Service 7:00 p.m.—Evening Service Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. —Youth Wednesday, 7:00 p.m,-7Bible Study and Pentecostal Crusaders Nursery Facilities Caves Presbyterian Church Interim Moderator E.G. NELSON Organist Mr. Robert McIntosh Sunday, -December 4 10:00 a.M.,—Senlor Sunday School Junior Sunday-School -during church service 11:15 exh,—Morning Service Communion Service Dr. O. Pox IN MEMORIAM , MARSHALL, — In loving memory of a dear cousin Stella Marshall who passed away December 1st, 1974. As the years go by Our love and memory will never die, ° Lovingly remembered by Edna and B ill Snell and family. 48p MICIfLE — In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Ernest Laird Mickle, who passed away S years ago, December 4,1972. The ones we love remain with us, For love itself lives on And cherished memories do not fade, Because a loved one's gone. The ones we loved can never be, More than a thought apart, So long as there is memory, They'll live on in our hearts, Always remembered by wife Dorothy and all the family. 48c SIMS— In memory of John Sims who passed away 1 year ago December 3rd, 1976. Vim are not forgotten John Nor ever shall you be As long as life end memories last I shall remember thee. Sadly missed and ever remembered by Alta Armstrong. 48c SPROAL In loving memory of my dear wife Charlotte who passed away 2 years ago December 2nd, 1975, Beautiful memories are woven in gold This is the picture I tenderly hold Deep in my heart your memory is kt To lov p e and to cherish and never forget. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by husband Earl. 48p WILLARD — In loving memory of our father John Edward James Willard who passed away 2 years ago November 29, 1975 and our mother *Annie Myrtle Willard who passed away 8 years ago November 14, 1969. Mom and Dad — We cannot bring the old days back But loving thoughts and memories Will live with us forever. Lovingly remembered and missed by daughter Betty, son-in-law Jack, grandchildren Jeff and Brad and son Roy and family. 48c BING z-. Thurs., Dec. 1 —8:00p.m. . .. EXETER LEGION HALL GAMES ! JACKPOT • 17 Regular i $200 , BONUS . • *I iJackpot 1 ' $ 1 25 • 2 Situ -the- i icnal5I? „ F., :LI Wealth ii BALL = i 1 a dmission per person No Reserve Seats Licence No. i Admission $1.00 for 10 Rounds CARDS OF THANKS would like to thank all who sent me cards and best wishes on my 91st birthday, Also Pastor Mellecke for hs special prayer. — Louis Restemayer. ' 48c I wish to thank my friends, relatives, neighbours, Rev. Wright, Dr. Ecker, Dr. Rodgers and staff of both South Huron Hospital and St. Joseph's Hospital for your care, cards, gifts and visits. Your kindness will not be forgotten. — Dorothy Jones. 48p • I would like to thank friends and relatives for cards and visits and flowers while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to the Dr.'s and nurses on 4th floor and to the nurses, at South Huron. Also thanks to Rev. Wright for his comfor- ting words and to Rev. Snell for his help earlier in the passing of a belov- ed grandson, —Roy Parsons. 48p I wish to express my appreciation to relatives, friends and Dr. Wallace for their concern, kindness, cards and flowers while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Jim, whose thoughtfulness will never be forgotten. Thanks again. — June. 48p We would like to say a big "Thank- you" to our neighbours and friends for the surprise visit to our new home and for the lovely gifts we received, We certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness and will treasure these gifts always. Thanks again and come visit us soon. — Sam, Aldeen and Dianne Skinner. 48p I would like to thank my relatives, friends and neighbours for cards, flowers, gifts and visits received while was a patient in St. Marys Memorial Hospital and Avon Crest Stratford. Special thanks to Dr. Davis, Dr. Payne, nurses and staff. I would also like t thank those who sent baking to our home, — Hilda Smith. 48c IN MEMORIAM BELL — In loving memory of a dear father and.grandfather, Harold who passed away 4 years ago, December 5,1973. Sadly missed along fifes way Quietly remembered every day No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts he's always there. Always remembered by Ron, Carol and Vicki. 48c HAUGH — In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother Hilda Haugh who passed away December 1, 1976 and a dear father and grapdfather Wm. Haugh who passed away November 2, 1967. In our homes they are fondly remembered, Sweet memories, cling to their name, Those who loved them in life sincerely, Still love them in death just the same. Lovingly remembered by Shirley, Arvis and families. 48p JOHNSTON — In loving memory of a husband and father Louis E. who passed away 2 years ago December 3,1975. In a quiet grave yard Where the breezes gently blow Lies one we love so dearly And lost 2 years ago Time cannot stop a heartache Or even stop a tear, Or take away a memory Of one we love so dear, We may not show our sadness Everyday throughout the year But in our hearts, is where we know, We're wishing you were here. Wife Betty and family. • 48c MacDONALD — In loving memory of Edna and Ted MacDonald who passed away 5 years ago Novembet 22,1972, „ Their memory is as dear today, As in the hour they passed away. Lovingly remembered by Walt and Noel, John and Bonnie. 48p MARSHALL — In loving memory of 'my wife Stella who passed away December 1, 1974. She never failed to do her best Her heart was true and tender She lived her life for those she loved And those she loved remember. Lovingly remembered by husband Bill. 48p Emmanuel Baptist Church Huron St. West Fundamental — Evangelical Sunday, December 4, 1977 9:45 a.m:—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Speaker: Jim Fitzgerald from London • '7:30 p.m.—Jim Fitzgerald Wed., 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Nursery Facilities Everyone Welcome Mrs. E, A. Keyes, Organist WEIgie efrt CHURCH gime* t5Pecialgoy ekdrthai . 212181 F. ▪ Extra cards 25c each Or 5/$1.00 • Share-the,Wealth 2 card for 25 - „"'' Sponsored by ladies' Auxiliary No One Under 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted E. NOW 20