HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-01, Page 27Mrs. Daisy Ivey
Any day now we expect the ul-
timate Christmas greeting, the
family news roundup, in computer
piintout form.
* * *
It's no longer a sin to be rich —
now it's a miracle.
* * *
if the good Lord had meant us to
pay income tax, he'd hove made
us smart enough to fill out the
* *
Inflation is bringing us true
democracy. For the first time in
history, luxuries and necessities
are selling at the same price.
* * *
A housing development is where
they cut down all the trees, and
then name the streets after them.
Why not "branch" out — see us
Small Engine Repair Service
107 Queen St., Hensall
"fir" a quality chainsaw at a
abargain price.
Mrs. Hilda Payne, Phone 262-5018
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025
About people you know
and district news
ADVANCED HONOURS — At Saturday's Huron 4-H Achievement Day, Home Economist Bea
McClonaghan presented advanced Honours to Joan Kerslake, Elimville and Martha Neeb, Zurich.
Variety of activities
Day care centre lively spot
Best Interest
We represent many Trust Companies, We are often able to
arrange for the highest intek.st being offered on Guaranteed
Investment Certificates.
Insurance Agency Inc.
Grand Bend
Subject to change
fanners MR.
special FARMER!
Do you have free time that
you do not know what to
do with? Give us a call
today to discuss our op-
potunities in the
agricultural field. We ere
an international company
operating both here in
Canada and in the United
States. You can sell our
clay buster and fertilizer
along with still main-
taining your farming
For Further InfOrmatioh Call
Doug Cooper
Soles Marlow
681.8593, London
/1 177r
I iViVikt isf051 A
The key to
Many visit
Visitors with Irene Kalbfleisch
were Violet Bishop, Joan Bet-
teridge and Dave Bishop. Mr. &
Mrs. Sid Pullman, London visited
Bernice Lavery.
Amy and Greta Lammie and
Ila Dunn visited Vera Lammie,
Miss Wendy Dining and Dave
Lucas visted Mrs. Anna Dining.
Hazel Snell and Deanna Neevel
visited Louise Mitchell.
Lee and Anna McConnell
visited Russell Erratt. Thelma
Russell and Verde Taylor and
Edna Werner visited Mrs. May
Beer. Mrs. Belle Reid, Varna
visited Clara Featherston,
Howard Johns and Mary Neil,
Roberta Neil and Calvin Jervis
visited Mrs. Mabel. Johns,
Mrs. Kendrick was visited by
Alice Kendrick, Ruth, Nancy and
Susan Durand. Mr. & Mrs. D.
Floyd Reeves visited Lynn
Latimer. „
Lorna Finkbeiner visited
Harold Glanville. Bey and Elaine
Skinner visited Ruby Miners,
Church service was conducted
by Rev, Don Forrest ac-
companied on the piano by Mrs.
The Reformed Church ladies'
of Exeter entertained residents
with bingo and a sing-song.
Arena protect
is on schedule
Work on the new Hensel! arena
and community centre is 'right
on schedule' according to Reeve
and building committee
co-chairman Harold Knight.
No major problems have been
experienced by the contractor,
Logan Construction of Stratford
on the $694,000 structure.
Demolition of the old arena is
complete with 'only a bit of
cleaning up left to be done'
Knight said.
A sale of the building materials
from the old arena will be held on
the, site this Saturday.
If you want to kill time, work it to
Mr. & *Mrs. Elgin Johnston,
London arid Mr. & Mrs. Frank
Baker, Lambeth were visitors
over the weekend with Mr, &
Mrs. Asa Deeves.
Mrs. Ron Mason, Tracey and
Cindy, Bowling Green, Ohio
visited last week with the for-
mer's mother Mrs. Glenn Bell.
Mr. & Mrs. Bill O'Brien and
family, Brigden visited Sunday
with Mrs. O'Brien's parents Mr.
& Mrs. Joe Flynn.,
Miss Dorothy Farquhar,
Toronto visited last week with
her mother Mrs. Emma
Farquhar and Mr, & Mrs. Waiter
Jack Heal recently underwent
surgery in Victoria Hospital,
London. ,
Burt Coleman, London spent
the weekend with his mother
Mrs.. Gladys Coleman and
brother Ivan.
Rev. Fox of Huron College,
London conducted service in
Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Sunday. Miss Brenda Pepper
presided at the organ and ac-
companied Lee and Craig Soldan
who sang "Michael Rowed The
Boat Ashore". The Sacrament
service will be held on Sunday,
December 11. -
Mrs. Murray Traquair recently
underwent surgery at St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
In spite of the stormy weather
Saturday the members, of the
Rebekah Lodge held a most
successful tea and bake sale.
Thanks to all the patrons. The
C.P.T. committee of the IOOF and
Rebekah Lodges are holding a
progressive euchre in the local
hall, Thursday December 1 at ,9
p.m. Everyone is welcome.
Ninety years is a long time to
live by anyone's standards and on
Tuesday, Mrs. Daisy Ivey of
Hensel! celebrated her 90th birth-
day quietly at the home of Mrs.
Rachael Schwalm, with her
companions, Mrs. Elizabeth
Volland, Mrs. Margaret Mac-
Donald and Mrs. Lois Kruger.
Also visiting were her son and his
wife, Mr. & Mrs, Desmond Ivey
of Sarnia and friends from
Goderich, Clinton, Exeter, Grand
Bend, Blyth and Lucan,
Her proudest possession at the
Moment is a plaque from
Premier Davis, presented to her
by M,P.P, Mr. Jack Riddell,
bearing a stamp of the Jubilee
crown of Queen Elizabeth. She
is especially delighted with the
crown as she recalls that she was
born in the golden Jubilee year of
Queen Victoria,
Mrs, Ivey was all ready to
receive Mr, Riddell last Saturday
dressed in her new red housecoat,
a velvet rose ribbon in her
shining, fine white hair and
her son and daughter-in-law Mr.
& Mrs. Bevan Bonthron and girls.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Corbett ac-
companied by Mr. & Mrs. Walter
Baird, Brucefieid and Mrs. Ruth
Taylor, Clinton attended the
wedding of Mrs. Taylor's
granddaughter Brenda Taylor
and Terrance McAleese in
Hamilton, Saturday.
Unit Four Meets
Unit four will meet at 2:30 p.m.
on Thursday, December 1 for
their Christmas meeting and the
Sacrament of Holy Communion
will be administered next Sunday , at the morning service.
sitting in the chesterfield chair,
but the weather intervened and.
Mr. Riddell was unable to make
the call. He arrived instead on
Monday morning early, just as
Mrs. Ivey 'was enjoying her
breakfast, Hastily, Mrs. Ivey
was got ready to receive Mr.
Riddell and her plaque, while
Mrs, Schwalm served both with
dandelion and pumpkin seed
coffee sweetened with molasses
and birthday cake. The cake was
a creation in itself, made to look
like an ancient book and called
"The Pages of Time" by its
designer, Mrs. Schwalm, On orte.
side was written Daisy Ivey and
on the other 1887.1977, while a
green and yellow ribbon
decorated the top.
Mrs. Ivey is Irish by birth and
married into an English family,
the Ivey's. She has had a
colourful life, travelling ex-
tensively through Great Britain
and France as she pursued her
business of buying furs, For
many years, while in England,
she lived in Oakley Green near
Windsor, Since leaving England,
she has lived• in Rio de Janeiro in
Brazil, parts of Africa and Ville
D'Anjou in France, where her
Advent series
is underway
The service at the Hensall
United Church for the first
Sunday in Advent was conducted
by Rev. Don Beck with Mrs. John
Turkheim at the organ. The
fourteen voice choir sang the
anthem,' "The Coming of the
King" and the first advent candle
was lit by Mrs, Grace Drum-
mond, President of the United
Church Women of the church,
The sermon was on "The Second
Advent", To be prepared for that
clay is essential as no-one knows
when that day will be.
A white mum in the church was
placed there in memory of Archie
Noakes by his family.
Prices Steady
Sales at the Hensall Sales Barn
were active and prices steady
last Thursday with supply con-
sisting mainly of heifers and
steers, Fat cattle; heifers $42.50-
$47.00, top to $48.40; steers,
$47.50-$49.p, top to $50.50; cows
$21 .50 -$23 t59,,,..top-te--$25:511—Prgs ;
weanlings, $34.50-$45.50; chunks
sons completed their education at
the university there.
She arrived in Canada in 1946
and took up residence in the town
of the same name in Quebec and
before coming to Hensall lived in
London and Sarnia, Ontario. She
took up residence with Mrs. Sch-
walm in 1973 at which time she
was able to enjoy driving to many
of the neighbouring communities
where she has made friends.
Since suffering a broken hip she
has not been able to travel around
so much.
Mrs. Ivey had a family of two
sons, one of which is deceased.
She has two grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren, two
boys and two girls, She spends
every Christmas with her son in
Sarnia and was visited by M.P.
Mr. Robert McKinley ap-
proximately two months ago, She
is an avid reader, averaging six
to eight books a week, as well as
daily and weekly newspapers
and monthly news magazines.
She is still able to read headlines
without glasses. She is very in-
terested in international news,
watching the evening and late
night news on the C.R.C. nightly,
She also enjoys movies on TV and
recently stayed up until 3 a.m,
watching the true movie,
During her travels abroad,
Mrs. Ivey has met many in-
teresting people, including
Emperor Haille Selassie and she
frequently entertains her many
visitors with histories of people
she has met during her varied
life. In other words, she is a living
history book.
She received congratulatory
messages from Conservative
leader Joe Clarke and Huron MP
Bob McKinley.
White, Sliced Bread
3 fors1.09 10 for
Rye Bread Jelly Rolls
16 o z. 49c 59c
FrOit for Christmas Cakes
Red Cherries lb $1.30
Green Cherries lb. $1.30
Fruit Mix lb. $1,00
Mixed Citron Peel lb 95(
White Raisins lb $1.25
Sultana Raisins lb. $1.10
Walnut Crumbs lb. $2.00
Dates lb. 85i
Cheese Specials
Med Cheddar $1.80
Havarti Butter Cheese $1.80
Zurich 236-4912
Mrs. William Fuss spent
several days with her son-in-law
and daughter Mr. & Mrs. Norm
Koehler and infant daughter,
Jacqueline Marie in Zurich.
Mr. & Mrs. George Armstrong
of Hyde Park and Mr. & Mrs.
John Wade of St•athroy visited
with Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith on
Mrs. William Wareing has
returned home after undergoing
surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Venner spent
last weekend holidaying in
Mrs. Doris Bonthron, London
spent several days at the home of
She's a sprightly 901 Times-Advocate, December 1, 1977 Pug* 27
Subscription tickets cost $27.06 and are good for six
admissions at any time during the 1978 Summer
Season. You can detach the six tickets and give them to
friends as singles or in pairs...plus, you'll get one extra
bonus ticket free. That's a total saving of $15.00 over
regular admission prices.
DOUG COOK — TELEPHONE 262- 2124 v:
One of the liveliest spots in the
Clinton area these days is the
Huron County Day Care Centre
for the Homebound. The Centre
has been open for seven weeks
and activities have been planned
to interest all the homebound
folks who have been coming out
to enjoy the companionship' of
How do 'homebound' people get
to the Centre? Where no friends
or relatives are available, a
faithful band of volunteer drivers
are on hand to pick them up and
see that they reach the Centre in
time for the morning coffee
break--Which often includes
cookies right fresh from the oven,
baked by volunteers Or par-
ticipants in the programme.
Bakieg is just one of our ac-
tivities. "Painting for fun" hes
gotten Off to a good start under
the able and light hearted
direction of Hollis Manske.
There is always someone on
hand to play a game of euchre
and "fen and fitness" is as
popular as shuffleboard for
getting the folks loosened up in
the forenoon. Woodwork began
last week - John Talbot of
Seaferth has this project in hand
and the willing woodworkers are
making easels for the painters as
their first project„
Movies are planned for this
Thursday along with the other
activities and the third ThurSday
of every month has been set aside
for "footcare" when those who
find it hard to reach those tender
toOtsieS are ministered to, by the
gentle ladies of the public health
December is a busy month for
all, and those of us at the Centre
for the Homebound are no ex-
ception. December 7, the Centre
plays host to all volunteers of
Huron County who have invited to
hear Karen Ross of the Central
Volunteer Bureau in London who
will conduct a workshop on the
subject of the rights and ex-
pectations of volunteers,
Everyone is welcome to this
The Christmas party is planned
for Thursday December 22, and a
really good time for all is plan-
At the Day Care Centre for the
Homebound, they don't sit
around and complain about
disabilities as one participant
Said. "We share the abilities we
have and enjoy our time
Call 482-7943 if you are
homebound and would like to
share the company of others,
with every purchase of:
• 5 tons of any Thalanced feed
• 1 ton of any
Supplement or PREMIX
$150. (or over) of Store
500 kg(..ct)m*iiainerals during the
Zurich Hensall Brucefield
PHONE 262,3002