HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-01, Page 25WINS GREY,CUP DRAIA/ — The $500 first prize in Sunday's Exeter Lions Grey Cup draw was won by Nor- ma Coleman of Kippen. Above, Mrs. Coleman receives her cheque from Lions draw chairman Elmer Taylor and treasurer George Godbolt. T-A photo CONGRATULATE HAY KING — Russell Bolton of Seaforth has been named World 4-lay King for the sixth time. Above, Mr.Bolton, left is being congratulated by Ray Rader, Hay township: Elmer Powe, Stephen and Huron's Ag Rep Don Pullen at Thursday's annual banquet of the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association. T-A photo. PUC agrees to accept town share of repairs at Morrison FISHER-PRICE SESAME STREET CLUBHOUSE 16.95 SOFT WASHABLE TEDDY BEAR 19 INCH FOAM FILLED 3.99. HAROLD GUNN HOME EHAlpWARE 1111116 CHRISTMAS TREES LIFE-LIKE ARTIFICIAL TREES NO FUSS, NO MUSS, USED AGAIN YEAR AFTER YEAR, SAFER AND EASIER TO DECORATE. , 6 foot Scotch Pine 101 TIPS WITH STAND 1 8 88 Box for Storage 24 inch VINYL SPRUCE TABLE TOP 7 7 TREE With Stand 4 1/2 foot Scotch Pine Bushy Tree for 1 3 9 5 Smaller Rooms CHOOSE FROM OUR FINE SELECTION OF TOYS • GAMES • CRAFTS • PUZZLES Deluxe 21 inch CHRISTMAS WREATH Decorative Arrangement of Fruit and Holly. Ideal for Door or 77 Wall TOYLAND time ticket of 30.6 has not yet been located. Anyone with the winning ticket is asked to contact Lions Elmer Taylor or George Godbolt. There's always a few pits in the bowl of cherries. MINI NM MIN OP= 11111% 004 0 ovet% 40.0.6 rated ~FREE !SNOWBLOWER ITACHMENT SAVE NOW I WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY NEW BOLENS TRACTORS For a limited time only you will get a snowblower attach- ment free with the purchase of certain new model" Bolens tractors. With a Bolens snow- blower you can move a lot of snow and slush — fast. If you buy your tractor now, you can do it free. Don't wait. "Models — G8 through HT20 (XL models not included) UN TRY CO ma STORES MT. CARMEL 237-3456 OPEN 10 - 10, MON. - SAT. NOON - 6 SUNDAY On-The-Spot Financing at Bank Rates. NEM EVERYTHING This Year GIFTS Shop In SEAFORTH f The Town Where "Friendly Courteous Service " Aren't the Forgotten Words ! The Town that offers. Entire * Convenient Hours 1St! Bright Lights Big Savings Huge Gift Selection 3l Free Christmas Parking Over 65 Stores & Services CHRISTMAS ISSHOPPING IN SEAFORTH Sponsored by the following Seaforth Merdmnts Crown Hardware Pulsifer Music Archie's Hetherington Shoes Sills Hardware Frank Kling Ltd. Seaforth Meat Market Seaforth IGA Seaforth Jewellers Seaforth Farmers' Co-op Stewart Bros. , Roth Food Market Graves Paint And Wallpaper Stedmans larone's Stationary 0**4********* 0****40*0 ok0000******0* Sunoco Box Furniture Canadian Tire Bill O'Shea Keating 's vk .0 * * Huron Expositor Seaforth Automotive Vincent Farm Equipment Seaforth Record Shoppe Robert L. Plumsteel Interiors * ** * * sr: * * * * * *** * ** * -Yes 0 * SEAFORTH HAS aL KS dS -45 KS '5, wS 441 ADAMS 1: IG Heating & Cooling fi Heating Systems!: INStALLED, MODERNIZED E and MAINTAINED "` General Sheet P =10 Air Conditioning 171,1 • Humidifiers 0 Ventilation of AU Types Metal Work 10 0 235-2187 i0 133 Huron St., East, Exeter Fio Ask residents to watch for thieves Exeter Police are requesting citizens to be careful when they are doing their grocery shopping and Christmas shopping, "If you are buying groceries, or presents, make sure you place them in your motor vehicle, in a place that is out of sight from the passing public, such as the trunk of your car or in the rear seat \\\111//x Ace 0/80/4 covered. Also make sure the doors to your car are locked," ad- vises the P.D. "Occupants of houses near business establishments, are requested to be on the alert, for any suspicious vehicle or persons liotering in the area. If you see any suspicious car or person, please contact the police." Chief Ted. Day concludes, "I am sure that most of the citizens realize, that from now to the end of the year, thefts, breakins and robberies are always on the in- crease. If the citizens help the police, then crime should be kept to a minimum. Exeter PUC decided this week to accept Exeter's share of the $20,000 repair job planned for the Morrison dam. However, they have asked the Ausable Hayfield Conservation • Authority for a detailed report of what work is involved in the project. Exeter's share of the repair job has been estimated at $3,500.. Commissioner Chan Livingstone said the PUC probably had no alternative but PUC offers six pertent The Exeter PUC has made a salary offer to the office staff and outside workers, calling for a pay increase of six percent for next year. That is the maximum allowable under the Anti Inflation Board guidelines. The offer includes an additional floating holiday for the staff members. IC has also been agreed that employees who are on duty call during non-working hours may have calls transferred to other than their residence so they may go out for the evening. However, they will be required to have suitable clothing with them to immediately answer a call from that residence. to ,approve the project, but he agreed with chairman Murray Greene that it would be nice to know what the job entailed. Manager Hugh Davis said the reservoir is now being lowered so the dam can be inspected again. A discussion was held regar- ding the closing of the office for the Christmas and New Years holidays and it was decided to close on Friday, December 23 and Monday December 26. However, that may be changed if town council declares Tuesday, December 27 as boxing day. The office will be closed on January 2 in view of the fact New Years falls on a Sunday. There had been a suggestion that the • office staff should stagger their holiday so the office would not be closed for four days in a row at Christmas. However, Livingstone questioned who would want to pay PUC bills before Christmas anyway. " "Who wants to, pay them anytime?" quipped Davis. The Commission decided to continuetheir practice of providing each employee with a turkey for Christmas. Tenders were opened for the sale of the present line truck Centre meeting doesn't happen Times-Advocate, Deceml/er 1, 1977 Page 25 Grey Cup $500 to Kippen •:•/' tv'e CHICKEN SEAFOOD AND OF COURSE FRESHLY MADE SALADS FRIED CHICKEN EXETER 235-2665 Norma Coleman of Kippen was the winner of $500 in the Exeter Lions club draw held in conjunc- tion with Sunday's Grey Cup football game in Montreal. Mrs. Coleman held the lucky ticket of 41-6 for the east. Other winners are Bruce Moir of Hen- sall who gets $25 for the first quarter score of 3-0 and Marjorie Hamilton, Exeter held the three- quarter score of 30.6 which was good for $75. The holder of the lucky half- which is being replaced in February. Only one tender, for $600, was received and it was decided to call tenders again after Davis suggested the vehicle was worth more than the bid received. There was some surprise that only one bid had been received as there had been a number of enquiries from area electrical firms prior to the tenders being Called * alp va V4 * Monday's meeting of the South * Huron Rec Centre board of 04 management was the first to be * opened to the press, However, readers will not find .* an account of the proceedings. 4:4 Only two members showed up and they decided, after a wait of * an hour, to go home. The board has seven members. On hand for the meeting were Jerry MacLean and Howard ; Pym, There was no indication when the meeting would be rescheduled, although manager Kirk Armstrong indicated he had several items of a pressing nature to present to the board, * IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt111111111111111i= 'G