HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-12-01, Page 16Notice is hereby given to property owners neighbouring the Village of Grand Bend Grand Bend Council are holding a series of public meetings at Grand Bend, Town Hall 7:30 p.m. the schedule is as follows Property owners in Bosanquet portion of Southcott Pines Friday, Dec. 9, 1977 Property owners in Oakwood, Hwy. #21 n. (Stephen Twp.) Fri., Jan. 6, 1978 in Pinedale Van Dongen, Hwy. #21s. (Bosanquet Twsp.) Fri., Jan. 20, 1978 Purpose of the meeting is to discuss merits and demerits of boundary adjustments Any person who is unable to attend is invited to submit written comments. Signed Grand Bend Council Property owners For personal service and selec. YARDLEY Hon at its best on your most im- portant gifting . . perfume. HOUBIGANT Daylight Encounter A Rose Is A Rose CHANEL NO. 5 Musk Chantilly TOSCA 4 7 11 JEAN NATE QEsuseefzuee Rare HALLMARK CARDS AND CHRISTMAS WRAP IN STOCK BESIDE POST OFFICE /2,81 CRESCENT "'"°\441rroi, 238-8640 GRAND BEND Laughter, Lotus Tramp, Red Roses /weed, Lavender LANVIN Arpeg; My Sin 4„, :HARWOOD DRUGS LTD. J PRODUCE AT potNA! TO CARIW Lttat Golden Yellow CELERY WHITE GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS 24 's 2/88c 48's 8/88, 4 lbs. 88c US No, 1 Stalk Product of US An intended candidate, is Peter Snell, formerly of Exeter, son of Rev. & Mrs. Harold Snell. Peter taught in elementary school for 10 years and at present is serving as student supply at the Ailsa Craig pastoral charge. When he finishes courses at University of Western Ontario, he hopes to enter Emmanuel college next year, Special speaker at the session was Rev. Raoul Quammie, of the West Indies, who spoke on behalf of World missions, especially the Caribbean area. Rev. Quammie is presently serving the Florence pastoral charge. Ladies of the church served tea and coffee, hot soup, and a 50th anniversary cake. Mark advent A special service, Sunday morning, was held at the United Church for the first Sunday in Advent. Lighting the first candle was Shelly Meecham. Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was "In the fullness of time," and the choir anthem "I want to walk as a child of the light." Upcoming events are the Christmas Ecumenical to be held December 6 at Greenway United Church. Grand Bend Sunday School Concert will be December 9. The U.C.W. general meeting scheduled for December 6, has been changed to the evening of December 13. Bible study is held each Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. at the Church, The drama program which the Church of God Young People had planned for Saturday evening, was cancelled due to the stormy weather conditions. Hear speaker Guest speaker at the Church of God, Sunday morning was Edgar Cudmore, Hensall. The Young people had charge of the evening service at Church of God. Doug Steckle, Das hwood directed the music ands sang a solo "Let there be Peace." Kathy Steckle was featured on the piano. A poem, "I know something good about you," was read by Judy Vincent. Personals Mr. & Mrs. John Brigham, Strathroy, spent last week end with Mr. & Mrs. Glen Desjardine. Mrs. Ervin Latta, Waterloo, visited Wednesday at her sisters, Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Devine, and also with her father, Fred Weiberg at Bluewater Rest Home, Zurich. Fred Gratton is a patient at University Hospital, London. Mrs. Roy Morenz, Glenda and Tammy visited Friday with the girls' grandfather, William Cook, at Wellesley and also with Mrs. Morenz twin baby nieces, Jaqueline and Janice, at New Hamburg. The 4,H Peach Fuzz girls held their final meeting at the United Church, Monday evening. The record books were handed in and final plans for the Achievement day, discussed, which is up-. coming on December 3, at Stephen Central School. All mothers, friends and Women's Institute merribers are invited to attend. Mr. & Mrs. Earl Baker, St. Thomas spent the week end here, with Mrs. Raymond Kading, Saturday and Sunday visitors with Mr. &Mrs, Jim Prance were Mt. & Mrs. Jim Meikle, Exeter and Mr. & Mrs. Roland Neil, Ailsa Craig. Roy near has returned from Victoria Hospital where 'he un- derwent eye surgery. During his hospital stay, Mrs. Flear, visited at the home of her son and family, Mr. tk Mrs. Ken Flear, in London, age 16 Times-Advocate, December 1, 1977 • - Lioness club advised women control 80 percent of assets Ladies Bulky knit BELTED WRAF CARDIGAN Easy care Orlon in grey, green, beige, blue and gold heather tones. Sizes S.M.L. 41 95 Reg. 32.00 retail for Me;n1s SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS and BUTTON FRONT VESTS Machine washable wool and acrylic, in 8 attractive shades. 23.00 retail for 1 6 95 Pullover MOO retail for 1 4 95 Priced Right For Christmos . FIRST QUALITY KNITWEAR AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS From The SWEATER SHOP Members of the Grand Bend Lioness club were told Wed- nesday night that 80 percent of all assets in North America are either controlled by women, owned by women or influenced by women, The guest speaker was Doreen Duffus, wife of London insurance executive Ralph Duffus who is well known in this area as director of the Ontario Crippled Children's Association. Mrs. Duffus continued, "If each of you for a moment think of your own particular family situation, be you married or single, I believe you will find you influence spending, saving, the amount of life insurance your husband owns and even the debts you incur are probably more readily influenced by you. Your entire mode and standard of living is influenced by you. She outlined the various benefits in life insurance and registered retirement savings plans. Mrs. Duffus concluded on the subject of wills. She said, "I really couldn't believe that so many people, men and women, don't have a will. Those who don't place themselves in an intestate situation, wherein if they die, the government decides how their assets are to be divided and the person to whom the money belongs has never had a chance to make any decisions. "There are only two types of Wills, a straight gift-over, which means leaving one's assets outright to an individual or in- dividuals. The second type is a life interest trust, wherein the testator (that is the person who owns the assets) dictates that his principal heir, such as htisband or wife, will have the live use of the incomes and capital if necessary. But upon that sur- vivors death, the money will then be distributed in accordance with the testator's wishes, such as to grandchildren, etc." "There are no Ontario Suc- cession Duties (these are death taxes in Ontario)at all in the first type of gift-over Will disposition if a person leaves his or her Approximately 125 ministers and lay representatives of the pastoral charges of Huron-Perth Presbytery, met Tuesday, at Grand Bend United Church for their regular meeting. Chairman for the day was Rev. John Oestreicher, Clinton. Glen Miller brought greetings from the session of Grand Bend church to the visitors. Hi-Lites were candidates for the ministry, when Robert Neil Witmer, Goderich was received as candidate. Robert served as teacher of English under the auspices of the United Church in Japan, for seven years, and has returned to Canada to take theological training at Emmanuel college in Toronto to prepare himself for the ministry, money to their spouse, but the succession duties when the remainder of the money passes to, we'll say the children, after the surviving spouses death, are sometimes more than twice as much as they used to be. So, we precipitate tax being paid by using a certain kind of Will, if appropriate, on the first death, rather than waiting, because in many cases it might be less costly," Brenda Haist is president of the Grand Bend Lioness club and the vice-president is Pat Kading. SANTA CLAUS PARADE In Grand Bend Sat., Dec. 10 at 2 p.m. Featuring The Sea Cadets and Colour party Band H.M.C.S. Courageous. * Sponsored by Grand Bend and area Chamber of Commerce * Candy bags for the children at the public school following the parade. * Check Grand Bend merchants for bargains — parade day. * All floats and clowns welcome. * Prizes. For Information Call Dennis Mothers 238-2441. NOTICE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND .‘\ Church groups busy, presbytery meet here Button Front - A SPECIAL LIONESS SPEAKERS — At a Wednesday meeting of the Grand Bend Lioness clUb, the guest speakers were Doreen and Ralph Duffus. Above, left, Lioness president Brenda Hoist is shown with the two guests. T-A photO 32 oz. keg 78 CATSUP Kleenex Boutique Aylmer HELP YOU EAT BETTER...FOR LESS! CHICKEN LEGS lb 78 4 '.7W,"T."4 SPARE RIBS lb 98 4 ' , idogeggr,i1:::„Noisop Fresh Pork Side Store Packed SWEATER SHOP FACTORY OUTLET ALL SALES FINAL 0 to 5:30 Doily 16 Main St., Grand Bend 238-8007 PUDDING CUPS 128 oz. JAVEX 88' Liquid Bleach Del Monte Fresh Pork BUTT ROAST lb 98' * * Lean Boneless CUBE STEAKS lb $11 58 Ready to Eat PICNIC SHOULDER lb 88' Chef Boy-ar-8ee BEEF RAVIOLI Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed MILK Campbell's Tomato SOUP COOKIES a naiREAM Liquid Detergent VEL Stokeiys Fancy Cut GREEN BEANS Borden's EGG NOG Kraft Miniature White or Fruit MARSHMALLOWS Christies — Coffee Break, Chip-ahoy, Peanut Butter 88' „o.. 884 Too:. 4/88' 88' 88' 88' 1.o.. 2/78' 1 qt. 88c iooz, 2/88' 30 oz. tin 2 litres 32 oz. Lean GROUND BEEF (formerly steak) family pack 98 5 to 8 lb. ave. lb. ROASTING CHICKENS 78' * * Rindless Schneiders BACON $1 48 vac pack lb. • • Utility Grade ,so c 00°s P`i'‘) P‘1.1." Expires Dec, 6. FROM OUR FLOWER DEPARTMENT' Assorted TRESTLE IVIES 4” POT $ 1 88 SENIOR CITIZENS OFFER GOOD ON TUESDAYS TO ANY PERSON 65 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER UPON PRESENTATION OF THEIR GOVERNMENT HEALTH a MUM IDENTITY CARD SAVE 6% CASH DISCOUNT ON YOUR DUDCHASI ON ANY TUESDAY Excluding Cigarettes' and Quarters of Beef STORE HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8 to 6 Friday 8 to 9 Sat. 8 to 6 98 4 Limit one family sized roast per family excluding cigarettes, tobacco and coupon items. PPE 1WO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT CASH YOUR 'MANY AllOWANCi CHFOuP Al THS IINDI15001 AND 238-2512 GRAND BEND ON TOO ROCHASC ONly COFER 0000 ANYTIMI Excluding Cigarettes and Quarters of Beef Our own Corned Beef lb.