HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-11-24, Page 21DAVID C. HANN, D.C.
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Times-Advocate, November 24, 1977 P go 21
Clothing drive resumed
Possible blood donor clinic
Weather conditions improve,
number of accidents down
FAIR, LIONS AND ARENA — The Lucan Fair committee this week turned over $25,000 to the Lucc) Lions
Club. The Lions in turn donated $20,500 to the Lucan arena fund raising committee, This brings the Lions
club donations to the arena to $50,000, Above, fair chairman Paul Dykeman presents Lions president Ron
King with a cheque and he in turn hands a donation to Larry Hotson, chairman of the arena fund, T-A photo
St. Patricks' CWL held their
regular monthly meeting
November 16 in the sehoOl with
Father J. McGraw saying Mass
at the beginning,
Discussion of the annual
clothes drive followed, Earlier in
the year it bad being decided to
Cancel the clothes drive because
Of lack of destination for the
articles. Since then one of the
members reported talking to a
social worker from Namerind,
the Indian Friendship centre in
The need for warm clothing,
shoes, boots, toys, etc. is still
great both local and in the north.
The CWL has decided to start up
the clothes drive again with drop
off points being Mrs. Gary
Menders, Main St. Lucan, St.
Patricks Church after each Mass,
and Mrs. Bill Giesen's. In the
New Year, the Indian Social
worker will be invited to a
meeting to educate the women on
Indian problems,
Once again the ladies were
reminded that the Cancer Society
is in need of wigs and gift items
for their gift cupboard. Mrs, A.
DeBrouwer and Mrs. F. Toonders
are the conveners.
The "Right to Life" convener,
Mrs. Agnes Lansink from
Granton reported that Christmas
cards were now available
through her.
The rest of the meeting was
devoted to the preparations of the
bazaar December 11 after the 11
a.m, Mass. This event doubles as
a bazaar and a social time for the
people of the parish.
The money raised will go
towards "Save a Family Plan".
It costs $1.00 to help a family in
India for one year and an extra
$40 will boy them a goat.
Only $20"
includes cut
By appointment only
235 Main St.
Lucan, Ont.
227-4984 1C
Members of the Lucan
Women's Institute met Wed-
nesday evening in the Masonic
Hall, with president Lillian
Ashton in charge. Notes of thanks
were read from Isobel Haskett,
Olga Bond and Wyn. Jolliffe, who
had been remembered during
recent illnesses.
Secretary, Iola Goring, was
Car thefts
Officers of the Lucan detach-
ment of the Ontario Provincial
Police have investigated the thefts
of six vehicles since mid-August.
Community Services Officer
Constable G. J. Barker says "in
each instance keys were left in
the ignition dr hidden within the
"Where are these hiding
places? Usually, behind the sun
visor, in the ash tray or under the
front seat. Not exactly a secret to
the car thief; The best prevention
is to remove the keys and lock the
doors," advises Constable
A bicycle: was found in Arva
recently and turned into the
Lucan OPP detachment, Anyone
losing a Wig: in this area is asked
to contact the detachment,
this week the news correspondent
for the areas of Lucan, St.
Patrick's and Edgewood is Anita
Giesen. Anyone with news items is
asked to call Anita at 225-2370.
authorized to inquire into the
feaSibility of sponsoring a ttlood
donors' clinic" in Lucan. The
White Gifts from the Christmas
meeting are to be suitable for
patients at Craigholme and will
be delivered there following the
meeting, which has been ad-
vanced two weeks to December 7.
As usual, it will be a pot luck
luncheon at 12 noon, followed by a
miscellaneous program of
readings, singing and games,
provided by the members. Each
person attending is also asked to
bring a $2 gift for an exchange,
rather than drawing names,
The roll call was answered by
members giving a verse on
Inflation hits
seniors club
Gordon Hotson, president of the
Sunshine group of the Lucan
senior citizens told the group at
their meeting Thursday af-
ternoon that the problem of in-
flation had hit the club in that the
cost of heating and lighting the
clubrooms had gone up con-
siderably since members last
voted a raise in rent:
Owing to this situation mem-
bers again voted to raise the rent
$1 per week, retroactive to
October, Birthday greetings were
extended to Christina Salter,
Olive Atkinson and Stella Dixon.
A lovely poem "The Land of
Beginning Again" was read by
Mary McCarthey with everyone
agreeing with the sentiments
Ceramics instructor Rose
Bakker is still confined to her
home with pneumonia, but a few
members of the Busy Buddies
craft group were working on new
articles or brought knitting, etc.,
while members of the Sunshine
group played euchre and bridge.
Euchre prize winners were:
lady's high, Mary Kooy; lone,
Ann Kish; low, Laura Williams
with man's high going to Fred
Mcllhargey; low, Alex Young;
and lone to Lon Phillips. Ivan
Stanley had the high bridge
score. Lunch was provided by
Olga Bond, Muriel Cobleigh and
Ritha and Luther Morley.
"Remembrance Day" which
were greatly varied, and most
interesting, Vina Emery, the
vice-president, introduced
District Commander for the
Royal Canadian Legion, Bill
Smith, Lucan, who said
"Remembrance means different
things to different people" and
took us with him. down the road of
remembrance, from earliest
childhood to the present time.
He also told how the Poppy
fund first started and that it is a
symbol of Peace as well as
Remembrance. He closed his
remarks by saying "They gave
their tomorrows that we might
have our todays". Mrs. Emery
thanked Bill for his excellent talk
and presented him with a token
gift as a remembrance of our
Mrs. Smith, a former member
of the Lucan Branch, ac-
companied her husband and was
welcomed by the president,
Mr. & Mrs. W.J, Ruttle who
came to visit their sister Mrs.
Cecil Robb and Mr. Robb in
October have now returned to
their home at Conquest,
'Saskatchewan. They spent some
time at Kincardine where they
were entertained by many of
their former school friends and
Mr. Ruttle who drives the
Western harness racing circuit
called on several of his horse-
men friends in W'estern
Ontario. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Ruttle,
Kincardine, also visited the
Robb's last week.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim McComb who
motored to Western Canada
called on their brother Roy
McComb at • Dryden enroute.
They are now back at their home
at Elginfield.
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Courtney,
Butler Street, Lucan who spends
'weekends at their new home at
Pt. Clarke, reports little rain falls
in that area as compared to that
at Lucan.
Dale LeNeve, Point Edward,
grandson of Mr. & Mrs. C. Robb
suffered severe injuries to the
bones in his nose and face last
week. Surgery to correct this
condition was done yesterday at
Victoria Hospital.
Due to an improvement in
weather conditions, the number
of accidents investigated this
week by officers of the Lucan
detachment of the Ontario,
Provincial Police dropped to five.
Tuesday at 7:40 p.m. on High-
way 4 at Arva, a car driven by
Harvey Moore, RR 4, Ingersoll
and a pickup truck driven by
John Moffatt, London collided
causing $1,000 damages. Con-
stable B.D, Munro investigated.
Constable Jim ° Craig set
damages at $250 Wednesday at
Three Lucan area couples
joined several other couples, plus
one priest in a weekend of
focusing on their marriage in
This study is known as
Marriage Encounter. The
program begins on a Friday night
with registration and orientation
and closes Sunday at 6 p.m. The
weekend is open to couples of all
faiths however the one in London
was one of Catholic expression.
) The encounter is for any
couples who desire to enrich their
marriage, and any marriage can
be improved. Couples of all ages
Lions hear
about hospital
Talent night
for juniors
Thursday evening November
14, the Edgewood Junior Far-
mers held a talent night at Prince
Andrew School, It was their
community betterment project
for 1977, They were in com-
petition with the • other Junior
Farmer Clubs in Middlesex
County for an award for the best
community betterment project.
It was a free evening that
began at 8:00 p.m. with the in-
troduction of Miss Edgewood
portrayed by Tom Harris. He
gave a welcoming, speech to the
full house crowd.
Anita Horneman gave an in-
teresting dramatic reading which
introduced the following groups
of people: Scouts, Venturers,
Cubs, Junior Farmers, farmers
including pig, chicken, and dairy
farmers, baseball players,
hockey and broomball players,
weekend campers, city slickers -
turned country, of course the
class clown and various assort-
ment of others.
The Junior Farmers began
their entertainment , The skits
they performed were:a year book
of activities. Each skit acted out
the high-light event that the club
had had that month starting with
March as their first meeting of
the new executive and ending
with the November one showing
their tour of 130 Canada.
Following the skits there was a
short pause while the Junior
Farmers readied themselves for
a demonstration of old time
dancing. The evening concluded
with a delicious lunch provided
by the Jr. Farmers, of squareS,
cup cakes, coffee and freshie for
the younger crowd.
A special thanks to all the
people who participated in the
evening, to all the people whO
cattle out to watch, and a very
special thanks to Marg
McCulloch, who played the piano
for 0 Canada. The evening was
thoroughly enjoyed by the per'
formers as well as the audience.
will find worth in the weekend.
Newlyweds to Golden
Anniversary celebrants.
It is a weekend for couples, by
which they renew their basis
commitment to each other. It
offers a profound evaluation of
the couple and the sacrament of
matrimony. They do this openly
and honestly in a gentle way.
Husband and wife are able to
dialogue without the everyday
distractions. They are able to
concentrate „on communicating
with each other.
The encounter program was
started 15 years ago by Rev.
Gabriel Calvo in Spain. It was
brought to New York, then to
Detroit and has since been
appted by Canada. The
mevement is spreading rapidly.
One couple reported waiting
three months before room was
available for them. Information
is available by writing to Mr. &
Mrs. John Brunt, 26 Paddock
Green Cr., London, Ontario.
Mitten tree
at United Church
A "Mitten Tree" had been put
up on which to hang contributions
of mittens for the next three
weeks and Mrs. Ivan Hearn gave
the childrens' story which
involved a pair of green mittens
with a bell on them and how they
were shared by the little boy who
had saved to buy them for
another little boy whom he had
never seen.
Rev. Keith Brown completed
the series on James, He said that
James gives us much practical
advice, giving the characteristics
needed for Christian lives.
James gives three guide lines:
First have patience and practice
truth, bad times are a passing
phase and James says "Let your
yes be yes and ,your no be no".
Secondly, Prayers of Faith keep
us in tune with God and thirdly,
be missionaries, winning others
to Christ. There will never be a
better community, nation or
world until there are better
people, as a result of committing
themselves to God. Following the
service, the Friendship unit held
their biannual fellowship
smorgasbord luncheon which
was well attended and delicious,
This morning, Thursday, the
prayer and share fellowship is
meeting in the C.E. wing at 9:45.
All women of the community are
welcome. Next Sunday,
November 27, the families are
invited to come to Sunday Church
School together. Coffee and
doughnuts will be served.
The White Gift service will be
held ‘the following Sunday,
December 4 when Members of
the Church School will attend this
childrens' service as a group, in
their respective classes.
Everyone is invited to share in
this service of giving.
Your gift May be a new toy or
new item of clothing, marked
with sex and age or size of child
for which it is intended. The
annual Christmas Concert will be
held on Sunday evening,
December 18 at 7 p.tn.
Members of the congregation
are reminded that. our Mission &
Service contributions are running
behind both locally and
nationally, We were asked to give
this matter our prayerful con-
cern, letting us make every effort
to see that thcan•Clandeboye
pastoral charge fulfills its
obligation to out Lord's work in
this way,
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Phone 235-1331
1, Safety
2. Maximum heat-output
for less wood,
8. Cutting your heating bill
in half or more.
We also have some interesting
pamphlets which explain the
downdraft principle and one of
the best booklets available
about wood energy in general.
Have you considered a
woodburning stove for
your home or cottage? If
you have you might be
interested in:
4,. Less dust because of
infrequent ash cleanouts.
5. No smoking problems.
6. Non-polluting aspect of
Since we have the Ternpwood burning constantly,
please drop in for a demonstration.
Third farm on the Ieft,Cont. Biddulph.*
It was hosting night for the
Lucan and District Lions club at
their last meeting. The entire 28
membership of the newly formed
Lambeth Lions Club enjoyed a
meal with their Lucan brothers.
The guest speaker for the
evening was Ken Green. He
spoke on the combination, of
Victoria and Westminster
hospitals and the future plan.
Among other activities it was
agreed upon to donate an ad-
ditional $2,500.00 to the new
Lucan and District Community
13:20 a.M, when vehicles driven by
Luella Ditty, Lucan and Andrew
Barnard, RR 1, Ilderton were in
collision on the IGA parking lot in
A vehicle driven by Grant
Acton, London left County road 27
at County road 16 at 11 p.m.
Friday and struck a sign, Con-
stable Craig listed damages at
Saturday morning at 12:30 a.m.
a vehicle being operated by
Kimberley Emery, Lucan backed
into a parked vehicle owned by
Area couples attend
marriage encounter
Audrey Mitchell, RR 3, Lucan.
Corporal D.B. Cox estimated
damages at $275.
Constable G.N. Wilcox listed
damages at $175 when a vehicle
driven by Harold Smith, Huron
Park left Highway 4, north of
Mooresville and struck the ditch
at 12:05 a.m. Sunday.