HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-11-10, Page 26PROPERTY SOLD
Complete liquidation of sports vehicle
centre, to be sold by public auction at
1865 Dundas Street, London.
Starting at 10 a.m., Sat., Nov. 12
Egerton Auction has been. favoured to
sell with no reserve complete body shop
supplies, trucks, jeeps one with plow,
automobiles, new radial and belted
tires, automotive supplies. Plus ad.
ditions. Viewing 9 a.m. sale day.
BODY SHOP SUPPLIES: 1 10 ton Black Hawk portapower
with attachments, 2 - 2 ton baylifts, 220 arc welder, 2 -
acetylene welding sets with carts, 1 - 5 HP Webster air com-
pressor, 2 Webster air regulators, 2 vibrators, 1 air drill, elec-
tric drills, 1/2 HP Rockwell drill press, body grinder, Devillis
spray guns, vices, ignition cabinet with contents, sets of new
radial and belted tires, 150 chrome and mag wheels to be
sold in sets, tire changer, power spray wash, wet and dry
vacuum, some used radial and belted tires, 1 - MTD riding
lawn mower, other lawn mowers, 1 chain saw, four flavour
pop cooler, electric cash register, boxes of bolts, nuts, odds
and sods.
VEHICLES INCLUDES: 1977 Jeep four wheeled drive
Renegade, 1976 CS7 Jeep with hydraulic plow, both in new
conditon, 1975 le Mans 2 door, 1974 Chev Caprice wagon,
1974 Plymouth Fury Ill, 1974 Pinto wagon, 1974 Astra, 1973
Camaro LT, 1973 Nova SS, 1973 Plymouth Satellite, 2 1973
Vegas, 1973 Meteor, 1973 Plymouth Duster, 1973 Iowa
Wagon, 1972 Challenger, 1972 Heavy Chevy, 1972 Colt,
1971 Ford Wagon, 1971 Oldsmobile Toronado loaded, 1971
Chrysler 2 door, 1 971 Toyota 2 door, 1970 Marquis Mercury
loaded, 1970 Plymouth Fury III, Special 1969 Corvette
Stingray, 1969 Baracuda 2 door, 1968 Ranchero, 1968
Cadillac 4 door, 1967 Pontiac Firebird, rare 1965 Buick con-
vertible, 1971 GMC 3/4 toe pickup, 1970 GMC van, Many of
these vehicles were recently safety checked, some being sold
with safely certification, Note, many of these vehicles look
and drive like new.
Terms cash or cheques accepted with proper
identification only. All contents can be viewed
9 a.m. sale day. Many other items not listed.
This sale Saturday, November 12 at 1865 Dun-
dos Street, London. Starting at 10 a.m. sharp.
No reserve. Everything must be sold. Dealers
welcome. Persons buying any vehicle will be
required to pay 20% day of sale, balance to be
arranged at auction. This sale conducted by
Egerton Auctions. We handle all type auctions.
For information call W. R. Denstedt, Sale
Manager at 4384665.
Page 20
Titre Achroga1P, NovAtmlw 1.Q, 1977
6 Services
Paneling, Flooring
Roofing, Siding
Painting, Etc.
7 Livestock
FOR Western calves call 229-
6314. 45:46c
SOWS - first litter sows due in 2
weeks. Phone 235.1866 Gerald
Pront, 45*
8 Farm Machinery
AI LIS Chalmers B tractor, tire
chains, good condition. Fleury Bissel
double disc. International two furrow
trail plough, Call 527-0147 after 6
p.m. 45*
9 Sportslquipment,Vehicles
YOUTHS, HB skates 71 :.. Cooper SK
300 helmet with visor, Cooper ankle
guards. Used I season, '2 price. 235-
0296 after 6:30 p.m. 45c
1977 YAMAHA 100 Enduro, two
months old, 2500 km or 1400 miles.
Asking $725.00 or best offer. Phone
235-0357 after 5:00 p.m. 44:45*
11 Cars, Trucks
1975 PLYMOUTH Duster, 6
cylinder, 3 speed floor shift, rust
proof, AM/FM 8 track stereo. $2500.
Phone 238-8716. 45c
1970 MAVERICK as is. 262.5558
after 6 p.m. 45'
1967 CHEV Impala 2 door hardtop,
power steering, power brakes,
mechanical A-1 body. Ready for
paint. $500.00 certified, $700.00 with
40 channel CB and 8 track. Phone
228-6741. 45:46:47:48c
1971 CHEV Malibu, V8 automatic in
good condition, Safety checked $1,-
500. Phone 237-3250. 45:46c
1970 1,4 ton Ford pickup, 4 speed
transmission, heavy duty suspension,
radio, Good condition, Best offer.
Phone 229-6704. 45:46*
Economy Motoring
1976 MODEL .
Excellent condition. Low mileage,
good tires including snows, Ap-
proximately 48 MPG. New exhaust
system (July) 262-2621. 45c
1969 DODGE converted bus
motorhome. Custom built for year
round use. Perfect running conditon
with stove, furnace, shower, toilet, etc.
$5995.00. Phone 228-6323. 45:46c
12 Pets
IRISH Setter puppies for sale.
Registered, good temperament, cham-
pionship and hunting background,
$100.00. Weekdays after 5 p.m. or
weekends 236-4147. 45:46c
W.E.bS1-1-Corgi pups, 3 male, purebred
ryithout papers. Phone 229-6562. 45c
5 BEAGLE pups, 10 weeks old,
$20.00 each. Phone 235-1588. 45c
12 Pets
CKC registered black Labrador pups,
dewortned, ready to ga in 3 weeks.
Make excellent pets or hunting dogs.
Phone 268-3949, 45:46e
REGISTERED Arab mare, full
papers. Will be two April 22, $1200.00
or best offer. Phone 229-6471 _after 7
p.m. 44:45e
15 Personal
IF YOU WANT to drink that's your
business, if you want to quit that's our
business. Phone AA 235-1035 or
evenings 228-6843. 2t
16 For Sate
ADDING MACH1NES,.typewriters,
sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry
Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St.
235,1840. 21t
DRILL PRESSES, vises, anvils,
power hand grinders, wrench sets,
used steel, Phone Hamilton's Machine
Shop, 235-1655. 41f'
HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a
fine selection of diamonds, wedding
rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks.
barometers. Cardinal watches sold by
jewellers only, $13.95 and up. Ftimily
rings and charms, watch and clock
repairing guaranteed. It
ANTIQUE drop-leaf table.
Completely refinished. $55. Phone
235-0159. 36t
2 - 1970 CHEV chassis and cabs, 2
speed axles and air brakes, wheel base
167. Sold as is basis. Phone 235-
2411. 41t
APPLES, Ito miles north of
Dashwood. 1. S. Teeter 237-3362, 42t
12 HP International tractor with
mower and snow blower, weighted
wheels, hydromatic transmission,
chains on back wheels. Just re-built.
Asking price $1500 or best offer.
Phone 229-6684. 44:45x
ORGAN - Yamaha electone BK-2,
brand new. Phone London 471-8842
between 1 - 7 p,m. 44t
STEREO phonograph with two
speakers in good condition for a
reasonable price. Phone 236-
4825. 44:45'
OLD upright piano in excellent condi-
tion $300 or best offer. Phone 229-
6471 after 7 p.m. 44:45c
STEREO speaker cabinet, 48 x 22 x 23
on legs, Six speakers (2/12" - 2 /6"x9"
- 2/5") with cross overs 1SW/ch
capacity. 235-1610. 44nc45c
Carrots, Carrots, Carrots
Dig your own carrots starting Mon-
day, November 7th and until they are
$2.00 per bushel
Dig 'em and eat 'em
Call 227.4965
4th Concession, Biddulph Twp.
HAND knit or crocheted afghans -
various colours. Orders also taken.
Phone 345-2094 for viewing
appointment. 45:46c
6 FIRE doors, 32 x 80; 1 riding saddle.
Phone 262-6428. 45c
HURONASTRA Flea Market open
all year round, Saturdays and Sundays
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. featuring gifts, dolls,
bric-a-brac, antique furniture, glass
and bottles, pictures, brass, various
crafts, home baked bread 'and more,
Localed Highway 4 south of Clinton.
Dealer inquiries invited, 482-7910 or
482.7077, Excellent lunch counter.
Draws every weekend. 45t
20 Property For Rent
TOWN house - carpeted, electric
heating, private patio, $225.00
monthly. Available December 1st.
Phone 235-1303. 45c
2 BEDROOM house. Phone 228-6493.
HOUSE for rent - Call 229-8206 after
five or on the weekend. ' 45:46c
LARGE 3 bedroom house. Close to
downtown, available December 1st.
Phone 235-0890. 45c
TWO bedroom house centrally
located in Exeter, new throughout,
natural fireplace, broaciloomed.
Available December 1. Phone 455-
9508 London. 45c
2 BEDROOM house available im-
mediately. Call 235-0685. 4St
COUNTRY home, immediate posses-
sion, 2 bedrooms. North east corner
of Huron St. and 11th Concession of
Usborne Township. You do
decorating, cheap rent, Call London
453-1207 or view on weekend. 45c
3 BEDROOM house, Exeter, close to
shopping, Available immediately.
Phone 26t2-6428, (44)45:46c
3 BEDROOM farm home in Hensall
area. References required. No pets.
Phone 262-5988, 45c
RENTING now, 1 bedroom apart-
ment, large livingroom, kitchen, 3
piece bath, new refrigerator and stove.
Ideal for working couple. Yogi Bear
Drive area, Call 337-6208 or 243-
2451. 45:46c
PRIME commercial office space
available. Phone 235-1706
evenings. 45t
ONE & two bedroom apartments for
rent, Phone 235.1706 evenings. 45t
LOVELY one bedroom heated up-
stairs apartment. Carpeted living
room, large bedroom, bright kitchen
with frig and stove supplied. Private
entrance. Phone 235-0477. 45tx
THREE bedroom house on
Marlborough Street. Apply to August
Gregus 235-1647. 4St
21 For Rent
UNFURNISHED, 2 bedroom apart-
ment. Heat and hot water supplied.
Available December I. Apply Art
Gaiser 235-2754. 45t
ONE bedroom and one bachelor
apartment furnished and heated.
Laundry facilities, Above Canadian
Tire. Phone 235-1497, 45t
2 BEDROOM apartment in Crediton.
Available December 1, Call London
collect 433-8092 after 6 p.m. 45:46c
CHAMPION motorhome, sleeps
eight adults, all conveniences. $225.00
a week and 12¢ a mile., Phone 229-
6471 after 7 p.m. 44:45c
VICTORIA PARK apartments - 1
bedroom, large rooms, carpeted, 4
piece tiled bath. Good closet space.
Laundry room facilities. Phone 235-
0526. 42t
1/4" and /2" DRILLS
Your Westinghouse
Exeter 235-1033
Rent a Car or Truck
For Your Moving Needs
12' Delivery Van
Available For Rent
Exeter 235-1640
PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mix-
ers, power trowel, etc, Form ties
stocked. For more information call
M. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236.4954
after 4 p.m, week days, any time
weekends. 17t
23 Wanted To Rent
WINTERIZED cottage with fireplace
in 'Grand Bend area, December 26 -
December 31. Call London 679-3822
daytime or 472-9120 -
evenings. 44:45:46c
25 Notices
Ship Your Livestock
Monday is Shipping Day
From Varna Stockyard
By 7:30 a.m, Monday
For Prompt Service
No Charges on Pick-up
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate of
Malcolm Campbell Gilbert
All persons having claims against
the estate of Malcolm Campbell
Gilbert Fletcher late of the Town of
Exeter, in the County of Huron,
Physician, who died on or about the
13th day of July, 1977 are required to
file particulars of same with Bell &
Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On-
tario, try the 12th day of November,
1977 after which date the estate will be
distributed having regard only to
those claims of which notice has been
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executors
Exeter, Ontario
In the Estate of .
Wilfred Desjardine
In the estate of Wilfred Desjardine,
late of the Town of Exeter, in the
County of Huron, who died on or
about the 16th day of April, 1977.
Creditors and others having claims
against the above estate are required
to send full particulars of such claims
to the undersigned on or before the
12th day of November, 1977 after
which date the estate assets will be dis-
tributed having regard only to claims
that have then been received.
Raymond & McLean
Barristers & Solicitors
Exeter, Ontario
Solicitors for the Executor
In the Estate of
James Wesley Miller
All persons having claims against
the estate of James Wesley Miller, late
of the Town of Exeter, in the County
of Huron, Labourer, who died on or
about the 28th day of June, 1977 are
required to file particulars of same
with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of
Exeter, Ontario, by the 26th day of
November, 1977 after which date the
estate will be distributed having
regard only to those claims of which
notice has been received.
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executrix
Exeter, Ontario
In the Estate of
Martina Margaret Denomme
All persons having claims against
the estate of Martina Margaret
Denomme, late of the Village of
Zurich, in the County of Huron,
Housewife, who died on or about the
4th day of September, 1977 are re-
quired to file particulars of same with
Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter,
Ontario, by the 26th day of
November, 1977 after which date the
estate will be distributed having
regard only to those claims of which
notice has been received.
Bell & Laughton
Solicitors for the Executors
Exeter, Ontario
WINS PORK PRODUCERS AWARD - Obtaining the most points in
any 4-11 swine club in Huron was Bob Wilson, RR 1, Brucefield. Above,
Bob receives his prize from Huron Pork Producers president Elmer
Harding, T-A photo
The Exeter Public Utilities Commission, 379 Main St., Exeter,
Ontario plans to dispose, of its 1965 Dodge 20,000 G,V.W,
line truck complete with derrick, bucket but not including
augers, auger bits, tamper, pole puller, fire extinguisher,
tools, material or license.
Sealed tenders will be received up to 12 noon, November 28,
1977, at the above address,
This truck is being replaced and will become available ap-
proximately Feburary 28, 1978,
The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
H. L. Davis
Complete dispersal by auction of the Rare Bird Antique
Store, 182 Queen St., St. Marys (across from town hall)
On Saturday, November 19, 10:00 A.M.
Large selection of refinished and finished furniture, glass
and china.
3 drop leaf cherry tables, maple hail table (1850),
cherry harvest table, marble top commode, walnut hall
tree, 1 walnut and 1 cherry chest drawers, selection
'rocking chairs, pine cradle, cherry hall table (1850),
child's rocker original stencil, gramophone, 3 blanket
boxes, selection washstands, Gingerbread clock
(working), also clock case, stain glass windows,
telephone, APPROXIMATELY 15 OIL LAMPS, jars -
Beaver, Amber Crown, Darling, Amber Atlas and others,
selection of chairs including Chicken Coop, Hobnail Safe
(old western special), Rogers majestic mantle radio
(working), Duncan Phyfe Drop Leaf table, wicker
fernery, butter bowl, small crocks, Flow Blue china
plates, Tarian figurines, collection approximately 30
pieces OCCUPIED JAPAN, cake stands, satin and mer-
cury glass, books, selection R.S. Germany and Coalport,
cast iron banks, lamp parts, back bells, (2 sets), 24
souvenir plates, this is a partial listing only.
As this is a large sale it must start on time.
No Reserves, Terms of Sale Cash,
Personalized Cheques Accepted Only •
The Rare Bird, M. Griffin 284-3271, St. Marys, Code
Perth County license #11-77
Auctioneer or Proprietor Not Responsible For Accidents
Day of Sale,
Percy Wright
KIPPEN, ONT. 262-5515
M W111
Auction Sale
of Real Estate, Antiques, Household
Furnishings & Misc. Items,
Saturday, Nov. 19 at 12:30 p.m. Sharp
For Mrs. Mellissa Gardner, in the village of Greenway, 5
miles south of Grand Bend or 6 miles north of Parkhill on
Highway 81.
REAL ESTATE consists of south west portion of lot 39, ap-
proximately 1 acre of land, 208' frontage, 350' deep, with a
1 1/2 storey frame house with insul brick siding, new roof on
front half. MAIN FLOOR living room, dining room, kitchen,
bedroom, wood shed, SECOND FLOOR, 3 bedrooms,
full basement, 100 amp. service, plenty of shade, also small
Real estate will be sold at 2 P.M. subject to a reasonable
reserve bid. Terms of Real Estate, 10% day of sale, balance
in 30 days.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: pine flat to wall cupboard
with porcelain pulls, pine bonnet chest, side board, large
kitchen table with 5 leaves and Jacobean legs, drop leaf
table, harvest table, couch, press back high chair, press back
nursing rocker, 2 other rockers, 2 sets of 6 chairs, set of 4
chairs, several other chairs, parlour table, fern table, Sewing
machine, spool bed, 2 matching 3/4 beds, iron bed with brass
knobs, open wash stand with towel bars, washstand, 2
dressers, picture frames, trunks, large wooden butter churn,
wooden washing machine, 7 piece toilet set, 2 Carnival glass
bowls, press glass bowl, Germany, Bavarian cream and
sugars, fancy dishes, souvenirs of Parkhills old town hall, part
of set of dishes, glass plate with Canada Concordia, with
maple leaves on outer edge, cheese dish, salt and peppers,
water pitcher and 4 glasses, oil lamps, Aladdin lamp com-
plete with shade and chimney, small iron pots, copper boiler,
copper tea kettle, wooden pails, butter print and paddle,
wooden rolling pie, sad irons, iron fry pan, jugs, crocks,
sealers and bottles, hand hooked mats, (some never used),
quilts, music and books and many other items.
refrigerator, Westinghouse range, blankets, linens and bed-
ding, 2 power lawn Mowers, 9 bags of cool, cord of cut
wood, 6 rolls Of grey siding, shovels, garden tools, step
fodder, several Other items.
Not responsible far accidents day of sale
Norm Whiting, Auttioneer
Phone 225-1964
TOP CORN EXHIBITOR - Winner of the Russell Bolton award as the
champion 4-H club corn exhibitor at the Seaforth Pall Fair Was Ron
Taylor, RR 1, Errucefield. Above, Mr. Bolton makes the presentatide.
T-A photo '
of Real Estate, Car, Household Furnishings,
Antiques & Misc. Items
On Sat., Nov. 12/77, 1 P.M. Sharp
Lot 10, Concession 16 McGillivray Township, 2 1/2 miles
south of Mt. Carmel or 1 1/4 miles north of Lieury• and 'A
miles east. For the estate of the late Mrs. Hellen Thomp-
REAL ESTATE consists of approximately 20 acres, part of Lot
10, Concession 16 McGillivray Township. Situated an this
parcel of land is a 2 storey farm house, with Insul brick siding.
MAIN FLOOR, large living room, large kitchen, pantry, small
room suitable for utility room, 3 piece bath and bedroom,
SECOND FLOOR, 4 bedrooms and hall, Partial basement, oil
furnace, 3 years old. A good chance to own your own home
and get out of the city or town. Property to be sold at 2 p.m.
subject to a reasonable reserve bid,
CAR - 1976 Pontiac Laurentian, 8 cylinder with ap-
proximately 12,000 miles. Al condition. Safety checked.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES - large spool what-not
shelf, side board, dresser, open wash stand, wash stand, 2
parlor fables, other small tables, large kitchen table, set of 4
press back chairs, other press back chairs, mirror and stand,
ceder chest, trunk, Singer sewing machine, walking canes, oil
lamp font, large oil lamp, cuckoo clock, wood stove, heater,
several dishes such as Germany, Nippon, Ruby flash, also
paper weights, bulls eye vinegar jug, and many others,
powder horns, copper boiler, iron pot, flat irons, coal
skuttles, school slates, Several other interesting items.
door frost free refrigerator, 4 burner Kelvinator electric
range, Simplicity washer spin dryer, portable TV, table, step
stool, dining room console table, like new, chesterfield and
chair, arm chair with stool, odd chair, table lamps, pole
lamps, mirrors, radio, several dishes, knick knacks, part set of
dishes, electric fry pan, toaster, kettle, heater, vacuum,
broom, docks, linens and bedding, suit cases, golf clubs,
power lawn mower like new, garden tools, other tools, roll of
barb wire, many other items, Not responsible for accidents
Terms on real estate 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days.
16 For Sole
FIRST class Macs $4.50 per bushel,
Second class Macs and Northern Spies
$3.50 per bushel. Please bring your
own containers. Apple butter and ap-
pie juice in our containers. Dixon's
Orchards, R.K. 2, Ailsa Craig, Phone
293-3043. 45:46c
LADIES Borg coat, knee length, dark
brown, size 12, like new. Ladies winter
coat, green tweed cloth, midi length,
size 10, like new. Phone 234-6401. 45c
SET of 1973 Encyclopedias, 30
Americana plus 10 Canadiana $400
firm; 383 Magnum 4 barrel in a '69
Dodge Super B. Phone 234-
6298. 45:46c
MIXED hardwood for sale: single
cord split 523,00; block $18.00 you
cut $13,00. Phone Carfrey Cann 235-
2625. (43)45c
H & N Chick" leghorns, 20
weeks old available for fall delivery,
Call McKinley Farms & Hatchery
Ltd. Phone 262-2837. 45e
FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood,
delivered. Free kindling. Leslie Cud.
more 235-1267. 45*
STEREO console AM/FM 8 track
and turn table. Phone 235-2364. 45x
LAZ-Y-BOY style rocker recliner,
brown naugahyde in excellent condi-
tion, C78-15 belted snow tires used
one season. Phone after 4, 235-
2470. 45*
Sat., Nov. 12th
2:00 p.m.
Everyone Welcome
PHILCO black and white console TV.
Phone 345-2723 after 5 p,m. 45tx
GARAGE SALE - Saturday,
November 12( 357 Edward St., 9 a.m,
to 5 p.m. 45c
LADIES gray Persian lamb jacket,
size 16-18. Price $60. Phone 228-
6418. 45c
KROEHLER chesterfield and
matching love seat, Floral pattern
with blue background. Also 2 blue
velvet Kroehler swivel rockers. All in
excellent condition. Make us an offer.
Phone 235-0344, 45'
3 PC. mohagany bedroom suite, dou-
ble dresser, chest and bed. Excellent
condition. Make us an offer. Phone
235-0344. 45*
1975 BENDIX mobile 68 x 12. Ex-
cellent condition, sun deck, small ad-
dition. Phone 482-3133, 45:46*
APPLES - Spies, Kings, Snows,
Delicious, Tatman Sweets, Greenings,
fresh cider, cider apples available to
November 15th. Bring containers.
McClymont Orchards, I mile south of
Varna, 482-3214. 45c
JUST dressed ducks and roosters. Call
234-6239. 45*
HYDRAULIC log splitter, Hamilton
Machine Shop. 235.1655, 45c
13 CU.St. freezer, 2 kitchen counters,
stove, dresser and Hoover spin wash-
dry. Phone 228-6493. 45c
17 Wanted To Buy
FURNITURE, antiques, appliances
or miscellaneous items. By the house
full or singly. We buy estates or will
arrange to sell therp by auction, Con-
signments welcome. Kuriousity
Korner, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336.
Immediate payment for good standing
timber and bushlots of all kinds. Write
Robert Eagleson, R.R. I, Ailsa Craig
or phone 232-4450, before 8 a.m. or
between 3:30-5 p.m, (if possible)
18 Wanted
demolition and salvage purposes.
Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy
Road, Sarnia. 23t
18 Wonted
ROOM for boarder in country home.
$40.00 a week. Phone 229-6471 after 7
PERSON capable of teaching guitar
lessens to n child. Apply to Box ACP,
Exeter Times Advocate. 45c
HOUSEKEEPER - 7 days a week.
235-1034 after 6. 45*
PERSON to share trailer with young
man, 4 miles from Exeter. $60. per
month plus hydro. Phone 229-
6444. 45c
MUSICIAN lead guitar for rock and
roll band. Phone 238-2246 or 238-
2689. 45'
19 Property For Sale
ZURICH - 1 storey home, 2
bedrooms, kitchen, living room, full
basement, partly finished for rec
room, large garage. Phone 655-
2606. 4$:46:47:48c
LUCAN - nearly new 4 bedroom
brick, raised ranch, 2 baths, rec room
with fireplace, attached garage. Large
fenced lot, Private sale $52,000,00.
Call 227.4934. 45:46c
On Pryde Blvd., Exeter. Want a large
ranch home? Don't miss this one.
Could be 6 bedrooms and office. 2
large fireplaces, all brick trim. This
home has many, many extras plus 2
car garage, large lot, backing into
open space. Call me anytime.
"Service Is My Motto"
433-6622 or 455-8078
Canada Permanent Trust-
3 BEDROOM ranch style home,
detached garage, low taxes, easily
heated, large lot, basement insulated,
ready to finish. Phone 236-4873 after
6. 44:45:46c
bordering on woodlot
Phone Gib Dow
20 Property For Rent
ONE bedroom apartment for senior
citizens only. One apartment to
choose from. For more information
call Maplewoods Apartments 236-
4373. 35t
IN BAYVIEW subdivision, winteriz-
ed and furnished home from October
1 -June I. Phone 236-7713 until Sept,
4 after 236-4062. 34t
One, two and three bedroom
apartments. Shag carpeting,
Kelvinator appliances, all utilities
paid. For inquiries phone 262-2129
Hensall or 433-7781, London.
Prestige BUsiness
Space for rent in completely renovated
Town Hall, Main Street. A total of 1,-
275 sq. ft.
Phone 235-0685
OFFICE space, 20 Sanders St. Ap-
prox. 700 square feet. Call Barry Reid
357-1522. 44:45:46c
3 BEDROOM, 2 storey house, close
to main street. Freezer and stove in-
cluded. Phone 357-1522 Barry
Reid 44:45:46c