HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-10-21, Page 2-es CIRdi MawIld• Laws detele ae•-•-leassd bola 1. Carramb1w6 PAM UM. W1M141 WW1 1100111'" - 111.. IM 9 maIMAY, SI ratio Tway* !hi 11114a- nu...41km„ mil now mita iatni , ." 11"r/ Mesgth of ut 1r 1.116 14110 11•1181$10001111/44, sad th. et., awl Um V. lost da • Mita* 141••• •••••••• Yelleloo • A '4211:4146z.-- irstiZialorwei, • MM. to be yea . ...a4 Rade., , ,,,,,,,orro• 001 1191114.4 to , be ammi sig. Oa Oallatio Tbb. wrotai swiegameolias Wm tn. West to elaserei ars.I 1,1mbes, abont lir sins Mein • soiMillssmata. den: 11.11 Su Meek w ard III Oki Nrso 4-11•1••••• 4411 fron tine. to Twee. al horo was pealmrs us the yvys. • ...elateltot 4 the Iturtitsr. 04••••• It_ . .. „wish nod t. tira rifi Las mei he " tit 1 ellrerthasest ler Aware' Comety, ts ; timailasee was saw 1,.,t I. dara.... 4 • meadiat , were ifilli !kW 1,tirt "1•1111.4` WA 1:141. 1.1.11641.."1"...4 anitee"..11111111.....1.11."11.111111"elsi. 1.....1wIrlisaaaa• WI.'" 111%111•111 "" •• 111 "wow. """^i. h" 11••• • Illma•ma Am te. WM weft m 6 ••• ,m*vw• gam Oen ....1,......... - a„.1.6•Ii. fate .4 4 r.... 1 iiO4**4 h'Y the 11018.1•04 USW n• Nieuwe lame tit• •64 tad w ••••••'wl "" ‘"••••• oat ore tittalo• $4". ah.. IAN MI Sao swastasbas bald for W no iball r••••• bt rt •••"'“ Aldwd • AAA di uset the MIMI. d boa.. esti airraisos* ese of these tollfol. oral Yoe teester*.. 4**ot. ••• kat ta Was to 111=1;14016 ••• Smoolor mo mew* 4.0•01. hw Pm" h" 11" ofteilarm lams f-nmemd kas Ass: 1••• •••,••• • "w= . 4414 ipa sear& .4 a, NJ ea umeteatt , motodomoot, sugowl SNP" .011• o• 1•1•1••• 1 kr Ow roesetni so • eons beat FM .....sw,„....s al so • 4041141.0. to reposmeit the t......0 ..a10' .4 same was Irak ft t.. ...tub. .2.47: tg!_a• ,111•10.4. ••••111. thl wirroomoy=iititti:104,0000•m".""ssLirli"1 11:1"tale."6"1.4.466.7.74 5.,...6.411.91.1".84.1"...ful eugal.7'""."1„...."::1"7..-...,"?..„f......7".".2 Wei pls.. • Mad** • tbs MI6 &al 0.• ihil -1 46,61rw+ ." w, 4....kor.., otosofmr..0....... bra,,i... moil; wee, *Amnia If mai. sow. 6...= jowl. tira [La .1.4a. 0117.mamr, eh. ems sass ea st • Womb' sour Meellai bell by a lee Tarim se Wares/ es Tires*, moor tor,16 wrionams. •••• aaS 1116essiewed Ms gib at Mom... •••••• ••••••••••• arta resarri to. lb. 1. agaid del dim issiae bum as emosi of his 1 , , _ . _. _ 4 ,....,..,, * ' '1!....• 1010901999 Www hi hee• *I•••••'"••• nweelaPri."4"47.611...a.y.Lbas. '4:17.......a 144.111, • "w' egad lam t• adasentas 4.e stook 4 the ,,,,_ . b. b..... ,,, t,• iu.41.4 th• pdf.014441A Sews A imbes hailaad, as snot a t. r....., .1, , ..._ ,.... b. 6., ,,, ....y..i.i. .... 6. 4o•W•twat beam. tuo lina Promniat Howfuread Vr„:_l_'"Z. ........" .....,...... IL Li OM Meru. Int Swilt thog 1.. had Wows paosell foe ,,,,,, ""'•......., t""-. .........."•-07,,-, s.,..,s. M. ts. 1/0"w** "i" very In.. Imam se nos wag ..4 had 4 ey. „,.., b. b.. ...... prnentrel ethers pr..........4 fitr ii**16. miaow, to 6 ...._... ty. r,...„. 4 „ t....1........t 1.04. la,,1" ,r." 611 4. __,_*• 414 Mat. norm. ...loud tka. until 7.."; -3.4 ...., 0.4 1,1.0,, ..,,y •4•14. ••••‘"*.a...• t "`"•1 Immo am geasesd ail Moo 1114 be• .".s. r,......"1 in. &moms.' to w.'Twiwt 1 .• essold" . '...13. leaslu 4-"•144441"47y g...1 (17p,..P'sri...t,"4 "sabo (.6.7,44 ..1.4"'"Isper..bi.4 i 1!4_,:....., . _II •,_ _61.6,:tIono. itmil.:,11,,limioallsy. Mao amiimoma 1114 em wat win in iy .., ." ty., s,s4ys i =I 1.7„.......:::•::,..1 .N...i.e. am "." Asses suag bs .1114.1.4 "1" 166(111' Fitims1""1"""4 it 6.1 The ovelErsat futalw• who have foot. ""5"••• 1 • 1•161°. "'I 110 .1 .e..a.. 1,..... *h. ......i. t........ 3 i t 4,4 IN •"•"••• 11° "• tonne Stio lard.- for my ortwoot *bat r'..sal " 4'6411 "7 akakariaasaa 1"'"' .• ...tuft atom t wry ...0.64.0.""5"1„ thesiCem ogro4,0,6,14, 18. ;mot:. theor el *. 0111141461U •1th HMI bead of 7•••••41910"'1!..tnioag. 401446. a 6" '.4,111..1.4"..1.',..1..6.,=11.,:fl:77,P11"1......• laa talocael us the h. had rasa" vl as .111. tad he las oaelato II* hoe pnmoi .4 lagto Ns 7 Miont tol te 610198•4 avglame woo met la tho. 110 ....mast of maim., men, astd tadeate tha mounewso • tto. polio 11.9.4. 114ms tbeo solasuu oato6tog boaretat 4-.. 4. do ol capaisimil lakes la • part S., 3 iweiaprora. 12 1 • ' miship loirro••• age loos atul Tiskos,..."1•6*'11"11661.3",..anj. relied het of somasastaem of greater or onpoinson, 14 purple...of penes1 sad pun. Lam/4 AM 4••••• smelt ts lre adadarad. Wham wa me the OM /ANS .14•11 Nam& *1. upotori ul ••• trod 1.•••dt 11■10.1,41ti 100, hem& of trade, rears 4/44 int MI6' ineltetlues, our 11119oillinione tater asel-wrai saleadva fuesielloso es whisk to, bass mon welt • ellorts, wail Mammas mere o pia assess to bar set very fur 4istpat. • happy toudstasy...4 Imre happy in • vow of the aaltsreality .4 .opleion epos. WI sehaet. Tb. soc.daplialment oof great an..1 con prolostft... um.. dooms le. dibloolt Mart II. endualad 1141.4duato mita thmaelois for perprios 4 mutual hes..11, Jeslousi• •Itioh are saliamte 9. eh. agibeaum .4 atitodail we posy MO, 14,...;!.. step 4 to tainrrept Itairsouy of local mgotiodsom la snail muerte layyn, tro so..• los 9•441•••••• Lir &ad Leiadas, MAIM Una r - IdldNULdg ea. faieletesaford. .1/4" .„2 144 Uwe.. tie la • . Oda oroolodesi ibtara Id RUA 7 ty *me await "44' Ifoteollie ... , fro. *Ole ' '41111111111111.110.111,- `'W!!'• 42511b ---: pun Signal • 1874, v..-- Dir11 1111111.011. itterroort la that say fma labor. la Soclead the ar. ol tia r.twera Wid kis .*1 1•4*"1.1••••• imo"..- lots Arm s• i top •4 ita• peem=Leella IT 4141.11111••••11.4 *Loa 16••••61 1.1A4 ••••• rota lal412111 Cr* ir'" 1•Y 1.1, .1.o.1.4 bog gt. toe Imo was allose 160.40.64. yr.. I oibm. • ea • agesto.4 as to satmesly of 0•11. awl 411 sail. oat of 409.4.5. we.). ma 5. few itch Of geoatiol sabots lay own 1•••••••rio• • Itta. dby 1,00. oislost 116 • meth awl his • :Anted maiespalmas alasat the b.." r •••••••1 *76 • 7..0 h...• Ilwroo, 604 biwrii • got. IN • sloth tartellit, mai my won mese battier *ad nr,„1.1,ko, .440 or isreg the day, goo. ••••ore at Mast tans Um 1.1 01 04101 80 IMO t/01, Najd &a prim araseadaram w1.60. mop. my Mak 1.14105 00144 1144 aset lets YU, ed. 31, pass 711. Winn 3 amp 13. meet • AS, ray 0144 Th. Uesty ploagnwi eselek wall bee bald ea 14. Um Mr. kin bbisme• , 104 S. etea 11, fiery. es Illaissity west. .1"y • memaesimg •11 eras. nom, A N lir atellown pr.! 111"11.41•61•1 "6616.46.14ortliortwedowil.torPart. loyer""4"41841144.41"4...... "...2.11....1"1":"1.:17....."7.1."..ona"."1"411*".4'111.4.177V14"14.1111;r: amet hasausubadne4;414.:11ww••••16."". w• ilewWWW1 116"""bh". sap7endai 00•1 aral".414•41st leave""e"vas"trat 6.4 bas ma. kw ma fur om ad, 4 4.1, ism wmair 1,46.1 Me Lops • Wolof. lew mrsnaatel Prailoo. Maas 1011 "4* 14144. of Mr AO 6 trots. for 6.or too rti• Ifibislay1 26•1111 ...oh 1444 lam Ili the, • , ea7aZimai -a - RI • riatrwa'remp.. r. 4,14 I 10 it. 1114r...40. CM imam. ••• 5** 44. s.t. tho " "I 1•1"6" gm 116.4 rot tio•••• woottly ivory 0 abditAl 4. .04 gem. los do. favors. evA•b• ▪ hoget sa th• 1:0".4 ' aloe se • OW* facet throe• met Ivr'46. • vr tadieic ..,•• .4 astastia. fteerier -.a s. 144 not fee 11, so. dray .4 the art make is fin eon* of • mold mkt • t M We. the WM.. • dial ow pm.. 4...... do promo.... waotaat 1..• *hie 40.••••• 01 AA 1.1000t 1.416 1AL 011-111•1. 0010 0 4.10.1•1/ 45404-a1 t"," timmesi Noe ...... Opt... 1 Nom rook d44 &gaveled. thoso Mr. gearr •ith Mr cutmlartorde, auk4 eom emit. atemo.:Lott **" .1w"•• 41' • ••• IR. boa hal ref ••••I Imuu son tag of Wen) Pre .."`A•8. "`"`""I'' Lost b him an Ammon boYfe- tan, /044 •84 Me 1.44 as, has Ita..14"•• 8•682241'araltell'•:"."74•171 7."▪ 1"7"..it"'"*"." 1117•‘‘ -till .....7.4CoolliEliplumig"4"......;;M.."4:41.644,11gk.:* 71.471r orteaTs*7- pati•ore. ii".•ei A014 Wm Arndt, Wit wk. Mr. tiargeoo'a mum, us oa lase •., Miss, &MVO* igona 8.4444 • airways ta whearl.....th•ohcr..h....;:„ bad Mr. mean hot • roodelows eill Mrs.. ,111 bov:tilt thsboopumopLisi I:. irlany„is tepth, whew sowas-mghts .4 th. littl. 1 .,,s.s y.s.t. w... S.M. 4.-•T !: 1,-•' bor. 4 tiv• riga( loud Ira" a..... ”Ir. a„. .,_..1., • .4•6!'•'•• •'' ".1' impapA .16,1. roam; artaLro...tanon,...66...oif .6:..i• 6111 Jp.,44: asw7.1 ...Ilan '• J'If."‘"' as ore Aool.• Ito • .., to tf lo• roma 1.114. Jos Berta .. vs "...el .....4 14 tie idtwaliwas.a.,..17.61.,Mril.lamovirtt...4.....4.-ei $7. *4 .. ...._ - . • osititeLtal!":40lbsa 11=raliss: 04111414. ail jos paw tho room •111••••• int hear Mesa ..1 the emboa..... 1.01.i 'Lleeltai Menotrosts.- 'llate Dear**. " ar4 .4140. 0601111 61111••••••••• buoillaktly raselena. Lip al Ova ad, h. ethos boo ..... - • IL Minn -- • ta xpaa4mellia aid 'MOW NM* 41000. ••••• °•••• Sr near mew 144•4244‘1•41/41‘askiliel. limbs 11••••••••••••••••• 111P 1Acs tomb. I••••••• k."410±-thatIllf-;- - Siam 61.4141Motepollimeointri ard AO tars not beat 456. iarassis sof se* 4 no 4111.111, eel -Sbeirkiablilloaild•••••17114•710•11.17417• selessaall mead 51.• away, ead, was uppertmaty •Itt000• Uto words ol Love. imam the mallowee of mese, mes ne oar 458. ..1.6 akar Maim a.. aa dad ywer monemmonot reow• LbeteVe happwaso 4 14*. US,. yet mba,. mod mth ram AAA elt.. lore sele...4 _7 awn. ard bean .1.4 oft aurt inn balm. reatiloss the keret .4 alTitarasua. 11•,••• 1114.11.atutinj Comm., tam • Ms, oroad or. ne toot.. k couitar.4.. for 1.11g41••••• l•rgo do•traa4 .041, 111 C041100 t.....har • oh go More• t, 111.11 cora orrarty CVO raw •,,o6 1••••••• Lion that'll§ alao -a woo boa. for gnu., Moro vmda fru. 1.5. 4.44 gals lb 6 flora earo•••• rloctoto ..1 .h -.rt swops Near W. so of do.' 4•••• ennosoot at tomm 1441111 am .1.445 masul an. 1111 hol tt.• ha, Wr. I refoon• retro. froos areisesi lutromitobal 15011 Works tam eat .a.C.a.„1314-12"kgbrILlal.:45 aila"411-111611.0 "s1. 545(1155 Ara ta tita arraiti 4 salt, 1 'way state abase tam GOO to MO hareiels law day. gitortiii• whs. 4-1falibiltall. Meow -*nee preasesal-rate. who • .1 m oho. 41140.1•001 4 much to Ustreptera* of Ow ..•••atp. .1 - . • • Ididaiyea.• AM, ea OM elkeleee tr. rotoarnag to Lb rosidetie 'se the. Meagabs meei Lo, *magi: team Ilitrua Mend, itar hay iug loweitht • fel 114•11. eirsei Ills. W. team, inept, of kelies a am moth 1.4. Um mold to 11. former, ter sectdcat • holo dolmt pm. War1061•10616 Atop mow cnmr....Itmfroim.1,40... wank. •441. kiwi. • mom. •4 haa bees arms/lit es loaraet aorta; lir kilt 11•••4, prim wont 16.4 hems • hi.th as dursoss Clot pro.44.4 lnest has divoltaad 10u or thole costa, emettlere appears to lo atall boor, wissah Si be ins ems ob.* rad, I ." se„.,0. kmorleiwe 4 t1t. fact that ao ear fmiebia advaroa. or .. fladonst , aaid malt. 60004114 °he." 0" (11. "%a" •• 1°4' ikittamarting treas. ml robe emeep3/44•66 6,66,6606.06666ime lore• .yes fairly glooml mith =NOM ,.. 40 yards .4 she track IL, whistle 58. . 11. • f in,Ukii ght...arli lao crom•ty. 1 .i k• rot...ill. 144 Obi 6""1"1" 4"- 6/1110 /11 trclat tma oas ........1. Wool ...,t-.. more an. Ito IMMO) • Nal. il.ilmo h" 4."1"" C."1"1". "11 51" 74* Mr. W.,....b.eli .prouog fro. hts warp.. lod it. .-re. OA .4 40 sadies, oar l• op by •*"1 •°1***°••••••10-1 b•1061 law v.+. u....5 th. &mi. Mad, aael gnus. a • C......, oast of POO OM, .4 tloshoh •••h".""' spotted auses51 boom. umoutrollable ow, 04, 111•0114.11" . 1/711,001. ?owes 11..• ihrory. Brooms4 seem for WM nod started cif tiro • uo. Mr N.A.. aud 1". os 1110,006 ••••--aft tin% Vaillnat the preen* or of Ilia_ AIM& 4011100110 Ulla rh. Loma 11. Korth I ork . 21 mks 61.mA. s's • ...4.0 4 000fortt wart truo4 at as wag... Moods /....art woo litee Mos Mho op it., 4.4.4. 4 fr,000 pat mai% as ,hd rIstar lop. Solo, Ms. Jain. 4,....k.e... Th. Mom 1.......1.4 acm. Viet.. aa us!. poery.... .....ty Ha. John Hillyood Co 114. , tra. iroug. a. the train app.' oelaod, mot Ciptc,r119"4"1- -11%* ihm• 8•••!...10ell i •04 Mr. NU.' sioraltell lee .Leasis- jam vovervvvdo.1 it. clsar.r. It •toos tiim - eiroiroomilltaatione Mein 14, 0.4 Mr. Yea Main•SO511). 0., Chow stowere ..tat• tir. trtgx-• assienog it in • -1•114L1313.44i1011, .1lailleip eeilety 144 LAIrig .1,6y. -•••11.4.t ligr-ellnlan. tos a thmond .....A.....,.. A•••• 1644101411 "1"111"111 all t WSW ••• trtjallt.;:„24.1. II. Ir. on*. a Hot •••64-6•64$ •••••••••-•••sposaara lAdalbis.didouldlitArt seelibiewnban .a. os. _ up tks-emperollepseta, • iron so th. 4••••••• het • sesilgt by the Fay was raids fm thai Ts--loP11 siunir.1.1-sombizat. ilot moat did Mai hhel coreglaitted woo jartarir iire infinwat 40ACS.. tita. Merry ~Mood hart easily • Wood Nutria' rm. Mr Va. alth....1. mot amt. MM. 1..eas nano thr...lithetr 1010141, led they Erma. eta. het should sell wee, lortoonat. is empoisetlo nierisis. • gool4 aot post gos taii. pboe 11•WS41••••••• 11. etawd .644 6.. Coosa Midi as woulol stab's bays bre ids loss theor shoulder 110 tho whoa nareessi • meek as any os.., the pub. Lad lo IMP. pooped Iota tha maws thformegs.. V.. Lk* 100 talk _join /W01104 th. swim coeplanoof of, tu elms h. dol. re. *1h/weer stopped day thm hal h.o. stag ...Jou tit railway their paper, a.14 had nosy 1.-•••• applied tram to see damage done, au4 fla(ten. tor taw 6.4•666 arsteva or bIluoi. 101 apni.gy bmfors imi act•oa Gelding two sisal.. tom tie *pot lib, sae t. Ist,• VIPSICaly 1.:1011•• ol, boolght. they mould nom go.s. mot onsluded AIWA 00=4 01.416.4 laws kg. A.. Lope.. to the Immo. bot to pleaded that hi. eneal ha4 moo* 64. but body nevi fooin3 to I* •••• •tfikm.: 1.4* mil roe Peortooro' n • :too.. $10.,..911 IA/ ly rspuldished whoa hae appear./ MI promat Os mill/um ilio 4. igloos mo. haat 0• rata -day tbe Ira Mate Willi Wail norm Monts. told ea. mastel _ Jaw. se tia be Maikalliel. th• WO* . loor ma be gretiled, camas lle t• Seta koadkreg _ _leasaide bad oblavioa, brtbarp of die ...4‘ Vara( avid 1..1.11cat sitars t Mimed to On Raderst tbasseaer, tb• mold Is to ho oestralosd with 1.14 Martha. Mash...rem tot b• wads by the Mtn... frees Manley &ad Usborwe. Vaught bet ilifiniosi ia ator. for 1/4 asonosal4 porty this Moth Mita& as/ do Ise/ atimmisisia •• b• potato( WW1 Isom immiallitsord. washirest 1. --=-- 4.4 be piesoly arterial ise 4/0. kamitalishas. bill 11 1. Wow. _ olow that no appellants ie th• swain liaarsily 44 of ther utulatgiltigs. Dreary •• rut of X!. Orstruida spar 14. aolssited. aud It 4, 444 11.• Lnaat to masa mom/ beano .4priee to rem Lhe eprellesei the sapatele -.414411s area _Thas loons tpeetilleb.111.1t, adpiriated tho 444 Ray ampeased the •itatemee hm• bore aesstrarmoral perional,, sari ilie4 Lobes, we Mr 'comm.'. pan will too proems 1st Irma poen. Tim Itaformene brbse's "It ""ir `"Ill'ice 616" a C"j I elomeoly that ...a 4111 rage - Awl 4 sonsit&too, Mr; Cmorom toms 4..44 ...awn a Mimeo le toSimal matasta. sad a • allorts at canvassing 110111040014.1 A.• • 140 that weer more owl to hr. ts roma mal 011•1111 :sad. some.. ▪ pbeiee* 118.08.1111101. ha paltry. hy ese k .55.1. 4 alsios UK whistom Moe wei. to be Ima 14 le la be modem! at, Moss 11 is boa meats eledblee peopk.. Then no o • emery fur omen an4 jedimess nem bilPrmlbr."1111101- i6g giasaik mi.. and swamaleaMmr Mal the "1".•• 1.••' 14.• 111. 1" I"' a° j••••41 adranceneat thosemomurty to 144.1. has esidwaid Wat Mot was opos wery 6.44 wee; DIM by wary me mod was pm- y, hotly tiortlose. su4 Meng, It b. asp- .,4 ' Pwwil 11'3 Ih• 1.""*.• 116** hlw° ••41, 41:101M1P11 sad, borillimi pima are sumer - Mahn. lhe 6.1 hl Emma base patd aml tar rowers they *splay sod by lit. Comoro% to a party ia Usbono, , the brisk, Lb., .1111••••• la dropport el ,k. 1 iloor W.W.I gem fie 1.• bream paler 1•1•1•"• 11•1•111•11 1"1••• mismaies; best, hies palms" beauty. pin fn. the Imber Mem. ; bet is a..., .. 8.4 ". enip, ind art they MU Lad• strteg dint sal awe. itabiaeatial sapper.•ooliegad be tarn oultatoutliM th• ealiants *. Sae wonso at. Itiond 14„Ohots. Tim memo the leyfoll .14 go en. .4••••••un; "ft.,* !Lanai04 42_17. ' 1•4".sch•‘'• .1`.4s". e*ttb, 6.4 11.0 os. sontapial by Zeft 14,17•;:e siastra atoataam• r be brou.ht frt. ; 15„, oar tootm,..... mud fn.. tio tnissiloh. novon in ottel. tb.y, try/04W sib no samross. A.A. h. iamb. el/41MM meruelled, MOM tho • barn. ss th. martidisowriazagiusi04 mei. al Lcioti. What wit of mina. ty. 4. boutl. "o'll'A *0'111,117- •tfl 111. I...A..6r • rms. 4...4.4 . Let sim .4 Wt. 4.11,111. ayg•si srlesh temoree'a Info& Moot ontortair • few of MOM 64 the" 1.-e. !ander. of haft The Coort spausl .5 4-4 ...SIMI. Jib* Mit pessai.N. 6,4•14 rod db. thasts.e appear for tib• reursisel. 64 Uarrov, far tit* comoVineilli. Alms two egamer two bees anov-res4.1.ot lb.. room. al,peasesate th. 0000 mot Moly t emir erste *art • sap) .4 Eats. Nett week we jail re. • IOU rep.et *6. 54. oqoallty of social cmaditice nahntIllit tadiradual d.pendowt epos his mighber, Int tuouall. la that quite """ "AMU 14 bsoole.4 tha Moan coaassu • tsty both In is airovtase• to the .4. .,‚.....‚I of their woonuogy aud the :pasimaiary condition of tha 441.4.1 Salm. a. the Met spirit of bum.. Mime .ost., progress 64 salty and OW% tt .• th. sow that the Imeessommi 5noseas 4 sock sususion.- 11071Matoos• over, Mmes. la melt, ISM Irloch 4.1140t to hurtfool Maity- wIOS tie isdi..dood porrioili" !emelt to Wee sob. .4 the prams,* I mstritt Mte eve. the i••••••• oliorsorti 64.aseestam .54 the easlonmeosig 4 all nitsba. Too It* . ir • ow za ear lan Dmitima the growth of a* IONA hair& tibia limps 011attea 104 lintiiilliarenand advastame is tit insolitiOs Jowl alimmeitsed- eitniggte1. garb" ad Ose lesa• .4 the .6.. by•Ous oppose. 1.1mi the roma! intmet mon to bambini sad moose of the massoloty b. It ia,pleaelag aecihe "ftessall poloety and temps op.. it. mid Ins aim pm. ialiS`a mils la "weak Isola. • rsto•1.15.55 to es mei barns ri *ha ea4 ?r'...4.. tovrtal tho Cuddled tleales. ebee • we ma Med Mane ..aamplan.f.sr 'swan.• stet•Ithot54es4 the rimed " 4.14 pruse. pine .4 Oat esaitess. amostry. • pls. for stow. 18. beousses aisamals Irks* ▪ "my remise aim Webs be slepsi alrestaspo la ovary Mos 1( 5.7 proseatious • 1101111111/00"84. , antler a Ps pearree and rereensmost to 114 wet Imam@ IOW& 4111 Taidr • 41111144M6111414 liaslinsi 144 roam 4. wirdi .4 mtereal ore dernameei. mem 41141 inottio* a Ws &ARA " .".""""•• ard esiq t.4.,.4 Ohm maim on..stevart the 0...arI• t tat as • lamer is %dna 1111/0110 1.01.601••1114 01'. 61614., Wales ele fltellailleel se 16. laveleei St use pm roty .4 sameelauf 18. poor.• sitsaagemot tho vsoioce 7117.4. avvd 76 To, 44.e1.,ea410• 111•11,11 es Rd peeteral inures" el .64INA sr eleguipatesis ‚4,5.46.o waaid. aro .erpeiees las wataid • ask beam thear basal ammo se ell lbe direralea 4 fessoble rid boon the barelatta. eve tit* ribtreet, be, '5811". ■04 8. ProP00010 4/0011448. lied die resossa tebilak 66. r68"44"•.'11 '• P•11•1 Wwwilf eseatil58. bamme.4 Coen& is aaadiewert, iuty met NW tiadediddid • l4.04 te.paummsoerZ ee athy Jeorammd yl losoioem nolaiessehip 1. amoss, tho limy molt* groom. oat of *sea and thal ~am 10 1101100011.1 t high rased he anew sItee - Oo1d1170pi.tea4m1h17m1_e1oi1a1Z ni1lat1e6s1 l0' lpIollyeea. werosuWbasseve o islpildo1 LtL::2.y.617: soab.:47 oiirl plis l.fareor.14. • 1••••. od /1 19. OMa&waspraye- *eppr.4 6. Tw. The suppro.eo day4*eterm45.4. al 6.011441111111 110•016141•4 sposibmik Os laireard oettlay starmary ea 414441r" ise aloosima, tbe timed ,goionneint pr.04tee owe Ifs 11141411144144WAW. 04 postmet reoti4. ipIMIow psfa*hotli • supar• tb•hwars i erntothamaors 4 twO•Da WOE1ftloIm0f4Ni1 ▪ 4 shthoMotoaar*.. PfiIlMMl*err. omat ssa p, of qwod at • eeseof tMb e posaseIasameltlawoe ampir mre, !MoganeInna asm b.*u '.'44'.'. a s tirN .111 h....& awl so As millyeet to to elese shepeossee rflorripowerrypellid, bor 11" 614•• *1" • *P.' b• *toting** 10.1110, 111901104.1111 4.64 "P"'" ar...•1111111111.. . • 65 64 Mem& moods. ead n • lowl. Aft.. meowooete toe clos=11111:. hog 1,4 o• *ha mamaskaba. otoy nat famous IN.... rba mane imeaml .peadleame sad ammems of Me POO • Sim sa emowesina with pM11114•S • 4. 1.41"w•li 161004 ale101110 WSW, 11/•• 40 410/ 11'•• anfosamp 664 law • Dar. mimosa Artier 1.8• 4saint .1411.0 leoilmo lime of maw. ‘4411,11444L URI 1141.4RTS C %PR la piton, Mei. 111 Soak Ileteur, Poomais link O. Asi. 3111 leneogriet 4411.411.? Rat sum. Cloth Mik, fwel Up& 4 1.....a.m...„Theborim:1111,-......A.:".."..17.71.671.0.,!"::. ''...71,..1151.55,,...t.r,,g..8.. ........T.477_,....TA,.....,11:r....t...a. 1.....56..1t:tlial.a.......o...i.ta:::::: 0.11 6001, tim, :91.4.8„.....wflallg...1„7rosa.a„1.)m. ;:b.mosmpikma gals orairtI1'14 wW011111"6:....111•1616.1ho :006.1.e..rikezilaimmi OM iros4 8.44444 \ism/ leto • Isms_ libiel4--. __ lloboolalY to Wows • Mr. J Crew. of 111.11.0. porciamd, 42••••••••,4 ..,..!ItC...".1r.,^1".... 41""11;TI;7' :I:7'5:1 .1iotolsell .."4.41lootirialor ..a." NhorlYlolh.l.14‘7,4101 i legna tio. kililln.1114, 4 Norili 11.41. • ....T.- 58. ' bawl rood, tse . 44114.1.7 * ''''''.1.•••••1 1.r lik. 'all la.% ...taro.; ra3/4srz.b.,,...a.........,....bauftinsa....1 1,, .6.4,54.. 5 to; 115: ...e. a . ......s..41..-t-laiw.,The.: t...."1"5.r.....1"45;dt.l.toort.;1.715._45,o" ill IVIdisoos bank arms) thou a potra 5144.6 IS , .....!••••• l' " •.4 • '4' ih" l'1tt 4 M 'flint. -e. warlf*Iii In acimmes 44.,... .... 1-• •••• •,%,'"...4-- ":".. II.'" ...h4.1,5,, a bolo.. F. tort..114.4 lo21.14•;„em • gs.,00. y... ft...4 ...to ty. j .41,,fOrillk.,11:117 1.0N1,11.rizirt,r.,%‘',...4.1:7Nes I4.5 *Ms mole- ner. a.' I thsokena I/row somml It itgo, A1•441.1 Vara, 1414*5.6 1,0414S. Ce.:1 48111 0/041 tam.. asailins 10.44- for y etas.. foot. • 11 91. Oat at'41:f.LA 44.0..14"---*E14"Irt`View•":"021211ULAS=ICOM11,"P"ir-Tz mem". "°1 • sptib-Wit:ans- 4,.z......6u bariol thst Ilkeston. 'yam eery heavy, Ao moo patedoot ii.11114.! .6.1= demo. Memo leadel in. Ow KM., am of 114 lead.. of it T1', •••4'T ••"•••"11 11", •"••• . 14/8101,4. 01/111110.111/."41 ""- 1101 attar' Ilrotloacre lurloto, mum o•y• ••t• 0.410ftirug 10411.09•4110 by ty. top. okh mon asring the 1,.1,4,11 outinv. 11114a no entail Mora tbebannistm...1.0....ral Moro th. -Ito mod 44aa to the .I.ath of this's:* tome Etor..- wt.". "•• "1 11"*.a. •••,!•4 °II*" r_""' light the La. bead; b. AMA. man., include. ••••114••• atol clowns. ‘',014';r1.1 T.*" ••• .1. wt., of Monne ..ff trbee to, 44.4 hi. • ks., .n...e,00g I. it. Too., Wm con. 3•4".• "1 11"' 1:111'•• 1'1' "se In . 414*--"' gless10.-1. 110. ahortly iwf7 leen an th :1445 11116T: tra• cies. ly proms Thi. out the 110 g..• 1.. • floor. Meet Tws.1 4 •4411 mt. 111.• panflIgni.11:604 10 thw roo.1 -'6.4.hilliN0.01 5 h. th. war. moth, pap.:, and -from that snositlet a Et yotar y 74 thaw. • W.•L ha hose s,leseemed wit Ws moo rod. y......a. ...a. -• thesaigh a. : Lad ....froo.1 fronfaillun /14000•011.-kL Ti,. 11. n.....1 ILIIILIZIkili M.o. the 11•___,_,_”1.11•4 1.> 16° •;•1111"4"'•_, tiltr, D. Ilis• l• •14) lima/ loth.ognonsys.: it. did roe riemsd wat, 6.11,w au bi......40446r.i4. ,rOligilnc-to-t-tra pore. swo mit a Inn. I • cui eh' esth slom 71... hit laatl anstalaot say damage. reet-bs sb. obit ...b. ...1 H...4 !tit ;pi, 1,,,,,,y Of ."... 1' "ZIT "PAZ.° th 1•311611 MIS Mo. Yor. Ceetrai thoute. it 144 already ' arewl that thers was no toned under , ,....1. ‘,1 sur,,,,t 1,,,v,„,„.... 1y. foundation • • 48101104111401/ all it. .1.6 moo, host aut. th•eirmisalitam.e for 61•11111 Ingo carao•• of yrdhas. mg, lamb v. away aspeisIod 1/ memo Tt., indigo thou tharzed this owed ws ▪ fielfilheatier too intits-wago 1e••. 1.0•1•1 3"*".rwL**7.1.11 111• 141. 4 valabippod. go boleti. of repersag mask 4. C.se la an:A.0.04s Ne. Vork hip • Idol. la. whol. outs ooly heddong ts Wetly gratify mg. TM and 10,1115. whorls we. *Moat to 1...i- o 11113.6 16 .110/ n"fti 1•• Ando, %so leen tossy ettaahluat the swim ivv41 thaw satsuma 4.4.444,4 if an' u UMW* 44,4: 1•••••••• *IOW pmering an apon tt,• WIPulict /Jr Ow plasaUff.ditaac,4 EGO ty, •,.., ' st ust .4 Fifties nstl.of Imittot triune rolatortor tflA • road every 41.y It spa 3.0 mil. olowtor . thati by ary whecrout. ot Wei , .1.1110.14, STIRS. only um Imo of ra.lway by this touto 56. Goad Trowk, solida 4. traffic frons Mitata rig Wien, - The -light Wom 14 5 hal • • a...4, Coos. has Woe , eepplied with ea frun Chimp) 16 lloaton through Umada the non bel l.. owl f. 6a51.04 ma the ergo of go 1,t•r owl The' wet is very '.'. 7 t oudmvf, awl th• .01-.t, thst hate Worn loset• ut moiedie 14 44.1,.,. the rocvh weather 'es is • are demerring .of the zoom. prase. 1,4 sota• melt* pant th. ogling°, 4. 44.. thromAis nall employed. - Tier 's •""6"0"1" Ch, „,h 1°C f•www**4 .'h• ...do. in tboo sued boo as go, win OniaulTnisak,l1reat Wo•••• -s Camila ‘'./.111, 44° 44d.w 'b.so calm.1 goo floe Janne the day, Soothers, ••••• Uy mats:. Lit ••••••• Pliestitairr.-A plasimsi • Ai and ... i4 th. ••••i- 041 h• boo Jain e ledelle Sbaleat•Coatarti bad ass troika *Owes. Detroit AAA 1.1144116..4- Kosee4 vier .4 .16. it• " ..• •••• 1/or,. ...r..-"111 Ulna latatalabata Falai 440 - 1440. 04 44 i4 -07 pitr • "•• 044 for am, tlateekh T.i. sem., wo!.1 h. r...1 P.* "" ''"1.1:11h64.0".11.1"" et NO Weft ter go boon... .115 .1 taa .4 We sty. Wialpft wow W. linn hear Ow thoe - • •410.11 •11:••• haft* 00.11141 60140., ft. years .."-t--,orirews. -t-mt . edUl'eurarvilitlir sac P.011• ism 4.. • P 1.4•14.611114a., Hama Wu& he tie roseiprousw • as abaci libi . Sir* T war. TroXiassimad .80*4'.. Elora' craw b.,. 64. Altai r or Isms, *ore brosiishal la that migh • when, tbe break oemarre45 sad thin 1-44.,-.1 ark.' use k nova. smote no. paw belay tor • fatertam 4 la hum!), for tl. gravel SIMI Gast barb el boarding, laortm lit.. At ale iwae Trunk elevator th. ,Sorls ia is a yeiry bad .tate, roam., utraidgfia 64 1111 1111* i61tr0 Mono p.m tortua tbe .levator. Thu th• 44e118the appweasses 04t beitor. °nor on .........rembero, 44.1 imonoirsot admissides. Piestdis iddodd se Mmeg yea elleemph "l'efft. avid prorate a hands... ter rearm. stodstable 0,15,, 104 of go a" aa 1., Me mterp,.... an .4 rufreabsag 'he osmaill of flu, sy.4 mall, 're a ...411 army AV.... CW15440, nlainAlil, laborm, .tuarryse,n, 151-450 1011 0101 6.4641/1 at. r410.101 fray ovverpiod Th. Wet story • f thr soli se roe Went Inuit-, and 44.. bus!.!' 454 10E. imm. l580.d1..4.4, Thor gett..1 li.• 4.1111 brot4 nr 64 the olnenor* eosin upon moot, the p4lars alte be bam4.. 4.4.i vox.. iwatdAdt tritdi ha. town vet, atm. 112 et ibe urat 11..4 ar. Wong laid ha mat wall has mama avalodr, t that two 4 the liabea Mor.. nen brutes, I het Mr 11,1.6.... odor's' a• that tber• I4.' War .4 the wall @mho. further, Al go presout rut* ef prom.. ami tr. 4.44110.1* of 11... wo.ther go ...lead. wt.. mill 6... b. tosupieted 4 • *". •"•1•••••.1•4"1" w1wW11*1. el* y seem No the = .444 ee°. rdaymt my; tout:. 17W 111. 044ro44 load oselt oothoof flys.s.• 1 Mt& Wm. we. woloshom 44. p4 - • Ur. Smooth publiaTora saw *Le "reel. P."111 •••••111•••• it4 sentmessit aof hie enoters. am 4".t..:515,16". .1...., 1• "." ?be austitoor ‚.4 Nagle, of lb.. prions - - '14 mar4.4 18.. whore of the r14.11... • [II Malta hut a itteellw• the ether solght,• 1" P°14"'h.1 1"71`• Aral r••••11"....4n.taa, lad% Inelveve. • it -holt If evrv Foover Quito • s.#.,', frost ill.heAr ,1• ••" 1 "o• "1 )4....1.y "H"."484I8"thrstuomyt..4 lit*w"114•••610.7 -.101 •• 4s odoY165prtht. L o 1014. 14so uo6esg 18▪ . mm tbronMob this o " norahe kuouno irskr 4 thtoppTut -1i. ljimom ., 51 144-1arm, Verstad $mam- kaare • Owen irproraoo. tham from tho, 6IthnPr the semano,Mthe msteo1 1.e ik‘ evsi al'wns'10°11 0' "&"1"...... 14. filMulfy tbarezat ttsmiatt 14. 7 1•••••••arkosolioaLtoptirlarit half el Vie root a Ishcral WO. Inds O.1....1.40. • i 6.1.11...„111 Wen dosplays her Inglor prima i• ••▪ • ir arsons' th• areftling185. .1 • sad--; Ab" b""" "*"11.,••• owl • saipaat...s of het ostablishment is iso me fn. Ws nom,. Lusark Awl of her 'hock ham Obeittatre 41101111•14. holder ow tot yo,...ty awe seri from rein at ote,%•. The roe* J eml hbath mh *.',';'L,.' s .4 as, • . -2141 9014.1.011••• 7O71 tert-..mert mot tine ivy per - *MIA 44 adiournairot. Ali go 11- 5.l. loollint‘. . mintstas 04 4*56 4.44‘11111•0411141 and approved. Moe. 60.5. 14 by A. flirmay-:"Zialram. • riaiiiisallue 3. _VII oth 4141,4 rood taispector, boraseepl, ord am, that, aloha Ga.oetaty bo lippiast- oi • biliffoco-Carnol. M.v1 67 A. e. fietelass, soo..4.4 by A. Draitay, that. the reseal .4 Moms. Garrow 4. mematriag 5.. Mt be pan!, J. J. Sake eateuut lot proitui, 44.60, Mama by A„. Doesorol by 11. fait*. that Mearsto a largo amast of skimp ha. leen rote by'tho recast 10.8 4,,.!' butswi: culverts, oromat.;. (8d"'8' .aptiol..1 ID 61,1..410114 No. • 54 4, wad ta. tho other thre. IMM, ifted-12--ths-1=rmae- tupatrezz tiro 4*4 brakes. Ar.- Carried. Mowed 67 A-Draaay, secowled hr Cl.r., that .011. A; tfreohaas p44 111 f the -rued 40414.'6 Ion 'op= ft. • oiarairs-.CrosiroL Ly A. C. /falai., acotteled by 311. Dalton, lhat tits *um t.!. 8, .4414.4 45 i t m a y e n z 3 b CK a iei.d oo v a o is, r am.g . a s .s1i6l4 d yrl 4.d a b1ia.ityr btrrtnaat4niMt 4.bowshr4Si1).4 4 Ae1 1 1*1ei . ed1o.o.h 't-rl Pril4aosiet i. 441.4. dse wa1697. .61.4.414. -134 Om- U04e441454• ra, La!, a, rot104. Irk, thy, biht. 15t4.. ular-loTei. timeat„ 37,504.64e4a •ht:liet.Kemorlo. Waoin. 104, Soh. .Om, t ereml, ; , W o 'en o . Sm. faes Va440t,• .odor,roetr;fa t oI k ittistcli ld i htmdra W X a 17t., p.", "'na .4 tat•atrdcarioa frok Slu. Menon. duno; CA. at .icdys, .ndOM*1000••00045...!...a .54 • 1h0 1 • 6 1t4 a Tntn.lalkiidi OW.l 0 : 1 t PL E 4 4 0 11 1-1 Ytq1(74A MIMED.. 1 o • • • •r r a• •4i •• • •• 1 • • • • • •• • • • o s . 0 0 •o : 1 • • . • * . V/10 UraAM Me.41601. •••ofoIo .1' 15.1 b n e ▪ 4.m6•••• torle••••• o • or orar -ori•• ••••••60 wetoe wals.* .04.01 .4..* '5'. 0 W5. t 04 .5-__.s. 0. 4.41:a4 r ( o o b r 0 • • • • • , w t e e - • s• 44, 161040 TicLank*wla. e teIts peo .4 ...,44.4 *8. Mohoto bor b• • iy 0.u45.00 5100- - *1000 66, •0 0,104.n 5.b . my -10.10, 4.1 srt•04 0.4 OM aee w • • r o e . . . , • * bn d e i r•bA4i tft s ye . X • 0 . •.•- • - - 15.- . _ ▪ 1, 4s.a i• 84*. 0.5815 IM04144.10•WMl'8.'.4'"4o4 b.4 tet. e te ro••• Ma000 Coot, tome e • or boatat*oo 4 1•••o. I •wo. e oW."oo te104 Ot• ••••••, .00*14 Soo. vc •••• 54 Mlykma5411 pug 4.•••1 Muir 4. d '•d e s p •00 O t e b . • 1 1 " . . tms, Seiadit. I5,4. ata 14' - • 011 I644401.1• 18'4m 44.1 5.0010 al Solaisaetaaataa, germ bag Mot aorp66 • Ito i..4 s 4. wmess P4 1Ttsi4 e a l d frayht. Se.. Morrolow eI• oit, bbs; imm.biehah Day, lume; pc: Roaes.41414•dt 4; Tg Myth, Suukapua, Dwranti-1415Sta. 'kp darblt, Dim, ann,136, em 1485 P_, hrp Iend. Derat, ok, ht Teom, Irwn, Sh. Jm Me.4.'..g.'4csal•Sh StreMrwl. tutaa, SM. Kineardim 114, BargMaowom, 14111A !nosey?. 144StIlar.• 14.4,thotKomi*rt• m m m F .t4i.a., 0 t o eb, as ,.o ristty1o an6a4 • 1Ap m eyerrarrtyd1pr12na4 4 hm o •dI!,eMor-Mm r i. t A o I i twctl 0 tbe • T w Ibesmauy ...dors who 0.1 1 • 4 t - pop bragLa nd oralanwor Lim workeMs below, ased U8tloop n.,...'l at ueriAl y fllow matures httI may ern oxprtparr. fom. Whyll 4.1o, an.why I r.t..j.4.inolr loh rstraM Mme near aIt laws. gra4a4 ouhat of ams aa pok wih bort wfet° rC4_tinsfry..Irder *5,. yes. ortdammin. 1443-haratty canieanch donor do mn at work lotior, who moo all but 415541-5.74 from mon.. .,th.. ork, ml would lot C..1010 • tarhndis, 1.s5., Imp. .'. 1 eould appople froa. 144 j,45-3. ragem.; 64 45.4. •** ..1 aro,.. psmuc.r. thratimaefal.. 1 swygla4 too, ths idris.104.1pap5s4 To; - ct•ie 8%. "/otbe•te rmmte jog like a z - teamiaw wlhotassk In tw• us aslr. .1... • «Cu, de ..11444 at a rs5jhl 4 :01 6546 01.1 otam 4 io hmba an'e wewroe. f'0* 16•16'"48'4 1!" 140117la1e sr Toacmoty 4,111 *846... mswww„G "•1"1."•• 11bl' 44 }m siiatobbt44thIlatlion 1.. beatoatol ne. .11* •f' hmay,0mrsii t i • s • : r a t t tile 6 . • • • • • 1 16146. •• aorrsivnta. fob., ' O. WA w Or.••••••••• Wow ••• Mt. 1. Ow vowi 41ee• nObt.itly. •••• • • r • • • •r0oa• • o t a l l o b e r e e • -110 eem4 • . o r 7 r m 1 i6.. ‚.44'14.1* 5.1.65. a*tt 48 0. :m.= 505 It er Nko • aytab 110as, f•i0 ilot. 4545 44,0.'5. •nkl tetI e ftrhe1% 0001.g•t •-• •• 65 myla.,ee. eke Y•f 1. V* N*I t.,..400 lool• 10• Poaol eemae coo limn Ur 104•••pm my bnagy 0 0•00bra./ bola! 4eebeeLao Tr..bpesowal ..6 . fo•o• the . 1 664.6Mee1.11464%••• l'ooOrrhra. T. (41) .n-* 5. o, hw WOooronelafr.yrmnom.toso,&eww"'•g •lmo"t wl Lrb.••.••trhele b*"o' owtoa'tow"l "sl•on•t' ••a•m4 1 TMIm, boaror, wok14• t". 1.4.°1.156".44 opapd wih th. wl I' 1. Very, Donad MeTadgrt, nor 45.14sdi saaemoot P. 0 10(IeMae X.. 4,pasates-A obowal44- n4eer a • ITYM4 Markebootee Maago to. 40,o56 45*, p. 30, 6... buttar 24, eggslb,hay pot•m e.The braeor *Ma .u*.. -..a .11 410* MMay It waaagni ..thte sa hd. ad .mly LaPrdy Mr. John (aft -rt, fla., aoJsAuas11 .miatiaIe...,go- aop 4 i. itilt or.x.4 ONO* Ow warfla mck mnd.awl wd. of rval trtt •• sot to b t ro 'w.,;11.10.• 6 a m r s i s i mg1004 I • 16 baud.01 b10ssse tot L la4s40aem40rive boon vi•?•• ..'.....s. ...s'... otthatome.talhe 1400- Weieki t. .1 „,, 5„ bk. , • • th* mle°.*40"0-44"*"rf tht preofhe 1.e• aaho• tt Omao oibia A aerai 0114174S• 11*L4_,.at 47 t5. 7164 Wrsomlaant Comvar.-The 41,11114 . . * e ai . t r y obps .00 eam . • • • w 1rC n e W4 1 •oia- os w 1 1 4 m 4 • ra14yt4i1l,hn oa M n , an o e 0lar 44,ber1..d, s, smrco 4 y r1kawle.n"bosol o,t ia ae aas0T t4id. ss t0ts •egta1aw oa•rnrtet ) o r .- 1", i•.4.80Oi% who ok A .•• gon yeriirdo, 0-.571'0 674*Apea woeto olo it /ado, of rillog. •loe •• Fe°WY• 4'..p41'..p41..,.. m .,m.a*mron as ..of the Iahns 'ea., bne,"..,.,•,,,•, o • na1. h. whh ..Mot Why four me. We. Tom witoo06 3t'..4,md, s4 tbe mrM..at 14 reotooldoethem4!e0.4.1 dnruti tbo pa, but 511.04o M64*.'.. rom. crr. f Om W. dnk ee son ta thMsea• .4 Aldt.T TETER. ssm, &b • Ieprer•Fr'.'* the Tom beano- Rel4as 3GO Clreea Tem.,cuug, betto2:. ;..(*4.*' asehet -.hot 90to 9'2, o4345. eas ✓ - -4hm•OM- ▪ 11, 31 pea* 70, loey belt.21, eo 13. 4r. Ithad ▪ tbotho1.7.44 hs farm. Id roe 2, I snow, for 18. Imdmo 14.1 .46.24. 4 oyo&snNm ftOItte.4 elettnit *,°Wnit r.p.r11301 .14 14, nemse go loto ro of Maphen h alven *An thamrag41 h.. 4Th. yog Mo lvn1. m pem. an"dlos Mpg, 040 weblt • thehem� b•tad. vs Moathraand 61•0100. leieber 4eoantane esisd 14bom nthe rat 460t64 paria Twany lot sabaso•oMs dreaaatbe ftod • pm..ugh hosiF fibsoh. 10 eaedfor 00 s re eprss.e 44 Me Mild, obsatna. Thoe4 4 ae ••••••God "d 1.***. -6•4011 r r yy * - 6 1 C 6 6 6 • 6 4 1 i - e d i straa of at. • - • • ar sod hme I4.4 14 theleforar• of the Wd 166. 4 N rhemord. 45 iik. Mf. rMeitrmXt.Seiamestr am•8'10. •1 ce• taw 'emir=.p.64o a esasuarsn .tosostf .feaiwa1lm1b1.., 10.1a.e"„1a1r.a0 a.. d .n. 1d o .aeas tsla.e i reiwi wsiOrm l .4e.bie r4ar.. o i4e-. .s i 1 . - ,. iw7 i ;u,k-.;1.•. 4 1f 1,r*a-.o.la, ts:1l11lA . i Ia smaei rr .di 'r,t1.4l- e. 4e14 . 4l * by We. 4 stey a *Vimbmliem la.l lW ries1M1 hOek0/fo0d rr0dws1a.e.sa0. ..m 4.4 •. n I m o thira 4 Coo. • J & Te Rbea. Smouvo• at y..6plislis4 fto. Mon niaIto.14, ot Toskt. OW 11 , 1 •••• ler sd aa15els.145.1.,4 11,s 0 0 the , 1 •helas • is 4468.1, I'".'" .r• .lo'Wei 44'. 4.1 454.• . .4 a ar 4.4a. bsun Kt WM., laa mapmf. ...aodke 4114.teaty ddtaht he eout.oa .4 •Ith If 11 s Rmo pro..4o go Atd*aoros 4tlo it., . „,1,,nw,bew OMspie redmahem 0411 teMdrtthK6 t ,..6, Iakk, Wrm.ofl' rt Wor• naikWas; trawiarton -04. 1.1. sea s sarrt 4 ttoiba r '6.'11• f.rnooityhtiLMAD01s •• 004 k1• "••" 4111, WTasaseade W. ad th• bd redead. ebelew .ee yeetMweoM th e Aa asi -4•to war.. W norim4U.ParldllOr* b 0 ^.* oseloobeMl so..A ,p=7of tio and.. in 0. O 0 loo1 Wbd..L.1.. mbar WaretoAI its pTi2e, . 41881a.4Mr lw alea1 to id setae e* 1. 64 feseeeh&mar4.... y,. ;ta hsh 4.r4 Ow aoro 144 fooweWet, ra lowbya 4..44 p`4444 YotTthe Mmeee mathes. =*Monka4%ma3l.4 Um meet • -hameroo'44th., b. • , 'Le Kaaaav -pp ...r..wa ma adaih 18.rm 4.7 1.4 ebem •ibd t• fab .4888 p5.44'7 to MM. Iit6.... 4,,'.. f4*too486 • b°/46 • of ao aimak rola, •8.4.64 Weser etMe adg6.4 • M1 1 a s" r r l r md y V t 0isa0swr ./es. 4 ."64 4 Ian1 lrl oit i -.T - 1 1 16 1 4 •9e 41 4 . 0 . 4 . rl w e s i i4 t o e m i e'l t. ro1e o _ , Pi44wh•"w.ss. w4Zsa4.414:1 la *oe,.gook s 4 the ale law. m. met n= meo atelsImmsmhe*b 464- vv. neeaisoimmuir..errri, Th. 144.14 s ba lia abaft thumb _Wuoar*la mmtr"Wet • 4 p ra m . w s !' .6sm oes i t 0 temarth 44.4 anlmer, er15b4 thhtgashemthe wal, 1.404 aberbaetreamfather, who aro kels60• m. mg the ..*.I'.15as .4 mM M. Inllo ou...st a md ImwarIo. bsoot004.4* • ,"• y.. te tunIN Ca•rssa6001ra.r.,rsobt•ioe•b•eddz•e.t1 d by1oritia.o7 mi:s4 0armvaoiooi,r.ao'rmpuOi ne oaet.tetebien1ta 1by1h*s se ' 05 thseatah Mt1.1.1 loalYem 8.4 l. • e•06.% i•444.4_o44 .01 o byA 7'. nak4.-Ca ne.• . Mete/ 1 P ("are, i • Dati-i, arnw pan5.. 10.1 1.811 it Sitgbr1io MerlWbe Moto iuth.brgoat. i646 ,046.58er, 1'L •nnd euCamsd m1*8.11 at Kee* b,44.. The n:. olast seri wetl trt,1 a1 appt•• 1. Mos -1 1-y • woor1.1 b 1'. dam tht IL. M po414 1.. ... *ppmAaaai h 144, i" 4.7 "nog. -Cand. si Use*, lmatheasio's bowee cep.4 asouy-tarrel4 by 4. thine, eeseleI y A. (5. Bn lona, he Mary Jan. 1"...14.4 he mate4. o! foas r.l.fat g. to suits te*-4.m..1 rd by A C or•tolehyX !Palms, tis tie pa.75010*:,...' 05( amus48.041. 04brave it Inrim .4. lane 3 o4 4 be bat 4*. m.4 K to perom the ete; I M.Idby A. 4444od.ky A- tarcay, thaihie 1461 grant th• Ss '1 4111 to 111t ommt,*6 144 ceestopposite Ji. Crawfod s n Pot ared. MoebyA. Iloeav . A. C 44.564*,a, that W.,,Salrogh jot,' liifor.4wok CANT.1 Motel hy if 11160, wld ad bIA, Clara, Lm j.Tos 8, .'.*4 44 a chaty- -Canot. Mod by M Dere, ormlid Clam tat Ow Comma iabl ..t1 to ant amaa tbdbaari. nga0ty•raoaidol'kieo.* e1•, atar 04i4- S M * 1lae1 asy'ni d 4.5ma. 4.II4T'pCM' SEAVOIIII AND VICINITY. 1 E tmw*phegim.egea e ate. meisraMIe g ...delk.d. o . o . o og f . 4 o7 e 1 r p g e .ir ,. W l .0cAi.rrg' ra ni3loa at. "a • tauenegi001.lr 61 54.1. wl the 6..... -TIP. WSW Deet *IL-34••••1;nih111• ofthe OsaTraRom/.we drew bidle titheoms of tbaervt. nd ra- 0. t. Truants sii zatec t,., *r 84* '. L,,a .1.• Ca 4111 1.110 13 O.P-ltMe Ntit, its 2•4, r .• bt so 4.1 ahaihe 23-- do4, 1., drtaathealthtt.alsoit foigut -ps. 4ai, 0.o. Wedes, o to tie14.• ra.odegs- IA, Stima, 414.41p. rad sarsr Mit* aely me.ts, issot,,, Ise we8..... ataseuty, .5r4a 11. 13, 34 wi. . to anoroos4hesas4.14 smbe M. J. Lab, 1410 the othroalmsad ...letco., Conon.t I tho Mm whnsery, MrSock, P55 14.1*.., tot pmtad oet 4o OMwe stood c... Itibench T. WO *4'1.1. wa 044b""1""•' do. I4:4neh abor, awwaor es vtpre ono Om. In eain omega. IS, Dm.. *ea 14.5516*smewltie opIA 4..5......',. • low. to be Jel awl helm gy a 4 nes, 80teel•eetly ls at we, .elwath"""""'"41°"bSUNDAY DIRECTORY. thoemda.4they me use.s. n m e 1 L I . n t h , tMorrsi.ag Mr, SOO h• p ) 4.84.14. - etchtbee sOw •.ry nom. therGuido to Church Sorvieoe. .. soglom.eemo..peMe- m wkfohwh 5044.17 sdHT. AN9SLWcut14,11. md onp-daladwmpoat with (Churh of 6.444 n, gsfnwl• Mgr 4. 4n -.'u'.?. 11 A d. E.••• arvior30r.It Widay ebl W 4-d. ' t O.e 4wA=ra1 . •fla•raoo..•r n0 a- 4 o4•so.o s•. ,.64•. • •6 a• 6 tl.1 a•.• .•1 ., .•, 4 •t •• rt- to•• r •io.•. m. r•1.00x0••.•.•rb 6e •r4wor•r .on• eko _. 4t1 1 6e .t40e 6 4 t 1e h 1 A1 . e n*.i•re tn9 t e lst.o0i •elo _.•• ..•.1 .1r1•.. . •de - o.1i•0 1•.• tl0 - _ "•••I••._. •N •t• .• .O••*0- .A. • •0.e• 0 1. • ** •• • - •_.._.. -_ _ , __--- , 1_•. __, ......_.. •'1._jt ' .. ., "• - ,• .... .. tie 5.p,.4 .*..44. ...4.44.e% 10 m.. 804 %e 4.00, 4t..0••.40*4.6 ta• - , ...”01. •,.., .51.ro Io ••1••••a16•16.1i111•1Nana L46646-1••lo•fto ......14...Y444 .6144.' 5..4 ee.. ee oelhb elletlAr(rten* ' .: 400 h.. •) 1440.4.1 I4*7• k . ' .^ - o*, 100. •44..,a.wy WWIh07. a 0,el, r Aw. 5,1..1 .A• .. .4.- . v ' .. , 115.10..5 .1.... mp Ie ,,..,...ro••..11.t4 .5I.. 4I •50454.15 4.. A •15... rn••• w, 16. • .1,.I... SNW n. n 0.1.,.1...ananni-01. .. 1,4•.0 Ty 040•44. ..•••• ot . • ..... 1.456, mom pm. e• leob• .-. Ammi.. ..4.,..sus 154*. UM .__,_..„. ...........s..4mo ••rio.1.. 0upU ,'4..* 44* • bo 4•4 , . Is .5. .4 •••06-• • , i.t0. 0.410oran.4$ 16Hotl. 101•0 ..,p). reo0.5.0n o• • t•-••••••• rgi Pan No ObtaI , amt urn* Is 1.4. ito? mw*O•O. . ,. 440,44r4. ppbk• ey 4.5.15-- ...,,'..,.-.'.r. kt•• •41t6' ho, •o•ietak.1Mto2. gnl •••• i•sp eewee 75..a. ..streasse=.ret. q •t.lt o. Trlkp048 6_.. ._._.. - u oi.•6a....6ataaitorkbaS__ strgmnUoelieo.o iycgi o1, • ie., m1 d a e4e nn4p.re4ean, 5+ roair.%ptrh ...-.mol aorore g. a: so etri..gs.uir4.9a From MoN..d.Mr. Tme Idore Ma.1,1 hu Wra.64..4 not!h alf .4 1,.. 211,, rootonto:4604 5•, We. mil4 g. •• ..044, for 44,704 Memel. ('-4,1.5,, t lloolnl.k Wm porehmd theIr. alaljeubny ther Mt.,.rk•frmMr Jm.KM /Ivry yinsm 55.5.• co *,,n4.o d1rtm to the mud. The filmlooglonmat, ti wII Ur 6.1.14t8o64 •'Mr Rob.. Dol. LAILea- IL LnLaL rilain44 04. Vanc..4at $ .5.4 lAm mink. Smon SM w.thehint, baa, with mew .18.,&., woanthe M. mt,iad Mad. Mayo, tle boy W...al gat.rare , go wig..to Soo down, arbrl• ht, nght esoost the th.4Moo. notwan-rmititn, not44 te Oard 44 ppely .....4.4 bT 44 51 roc-trm. I0irdiy11h at th. romo. 0 Mr Wnt. A40r4 laryan weMr b. be..tr. fbe Mnw to. not in on50 beel to obiamag moabo. T*la bMO 10 4.69680 11 1....1 /04 0.410 1•1014 f Mom, papaa taro* 441, mesasdry otheMM., Mei 4 ibftw "•*-i•••- 14114* boonbetsei .445., me mmsbwt. 4t6.1as,e4 .444 te d morr4.1 tnOierars, my he W. .4.44 thatbo Wh " i1.6. aao.toli•z farmertenby Sienaaz. '*,.•a1• s persheel ytr nws athSataoam el 44411 Am. of 4..44l, tbembseeb.:.a: rlt:1tasl4eceA.4 mbm‘mm„mm:ho.a:;mr.„nom t04446. 140 ei411.Pw.648•41.:I"* o40piw7h.at.0.,....448..17p:(1.4":ged eaor te. pomoer,am bt 1ap...rthe4" •40 .1.4-4,4-. 14 4meows' prat el o .1 'I sbabatara▪ twed• 8:6" Itre7 Mr. thg Mk Joh. koo. kr5.:..0.005,::.li 64144 04u ).410•4. 474a41•0::..b •••0 .4 WAoSir itbrt Hal.is:ow mmh•13 ""°I if 1.1 .4 nortt. t• fn..tainIo l7or gs 41 .0'4s4,", ab ea. 44 r Is sagas- the asal and leap mad play take •Yrosilsts • prg," whtie go dap bark AM sca•Nor maws asd thither. la • ward, all TWOS, 11101.1111 tn Mins "awry 11.4. • s iso that •,11.1 iso dart aall Nom of toodaisb.6. ese scaal th. Meese roar may 40 .1'., mh. mai* to as*, oto. se •••,•,,,,, tha liebtasa twegarat.n. *4.1154.5 of tho attemsoben le th. man. ;maths .groat ••111,?•• 4 p.p. Me .4. 11.44, Tailors heo- the 4.4.44 Mufti, 11. lam sial •lary. and some ars 45414, 5.4 these that ao. 14 wide Ass• te tho 14...sre 4 (p., •41 11048571 .1' leairthaard .41 Idis Am Mainers- iebes ehe 4. '844- (10 .0* Mar Ibu all. 1415 K,ot Cberab all ea. mors 1,055,00 adidleaftem thoieloguest Woof hsR4,, 1...5 . poetical prom tor, NU • rrodsiora of an °Minor, .1.1,47, me .50 Om. Tiro. tom- of ClaidaseA. L hontad, sy hisit 11.4 sat 'Ow lave( net al it lo Art rowisrlsahlo. asad I as. 4 snubit that ta the teepee ess der tbe mom • bee.t., it has ao amitosis La tha trAd. mare* • Mr* lebeel 4 etirm rdinary doom re 4.4'* y reaaeha, boon 78. 04.ti bean* a mom seed ha ass ma, orrik no bep • tho plass. 66,...., ellikort,:_2.e • ri--444, ad.. 4 • tam ...i. m411 have mat Iste fat,. r nor ..16-nne ••••••• Me Int _,IP•er".__Irib.,14:.."' lall ,,11%.. •-.F'',, _.....t prpolu.o.....e. "..... ••• • wsm, sh• mit sad. haasedf • teseMeor, • mem °ILK 11,401111, es '.58 di aro otkaittaros• rr' ea.4. • to rgy. . ' 4'4'0 1...1 "111-'1 ' . ''' '''...' " ''' '1'1' '1"" . sew fo- there psis er.4 the. elm` WM mold. ly Inmed s lo. two 4.4 Mg 1 01104 •1•4946/01111, AsOnowerds %be ober MI 0,484 4 • g=14. err ra whim ..........4. - •-itir-IrPiVe.= 1'1* fn.'. a 1144 """s• ... wan Jae. IC Amu" Illelle, re% 14186 air ass Mara 44-441.4 , . 87 to spiel la I 1'. b• he a sal el.47.d yeti e mow ea all ersiwi6i67 h." "..., •/ W4.1 scowl. meg to 4hia• bla . at rpm set 41,41.414 Olio 4.5,14 4eigsr Igeti- • o u CHURCH. (Cearda Pt .44 estrimi) Rol It I att. 111ein854 mme. *5 A S. illarres arresoa 6 30 l' 14 Su Idat `tris..4 1 30 r. M 1141*yer meting 400*6.154.7 marrow Si 7 30 cr. ator.ii C0E11011, Olterela .4 Ifortaad I Ito.. C.V.. 511.4.1.111 Illonome wormer II A III. Inesdas oarywo 7 I'. II Moeda. Who. 3 Y 14. NORTHROP& LYMAN SC')TT wrruscr, Toren:cr.). , Agent., foe Ostatio. lower 51 rm. It errs.", lber- es Ira 112. - New abucOiscuttlito. emit 01,thig 71211T CLAbS AVD BUODICS. r441411W 4•• 06'. • ea. e • - ear mol 'Nee IL, Me 1.,05, •••.. 5.101. 000 16. srafi gragglia. 0 own., 0 0416/•••••111. 06.1 001 •••••• Maim ' Trot 14 ••• ft•00,41, mot 5. *54.5 •••• • ••1.•5*1 ta. •••• Roo. 601 Etoolar. rot or .4155*., COI roof ort • •••• tarzzra 1•611.404/1/ NU, • • .:161 11•4 411110 113,21,1.3 MIPS/TM/I a sawmi,llsR. J. WRITICILT. (1..p.',...4441 • C4!ILL1.11.1114 seo 2 T roma.11TM- e I --srant.d rnisidtste17, Nettrrio 16. A 11 r!* • • to• Yoe *to Illimites••••• : _ boa • • 11•140•••. LIM= RS on • 1••••••66 ay W4411.41•11.yereinag. 11411111.111TA4 4711' a/NTS.7111'Ra' ille so. liamAx. or. *4 A 14 Roomier rta11;341 1' SandAr School 2 -311 Praro nvertvag oviaeaday and Pitied *name at 7 - 1/1111101616T Erlsr, rev r• ilforasire • I` A I. cur nen Some' mei. II .618 serrit, A :In I' Involay School 2 30 134symmtJIg Tiderdelay St Nitw oel,mmunitlit Cut xt"11, • T. N. Nroe•t. Movoitst sew... 11* 14 Komori itereso. rIu P 14 Inaday 3.140042 30 7.14. 1111.1411111.11514'5CIIII444'II Olfurommli.) Ita. Cm. Motaing ems. 11 A 11 goals, letnal A ist CATIfolole 0111 WIT ma. Ir. .1 Mitts t "ye m 4-84.40" • T' t WXY1,7C nrwr *re:147 v mar , Pale N.. ivag sressial et 7'," tart 541., at 9 .s.*. ....m*IMICIS••••••••• sew . mina "fa. a oar.. is. We. alai Om * 0 lam *On ••• ea miles imeesp, Irs'a. . • . neeekeh ors. essmema. , essear...........14 it swat , 4. 4*. or1*. i. mon. .. ors. • 21111.0211111. yin.sats. 5*t8.....01 44 .544.4 11 PIZ! • r•, otos • sin aim tea* lArtkOn •• Illemeelne 4.4•8..14i 11111.111111. ,,teate. 07.01.01 ULM, rem ... 8, '.5.,*, tkeelelane. 4 5* lee, reenee. IltellM6TOL ee eeeemper 6.6.6 . / 44. 10•44411• • 588•Alr• /640\ • sem •• tee it et, Ime ee rat 1748 ••••• ben • % 4.4•.• • • e. sib eme 10,4 _ teeth Slibeitsil WvIhrot P. • 0.CAZTVIUOT, n a.. 1111114141404 1*15114*7, 5. Int.0 •-•• 1.0. 1 _r4,11101 11....4*;11= ..tdr....".=.°.:=00.- or. Most • truarearrerienee-se - 1/1. ,•, • at 411111•11144=e- 6•161, • • _ •