HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-10-06, Page 5Dear Mr. Batten:
Mr. Cottrell's letter (Sep-
tember 29 issue) looks to me like
a typical example of mud
I believe this has no place in a
debate between people who are
trying to solve a difference in
opinion, (and I believe the doctor'
is as entitled to his opinion as Mr.
I would like to express as my
opinion that this was uncalled for,
uncouth, uneducated and
downright stupid.
As I am sure Dr, Gans will not
deign to stoop down to this level. I
hope that Mr, Cottrell enjoys
wallowing in this mud.
I doubt that anybody from this
town will join him.
Catherine Robbins
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The readers write
Times-Advocate, October 6, 1977 Pogo S
e Letter writers complain about letter writer, booze 'items
ARC EMPLOYEE LEAVES - Morg Wright who has been contracts
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Dear Sir:
After reading your editorial of
September 29, on highway safety
and teenage drinking I could not
help but be curious as to what
kind of impact the column would
have had if the figures quoted had
been changed.
As an example let's use the 32.7
per cent of all alcohol related
accidents caused by teenage
drinking drivers to the 67.3 per
cent of all alcohol related ac-
cidents caused by people over the
teenage years and are therefore
considered reasoning adults.
With the above figures another
quote becomes outstanding,
Example: "However, the
inescapable fact is that statistics
have clearly shown they are
incapable of handling booze and
Using the adult figures the next
quote becomes even more out-
"An even bolder recom-
mendation would be to increase
the driving age to "30". That
would substantially reduce
automobile accidents, which rate
as the leading cause of de'ath of
younger people of Canada."
As for the rest of the comments
I fully agree that stiffer punish-
ment should be enforced, but
let's not put so much pressure on
the teenagers when the adults are
more to blame,"
Yours truly
Mrs. Wendy King.
* * *
Exeter Times-Advocate;
Dear Bill,
I have been a steady subscriber
of the Exeter Times Advocate for
most of my life and I have seldom
had any reason to question the
accuracy of articles found in the
paper. However,I feel that I must
point out two items in connection
with my present position as
student minister at Ailsa Craig
United Church pastoral charge
which should be corrected.
First of all my sermon topic at
the Brinsley United Church
Anniversary Service on Sep-
tember 25 was "Can we Be like
Jesus", not "Can we like Jesus"
as reported in the Brinsley
column, You no doubt can see the
importance of the omitted word
in the title to the message I tried
to present.
Secondly, I plan to attend
Emmanuel Theological College
in Toronto, not Emmanuel Bible
College as reported.
I hope these corrections will be
made to the readers.
Peter W, Snell
* * *
The Honourable James Snow,
Minister of Transportation and
3rd Floor, Ferguson Block,
Queen's Park.
Dear Jim:
I wish to repeat my request on
behalf of the citizens of Exeter
and surrounding areas for stop
lights at the intersection of High-
way 4 and 83.
I have drawn to your attention
on previous occasions that there
had beena number of accidents at
this corner and you have been
good enough to have your
Ministry officials investigate this
your will
particular site but unfortunately,
such investigation is not being
made during the rush hour traffic
when the workers from the in-
dustry at the north end of Exeter
are endeavouring to either cross
$3 Highway or turn either way on
the Highway in order to get
Please find enclosed an article
from the local weekly paper,
indicating that the Chief of Police
will be making a presentation to
your Ministry at the end of the
year, in an effort to get stop lights
at the intersection of Highway 4
and 83.
The citizens are concerned
enough about this matter that
they are getting up a petition
which I will, likely be presenting
to you within the very near
If you read the article you can
note that the Police Chief told the
Town Council that there have
been more accidents at the in-
tersection this year than any
year in the past and most of the
accidents have involved injuries.
The Chief of Police would like to
see the intersection guarded with
lights which operate during the
day and switch over to flashing
lights around midnight.
Surely, in the interest of safety
and from one who served on the
Select Committee for Highway
Safety, I do not think it is asking
too much to have lights installed
at that intersection in order to
avoid further injuries and
fatalities, I do not see the logic in
waiting for statistics to mount
before some preventative
measure is taken.
I do hope that you will give this
matter serious and favourable
Yours truly
Jack Riddell, M.P.P.
* *
Dear Sir:
I am objecting to all Special
Occasion Permits issued to clubs,
organized groups and community
It is my opinion that the
mentioned groups were
organized for culture and social
benefits, young and old, in large
or small communities. Now they
are "BOOZE" groups. Big ideas
and inflated costs caused this.
Unemployment, taxes, suffering
and death has resulted.
To correct this, the Liquor
Board must only issue permits to
persons or groups who are willing
to hire experienced, trained
people, give the same service,
open the same hours, pay the
same taxes and insurance, and
provide a building up to the same
standards as a licensed and
controlled businesses,
By doing this, the intended
purpose of dispensing alcoholic
beverages will return to its
proper place, the experienced
licensed business,
Yours truly,
Cecil I-I, Lewis,
RR 2,
Lucan, Ontario.
Dear Sir,
I am writing in reply to Mr.
Graham Cottrell's letter
published in September 29 issue
of your newspaper,
It is not the intention of this
writer to take sides in the issue
between Dr. Gans and the Board
of Management for Exeter
Business District Improvement
Area. That issue was fairly
raised by Dr. Gans, and fairly
replied to by the Board.
I am writing to say how truly
sorry I am that Mr, Cottrell felt it
necessary in his reply to resort to
ridicule. In my opinion his
remarks were not only com-
pletely irrelevant to the issue, but
were insulting to a man who has
earned the respect of so many
people in this community.
Mr. Cottrell admits that he has
never met Dr. Gans, but states
that "the doctor suffers from
scroogenitis; that he considers
people who have not "made it" as
a pox, and that Dr. Gans is also a
victim of rnouthilits".
Based on the fact that I have
known Dr. Gans as physician,
counsellor and friend for more
than 20 years, I feel at least a
little more qualified in making
the following statements.
I can attest to the fact that
when one really needs his
professional skills and
knowledge, he is no scrooge with
his time, concern and care.
If, in Mr. Cottrell's eyes Dr.
Gans has "made it': I feel the
doctor would be more surprised
than anyone, because it is my
opinion that he is one of the most
unpretentions and genuinely
inaffected men I know.
If "mouthilitis" means that
Dr. Gans has the integrity and
courage to say what he is
thinking openly, and gives an
honest opinion rather than a
glossed over version of what he
feels - one then hbeusiisnegsusiltymaonf that,in
cinearnkieng s au c fhe ll so wt a t be u sn onetsss man
without ever having met him,
then perhaps it would be con-
sidered a fair observation that the
area to be developed, expanded
and improved upon should have
began within the heart rather
than out on Main St.
Your truly
Ernestine Robinson