HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-09-29, Page 24HURON CENTRE FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH We are pleased to announce the first Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors for the Huron Centre at Clinton Public School on Wed., Oct. 5 at 7:30 p.m. The Board of Directors will be elected from among those nominated at this meeting. Dr. Paul Patterson, Psychiatric Consultant to the Centre, will speak on The Role of the Family in the Treatment of Troubled Children. All residents of Huron County are invited to attend and vote. J THANKSGIVING DANCE Vanastra Park Recreation Centre Sat. October 8 9 PM to 1 AM Music By CHRIS BLACK and his SWINGING BRASS ADMISSION 10.00 per couple (Smorgasbord lunch included) Ticket Outlet Call Mrs. Bridges 4824910 Page 22 Times-Advocate, September 29, 1977 Reception and Dance for JOANNE McCANN and. GORD HARDY (Bridal Couple) Sat.,-Oct, 1 9 p.m. 1 a.m. LUCAN COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by "CELEBRATION" Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome SENIOR CITIZENS MIXED BOWLING Starting WED. OCT. 5 (2 PM) EXETER BOWLING LANES EVERYONE WELCOME PARTY for DAVID DESJARDINE Fri., Sept. 30 9 p.m. GRAND BEND LEGION Everyone Welcome HURON PARK Figure Skating Club Registration Sat., Oct. 1 at HURON PARK FIRE HALL 10- 12 Noon FEES Beginners $20. Stroking - Novice II $22, Dance 1 & Up $24 Season Begins Oct. 18, 1977 Professional Mrs. Pamela Meriam Party for Pete Glover Fri., Sept. 30 at PASSMORE'S SHED J Reception and Dance for MARY ANN FEJKL and DAN LEWIS (Bridal Couple) Sat., Oct. 8 9100 p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL Music by BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome EVERY FRIDAY, SATURDAY and SUNDAY 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. ADMISSION $1.00, RENTALS 50c ZURICH ARENA OCTOBERFEST DANCE South Huron Recreation Centre Sat., Oct. 29, 1977 9- 1:00 a.m. THE TOPPERS (German Band from Kitchener) Warm Buffet $10.00 per Couple Precious Blood P.T.A., Exeter FOR CRIPPLED KIDS — Proceeds from the local Easter Seals cam- paign were turned over to the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Thursday night. Above, Exeter Lions treasurer George Godbolt makes the presentation to Doris Hannah, a nurse with the Society. At the right is local president Doug Knowles. T-A photo Convention delegates set by Kippen East WI Come to the Belfry Dance Help Raise Town Hall Belfry 3.5Q per person at EXETER REC CENTRE Music By COUNTRY Sat. Oct. 1st Sponsored By Exeter & District Heritage Foundation Cider MnitiR Steam Engine 6 Shingle MIN Spinning Quilting ' Eaterlaininrnt Crafts Sausagr Starling Displays Itrini-slimcnts Market Much, much more. Sunday 2ND OCTOBER from 11.00.m- 6.00pm. the historic. VAN Eomoro Roust: 1 mite S. of Scaforth THE ,5 ANNEAL VAN EDMOND ei FOUNDATION ° Hon. Jack Horner Get tickets ($7) from your Federal Liberal Assn. I THANKSGIVING WALTZ PARTY Fri. Oct. 7 KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music By THE SILVERTONES Dancing 9 - 1 ADMISSION $6.00 per family 2.50 per person Lunch Provided Sponsored By Hibbert United Church 25th Wedding Anniversary Reception for CLARENCE & ISABEL THOMSOM Fri., Sept. 30 9 - 1 KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by SKIPPERS ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome Best Wishes Only Reception and Dance for TRUDY STAGG and ALBERT ROOSEBOOM (Bridal Couple) Sat., Oct. 1 9 - 1 a.m. ZURICH ARENA Music by MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Come & Hear JERRY McGRATH of GEORGIA MISSISSIPPI This talented young man God healed of leukemia. He will be ministering and sing- ing at Centralia Faith Tabernacle, Sunday, Oc- tober 2 for both morning and evening services. Craft Bake Sale Sat., Oct. 1 2:30 p.m. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BASEMENT Featuring , Hand Crafted Items Green Plants & Home Baking Sponsored by Coven Presbyterian Women Chamber of Commerce Lottery Draw $1,000 BILL DRAW ON Sat., Dec. 3 Tickets $5.00 Each 500 to be Sold Tickets Available From Any C of C Member Sponsored By Zurich & District Chamber of Commerce Lit. #234376 This Saturday ••• • • .••• • Orfg•g$?•:*tAe.,V50:4f0.9;;4;.,z,zferip:, South Huron Youth for Christ presents THE PREMIERE SHOWING of "ALL THE KING'S HORSES" and special music by GLEN PEARSON of Brucefield Centennial Public School Oct. 1, 8:00 p.m. I 35th Wedding Anniversary Dance for JACK & KAY COC KVV ILL Sat., Oct, 8 9 - 1 a.m. DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by HEYWOODS ORCHESTRA Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Best Wishes Only Reception and Dance for GERARD GLAVIN and ELLEN VALCKX (Bridal Couple) Mon., Oct. 10 8.12 CREDITON COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by JIM DEWAN Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome EXETER'S SECOND ANNUAL FALL FAMILY CAR RALLY Sun., Oct. 2 Registration 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Begins & Ends at the SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE $2.00 per car Proceeds to Recreation begins at 5 o'clock call now for reservations HEATED POOL ; .YOUR HOSTS THE 'RESCH' FAMILY INVITE YOU TO JOIN US DINING ROOM ghsee11,%hat o HOTEL ,-, LODGE N E Friday and Saturday out at the GREEN FOREST MOTOR HOTEL Featuring Friday and Saturday Nights, September 30 - October 1 VI* r :, Now Available for WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS & BANQUETS. GREEN FOREST MOTOR HOTEL HWY. 21 GRAND BEND Phone 238-2365 • Dwight James SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT t SMORGASBORD Y 0 J Huron County Day Care Centre FOR THE HOMEBOUND OPEN HOUSE and TEA PARTY Where? Welcome Centre, Huronview, Clinton. What? Day Care Centre for the home bound. Why? Have Tea and Cookies, view the facilities, and learn more about the program. When? Friday, September 30th 2 p.m. Whom? All interested persons e.g. shut-ins, friends, relatives, volunteers, Ministers, Doctors. THE AUSABLE-BAYFIELD CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Welcomes Everyone To A GUIDED NATURE HIKE At The BANNOCKBURN WILDLIFE AREA Sunday, October 2 2 - 4 p.m. Refreshments will be provided Bring the family & come close to-nature BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON FRI., SAT., SUN. — SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 & 2 1.1111111101111r—"' Ifi 1943 ' 11/111111111111t 11111111111111. sixteen German 000.0 PaZedrol)tiPers ciftelasE In three days HOED won the War. lark N116SWINIAMIDAIMIDA Irl PUE111 iJA4 NIG an MA ON ...MICHAELCAINE • DONALD SUTHERLAND ROBERTDUALL 'THE FACI E HASLANDED"..., mourn wwt nunNCl rhyrlar 1.• LOVE. ACTION. COMEDY. SUSPENSE. EXCITEMENT. IN-610ELODEO TATUM04 AL L PE11118060ANOVICIIS "NICKillt;11401Y" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 0 0 n *V i rd 00 :1 1 iV S N i d ms na t v MO H S is au 3 0 a Coming Events At Pineridge Chalet R.R. 2, Hensel! Sat., Oct. 1 Joe Overholt & The Standbys Sat., Oct. 8 CLOSED Sat., Oct. 15 Wedding Reception For Reservations Phone 262.2277 236-4610 236- 4213 Party for Bill Russell Sat., Oct. 8 at DAVE PASSMORE'S SHED Everyone Welcome to.0111•••.10.1•01•0.111.11111011.11.11MOOMMO.•••••01•••••••••••••••••.•••IMMIIIMOMMEN.0111•41•0100•1MSMINIMIIMIIIMMOMM......••••••N Vcinastra Recreation Centre FALL 77 PROGRAMS Registration at the Centre The Week of Oct. 3 Monday through Saturday 1-5 p.m. Monday & Wed. Evenings 6-9 p.m. Programs Start the Week a Oct. 11 Watch for our Fall Brochure Mailed to Your Household Vanastra Centre 482.3544 By MRS. RENA CALDWELL KIPPEN The World Affairs meeting of Kippen East Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse Wednesday with Mrs. Grant MacLean in charge of the meeting. Mrs. MacLean had a very interesting story of the Life of the Queen as well as the history of the Commonwealth. The Jubilee Hymn was repeated in unison and the entire three verses of God Save the Queen were sung. The judges of the scrapbooks were Mrs. Robert Bell and Mrs. Ross Broadfoot. Mrs. Robert Bell exhibited the winning one which was Mrs. Al Hoggarth's. The judges were presented with a gift by Mrs. MacLean and the winner of the Scrapbook Contest also received a gift. Mrs. Grace Drummon, district president brought greetings from the district and encouraged members to participate in the various activities of the Institutes. Mrs. Al Hoggarth, President, chaired the business portion of the meeting. It was decided to give $100 to the Hensall Arena Fund, and to donate the proceeds from the white elephant auction to the blind. Delegates to the area con- vention at Vanastra will be Mrs. Al Hoggarth and alternate Mrs. M. Connolly. Delegates to the rally at Nowich Community Centre will be Mrs. Robert Kinsman, Mrs. Grace Drum- mond and Mrs. M. Connolly, Mrs. Harold Parsons gave the treasurer's report, Mrs. Grace Drummond gave a reading on an Amish Wedding. Mrs. Harry ATTENTION VENDORS! A flea market is being established at Vanastra Park Hwy. No. 4, Clinton which will operate on Saturdays & Sun- days. Enquiries are welcome regarding rental of indoor space. Contact Mrs. T. Bridges 482-7910 Caldwell gave the motto. Mrs. Harold Parsons conducted a contest. Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mrs. Harry Caldwell assisted the hostesses Mrs. Alex McGregor and Mrs. Whitehouse with lunch. Personals The first meeting of the fall term of the U.C.W. of St. Andrews Church was held Tuesday in the Church. Mrs. Percy Wright had the worship. Mr. & Mrs. Dean Gibson, Lucan and Mrs. Mary McGillivary, London visited with Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Mellis last week, Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Mellis, Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGee, Dungannon visited in St. Thomas with Mrs. Margaret Hutchison recently. Annual I Tag Day WOMEN'S AUXILIARY TO SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL Sept. 30 Oct. 1, 1977 Support your Hospital "Nk Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m. HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone welcome .0/