HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-09-22, Page 18Times-Advocate, September 22, 1977 DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS Mixed sports Three breakins investigated LUCAN BANTAMS WIN Lucan downed Ailsa Craig to win the North Middlesex bantam boys fastball championship. Back, left, coach John Egan, Rick Hall, Alex Jones, Paul Gilmour, Bob Green and manner Russ Brintnell, Centre, scorer Shelly Egan, Stuart Eedy, Shawn McComb, Brad DeGraw and Robert Brintnell. Front, Dave Egan, Pete Geersten, Paul Wraith, Jamie Shipley and Doug Latta. T-A photo Large crowd in attendance at ecumenical service ( NEEDLEPOINT QUILTING SEWING WITH KNITS SOCIAL DANCE SOLAR HEATING AILSA CRAIG COURSES: HELD AT THE OLD AILSA CRAIG SCHOOL BABYSITTING: Starts Octoberl 5 sessions 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. $12 CREATIVE LAMPSHADE CONSTRUCTION:October 8 and 15 2 sessions 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. $15 + Materials HORSE HOOF CARE: Starts September 29 10 sessions 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, $22 + Materials LOG HOUSE CONSTRUCTION: Starts September 24 5 sessions 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. $50 Three breakins were in- vestigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police with stolen property valued at $909. Approximately $200 of this property has been recovered from a breakin at the Granton barber shop. Two suspects have been arrested and charged. One of the suspects, a juvenile has been charged with a breakin July 30 at the same location. Constable G,N. Wilcox is investigating. . Three acts of wilful damage occurred resulting in damages of $225. Wednesday, a sink was ripped from the wall of the Lucan Restaurant. A suspect was taken into custody and has been charged with a Criminal Code offence. Constable B.D. Munro investigated. Wednesday, a 1976 Pontiac was stolen from the Main Street of Lucan. The car was recovered Friday afternoon on Cameron sideroad, south of Concession 14 in London township. Also recovered in the vehicle Four hurt in crashes Four persons suffered minor injuries in one of four accidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. Sunday evening at 7:25 p.m. on Highbury Avenue in Bryanston, vehicles driven by Charles Blake, R.R. 4, Parkhill and Lawrence Ketelaars, R.R. 2, Granton collided. Both drivers and passengers Mrs. Ann Ketelaars and four year-old daughter Carol were injured. Constable Jim Craig set damages at $1,000. Also, Sunday, vehicles driven by Douglas Mason, Sudbury and Bryan Chapman, St. Marys were in collision at the intersection of Highway 7 and Highbury Avenue, Constable Craig again in- vestigated and listed damages at $410. Constable J.A. Wilson estimated damages at $500 when vehicles driven by Louise Walsh, Huron Park and Alice Jones, R.R. 3, Thorndale collided Tuesday at 10:25 a.m. on High- way 4 at Elginfield. The fourth mishap occurred Sunday at Elginfield. The drivers involved were David Agombar, London and Terence Conkoin, Port Huron, Michigan. Constable B.D. Munro listed damages at $700. Hydro slows church goers Due to a break in a power line back of the school early Sunday morning, many clocks were from two to four and one half hours slow, causing a few people to miss church! In some areas clocks stopped at 6:20 a.m. and in others around 8 a.m. Service resumed at 10:45. were articles taken in a theft from a residence on Concession 2 of Biddulph, just north of High- way 7. A youth, approximately 17 years of age with long, light hair The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was celebrated Sunday in the Lucan United Church, by the Rev. Keith Brown, for Kelly Lee, daughter of Dennis and Mary Maguire and Kellie Lynn, daughter of Donald and Diane Williams, Bill Koopman, brother of the organist, substituted for Ray and led the choir in the lovely anthem "Lord Jesus Think on Me". Mr. Brown's sermon topic was "The Commandment Concerning our Children", much in keeping with the occasion. He said that there must have been something very wonderful about the per- sonality of Jesus which drew people to him. He was especially a friend of children and he was more eager to have children around him than any others. We , should train our children, while thay are still young, to love and honour Jesus Christ and to become the potential leaders in His Kingdom on earth. Two baskets of flowers in the Church were from the funeral of the late Gary Leger and sym- pathy is extended to his family. A potted mum was placed by Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ready of Toronto and their family in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Allen John Ready. The Couples' Club meets tonight at 8 p.m. in the C.E. wing when the theme will be "Angola Revisited" taken by was seen near the scene of the theft and walking along the Concession shortly after the car was abandoned. Constable W.T. Hodgins is continuing the in- vestigation. Rev. & Mrs. Keith Brown. Sun- day will be "Awards" Day for members of the Sunday Church School who will be present in the congregation and share in the service. FALL ACTIVITIES Explorers and C.G.I.T, recommence their Fall activities on Monday next, The Explorers, girls ages 9 by the end of the year to 12, will meet after school and C.G.I.T., ages 12 before the year end to 17 at 7 p.m. All girls in the community will receive a warm welcome. For further in- formation call 227-4879 re Explorers and 227-4628 or 227-1143 re C.G.I.T Barbecue is successful The finance committee and the arena board members, their spouses and others are to be complimented on the 'fine beef barbecue Sunday evening. The food was excellent and in bountiful supply. Approximately 800 persons were present. The macrame wall hanging, made and donated by Viola Carter, Clandeboye was won by Mrs. Charles D. Gowan, Granton. Proceeds went to the arena fund. Prior to her marriage Saturday to Dan Toner of London and Toronto at Holy Cross Church, London, Karen (Hodgson) Toner, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hodgson of Lucan, was honoured at several showers. Mrs. Michael Smith, a cousin, entertained relatives at her home in St. Marys. Mrs. Clarence Hardy, daughter Cheryl and niece Anne Revington,, who was also Karen's bridesmaid, held a miscellaneous shower for neigh- • bours and other friends at her Approximately 300 persons attended the Ecumenical Church Service, sponsored by Irving Masonic Lodge No. 154, Sunday afternoon in the new auditorium of the Lucan Community Centre. A program of sacred music was most inspiring, provided by the combined choirs of Holy Trinity Anglican, the Lucan Revival Center, St. Patrick's Roman Catholic and United Churches, also "The Cornerstones" and a local ladies quartette. Father McGraw led the service and also in the third prayer, using in part, the Prayer of St. Frances of Assissi. Merton Culbert, representing Holy Trinity Anglican Church, gave the opening prayers, the scripture was read by Wor. Bro. Emerson E. DeGraw, the Second prayer was given by Rev, Ray Brewster of the Lucan Revival Centre, and the Fourth Prayer by Rev. Keith Brown of Lucan United Church. Wor, Bro. John Moon in- troduced the guest speaker, Dr. Angela Armitt, Dean of Part Time & Continuing Education at the University of Western home on Butler St.. Karen's co-workers in her office in Toronto honoured her with a miscellaneous shower and members of the Lucan Women's Institute of which Mrs, Hodgson is a member, brought gifts to their Stanley Brush Party on Wednesday evening, which were relayed to Karen. The reception was held at the Shillelagh and the young couple will reside in Toronto where Dan is continuing his education at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. Signed up for Branch 540's mixed sports program yet? Remember this program gets under way Tuesday evening September 27. Not only will you have lots of fun competition, its a good place to meet good friends and have an enjoyable evening. To wrap it all up in the Spring there will be a sports banquet and presentation of awards. Sounds like fun eh! You want to believe it, come on over and get in on the action. Come one come all to Branch 540 this Sunday, September 25 - Why? You may ask. Here it is folks - A Fun For all horseshoe tournament followed by a pot luck supper in the Legion Hall. Starting time 1 p.m, You want action your Branch of the Legion supplies it, all that's required is your participation. • Ex-service persons who have any questions regarding pen- sions, treatment, allowances etc. are reminded Harvey Percy will be at Branch 540 Tuesday, September 27 at 12 noon. This is a free Legion Service and it is not necessary you be a member of the Legion to obtain it. Harvey Percy has all the answers and can steer you in the right direction. Got your Wintario ticket yet Branch 540 has them. Remember to keep Saturday, October 1 open and bring your lady over to the branch for this is two for one night between 7 and 9 p.m. followed by dancing to the music of Ron Nash in the auditorium, and that's 30 from action centre for this) week - remember A bargain these days is anything that still costs the same as it did last week. Cereals topic of 4-H club The first meeting of the Lucan 3, 4-H club was held at Mrs. O'Neils home. The main topic discussed wasthe different forms which cereals come in. The girls made fry pan cookies. The following officers were elected: President, Penny Hodgins; V ce President, Mary Lou Tindall; Secretary, Rotary; Press Reporter, Brenda Hed- dington. The next meeting is at Susan Hodgins' home Thursday, Sep- tember 22 at 7 p.m. $11 + Materials $22 + Materials $22 + $1 Material Fee $15 Ontario, who took as her theme "Count Your Blessings", She was thanked by Father McGraw and Mr. DeGraw also included Dr. Armitt in his thanks to all who helped to make the service so very successful. Classes for senior citizens Gordon Hotson, president was in the chair for the brief business meeting of the Lucan Sunshine & Busy Buddies' Craft Group on Thursday afternoon, in the Masonic Hall. A letter was read from Fanshawe College in connection with classes for Seniors at $5.00 plus materials, and those interested are to contact the President for further information. There is lots more room for bowlers, so come out and try your luck each Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. Each week a member is asked to volunteer to bring a poem, etc. for variety in the meetings. The Busy Buddies retired to the basement for their ceramics class. The members of the Sunshine Group played euchre and winners were as follows: lady's high, Kathleen Neil; lady's lone hands, Florence Hodgins; lady's low, Muriel Cobleigh; man's high, Cecil Robb; lone. hands, Helen Thompson and low, Gertie Hodgins both playing a man's card and the latter win- ning in a draw, with Lon Phillips. Lunch was served by Elizabeth Conlin,, Gayle Cronyn, Mildred Hirtzel and Mary Kooy. Edythe Murdy volunteered to be the "Kiln sitter" Friday with Gordon Hotson acting in that capacity Monday The excellent PA system was provided by Len Maslen, Butler St, Suspects are charged 1211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lig Macintosh ( large) Hai I Marked— $4.95 Extra Fancy & Fancy Available At Regular Prices. 13ring Your Own Container. APPLES F.-. • CRUNICAN BROS. 11 miles south of Elginfield on Hwy'. 4 Baptism service held DELICIOUS BEEF — More than 800 persons attended the beef barbecue at the Lucan arena, Sunday, Above, Ruth and Allan Hill watch Fred and Jeff Darling slice the barbecued beef, T-A photo Hold bridal showers BOOKKEEPING FOR SMALL BUSINESSES CARDIO-PULMONARY RESUSCITATION CHILDREN'S DANCE - BALLET, JAZZ, TAP Six 40 minute classes 5 sessions 10 sessions 10 sessions 10 sessions 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. 7:30 to 9:30. p.m. UPHOLSTERY 10 sessions A444t. 11 vINI klosaga FLOWER ARRANGING FOR CHRISTMAS (Starts November 8) 7:30 to 9:30 p.m, $11 5 sessions + $15 Material Fee Present LUCAN FALL TERM 1977 REGISTRATION & INFORMATION: 1977 09 20 from 19 30 to 21 00 (Tues., Sept. 20 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.) at Biddulph Public School. For information call 453-7230, Ext. 282 during office hours. FIRST CLASS: 1977 09 27 (Tues., Sept. 27) at Biddulph Public School unless otherwise in- dicated. Courses are selected with the help of the Lucan Advisory Committee to Fanshawe College. If you wish input on course selection or timing, call the Chairman, Hans Rosch at 227-4568. We'd like to hear from you! Fanshawe College Community Liaison Services and the Lucan Advisory Committee to Fanshawe College Dates and sessions to be announced 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $22 + $7 Material Fee 10 sessions 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. $22 Dates andsessions to be announced. (Starts October 1) 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. $12 60100° OetUlteA :OS pir Ot aim COISelt Cilli el per is pleased to announce that his new company is now la Exeter and area residents. We have a lengthy back- pseoreuv ground in eliminating water problems which are a major concern co vi sotte iroto citer lt (661 it 1613 in many areas. We can make your water safer, taste better and much nicer to wash with . . and it doesn't cost nearly as much as you ginliCg Cooper might think, ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE PLEASE HELP THE RED SHIELD APPEAL Board Chairman, Reg, McDonald Area Office, 330 Queens Ave, London, N6B 1X4 DOUG COOPER CALL TODAY and find out how we can solve your water problems Water Conditioning Sales Et Service 95 Briscoe St. E., London I elephone 432-7010 Out-of-Town Call Collect The Kinetico water conditioner by Trojan. Kinetic° R from Trojan is the totally automatic water conditioner that no electricity, Let ...1:::bus show you why other _..7.,:conditioners are obsolete.