HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-09-15, Page 19HUNGRY ATHLETES — A large crowd attended Saturday's Poor Boy luncheon sponsored by the Lucca) Irish junior hockey team. From the left are manager Bob Taylor, players Randy Kraul and Cord. Moon and coach Bill Bannerman. T-A photo, Enjoy ceramics class Senior citizen year resumes Tasty-Nu! Super Specials! BAKERY Orange Twists Doz. CHEESE Baden xxx Colby lb.S1.70 Medium Cheddar 1411.70 Honey Glazed Donutsooz$1 49 .,,60% Whole Wheat Bread 24 oz 2/89$ Jelly Rolls 69$ $1.49 Baby Gouda moz,$i .59 Blue Cheese Wedges 4 oz. 59$ For The "Finest" And "Freshest" White Sliced Bread Variety Breads, Donuts, .... ...... Muffins, Pies, Tarts, Cookies, Squares, Fudge FINE "QUALITY" Canadian and imported Cheese, Fresh Farm Eggs, Butter, Apple Butter, Honey, Spices, Crackers, "Fancy" Cheese Plates Made To Order. TASTY NU THE CHEESE BAKERY HOUSE 236-4912 Zurich Selection! Savings! Two Reasons Why More and More People Shop Whiting's For All Their Furniture Needs We can look after all your needs for Wedding Invitations and Stationery * Matches * Serviettes * Etc, Come in and look over our many samples and place your order. Livingstone's STATIONERY AND GIFTS MAIN ST. 235-2973 EXETER Times-Advocate, September 15, 1977 Page 19 .111nuininuilititu APPLES AVAILABLE NOW elicious Lunch Box Apples Macintosh — Hail Marked Bring Your Own Container. fancy Available at Regular Price*. CRUNICAN BROS. = 1 miles south Of = :.-:. Eiginfiehi on Hwy, 4 :.... anumommumnonninuutummumimmuinunniumuumuuntommute The new 1977 Consumers Distributing Catalogue is now available. Over 300 pages of some of the best Brand Name Values in Canada, all available at Consumers Distributing's NO FRILLS PRICES. Pick up your copy today at any of these convenient pick-up points. Available at any one Your nearest catalogue of these locations! store location is.. 6-ord's Variety 403 Main St. Stratford Exeter 447 Huron St. • • 1977 7a OR A440 NA144% ISLefiNG GUtOe• Irish lead over Nairn, series continues tonight The championship series in the tonight with. Nairn leading 34 Southwestern Faot ball with two out and two runners on Association between the Lucan base in the top of the seventh. Irish and Nairn has produced an The fourth game will be played exciting brand of ball, immediately after completion of the suspended game. Both games will be on the Nairn diamond. In the first game of the series, the Irish scored three runs in the bottom of the seventh to win 4-3. Dennis Carty and Brian Lucan won the first two games Lightfoot were the winning pit- by scores of 4-3 and 2.1 and Nairn chers for Lucan in the first two was leading Sunday's game 3-2 games and Carty was on the hill when the game was halted in Sunday's game, Ernie Schlegel because of a protest. has handled all pitching for Nairn The game will be resumed to date. CO-OP Fertilin 3-5-12 ' with weed killers Provides sufficient balanced plant food to prepare grass for better winter Survival. Contains weed killers for full control Of most broadleaf weeds. We on turf only. 10 kg. 270.059 Regular Pertilin 3-542. 20 kg. 270-960. E. $7.95 President Merna O'Neil welcomed members back for another season and thanked everyone for their cooperation during her term of office. Merna was given a vote of appreciation by the members with a rousing handclap, following the motion, Gladys Hotson reported for the nominating committee as, follows: Past President - Merna O'Neil; President - Gordon Hotson; Vice-President - Maude Hodgins; Secretary - Ethel Crouch, assistant - Iva Hodgins; Treasurer - Alex Young; Lunch Convener - Donna Hindmarsh; Social Conveners - September and October - Eva Allison and Marjorie Morley; November - Rheola Batson; December Dora Thompson; January - Laura Williams; February - Mae Bowman and Evelyn O'Neil; March - Cecil Robb; April - Florence Hodgins; May - Luther and Reta Morley; June - Mildred Hirtzel. Visiting Committee and Flowers - Agnes Hotson and Lexie Atkinson. Entertainment Committee - Edythe Murdy and Cecil Robb plus Executive. At this point the new president assumed his duties, asking for the support and cooperation of all members. He pointed out that there were several past members of the Club who were not now able to attend and suggested that cards be sent to them, Bowling was announced for each Tuesday at 1:30 to which all senior or near- seniors are invited. Bingo will recommence the last Thursday of each month, with the usual prizes. Elsie Gibson, Campaign chairperson for the Lucan Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, thanked the members of the Club for assisting in the booth at the Park for the Family Ride for Cancer back in April. Announcements were made of the beef barbecue at the Arena Sunday, September 18 at 4:30, following the 3 p.m, Ecumenical Service sponsored by the Masonic Lodge, when Dr. Angela Ar mitt will be the guest speaker, and of the Lucan U,C, Chicken Barbecue, the following Wed- nesday from 5 to 7. The Sunshine Group enjoyed euchre and bridge with prizes going as follows: Lady's High - Jean Miller; Lady's Lone - Laura Toohev; Lady's Low - Eva • As guests of the Western Fair Association, Marilyn Groenewegen, Dianne Lynn, and Marie Cunningham, all members of the Clandeboye 4-H Homemaking Clubs were among Wi to visit boat works Members and friends of the Lucan. Women's Institute will meet at the Masonic Hall, Wednesday evening, September 21 at 7:30 and proceed to Kasch- per Racing Shells Ltd., for a tour of the plant and an explanation of the steps required in building the shells, strong and enduring enough to take, part in. the.. Olympics. The meeting will reconvene at the Masonic Hall for a brief business meeting and refresh- ments, following the tour. Members with cars are asked to pick up members who need transportation. Mrs. Glen Haskett, convener for Agriculture and Canadian Industries, for the Branch is in charge of the meeting and the Roll Call is "Name a Product Canada Exports or Imports". Allison; Man's High - Marjorie Steeper, playing a man's card; Man's Lone - Murray Shoebot- torn and Man's Low - Lon Philips. Bridge was played by four members just for fun! The Busy Buddies again en- joyed their ceramics class under the direction of Rose Bakker and Elsie Kraft, when they gave their piece from last week the first coat of glaze and prepared a second piece for firing. Iola Goring offered to be the "kiln checker" for this week. Lunch was provided by Donna Hind- marsh, Mary Scott, Rheola Hotson and Zelma Armstrong. those chosen to represent Mid- dlesex County at 4-H Day at Western Fair, Friday. The program included discusssion groups on Family Life, a demonstration on how, to dry flowers and make Hash-notes and a fashion show, presented by Simplicity and Style Patterns. A banquet at the Paddock Restaurant and the grandstand show completed the day. Monday, Mrs. Art Hodgins and Mrs. Harold Hardy, President and Secretary of the Clandeboye Women's Institute, were guests of the Western Fair Association at a noon luncheon held at the Administration Building. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lynn and family were in Ottawa last week, visiting Mrs. Lynn's brosther, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Thom and family, Mrs. Lena Derbyshire and her daughter, Mrs, Bev Cowling, Napa nee spent a couple of days this week with Mr. and• Mrs. Rupert Williams. Monday af- ternoon, they visited with Mr. Lorne Derbyshire at the Komoka Nursing Home and had supper with him. (The 20th wedding anniversary is difficult to celebrate. It's too soon to brag and too late to complain.) 44111011P UC news The question "Why do you wish to become a missionary?" is asked of all those who go to work in that capacity. Rev. Keith Brown answered the question basing his comments on Paul's letter to the Romans, I:14.16, God saved Paul by His love and grace on the Damascus road and Paul had to share the gospel with others. This power of love and grace can save us today as surely as it did Paul if we will but accept it and share it with others wherever we may be. A message in song "Lead Me Lord" was presented by • the choir, This morning, Thursday, at 9:45 the Prayer and Share Fellowship for all women of the community will meet in the C.E. wing. Tonight at 8 p.m. keheir practise will recommence and new members will be welcome. Don't be shy, now is the time .for joining in the fellowship of song. Next Sunday at 3 p.m, everyone in the community is invited to the Ecumenical Service in the Lucan Arena Auditorium, sponsored by the Masonic Lodge, "More Non- Doers Than Doers" is the subject of the guest speaker, Dr, Angela Armitt, Look for the "Chicken Bar- becue" ad in the back pages of this issue and order your tickets accordingly,. to avoid disap- pointment, Cancer can be beaten The Irish lead the best-of-seven series two games ;to none but Nairn holds an edge in the third game which will be completed tonight, Thursday. \ CO-OP SPECIAL 235-2081 PflitES t FFECT UNTIL SATuatikt, sEPTEMetail, 197'7 Clandeboye 4-H girls Western Fair guests E- More? Come See Our Large Display of New Furniture Amm: 44,1, fk,e , pia n '6 - 041,4- #14rar Chesterfield Suites * Bedroom Suites * Dining Room Sets Kitchen Sets * Davenport Sets * Studio Couches * Box Springs & Mattresses Recliners, Swivel Rockers • Warehouse Furniture and Appliances Unlimited (New and Used)Sales crud Service MAIN St. 235,1964 Exeter WHITING'S FINISHED or UNFINISHED • Chests of Drawers • Dressers • Night Tables • Desks • Book Cases • Wardrobes • Drop leaf Tables • Teo Wagons • Corner Cabinets Why Pay ALM