HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-09-15, Page 5PART ONE AWARDS — Two area Scout leaders received awards in Exeter Wednesday night. Above,
Huron Scout ADC Jay Campbell presents Part One Wood Badges to Jim O'Toole, Exeter and Don Liley,
Lucan. At the right is Huron ADC for Beavers Kenley Campbell. T-A photo
Re arch} for training Times-Advocote, September 15, 1977 Pegs 5
Area Scout leaders honored
SCOUT AWARDS — A special Scouts Award night for Huron District was held Wednesday in Exeter.
Above, left, District vice-president Dorothy Chapman presents part 2 Wood Badges to Henry Kaune, Lucan
and Peter Aunger and Cheryl Chapman, Exeter. At the right is Huron District Commissioner Gary Tweddle
of Ailsa Craig. T-A photo
exterior walls of an average
home. We'll provide you
with complete details.
Your home must have been
built before 1921 in Ontario
to qualify for this phase of
the program. And only
materials purchased and
installed after September 1,
1977 can qualify for a
grant. If your home was
built after 1921, stay with
us. Over the next seven
years, most homes will
be included.
if you require financing to start, modernize or
expand your business and are unable to
obtain it elsewhere on reasonable terms and
conditions or if you are interested in the
FBOB management serVices of counselling
and training or wish information on
government programs available for your
business, talk to our representative.
French kit
Send to: Canadian Home insulation Program
P.O. BOx 700
St. Laurent, Quebec
Note: You may also qualify separately fOr assistance under a
provincially-funded program in your province, Check with your
English kit
new doors
to small
II 'business
John MacKenzie
• Farewell
at Centralia
Tindall horses win
The congregation of St,
Patrick's Church sponsored a
successful chicken barbecue
Friday evening at the Parish
Hall. Over 300 persons enjoyed
the meal. At the close of the
evening, Clarence Haskett,
Lucan drew the lucky ticket on
the "Double Irish Chain" quilt
made by the ladies. The lucky
ticket belonged to Mrs. Shirley
Lammie, Centralia and two
cushion tops donated by Mrs.
Marg Carroll were won by a
Strathroy lady and a London lady.
The proceeds from the barbecue
is paid to missions each year.
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to Mrs. Carl
Jefferies and family on the death
of her father Teunis Van Brenk of
Mrs. Jackie Blay and Mrs, Earl
Greenlee attended the funeral in
Ontario's apple industry gained
momentum in the late 18th
century when John McIntosh, a
Scottish immigrant, found 20 wild
apple trees on his land at Dun-
ciela, Ontario, One'of those trees
became the breeding stock for
the present-day McIntosh
• Riverview Park, in Exeter, was
the setting Wednesday for the
Huron District, Boy Scouts of
Canada, leader awards night.
The informal evening was held in
order to present several Scouters
from Huron District the training
awards which they have earned
during the past few months.
Frank Clement, President
Huron District Council presented
to Kenley Campbell of Exeter, a
Certificate of Recognition for
the Working with Groups Course.
This particular course is
designed for Service Scouters
and represents 50 hours of
training. The course examines
small group dynamics, com-
munication skills and problem
solving, and develops personal
skills inworking with Scout
Dorthy Chapman, Vice-
President Huron District Council
and Gary Tweedle, District
Comissioner presented the Part
Wood Badge to Jim O'Tool, Pack
Scouter with the 1st Exeter Cub
'Pack. Also receiving recognition
for Part I training was Donald
Liley, Scouter-in-Training with
the first Lucan Cub Pack,
, The Part I Wood Badge
represents 14 hours of training
and introduces leaders to many
of the aspects of working with a
Scout group,' Topics covered
include program planning, aim
and principles of scouting,
ceremonies and badges, games,
and scouting resources.
One of the highlights of the
evening was the Gilwell Wood
Badge investure of Peter Aunger
Cheryl Chapman first Exeter Cub
Pack and Henry Kuane first
Lucan Scout Troop. This special
ceremony was first used by Lord
Baden Powell (B,-P,1 the founder
of Scouting, and signifies the
completion of Wood Badge
In order to qualify for this
award the three leaders spent an
additional 50 hours of training
beyond the Part I Wood Badge.
This training takes place in a
camp setting where the Part I
subjects are examined to a
greater depth as well as
developing personal skills to
effectively put across Scoutings
program, aim and principles.
The Gilwell neckerchief and
beads which each received date
back to B.-P. and are recognized
through out the world as
Scoutings highest Leader
Training Award.
In ending the brief
Frank Clement noted the ex-
cellence of Scout Leaders in the
District as shown by the number
receiving awards, He also, Ott
behalf of the Huron District
Council, congratulated all of the
leaders and thanked them for
their investment of time to fur.
ther their training in order to
provide the best possible
programs for the boys in this
Strathroy, Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Mac-
Donald,Grand Bend and Mr, and
Mrs. Heber Davis were dinner
guests with Mr. and Mrs, Earl
Atkinson, Lucan,
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Tindall and
Nancy showed their Belgium
horses at Petrolia fair Saturday,
winning five firsts and two
seconds in prices.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Greenlee
attended anniversary service at
Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter
Sunday morning and were dinner
guests with Earl's mother, Mrs.
Raymond Greenlee, Exeter.
Mr. Conrad Decort is under
doctor's care, after fracturing his
foot in a farm accident last week.
The Rev. John Beaton left his
listeners .with plenty el food for
thought . when he preached his
farewell sermon to a large
congregation in the United
Church on Sunday morning.
Communion was observed during
the service.
After the service the Zion
Congregation joined, the Cen-
tralia Congregation for a pot luck
dinner in the church
Fallowing the dinner Rev..and
Mrs,- Beaton and family were
invited to the front and Mr.
Gordon Johnson, in his usual
capable manner, addressed the
family expressing regrets over
their , departure hut wishing them
success on their new charge in
London, Mr, Sam Skinner
presented them with a gift of
Patti Tasko presented . Mrs.
Beaton with a gift from the
young People's Sunday SehoOl
class, Mrs, Beaton was also
presented with a gift'from Zion
U.C,W. 'and from Centralia
U.C.W. The Sunday School and
Church services this coming
Sunday will be at the usual time.
Mrs, Borden Smyth who
returned home on Saturday
following surgery in St. Joseph's
Hospital in London, is
recuperating at her home.
Debbie and Kelly Hodgson,
Ailsa Craig were visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon
over the Labour Day weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dixon ac-
compannied by Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Dixon spent last week at
Perkinsfield, Georgian Bay with
Mrs. George Lackie, Mrs. Lackie
is a sister of the two Mr. Dixon's.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel
were Sunday guests at the home
of their daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keller and
family in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd 'Morgan
attended the Williams reunion
held at the United Church Camp
near Forest Sunday afternoon.
There were forty two preSent for
a time of good fellowship and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon are
visiting for a couple of days this
week with Mrs. Dixon's sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Lester I-lowland at North Branch,
Mr. and,,,Mrs,, Fred Bowden
were guest§.,,fer dinner Sunday
*Allison and family, Ailsa Craig,
vening.with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,-
Stage barbecue at Saintsbu
Insulation pays.
In two ways.
Trivitt congregation
marks anniversary • ,"1101i. •
The 9081.h Anniversary of Trivitt
Memorial Church in Exeter was
celebrated Sunday,. This Church
was built and dedicated to the
Glory of God through the
generosity of ThoMas and
Elizabeth Trivitt in 1887.
Their mortal remains lie
buried beneath the Chancel.
Previously for 25 years the
members of the Church of
England in Canada from Exeter
worshipped in ChriSt Church, a
wooden building on Victoria
Street just east of the arena.
This year the Anniversary was
celebrated by a special praise
and worship Folk service
directed by Canon Geoffrey
Dibbs of London with the
Albanaires Choir. This Choir is
from the congregation of St.
Alban's Church in London.
In the last six years the
Albanaires have travelled
thousands of miles and produced
four L.P. Albums, to tell the
simple message that God is here,
that life is love, that Christianity
'is joyful.
It is the toe-lapping rhythm of
the music "and the lustre of 40
mixed voices that strike a
responsive chord in audiences
wherever the Albanaires go. The
voices are supported by a
musical group that includes
trumpet, banjo, saxophone,
troniborie, clarinet, guitars and
drums. It is led by organist
Martha Harper.
Anniversary celebrations
continued Monday evening when
Compassion of Canada'presented
"Children of Promise" from
Korea, a delightful group of
talented young people all the way
from Korea.
one of our representatives will be at
Les Pines Hotel, Exeter
on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month
September 20 and October 4
For prier informotiOrt 4dli //i -5650
or Write 1036 phictrio5treote Stratford
Save up to
on materials.
That's right, If your home .
was built before 1921 in
Ontario we'll pay you 2/3
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when you improve the
insulation in your home.
Cut your
fuel bill as
much as
And you may save as
much as 1/3 on your
heating bills for years to
come. The Canadian Home
insulation Program of tax-
able grants was created to
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energy by the Federal
Insulation is easy to do. An
outlay of about $525 for
instance, should purchase
enough materials to do the
attic, basement, and some
ri Ni al al in mi • • ay
Are You Eligible?
If your home was built before 1921 In Ontario, you may qualify for a grant of 2/3 the cost of materials, up to $350.
Yes, my home (or apartment in a building under three storeys)
was built before 1921 in Ontario.
Yes, I'm interested in insulating with CMHC acceptable materials
on or after September 1,1977.
Yes, this is my principal, year-round residence.
If you've answered "yes" to all three questions, we'll send along our
complete information kit,
Please pant This is your Mailing labbl
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#352, 9.15-77
Canadian Home
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"Pfr of CatitnI6
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det residences canadienriet
Honourable Andre Ouellet
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du Canada
Canadian Horne
Insulation Program
L'honorkble Andre Ocellet