HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-09-01, Page 1PROMOTED — Superintendent
A. R. Edwards, Ontario Provincial
Police, No. 1 District Head-
quarters at Chatham, announced
the promotion of Sergeant Major
George W, Mitchell to the rank of
Inspector. Inspector Mitchell
attended the Arthur High School
and joined the Ontario Provincial
Police Nov. 13, 1951, He has
been stationed at Kitchener, Ex-
eter, Sauble Beach, Grand Bend
and Forest Detachments. In 1976,
he was posted to No. 1 District
-,,Headquarters as Sergeant Major
an` 1 on August 15, 1977, received
the Commissioned rank of Inspec-
tor, remaining at No, 1 District,
Ch thorn,
pver 15,000
at Playhouse
The Huron Country Playhouse
wound up the 1977 season last
week, although it was the shor-
test season since 1974 with only
eight weeks of productions as
compared to 10 in 1975 and 1976.
Despite the short season, the
Playhouse attracted more
visitors than any other com-
parable period of time with over
15,000 persons attending the plays
this year,
George Washington Slept Here
was the most outstanding box
office attraction. The least
popular seemed to be the import
Show The Phoenix Threatre
from Montreal and its production
of Berlin to Broadway with Kurt
Playhouse manager James
Murphy said this week that 54
percent of the 28,000 seats were
filled for the 56 performances.
Several hundred youngsters
attended the four shows brought
in for children,
Murphy said it was too early to
know exactly how the Playhouse
fared financially but is an-
ticipating a break even budget
for the year.
Murphy continued, "It was a
good steady year. The years of
hard work are beginning to pay
off. We will be looking at more
• two week runs for next season," f He concluded, "We will offer a p
1 eine week program next year
with the same number of shows,
six in all."
FIRE ORIGIN — A fire which caused $20,000 damages to the Stephen township, home of Adrian Kester on
Concession 14 started on the kitchen stove. The damaged kitchen area is shown above. T-A photo
Most enrolments down
School opens next week
PORK PRINCESS — Joann Ondrejicka, RR 1, Exeter was named Huron County Pork Princess recently. From
the left are Joann and two other area contestants Karen Kernick and Beth Keys, photo by Wilma Oke
PUC to make application
for hydro rate increases
REPAIR ROOF — Fire early Monday morning extensively damaged the farm home of Adrian Kester on
Concession 14 in Stephen township. Workmen are shown repairing the roof. T-A photo
FLYING FROM A DISTANCE — The honour of flying the longest distance to Sunday's Fly-in at Sexsmith
airport goes to Ed Greb of Kansas City, Missouri. The 421 Cessna owned by Grab landed at the Huron Park
airstrip. Above, Leonard Greb who owns Sexsmith airport welcomes Ed and two other brothers Gordon
of Kansas City and Wesley of Wichita at the extreme right. In the centre is another brother Harry Greb, Ex-
Family unites at fly-in
One Hundred and Fourth Year
Price Per Copy 25 Cents
GOLD MEDALISTS An area brother combination won gold medals
in the recent Ontario Summer Games in Kitchener by finishing first in
the expert marathon canoe race. Shown with one 01 their racing craft
are Xavier Boogemans, Grand Bend and Rene t oogemans, Henson.
the Huron Board of Education
and up a bit at South Huron
Secondary School in Exeter,
Board superintendent Bob
.Allan told the T-A Monday, the
number of public school students
in the south will be down by 16 to
2,033 while South Huron
enrolment would be up to 1,020
from 990 at the end of June.
The only increases in public
school attendance will be at
Exeter up five to 445 and Zurich
up to 160 from 152.
Showing drops are Hensall
Public School down nine to 144
and Huron Centennial decreasing
by 20 studentssto 478.
The other three schools have no
change in regular grades one to
eight enrolment. They are
Osborne Central 276; Stephen
Central 285 and J.A.D. McCurdy
at Huron Park at 245.
Kindergarten registration is
also down somewhat from 249 to
229. The decreases are at Exeter
to 46 from 60 and Hensall down to
12 from 18. The other five schools
remain at the closing figures in
Superintendent Allan reported
very few staff changes. Robert
Payne will replace ,Jane Love as
a French teacher at Exeter
Public School and Andrew Fraser
takes a position at McCurdy
vacated by Judy Simmons.
At Stephen Central Mary
Ellison will get a year's leave of
absence and Elizabeth Kennedy
An area wedding and the 15th
annual Fly-in at Sexsmith airport
Sunday brought together a
reunion of the Greb family.
The fly-in 15 held each year on
the Hay township farm of.
Leonard Greb, a mile and a
quarter north of the Exeter
Cemetery and the honour of
flying the farthest goes to Ed
Greb of Sun City, California,
Ed Greb left the Exeter area in
1922 and about 10 years later
established the Greb X-Ray
Company with he arid his wife as
the only employees.
The company has grown and
new employs more than 150
persons, Ed retired three years
ago and his brother Gordon is
now the owner and president of
the company, Another brother
Wesley, now a resident of
Wichita, Kansas is also involved
in the firm, The Greb Company
located in Xansas City, Missouri
distributes and services x-ray
,equipment to hospitals and
doctors in the states of Missouri,
Kansas, Oklahoma and
The balance of the Greb family
lives in this area. In addition to
Leonard at Sexsmith airport they
are Harry, RR 1, 1-lay; Melvin,
11112 Dashwood and Lily and
An early morning fire Monday,
caused considerable damage to
the Stephen township farm home
of Adrian Kester.
The Dashwood volunteer
brigade was summoned to the
Kester farm which is located on
Concession 14 about three miles
west and south of Dashwood at
about 7 a.m.
Mr. Kester had arisen a few
minutes earlier and turned a
stove burner on underneath a
kettle. He came back less than
five minutes later to find flames
spreading up the wall in the
kitchen of an addition to the
house which was completed only
a short time ago.
He called the fire number and
then tried unsuccessfully to fight
The South Huron Recreation
Centre will be officially opened,
Thursday, and by the time the
Labor Day weekend is concluded,
it is expected most area residents
will have visited the new facility.
In addition to the Official
ceremonies, a full weekend of
special events is planned, in-
cluding three dances, a bingo,
barbecue and gospel service.
Emcee for the Thursday night
grand opening, to which the
public is invited, will be Carf
Speakers on the brief program
will include Huron warden Doug
McNeil, Huron-Middlesex MPP
Jack Riddell, Huron MP Bob
McKinley, rec centre committee
chairman John Stephens and the
Master Corporal Glenn Alblas of
the Huron-Middlesex Cadet
Corps is one of five Canadians
selected to visit Germany next
summer on a cadet exchange. He
recently completed a summer
course at Forces Base Camp
Borden where the selections were
made. T-A photo
Lucy, Exeter,
Members of the Greb family
from the United States flew in to
this area in the company plane, a
421 Cessna GoldenEagle,Because
of landing field restrictions at
Sexsmith, the Cessna landed at
the Huron Park airstrip,
The Cessna requires a runway
of at least 3,100 feet to clear
obstacles of 50 feet, The
maximum runway distance at
Sexsmith is 2,350 feet.
The Grob family attended the
wedding Saturday of 'Mien Greb
and Scott Green at Dashwood
United Church,
the blaze with the help of his
The kitchen was completely
gutted and the roof was burned
and smashed by firemen in an
attempt to get at the source of the
Damage to the balance of the
house was from extreme smoke
and water. Mr. Kester estimates
his loss at about $20,000.
Rebuilding of the roof' and
kitchen has already begun, Mr,
Kester said he was trying to get a
lot of the reconstruction com-
pleted before two of his sons
return to high school next week
and one to Fanshawe College,
Mr. and Mrs. Kester and 10
children living at home have
found temporary shelter with
heads of the three contributing
municipalities, Exeter Mayor
Bruce Shaw, Osborne Reeve Bill
Morley and Stephen Reeve Cecil
Representing the minister of
culture and recreation will be
London South MPP Gordon
The keys for the centre will be
turned over by Northside Con-
struction to engineer George
Naom, who will in turn present
them to the heads of the three
A ribbon cutting ceremony will
involve the council heads, John
Stephens and Gordon Walker.
A wine and cheese reception
will follow the official opening
and after that, the Walter
Ostanek band will commence the
special events for the weekend.
A monster bingo is scheduled
for Friday, while Saturday's
program consists of a dance with
the band ,of Tommy Dorsey.
On Sunday, a barbecue and
gospel service will be held and
the weekend activities conclude
,,n Monday with the rock band,
Members of the rec centre
board of management and the
building committee met with
officials of the engineering and
contracting firm on Friday and
were advised that the building
will probably not be completed
until later this fall,
It had been anticipated that ice
would be available by October 1,
but that now appears doubtful.
The contracting firm
representative indicated it would
take over three weeks to have the
boards erected, and with the time
lost due to the official opening
and the upcoming fall fair, said
he could not envision ice until
near October 15.
Another dog bite was reported
in the area this week.
The victim was 13-year-old
Danny Gower, RR 1 Centralia,
who had his right arm injured.
The incident occurred in
Centralia at the residence of
Herman Gower.
A brother combination from
this area won gold medals at the
Ontario Summer Games at
Kitchener over the weekend.
Rene Boogemans, Hensall and
brother Xavier of Grand Bend
were first across the finish line in
the expert marathon canoe race.
The Boogemans duo edged
Jul uis Langpeter and Ted
McCabe of Windsor by the
narrowest margin. They were
timed in one hour, eight minutes
and 44 seconds over the nine mile
The Windsor pair who were
only two-fifths of a second back in
second place battled the winners
all the way. There were four
other contestants.
The same opponents met in the
Regional Summer Games in
Windsor June 26 and the
Boogemans won by almost a
The nine mile race was charted
around Guelph Lake, The local
pair led for about the first four
They told the T-A, "it's hri-
portant to get out in front, It's
difficult to paddle in the wake of a
canoe in front,"
The race tightened as the two
canoes battled side by side for the
last half mile,
Xavier Boogemans com-
mented, "it was a close finish, We
• Exeter PUC this week ap-
proved making an application to
Ontario Hydro for a local rate
increase to be effective in
Ironically, one of the reasons
for a rate increase is the added
cost being faced by the PUC in
billing customers for the hydro
they use,
Last year, for instance, it cost
the Commission about $5,000 to
have hydro meters tested in
accordance with federal
government standards.
Manager Hugh Davis indicated
the cost would be about the same
this year.
Meters have to be tested every
eight years and Davis said this
cost the PUC "an arm and a leg".
Oddly enough, he noted that when
meters do work improperly, it is
usually in the customer's benefit,
He said the meters often slow
down, but seldom speed up.
There are over 300 meters to
test this year and each test cost $8
plus whatever parts or total
replacement may be required.
Commissioner Chan
Livingstone suggested the OMEA
should look into the possibility of
were a shade behind with about
10 feet to go but a final push gave
us the narrow margin of vic-
He added, "We normally go at
a rate of 65 to 70 paddles per
minute, but in the stretch drive
we must have been close to the 80
strokes a minute mark."
The Boogemans practice three
times a week in the Ausuable
River at Grand Bend and have
New wells
ready soon
The new wells in Usborne
Township will soon be ready to
put into production, Exeter PM
manager Hugh Davis reported
this week.
He told the Commission on
Tuesday that both wells have
been tested and only a few odds
and ends have to be changed,
Some equipment still has to be
installed in the pump houses.
He also reported that seeding
and sodding along the pipeline
had to be completed, but noted
that Usborne Township council
appeared to be satisfied with the
shape of the construction area in
petitioning the government to
have the tests every 10 years.
He also said the-PUC may have
to consider having their own
equipment and personnel make
Could have been
serious situation
Vandals recently caused
considerable damage to the PUC
pumping station in Riverview
Park and the situation could have
been "real bad" according to
manager Hugh Davis.
Apparently the youths
managed to get some picnic
tables piled up to gain access to
the roof and some shingles were
They also started a fire that
scorched the eaves. Had the
building caught fire, water
service could have been lost to
the community.
Davis said the shingles were
repaired as best they could, but
told the Commission this week
they should consider putting a
new roof on the building next
competed in about 20 races so far
this year.
This is the first time the expert
marathon canoe event has been
included in the Summer games.
Rene Boogemans will be
the tests, or at least combine with
other area'Utilities to provide for
the work.
He said when the area
association of Utilities was
formed, this was one of the
suggestions, although nothing
has ever come about in that
matter as yet.
The Commission also learned
that the office employees have
been required to work overtime
to keep up with the office
workload, including billing.
They were advised that the
budget billing being offered to
electric heat customers is par-
ticularly costly.
Livingstone suggested that the
meters for customers on budget
billing should only be read every
second month in an effort to
reduce costs.
He said this was one of the
ideas he presented in asking for
budget billing in the first place.
Another costly item is the
compilation of statistics required
periodically by Ontario Hydro.
Davis said some Commissions
refuse to do the work and
Livingstone suggested they
Please turn to page 32
travelling to Shawinigan, Quebec
this week to compete in a three
day 118 mile race, He will be
paired with Warren Knight of
Brussels as Xavier will be unable
to make the trip.
When school doors open next
week enrolment will be down
slightly at the seven public
schools in the southern part of the
county under the jurisdiction of
is leaving. They will be replaced
by Betty-Jean MacLean and
Marlene Thornton,
Pat Soldan, vice-principal at
McCurdy will be transferred to
Seaforth Public School to assume
a similar post and Lenore
Latullipe will be a new teacher at
Zurich. She is returning after a
year's leave of absence,
At South Huron District High
School Majorie Park has retired
and Wanda Graham is leaving.
The only replacement is Susan
The recently completed co-
operative evaluation report
recently completed under the
direction -of EPS principal Jim
Chapman will be released to the
Huron Board of Education at its
regulir meeting Tuesday af-
Superintendent Allan said he
expected some of the proposals
would be adopted by the Board.
Principal Fred Berdan at
Biddulph Central and Lucan
Public School report enrolment
"down at bit" at 517.
Five new teachers will be on
staff starting Tuesday when the
schools open, They are Lynda
Olson, Mrs. Sharron Barnes,
Mrs. Diane Dance, Mrs, Barbara
Farlinger and Robert Eaton,
Not returning to the staff are
Mrs. Marion Hamilton, Mrs.
Mary Lake, Mrs. Janet Williams,
Mrs. Milli Hildebrandt and Tim
Rec centre opening
provides fun for all
Best canoe team at Ontario games
Area pair win gold medal