HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-08-25, Page 2126 Legal Notices '91911911411110414P1.040911111010101111111111•1•01141 • • DINE OUT , e to , h, I, e 4 WAY INN I I i III t I I I Friday and Saturday out at the pREENFORESTMOTOR HOTEL featuring FriAtiouyvosntd2S6ast,u2r d7a y Labourn iDehaty, Wsast.snhisonholit, Roberta Walker wedgy matins* and Dwight James Bob McIntosh and Paul Stewart SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT SMORGASBORD begins at 5 o'clock call now for rosoryations HEATED POOL ;YOUR HOSTS THE 'RESCH' FAMILY INVITE YOU TO JOIN US .0:1 • Now Available for WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS & BANQUETS. GREEN FOREST MOTOR HOTEL HWY. 21 GRAND BEND Phone 2384365 AIW` Reception and Dance for MARLYN FEVERY and RUSS SMITH (Bridal Couple) Sat., Aug. 27 9 - 1 a.m. LEMAN ARENA Music by COUNTRY UNLIMITED Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION for Lorne & Annie Jean. Jahns Fri., Aug, 26th 9 - I KIRKTQN COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by BOB HEYWOOD Everyone Welcome Best Wishes Only MITCHELL FAIR September 2, 3, 4, & Coming to Exeter Reformed Church Sunday, Aug. 28 Huron St. E. at 7:30 p.m. the Rev. Armon Wright former choplin of the Ontario Reformatory (Prison) with the Melody Singing Group of Drayton EVERYONE WELCOME SHED DANCE Sponsored By CREDITON FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION Sat, Sept. 9 9 p.m. • 1 (1.M. Ken McCann'$ Shop P/tm,W&Vam.N of Creciiton Music By COUNTRY UNLIMITED All Proceeds to Community Recreation Coming Events At Pineridge Chalet R.R. 2, Henson Sat., Aug. 27 Wedding Reception Sat., Sept. 3 Joe Overholt & The Standbys Fri., Sept. 10 Country Corn Roast & Camping Weekend For Reservations Phone 262-2277 2364610 236- 4213 Reception and Dance for GARY LAVIER and VERONICA HALEY (Bridal Couple) Sat., Aug. 27 9- 1 EXETER LEGION HALL Music by "COUNTRY" Everyone Welcome Celebration of the Queen's Silver Jubilee THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF EXETER in co-operation with the Township of Usborne and the Township of Stephen cordially invites you and your family to attend the OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE SOUTH HURON RECREATION CENTRE on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 6;45 p.m. EXETER COMMUNITY PARK 4441„ Ittic A wine and cheese reception will be held following the ceremony South Huron Recreation Centre DASHWOOD HOTEL "Huron County's Fun Hotel" Picture Lounge Until Aug. 27 Wally Dee Show Starting Aug. 29 Playing Until Sept. 10 Country Girls Starting Sept, 14 BA Whitmore Show (Sorry, no reservations taken for the Picture Lounge) Try Our large, Fresh Baked Pizza Eat-in or Take-Out New Tiffany Dining Lounge Hours Daily Mon. thru Sat. 12 noon to 2 p.m. Fri. and Sat. Nites 5 to 9 p.m. Closed Sundays NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles Alexander Steele Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Alexander Steele, late of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1977 are required to file particulars of same with Bell 434 Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of September 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 33:34:35c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Reginald Earl Russell Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Reginald Earl Russell, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Retired Merchant, who died on or about the 12th day of May, 1977 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of September 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 33:34:35c NOTICE Bingo Every Tuesday Starting Aug. 30 1977 8 P.M. VANASTRA CENTRE Reception and Dance for PAT ALI and GERARD CHARRETTE (Bridal Couple) Sat., Aug. 27 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by MOZART'S MELODY MAKERS • Everyone Welcome Reception and Dance for ELLEN GREG SCOTT GREEN (Bridal Couple) Sat, Aug. 27 8:30 - 1 a.m. PINERIDGE CHALET R.R. 2 HENSALL Music by MADHATTER Lunch Provided Everyone Welcome Grand Bend 63 River Road 238-2025 BINGO Share-The-Wealth Bingo will be held in Zurich Arena Auditorium aeon festival Day. Aug. 27 1-5 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL 4 p.m. • 8 p.m. ONE STEAK $3.50 EXTRA DINNER $1.00 SCOTT & ALICE'S RESTAURANT Formerly Les Pines Restaurant r FISHER: 'N E N'S C GRAND BEND 63 RIVER ROAD FISH & CHIPS CHICKEN & CHIPS SHRIMP & CHIPS LIGHT LUNCHES Eat In or Take Out " 'w•V'•• DR. GODDARD DAY Sunday, Sept. 18 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. PINERIDGE CHALET R.R. 2, Henson Anyone requiring a ride out to Pineridge Chalet please phone 262-2323, Doug Mann or 236-4757 Pete Jeffery until Satur- day noon, September 17. Tickets available at Don's Food Market, Laporte Meat Market, Doerr's Superior Store, Zurich, H & N Variety, St. Josephs, Ron's Health Centre, Drysdale's Home Hardware, Super Save, Dave Kyle's Shell Station, W. G. Thompson and Sons Ltd. in Hensall. mintimmintimintitimummitmlit141411M11111111111111441mItimummtiouttimmumnum `"WRKW74, 1 admission per person No Reserve Seats E. Admission $1.00 for 18 Rounds Extra cards 25c each or 5/$1.00 F- Share-the-Wealth - 2 cards for 25c Ti Sponsored By Auxiliary -1 .,, llllll Wilt llllll I llllll 10 llllll Ladies' No O neUnder 16 Years of Age Will Be Admitted F. ,.-. miiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiminininninumiumniiiiiiiiiiininniiiiimitimitiminiiiiiir Licence No. 212181 • 17 Regular • 1 Jackpot • 2 Share-the- Wealth JACKPOT '250 In 53 Calls BING Thurs., Aug. 25 —8:00p.m. EXETER LEGION HALL BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON — NOW PLAYING — WED., THUR., FRI. — AUG. 24, 25, 26 ertY A id ii Anil itAgg A MUSICAL ADVENTURF ,-- KI43,3a' ASCII fNTERTAINmINT The Nice Guys Finish First For . A Change. •`. 11111111.1.1 . 4 1,k 4 0. ...— AolitT •• ... ENTE4rrAITitEN.L.,,,,...1k,. , 1,4, 1.4i... S4'M 14°L.:c-i :friTt5).11,- ON SAT, - SUN. - MON. - AUG. 27-28-29 •-, *.:, - .., , ...., ..,, :.•.........„.„ .„„,...: Coross ...., ron I AI.. Avco Embossy Mime Frcm :: 17; ENTERTAINMENT iltitiLD ,-. 4 Trust no one. * .:c inl No one. I) Ai Ay( i I th.htlk,:o lier,r• ' j. I , om :; 1144 RIMMiti" ' "rvisd. 101 17\ i4 a O 1I m 0 z A HEARING TESTS No Obligation EXETER PHARMACY Thurs., Sept. 1 — 1 to 3 p.m. Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes O'eriovile HEARING AIDS • J. D. FAIR Heoring Aid Service 91 Brunswick St., Stratford No Roller Skating Friday, Saturday. or Sunday Due to Bean Festival. WANTED! FEMALE BOWLERS 12 TEAMS TUESDAY NITE 12 TEAMS THURSDAY N1TE All Teams Old And New Contact Jane Russell 235-1961 Janice Frayne 235.2271 Or Exeter Bowling Lanes 235-2781 General Meeting September 7, 1977 At 8:30 P.M., Exeter Bowling Lanes. All Interested Welcome. .•••••••••• leaslet. THE LONDON BURNS CLUB Presents ANDY STEWART' Scotland's Greatest Entertainer The Scotch Shop Westmount Mall London Market Pet Store Market Building London And FULL SUPPORTING CAST At CENTENNIAL HALL, LONDON On SEPTEMBER 7 8 p.m. Tickets $4.50, Available From McVicars Scottish Foods 972 Hamilton Road London NOTICE TO.CREDITORS In the Estate of Hans Oluf Pedersen Deceased All persons having claims against the estate -of Hans Oluf Pedersen, late of the Township of I-lay, County of Huron, Retired Dairyman, who died on or about the 3rd day of May 1977 are required to file particulars of same with. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of September 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 34:35:36c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Homer Russell Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of William Homer Russell, late of the Township of Hay, County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 2nd day of March 1977 are required to tile particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 10th day of September 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 34:35:36e NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Francis (Frank) William Plumb Deceased late of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who died at London, On- tario on or about the 16th day of July, 1977 are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the under- signed Solicitors on or before the 17th day of September, 1977 after which date the estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims which have then been received. Dated at London, this 18th day of August, 1977 by UNGER, VEZER, Suite 511, 200 Queens Avenue, Lon- don, Ontario, N6A 133, Solicitors for the Executors. 33:34:35c Hyson Music Ltd. 146 bundas Street London The Bon Accord 430 Hamilton Rd. London Chargex Exeter PHONE .25-0464 Main Si, • It fPf;11234 tiarEitrunE Cw.t."*.t4. C ltii COWIJIBIA PICTWIE6 IHINSSTRIS INC TUES. - SATURDAY, AUG. 30-31, SEPT. 1,2,3 TUESDAY NIGHT SPECIAL! ADMISSION $541 PER CAR LOAD tfuettlay Hight Only sisigimummimomirei It was 1958 when making love Meant "making Out." 4 4 0 X I'S a. 0 ZURICH BEAN FESTIVAL ANNUAL DANCE Featuring TWO ORCHESTRAS "BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS" and "DESJARDINE ORCHESTRA" SATURDAY, AUGUST 27 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sponsored by Zurich Minor Athletic Association li is AUGUST FRIDAY & SATURDAY SPECIALS 12 Noon - 8 p.m. EAT IN ONLY t.tr {0,alos InCtial 1.00111.1•11 A COLLOAERA EMI FEATURE Fish and Chips Salad & French Fries 1.99 Sweet and Sour Pork 3.19 Chicken Fried Rice 2.45 — PLUS C01.0.48,AriVuOIS +,0 vs•t,oi COLuNkNA PICYtALS,Nousipott IAC Wally's CHINESE GARDEN Full Course Meals