HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-08-18, Page 22BACK TO SCHOOL USED ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE. IDEAL FOR STUDENTS OR SMALL OFFICE. Exeter Times Advocate South Huron Recreation Centre CHRISTMAS PARTIES Dates are still available for Christmas Parties to be held in the New Centre. All size par- ties are welcome - we supply everything - but the people. INQUIRIES - Kirk Armstrong 235-0310 Huron County Family Planning Project Invites You To Attend FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC Every Tuesday from 6:30 - 9 p.m, HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT Ann St., Exeter For Information Call 235-1014 Weekdays or Tuesday evenings Everyone welcome, 20 Property For Rent 16 Foi Sale 26 Legal Notices 15 Personal Pas* 22 oremamoomomagnomosaktwewataieraroarm* •011•10•11N Times-Advocate, August 18, 1977 8 Farm Machinery 11 Cars, Trucks The Public Is Cordially Invited to Attend IF YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's our business. Phone AA 235-1035 or evenings 228-6843. 2t 1966 OLSEN tent trailer, spare tire, new canvas, new wiring, $500 or best offer. Phone 262-2939 after 6 p,m. 33:34c FOUR TIRES, 695.14, good condi- tion, $35.00 or best offer. Call 235- 1982. 33* GARAGE SALE — August 27, I I a.m.-6 p.m., 73 Pines Parkway, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend. In the event it rains it will be held on the 28th. BEST OFFER for 21x33 foot barn, good beams and boards, Phone 262- 2235. 33c ENCYCLOPEDIAS — Order Canada's best selling, most used en- cyclopedia now for back to school delivery. For demonstration call H, Morrissey, 234-6783. 33:34c QUART SEALERS for sale. Phone 235-1523. 33c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Francis (Frank) William Plumb Deceased late of the City of London, in the County of Middlesex. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named deceased who djed at London, On- tario on or about the 16th day of July, 1977 are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the under- signed Solicitors on or before the 17th day of September, 1977 after which date the estate's assets will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims which have then been received. Dated at London, this 18th day of August, 1977 by UNGER, VEZER, Suite 511, 200 Queens Avenue, Lon- don, Ontario, N6A 1J3, Solicitors for the Executors. Holidays Coming Up? QSCAL HILL turnip oilier, full .hydraulic and lights, like new; Scott Hiner turnip harvester, excellent con- dition. Phone 262-6609. 32:33c 1970 THUNDERBIRD, green, power windows, power seats, air cruise con- trol, $1350, as is. Phone 235- 2989. 33:34c 1968 FORD XL 302, power steering, power brakes, needs little body work; 1972 Ranch Wagon 351, power steer- ing and brakes, trailer tow package, needs body work, best offers, 228- 6798. 33c 1966 MACK, tandem cab over, new paint, runs good. Phone 293-3143. 16 lot Sale SEXSMITH FLY IN Renting 1976 26' Winnebago, sleeps 6, self-contained, separate bedroom at back, requests rates. PHONE 519-482-9353 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 2It DRILL PRESSES, vises, anvils, power hand grinders, wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235-1655, 41t HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, $13.95 and up. Family rings and charms, watch and clock repairing guaranteed. It SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE— Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season, half price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings, 1-519- 433-2611. 6t LEADING SWIMMING POOL wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock, Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swim- ming pools include filter, walk around deck, fence and warranty. Size I5x27', $1355.00. Cash or terms. Call Perc collect days or evenings 1-519-433- 1083. 6t .1970 KAWASAKI F4 Sidewinder street or trail. Low mileage, good con- dition, $550. Also helmet, 229- 6761. 33t 1972 KAWASAKI 500, $600. Phone 236-4920. 33:34c 1975 DELUXE Moped, speedometer, telescopic forks, horn and other accessories, Asking $145.00. Phone 235-1528. 33* 1976 SUZUKI 125 street and dirt motorcycle. Phone 235-2575. 33c 1973 HONDA, good condition, $650 or best offer; 1963 Chev as is, $100, or best offer. Phone 225-2563. 33e 1976 KAWASAKI 500, good condi- tion, Phone 262-6349. 33c ( 1 V4 miles N. of Exeter on Highwqy 4 and 1 V4 miles W.) Sun., Aug. 28 11 A.M. to 4 P.M. Refreshments Available Buttered Sweet Corn-On-The-Cob Hot Dogs, Etc. at a Nominal Fee Prizes 33:34c ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING 33c 1966 FORD 4-door, 1971 Toyota engine and transmission, 8 mounted tires 600x12; Toyota parts; two bikes. Phone 235-2495 after 6 p.m. 33:34* 1969 DATSUN truck, Ziebarted, in clean condition, sold as is. Phone 1- 245-1588. 33*:34c 1969 DODGE Dart, safety checked, fresh paint, good condition, asking $600.00. Call 236-4102. 33* 1968 4-DOOR Ambassador, as is, priced for quick sale, Phone 236- 4666. 33:34c 1974 MARQUIS 2-door hardtop, cer- tified, has air, radio, radial tires, new exhaust, 35,000 miles, A-1 condition. Phone 262-2327, after 6 o,m, 33c 1969 CHEV pick-up, short box with topper, good body and paint, low mileage, safetied in April, $1400.00. Call 238-2709 after 4 p.m. 33:34c 1967 DODGE DART sedan, 4-door, some extra tires. As is, $350.00. Phone 228-6752 evenings. 32t 1976 CHEV 1 2-ton pickup, 350, automatic power steering, power brakes, rally wheels, box rails, 15,000 miles, $4150.00. Call 262-2023, 9 a.m.- 6 p.m. 32:33c 1972 FORD Courier pick-up, 4 speed transmission, overhead cam engine, excellent body and drive train, $1400.00 or nearest offer, 235- 0618. 32t 1974 MUSTANG II automatic, power brakes, power steering, Michelin tires, in good condition, cer- tified. Phone 235-2420, evenings 238- 8881. 32t 1972 BUICK Skylark, runs well. Phone 235-1281. 31t Government Inspected Meat Hind Quarters $1.09 Sides .850 Front .680 Sides of Pork .854 Processing Included Special this week only Exeter Family Market Phone 235-0400 One, two and three bedroom apartments. Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 433-7781, London. ,,, . 1.1111....oitios . 1 .. ...11,1111, I, V I I I, 1111llllll l lll 11. lllllll elsoimemolat...timotiasotato; 11„I I lllll lllllll 33:34:35c 11 Cars, Trucks FARM SOLD Clearing Auction NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1974 FORD COURIER pickup with topper, 3 speed automatic, good con- dition, low mileage, radio, Ziebarted, 9 tires, best offer. Call after six, 235- 2961, 33:34* 50t In the Estate of Charles Alexander Steele Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Alexander Steele, late of the Township of Stephen, County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1977 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of September 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario ONE BEDROOM apartment for Senior Citizens only. For more infor- mation call Maplewoods Apts., Zurich, 236-4373. 14t ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments, fully broadloomed, in- clude stove and frost free refrigerator, Rent includes heat, hot water and laundry facilities, one year lease. Two bedroom, 2nd floor, $189.00 a month; one bedroom, ground level, $155 a month, Phone 235-1302 for application. 30t ONE BEDROOM unfurnished apart- ment, heated, Main St., Exeter, available Sept, 1, Phone 235-0685, 32t RENTING NOW — one bedroom apartment, large living room, kitchen, 3-pee bath, new refrigerator and stove, ideal for working couple. Yogi Bear drive area. Call morning or at night 243-2558 or 243-2743 or Sarnia 337- 62080, 32:33:34c TWO BEDROOM House, Main St., T Exeter available Sept. I. Ideal for young married couple, $225.00 plus utilities. Call London 433-6188, 9.4 p.m. 32:33:34* For W. Busch, Lot 18, Concession 9 Biddulph on Highway 23, 4'h miles N. of Highway 7. Sat., Aug. 20 at 2:00 p.m. MACHINERY: John Deere 2120 with loader (520 hours) ex- cellent, manure spreader, 36 plate wheel disc, 3 point plow, harrows, chain harrows, cultivator, 2 - 8' 3 point hitch cultivator, corn stalk chopper, hydraulic cylinder, cattle oiler, Champion oat roller and motor, water tank, cream separator, posts, 800' snow fence, woven wire, jet pump, bricks, cement blocks, quantity of insulation, wheel barrel, rabbit cages, forks, shovels, extension cords, electric saws, quantity of hay and mixed grain, tools. HOUSEHOLD: electric stove, deep freeze, refrigerator, 5 hp garden tiller, lawn mower, table, crocks, iron beds, plus numerous misc. Farmers WE ARE NOW PICKING UP FREE OF CHARGE 33c 17 Wanted To Buy STUDENTS AI' FRESH DEAD or - DISABLED FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction, Con- signments welcome, K uriousity Korner, Seaforth. Phone 527-1336. 41- RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER COWS, HORSES and Stocker Cattle, etc. AT T-A 33:34;35c WHEAT, BARLEY or oat straw. Don Glavin, 234-6249. 33:34* Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Reginald Earl Russell Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Reginald Earl Russell, late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Retired Merchant, who died on or about the 12th day of May, 1977 are remlired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 3rd day of September 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 33:34:35c 18 Wanted 3 Radio Dispatched Trucks for Faster Service 24-Hour Service 7 Days A Week Terms Cash Number Bidding George Earley Auctioneer 247-3489 Not Responsible For Accidents Day of Sale LADY DESIRES companion to stay in nice home, Southcott Pines, Grand Bend until September, must have driver's license, husband being hospitalized. References desired. Phone 238-8123, Box 346 Grand Bend. 33c 38t Scott's Leather Tack Shop CALL COLLECT (Area Code 519) 887-9334 Brussels Pet Food Supplies 12 Pets 21 For Rent 120 Sanders Street, West Exeter, Phone 234-0694 Riding Equipment and Apparel, Lee Jeans, Denim Jackets and Overalls, Western boots and hats, leather belts, wallets and hand bags. 1111411111111111111111111 lllllll 1 llllllllllllllll 11111111m11111111111111111111111111.11 lllllllllllllllllllllll 1.11111 lllll 111.: 51.111111111.11 1111111MIIIIIIIIIIIIiii 111.11 11111111111111111111.111.111111.111111111111111111,111111111111Mii;ir RIDE TO LONDON for 9 a ,m. from August 29 - Sept, I. Phone 228- 6954. 33c BEAGLE PUPS — phone 235- 2802, 33:34c SMALL PUPPIES for sale, born July 21, 1977. Phone 236-7792. 33c SWIMMING POOLS for rent — 1977 models, slightly scratched in . transport. Phone collect 416-663- 9508. 24t ANINOMMI Giant Auction Sale COLLECTION NO 531 C 76 TIMBER WANTED I NORM WHITING anCtiOROOP 171' RENTALS Of Brand New Quality Household Furniture MONKTON, ONTARIO MUST SELL GMC truck converted to camper, gas stove, fridge, good con- dition, good tires, sleeps 5. Make an offer, 652-3155, 18t KOOLVENT ALUMINUM window awnings and porch canopies, aluminum windows, expert installa- tion, free estimates. Walker Aluminum Sales, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722. 1St SWIMMING POOLS — 1977 models, slightly scratched in transport. Fully warranted, complete with pump, motor, filter, fencing, walkway and deck. Suggested retail price $2295, available at in-season special of $1288. Call now for early in- 1. stallation. Call collect anytime 663-9508. 24t 7' CHESTERFIELD and matching chair, Mediterranean style, excellent 'condition, phone 229-6761. 26tx FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS BELT SANDERS 1/4" and 1/2 " DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS BEAVERS HARDWARE Your Westinghouse Dealer Exeter 235-1033 To be held at the Community Hall (Arena), No. 23 Highway in Monkton. Mon. Evening, Aug. 22 '7:30 p.m. Sharp $25,000 Assorted Stock Must Be Sold No Reserve Here is A Partial Listing 8 brand new bedroom suites, each suite comes complete with a new top quality box spring and mattress and featuring a 5 piece pine suite complete with hutch, mirror, and triple dresser, 5' drawer chest,. headboard, -steel frame,.,2,.night tables, box spring and mattress; other suites are various Spanish, Contemporary, and Modern Styles - plus, for the daughter's room, a complete white and gold trim deluxe suite. 10 different dinettes - wood, chrome and coppertone suites in 5 and 7 piece sets. The wood colonial suites are in maple and pine finishes. 15 brand new chesterfield suites in 2 piece, 3 piece and 4 piece sets, in many styles and every suite covered in top quali- ty, top graded covers in Nylon Velvets, Ultra Velvets, Her- culons, Acrylic Pile, Naugahyde and many more - as fine a selection as ever offered by public auction. Plus - much more - recliners, rockers, davenport sets, dining room suites complete with hutch and buffet, step and coffee tables, a nice assortment table lamps, swags, continental beds in 39", 48", 54” and queen sze, mate's bed, odd chest of drawers, desk, foot stool, odd night tables, maple and pine bunk beds, pictures, mirrors and smokers. Many other items as well. Doors open at 6 p.m. for early in- spection. Merchandise can be picked up night of sale or from 9 a.m. till noon the following day. Sale conducted by Victoria Sales, London, Ont. Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushlots of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or phone 232-4450, before 8 a.m, or between 3:30-5 p.m. (if possible). • 27 Tenders Wonted Auction Sale 16t OLD BRICK BUILDINGS for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 23t FEMALE PERSON wanted to share house in Huron Park, $57.00 month plus hydro. Contact V. Salmon, RR I, Binbrook, Ont. LOR ICO, (416) 692- 4839.. 32,;13:34* Sale of Used SCHOOL BUSES of Real Estate, Household Furnishings, Antiques & Misc. Items on Sat., Sept. 10, 1 p.m. Sharp Lot 4, Concession 12, Township of Hay, approximately 1 mile north of main corner Dashwood, for Mr. Carl Oestreicher. REAL ESTATE: consists of 17.691 acres of land with creek, 2 wells and 2 natural springs. Situated on this parcel of land is a 2 storey cement block house. Main floor, large kitchen, pan- try, wash room, dining room, living room, bedroom and front entrance. Second floor, 4 bedrooms & 3 piece bath. Full base- ment, 2 large verandahs, hot water heat, oil fired. Plenty of shade. Large barn and driving shed. Real Estate sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid at 2 p.m. Terms 10% day of sale, balance in 30 days. Partial mortgage could be arranged. For information.contact Norm Whiting, Auctioneer, phone Ex- eter 235-1964. Complete listing of auction in a later edition. Plainly marked sealed tenders will be received by R. B. Dunlop, Superinten- dent of Business Affairs for the purchase of five used school buses. Vehicles will be sold uncertified, as is,,, where is, without licence plates arid may be inspected by contacting the undersigned. Tender closing effective 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, September I, 1977. Tender forms are available at the Board Office. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. L. Cunningham Transportation Manager Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario ' NOM 1 LO 18t 19 Property For Sale PRIVATE SALE — Cottage, Grand Bend, lovely landscaped lot 70x210, large cedar deck adjoining pool. App- ly 34 Albert St. off River Rd. or phone 519-679-8080. 32:33c 130 ACRE farm for sale, 45,000 tiles recently installed, heated shed, recent- ly renovated modern house. Cattle barn 80'x40', excellent cash crop land, located near Exeter. Phone K irkton 229-8292 or 229-8958. 32:33:34c BUILDING LOT, sewer connected, frame building on lot, good siding and studding, free for removal and cleanup. Leslie Thomson, Exeter. 331- Rent a Car or Truck BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK RAWLEIGH rletgd ciftheGFienHe ghee, 1889 For Your Moving Needs 12' Del I ivery Van Available For Rent LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 We're Old-Fashioned And Proud To Be Rawleigh Home Remedies Bring Fast-Acting Relief Phone 235-0326 33c Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter 32:33c 3 I t Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot FIFTH WHEEL trailer, tandem duals, 20' box and hoist, steel racks and tarp plus 1976 Dodge I-ton pick- up, duals 440 engine, automatic, Sell together or separately, Kippen 262- 5618. 32:33:34c HEAVY ROOSTERS, ready for the oven. Phone 236-4868. 32t TWO 9x 12x7 TENTS with a canopy, cost $200.00 each, sell for $125.00 each or both for $225.00. Phone 235- 0618. 32t PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mix- ers, power trowel, etc. Form ties stocked. For more information call M. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954 after 4 p.m. week days, any time weekends. 171' NORM' tVIIITIN anCtiOROOP AUCTION SALE Sales Mgr. - Leo E. Bird AUCTIONEER - Jack Heywood Terms Cash - Cheques accepted - 7% soles tax in effect 22 For Sale or Rent COUNTRY HOME, four year old stone brick bungalow, located on 25.6 scenic acres, 4 miles west of Lucan. Spacious 4 bedroom house overlooks spring fed stream and 5 acre lake. Large all steel shed and 2,2 acres of grass suitable for horses. Private sale. Phone 293-3210. 33:34c 1973 MOBILE HOME 12 x 60, 2 bedrooms, good condition, gold carpeting and appliances, is vacant now. Call 235-2364. 33:34:35c Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 Of Real Estate Household Furnishings Antiques and Misc. Items Saturday, Aug. 20, 1 p.m. Sharp 58 Main St. West, Zurich, Ontario for the Estate of the late Miss Mary Reichert, REAL ESTATE — Consists of 2 storey red brick house, main floor, living room, dining room, kitchen with built in cup- boards, pantry, bedroom, 2 piece bath and hall. Second floor, 3 bedrooms, oak staircase, natural wood trim throughout, full basement, front closed in porch, sewers con- nected, situated on a lot approximately 66' frontage and 275' deep. Real estate sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, 10% day of sale. Balance in 30 days, ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES — Pine dry sink, top of flat to wall cupboard, pine blanket box, press back rocker, rocking chair, 2 good press back chairs, 2 wash stands, spool bed, 3 parlor tables, old radio, mantle clock, finger oil lamp, 3 other oil lamps, several pieces of Austria Bridal Wreath, hand painted creamand sugar, spooners, set of cream and sugar, salt and pepper and spooner souvenir of Blyth and Kippen, Ruby flash goblet, souvenir of Varna, milk glass dish souvenir of Zurich, press glass set of cream and sugar, spooner and butter dish, Honey comb wine goblet, small compote and lid, 12 fruit nappies and bowl, Germany cream and sugar, Bavaria ribbon dish signed, china doll, syrup pitcher, several other dishes cups and saucers, sad irons, apple peeler and dryer, 2 iron pots and copper boiler, Quebec heater, old tin horse and carriage, powder flask, lantern, post cards, 1905 Molsons bank book and folder, Molsons bank, Zurich, wooden butter paddle, wicker baskets, wooden curtain rods and rings, doll cradle, Hart Crown sealert, narrow-mouth pints, crocks' and jugs and crockery bowl, pictures and frames, many many exceptional quilts, several other items not mentioned, HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & MISC. ITEMS — Westinghouse refrigerator, Tappen 24" range, Annex stove, washing machine, drop leaf table and 2 chairs, odd chairs, step stool, dining room table and 4 chairs, chesterfield and chair, platform rocker, end tables, floor and table lamps, small record cabinet, RCA Victor radio and record player, record player, buffet, odd chairs, high chair, mirrors, silverware, odd dishes and several other items, TERMS CASH Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 391' NORM IMITING amatioreeeirp HONEY HUGH A. EVANS NEW CROP READY NOW AT Kestle Honey Farm Clandeboye Closed Sundays Realtor A SPORTSMAN'S PARADISE WITH A Panoramic view year round. Live in this 4 bedroom trailer home, all furnished, and golf, ski, skate, etc. All it needs is a feminine touch, Good terms. Exeter area. HAYFIELD New 3 bedroom trailer 70xI4, custom designed interior, with fine fur- nishings, quality broadloom. A must to see, Can be moved if desired, PARKHILL 3 bedroom Ranch (new) on treed lot, American kitchen, full finished base- ment, if desired. Only $41,900.00 with 10% down. Be my guest for an inspec- tion. Auction Sale 25 Notices 32:33e Of Household Furnishings, Antiques and Misc. Items On Sat., Aug. 27 at 1:00 p.m. Sharp 1'/2 blocks south of Dashwood Hotel, Dashwood, On- tario for Mrs. Violet England. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS & MISC. ITEMS: Chesterfield and chair, floor and table lamps, single and double springs and mattresses, Frigidaire refrigerator, Woods 15 cu. ft. freezer, Beatty washing machine, rangette, hot plate, clocks, mirrors, knick knacks, pictures and frames, cups and saucers, several odd dishes, electric toaster, tea kettle, pots and pans, carpet sweeper, Eureka vacuum cleaner, sealers, Christmas decorations, ladders, wheel barrow, garden tools and many other items. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Large cherry table with 3 leaves, large pine chest of drawers with car pulls, wash stand, single iron bed with brass knobs, odd bed, 3 piece bedroom suite, bed and dresser, kitchen cabinet, press back rocker, ladies Boston rocker, spindle rocker, hall tree, 4 parlour tables, odd chairs, table with 6 leaves, set of 6 chairs, set of 5 chairs, china cabinet combination (exceptional), baby cradle (unusual), large hump back wooden chest brought from Ger- many about 1860, dove tailed and dowelled, trunk, couch, sewing machine, O.G. clock, beaded oval set, fruit bowl and 6 nappies, butter dish, sugar bowl, 4 honey comb goblets, Carnival glass vase, moustache cup, salt and pepper shakers, finger lamp, large platter, silver tray, milk glass candle holder, milk glass match holder, hobnail vinegar cruet and stopper, part of set of dishes, several other dishes, large Ironstone platter, collection of china dolls, pictures and frames, games, radio, old sleigh with original stencil, iron ket- tle, apple peeldr; cabbage slicer, buttons, old irons and stands, copper tea kettle and several other items. INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with USED CB GRANADA, 23 channel, also one super scaner aerial. Phone 235-0884. 32:33c JOHN DEERE 530, three point hitch, 4 row bean puller, scuffler, $1500.00; 10/80 Massey Ferguson, 80 HP roll bar cab, $6500.00; 1974 Chev Biscayne, blue, good, $1300.00 check- ed or $1200.00 as is; 1969 Chev ih-ton V-8 automatic, as is, $150.00. Phone 262-6408. 32:33* LONG GOWN size 13-14 light blue, worn once, can be used as bridesmaid gown. Call before 5 p.m., 237- 3354. 32:33c RED POTATOES, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, beets. Bring containers, phone orders. Leslie Thomson, 181 William St., 235- 0736. 33t MELBA APPLES, in your containers, 2 1/2 miles west of Hensall on 84 highway, 236-4110. Wilfrid Mousseau. 33* COLLEGE BOOKS, first year Social Science including Psi, English and Pol. Sci. and Sac., 235.1807, 33c CUSTOM HOOVER vacuum with all attachments, two years old, just been serviced, $75.00, Phone 228-6378. 33c STEREO SYSTEM including cassette player, $275.00. A steal for quick sale. Phone 262-2848. 33* H&N "Nick Chick" Leghorns, 20 weeks old. Available for late summer or fall delivery! Alto Huggurd Golden Comets (brown egg layers) for Oc- tober delivery. Call 262-2837, McKinley Farms & Hatchery Ltd., Zurich. 33C CABBAGE for home and freezer 150 each or 8 for $1,00. Phone 243- 2575, 331* ROY SCOTCHMER Call Mae Morenz at 238-2822 Grand Bend 33c Monday !snipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL BAY FIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.m, Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 20 Property For Rent APARTMENT In Dashwood, 2nd floor, 2 bedrooms, newly decorated, private entrance, no children or pets. Tenant would be paid for assistance given to owner. Call 237-3674. 33:34c THREE BEDROOM house in Exeter, near high school, available by Oct. I. Phone 235-0537. 33c WAREHOUSE SPACE — 1000.6000 square feet, equalized dock available, very reasonably priced by month or other. Apply Tuckey Beverages Ltd., Huron Park, 228-6503, 33:34c FURNISHED apartment, heated, central location, Apply Beavers Hardware, 235-1033. 33c THREE BEDROOM House, central- ly located, near Exeter, Crcditon and Huron Park, Available Sept. I. Phone 228-6258. 33:34c 47/41' I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts other than those incurred by myself as or August 9. — Lloyd Simpson. 32:33c TERMS CASH THREE BEDROOM house. Apply to August Gregus, 235-1647. 33:34c MODERN, unfurnished apartment, ground level in Exeter, Available Sept. 1, phone 235-0135. 33:34* Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235.1964 16MumnimmiumwasommousiummiewommlirmilmilwilMoMmiNimillumliallownromla 1