HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-08-18, Page 13At" COMPLETE dP4iro /1447 COVERAGE FOR wt& 164414* * Home * Farm 44. * Life 1'44 * Commercial we' * Automobile * Registered Re-tirement Plans CONTACT Bev Morgan Insurance Agency Ltd. 238 Main St. Phone 235-2544 Exeter Across from Saveway Lumber Best Interest We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being offered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Subject to change fig‘IP ‘111111 Gaiser-Kneale Insurance Agency Inc. Exeter Grand Bend Office Office 235-2420 238-8484 23rd Anniversary 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 11 11 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 The Sale of the Year You Cannot A fford to Miss This Sale L YTH Thursday, Aug.1 8 to Saturday, Aug. 27 These are just a few of the Outstanding Values we are offering. Come Early - you can't afford to miss this Money Saving Event. Hundreds of shoes on display, plainly marked for your convenience. Times-Advocate, August 18, 1977 — , Page l:3 Tickets went like crazy Members of the finance committee and others were very busy in their "Arena Building Fund Booth" during the fair, selling commemorative T-shirts, which were a sell-out, and tickets on a beautiful china cabinet went like crazy, as did those on the doll donated by Mrs. Peter Groenewegan, and the afghan and pillow set, donated by Gordon 1-lotson. The cabinet was won by Mrs. Barry Van Boxmeer, R.R. Lucan. The afghan and pillow by Ted Buck, Thorndale and the doll by seven year Old Tracy Teller, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Doug Teller of London, and grand. daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ha rdy. The draw for the Crestview Quilt will be made at the next Board meeting in early Sep- tember. A PARADE STOPPER — The long and interesting Lucan Fair parade Sunday afternoon was interrupted for a few minutes as a CNR train passed through. T-A photo PART OF LARGE CROWD — The outdoor performances by Valdy and Faron Young at the weekend Lucan Fair drew large crowds. A portion of the Sunday afternoon crowd is shown above, T-A photo Lunch enjoyed at UC booth In spite of the "Food & Rest Area" booth being a bit off the beaten track, behind the midway in the storage building, it was very successful and ail customers seemed to appreciate the opportunity to sit down while they enjoyed a sandwich, tea, coffee or milk at the Lucan United Church Booth. Our apologies for the disruption in the hydro hook-up and the fact that our food was so good and so popular that we ran out before the fair was over on Sunday evening. We will prepare for many more next year if we are invited to return in 1p78. Thank you very much for your patronage. IT'S SILVER DOLLAR DAYS AT BO PEEP ON WHEELS — Kim Newman appeared an roller skates as Little Bo Peep in Sunday's Lucan Fair parade. T-A photo S E M A Art NURSERY SCHOOL IN PARADE — Youngsters of the Lucan and District Co-Operative Nursery School par- ticipated in Sunday's Lucan Fair parade. T-A photo Quilt draw successful Members of the Lucan Busy Buddies Craft Group and the Sunshine Group say a sincere "thank you" to all whc helped to make their quilt draw and their craft booth so successful, The proceeds will be most useful in helping to complete the "drop-in" centre. It is hoped to have an '.'open House" later in the Fall to which everyone will he invited. The liquid embroidered quilt was won by Patricia la Porta, of Gray's Lake, Illinois, who is the niece of the instructor, Mrs. George Hindmarsh. R. K. PECK APPLIANCES "In the heart of downtown Varna" • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales & Service of most makes • CB Radios & Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appliances • Smoke Sensors • Insect Lights & Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted Gifts We'll give you a SILVER DOLLAR When you complete an application for a "STEDMANS CARD" (Applicant must be 18 years of age or over). WATCH FOR OUR SUPER BACK TO SCHOOL SALE AUGUST 17 - 27. MODERN SHOPPER 0000000000 0 000 Varna, Ontario Phone 482-7103 amommunmoniiiimiiminiummiunitimiummuntiumniffiffiullumionimoinifilimmonimiiiimmffilipiniiminillimulludiiinlimiumiumniiminninummiliiiiiiminiiiniiiimiliffinnimninuinimmuninumnimmininimilimmomnimimmtimmilmmillumnommulliminoninowinmionnhiliminnotiomummulmintunummutintimminimmilmmonmionminimmimE Men's Dress Shoes Women's Dress Pumps Reg. to 21.00 Sale $2" Women's Dress Pumps Reg. to $29.95 Sale $899 Children's School Shoes Reg. to $16.95 Sale $799 Reg. to $9.95 Sale $399 Children's Shoes Children's Shoes Reg. to $6.95 Sale $1 99 Ladies Casual Shoes Reg, to $23.95 Sale $699 Boys' School Shoes Reg. to $21,00 Sale $899 Dress Boots Reg. to $42.00 Sale $1999 Reg. to $39.95 Sale $ 9" Men's 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 Men's Women's Casual Shoes Dress Shoes Tender Tootsie SPECIAL Reg. to $29.95 Sale $1 499 Men's Dress Shoes Reg. to $14.95 Men's Sale $6" $899 Sale Hi-Grade Dress or Walking Shoes Reg, to $30,00 Sale 4" Reg. to $24.95 Sale $6" Women's Work Ties ..$8" Women's Casual Pumps II" Ladies Crepe Ties S . Women's Dress Pumps .. 2 Teen-Age Flatties , i$99 Boy's North Star Joggers $899 Teen-Age Wedgies $899 . $099 Women's Casual Flats $499 Casual Shoes Re g . to $24.95 E Men's Casual Shoes 9" Sale $899 10% OFF All New Pail Merchandise Women's Dress Pumps Reg. to $30,00 Sole $1 2" SMYTH'S SHOE STORE Men's Casual Shoes! Reg, to $29.95 Sale 1299 Exeter Ontario Including Luggage Immilijillogiffilijilogoiligilmimilitgliffill1111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111011110111111111110111111111ISI111111111 11111101111111111ilitutilititillilltillittilltitittittlittlitlittallittaktilltilltillittalltlItIlltall111111111111111110111111111111110111till111111 Illiteithitillititiltilisimintoilift