HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-08-18, Page 1exeier'Minesatwocafe
One Hundred and Fourth Year EXETER, ONTARIO, AUGUST 18, 1977
Price Per Copy 25 Cents
LOG SAWING BROTHERS — George Wilson, Varna and Adam Wilson of
ticipate in Sunday's log sawing contest at the Lucan Fair.
Brucefield joined forces to par-
T-A photo
MOM AND HER BABE — Peggy McFalls and April Emery appeared
as mother and baby in Sunday's Lucan Fair parade. T-A photo
Amount of monthly
building permits high
A FAIR WELCOME — Glenn Nevin, co-chairman of the Lucan Fair
welcomes one of the performers Faron Young prior to Friday evening's
second performance. T-A photo
A TWO-SEATER — Larry Arnold and Brian Densmore participated in
Sunday's Lucan Fair parade on a bicycle with two seats side by side.
T-A photo
All area accidents
occur in Stephen
$30 FOR THE BLIND — A backyard carnival at 388 Andrew Street, Exeter, raked $30 for leader dogs for
the blind this week. The carnival organizers are shown above presenting Lions member George Godbolt
with the contribution. Left to right are George Godbolt, Scott Jamieson, Don lids, Doug Kells, Tom Ray-
mond, Heather Jamieson and Larry Snider, representative for leader clogs for the blind. T-A photo
Large party lines over for
Exeter, Crediton exchanges
The days of eight or ten parties
on one telephone line are almost
over in the Exeter exchange, Jim
Scott, Local Bell Canada
Manager, said Tuesday.
A four-year, $500 Million
program is now underway
throughout Bell Canada territory
to introduce a four-party
maximum service on rural lines
and make available private or
two-party service to most
customers in the rural areas.
Conversion to the improved
service in the Exeter exchange is
scheduled to take place
November 10,1977, Mr. Scott said,
As of November 10 Multi-party
customers will have a basic rate
increase and one and two-party
customers outside the built-up
areas will have mileage charges
The monthly rate for four-party
service in the Exeter exchange
will be $3.80, Mr. Scott said.
When the conversion is com-
plete, only two of the four phones
on a 4-party line would ring when
an incoming call is received.
Mr. Scott said similar changes
will be made for the Crediton
Conversion to the improved
service in the Crediton exchange
is scheduled to take place
October 13,1977.
As of October 13 multi-party
customers will have a basic rate
increase and one and two-party
customers outside the built-up
areas will have mileage charges
The monthly rate for four-party
service in the Crediton exchange
will be $3.65, Mr, Scott said,
Similar to Exeter only two of
the four phones on a 4-party line
would ring when an incoming call
is received.
FROM THE NORTH — A polar bear and an atmosphere of cooler
weather was portrayed by Manda and Brenda King in Sunday's Lucan
Fair parade. T-A photo
Surcharge on PUC bills Tenants complain
Fines for failure to hookup sewers
Fined for
A Huron Park man Alexander
Archibald May was sentenced to
30 days in jail by His Honour
Judge Glenn Hays in Exeter
court, Tuesday.
May was sentenced on a charge
of assault causing bodily harm as
the result of an incident on July
14. 1977.
The charge was laid after a
woman was beaten, had both
eyes swollen shut and 'spent a
couple of days in hospital.
The accused was upset because
the woman had slapped his sister.
He admitted to being intoxicated.
Richard Arthur Stagg, Exeter
was fined $300 on a charge of
impaired driving.
Stagg was followed through
Exeter at a high rate of speed on
May 21 by Constable Brad Sadler
and in turning a corner hit a stop
sign. A breathalizer test showed a
reading of .180 mg,
His licence•was also suspended
for six months. He had a previous
Bruce Robert Lessels, Huron
Park was fined $300 on an im-
paired driving charge and an
additional $100 for failing to
provide a sample of breath.
Lorelei Durdin of Huron Park
was fined $25 on each of four
counts of making false
Statements under the Unem-
ployment Insurance Act.
A Mr. Fraser employed by a
London firm which controls
Kelly's Hotel in Grand Bend
vouched for Miss Durdin and
claimed a former manager of the
hotel had advised Miss Durdin
wrongly of her right to spread
hours over a longer period of
time. She is still employed by
Kelly's and highly thought of.
Boy injured
hits cable
A 13 year-old Exeter boy suf-
fered a broken neck in an ac-
cident Wednesday afternoon at
the Canadian Canners field on
Wellington street west.
Wilfred Mostrey, 251 Sherwood
Crescent was riding his Yamaha
motorcycle through the field
when he ran into a cable attached
to a tractor.
The tractor had just pulled a
building from the old Exeter
arena site to the Exeter works
building on Nelson street.
The cable was stretched bet-
ween the tractor and building as
workmen were preparing to
place it on a foundation.
Emil Becker Construction of
Dashwood was handling the
moving operation,
Mostrey was treated at South
Huron Hospital before being
transferred to University
r.lospital, London,
Big '0' ready
to construct
Construction of the new facility
for Big '0' , Kraft Machinery,
and Laser Plane Limited should
begin within the next week, ac-
cording to Kraft Machinery
supervisor of services Gerry
De Boer,
The deed for the six and a half
acre lot was finalized Friday and
the lot has been cleared for
construction, said De Boer. The
new facility will be located on
Highway 83 east, across from
Kongskilde Limited and Exeter
De Boer said a contract for
construction of the plant should
be let, this week and soil should be
broken within the next Week,
The value of permits issued by
building inspector Doug Triebner
remained high in the month of
Included were six new residen-
tial dwellings, four being mobile
homes for Riverview Estates.
Three of those will be on Redford
Drive and the other on Kalisch
Other home permits were
issued to James Workman at 296
Eastern Ave. and Brian Jones at
118 William St. S.
'Garage, tool shed and
workshop permits were issued to
Doug Parsons, 390 Edward;
Robert Coates, 132 Mill; Jerome
Watson, 187 Anne; Robert
Gregson, Thames Road E.; Rev.
W. S. Miner, 69 Sanders W.; and
Leland Jory, 94 Wellington W.
Receiving permits for swim-
ming pools were Dave Brereton,
268 Churchill; Joe Campbell, 249
Main; and Gary Lovie, 216 An-
Precious Blood Separate
School received a permit for a
new portable classroom and the
Exeter and District Heritage
Foundation for their renovations
to the town hall.
Commercial renovation per-
mits were okayed for Exeter
Billiards, Mathers Motors and
Art Clarke Fuels.
Included in the residential
renovation and addition permits
were: Bruce Perry, 404 Edward;
Gerben Land, 101 Main; Jack
Underwood, 270 Pryde; Lloyd
Hackney, 376 William; Harvey
Pfaff, 376 Edward; Betty
Humphreys, 379 Marlborough; L.
Jarrett, 140 Huron W.; Gord
McTavish, 306 Senior; Ray
Cooper, 500 William; Wes
Witmer, 109 Park.
Total value of permits issued
was $315,453.
Fire department
responds twice
Exeter Area Fire Department
responded to two lightning-
related calls Tuesday evening but
damages were minor.
Lightning struck a home at 88
. Sanders St. West, Exeter, about 6
p,m. and fused together relays in
the oil furnace. The home, owned
by Don Averill, Crediton,
received no damages, reported
fire chief Gary Middleton.
Firemen also responded to a
call at 6:30 p.m. at an Usborne
township farm owned by Robert
Oke, RR 1 Kirkton. Lightning
struck the clothes line and
daMaged fuses and wiring inside
the house. Middleton estimated
damages at $100.
Exeter prOperty owners who
have been slow in hooking up to
the town's sewage system will be
facing a fine of $300 in the near
At Monday night's regular
meeting, council decided to take
drastic measures for those
owners who have disregarded
previous deadlines for the proper
The original deadline was
November of 1976 but it was
extended until this spring, but
many owners have not had the
work done,
Deputy clerk Liz Bell said
several legitimate requests had
been received for extensions and
The resignation of councillor
Barb Bell was accepted 'with
regret' by Exeter council Mon-
day night,
Mrs. Bell who served two and a
halt' years on council will be
moving to Listowel next month
with her husband Elmer who is
chairman of the Ontario Police
Councillor Lossy Fuller passed
on the feeling of council, saying,
"While we all will miss Barb, I
am sure I will the most, It was
nice to see a woman's face across
the table."
Mrs. Bell replied, "I enjoyed
working with everyone. For the
next few Monday nights I will be
wondering what you are haggling
Councillor Bell's big job over
the past two years was to update
the town's bylaws. She informed
council, "I have all the bylaws
updated except the morals and
nuisance laws put into effect in
Mayor Bruce Shaw asked
council to be prepared to name a
successor to Mrs. Bell at the first
meeting in September. Shaw said
council could name the highest
defeated candidate in the last
election or name any Exeter
resident for the position.
At the election in December of
last year former councillors
Garnet Hicks and Ben Hoogen-
boom were the highest defeated
candidates with 650 votes each.
In other business, council:
Gave final reading to the
To pour floor
at rec centre
The South Huron Rec Centre is
progressing with no problem and
Northside Construction should be
ready to pour the arena floor by
Friday, according to building
committee chairman Clarence
"King" McDonald.
Pipes for the arena floor were
being laid Monday and cement
should be poured Friday, said
McDonald. The floor will require
several days of grinding.
Lighting for the rec centre has
been completed and hangers for
the drop ceiling have been in-
stalled. The drop ceiling tiles
have to be placed but that should
not take too long, he said,
McDonald said several of the
uprights for the rink boards may
be welded by September 1 but the
boards Will not be up for the of-
ficial rec centre Opening,
Damages amounted to $600 in
the only motor vehicle accident
investigated this week by officers
of the Exeter police department.
It occurred Saturday at 4.30
p.m, on Main street involving
vehicles driven by George Smale
and Santosh Malik, both of
Hensall. Constable Jim Barnes
was the investigating officer,
other owners are receiving funds
through the Ontario Home
Renewal Plan,
Monday's decision to start the
fining procedure came as the
result of complaints from a
delegation of tenants from an
apartment building at 304
Andrew street,
The delegation which included
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heywood,
Mrs. Harold Penhale and Cleve
Pullman said they were being
forced to pay a sewer surtax
despite the fact their landlord
Russell Harp of London had not
made the connection to the sewer
Mayor Bruce Shaw explained
that council had authorized the
town's swimming pool bylaw
which calls for a fence around
any pool which has water of a
depth of 15, inches or more.
* Learned that all employee
wage increases had been cleared
up with the Anti-Inflation
Board. Deputy clerk Liz Bell said
she expected a ruling on the
police force wages this week.
Plan funding
for town hall
Organization of fund raising
and volunteer renovation work
for Exeter town hall will be the
subject of discussion at a public
Heritage meeting Monday, ac-
cording to Exeter and District
Heritage president Doug Gould.
"There will be some jobs like
sanding and painting which have
to be done by volunteers", he
said. "We're trying to cut corners
and we're cutting this part off of
the painting contract".
The Heritage group also hopes
to organize a fund raising
campaign for the town hall, said
Gould. The fund raising cam-
paign will raise funds to reim-
burse individuals who have
signed bank notes to finance the
town hall renovations.
Gould estimated that outside
restorers should be on the job by
Friday or Monday , so we should
see a little action on the outside of
the building",
The Heritage group is also
seeking applications for rental
space in the renovated town hall.
There have been several
enquiries but no final agreement
has been made, said Gould.
"We're going to encourage as
many applications as possible
and go from there", he said.
The Monday meeting to discuss
fund raising and volunteer work
arrangements will begin at 7:30
p.m. on the town hall second
Accept bid
for drain
Exeter council Monday night
accepted the tender of Gerber
Construction of Stratford to in-
stall the Alexander street drain
which will consist of a bout 2,000
feet of sanitary and storm
Gerber submitted the lowest of
six bids at $147,583, The highest
was $213,632.90. The breakdown
shows $113,424.06 for storm
sewers and $36,159.40 for the
Sanitary drain portion,
When asked if the accepted
tender was within the
engineering estimates work
superintendent Glenn Hells said,
"We were looking at about
$176,000. This would include a 15
percent engineer's fee on top Of
the original tender, So, it's well
within our estimates."
PUC to begin billing the sewer
surcharge this month to all
property owners.
The delegation said each
apartment in their building was
being assessed $8.76 as a sewage
surcharge on their July hydro
and water bill.
Shaw explained to the
delegation that there were three
ways to pay for the sewage
system. They are through taxes,
a sewage frontage and a sur-
charge based on the amount of
water used.
Three accidents were in-
vestigated this week by officers
of the Exeter detachment of the
Ontario Provincial Police. All
occurred over the weekend and in
Stephen township with only one
automobile involved in each.
Saturday on County Road 4 at
the junction of Concession 6-7 in
Stephen township at the main
intersection in Crediton, a vehicle
driven by Charles Browing,
Crediton was in collision with a
bicycle driven by Heather
The investigating officer
Constable Dale Lamont listed
damages at $75 and reported the
girl suffered only mi nor injuries.
Sunday, a vehicle driven by
He continued, "The owner or
landlord pays through his taxes
and by way of a frontage charge
and the only way we can assess a
tenant is by a percentage of his
water consumption."
The mayor added, "Council felt
this was a loss of revenue. Even if
you are not connected you should
help pay for the system. There
are many other things you pay
for from which you do not seem to
benefit directly."
Evelyn Heywood, one of the
tenant group said, "I don't see
Brian Hogarth, RR 3, Dashwood
was damaged to the extent of
$1,000 when it left the roadway of
Concession 10-11 in Stephen
township and struck a mail box.
Constable Don Mason in-
The same day a vehicle
driven by Keith Rader, RR 3,
Zurich left Concession 4-5 in
Stephen township and rolled over
in the ditch. Constable Bill Lewis
set damages at $2,300. No injuries
were sustained.
Investigations into five recent
breakins at industries at Huron
Industrial Park have been
completed and charges have
been laid in each instance. The
investigating officer was
Constable Mclntrye.
why we should pay for something
we don't have as yet. Why didn't
you wait until we were connected
and then we would be glad to pay.
Works superintendent Glenn
Kells said the landlord in
question had been refused his
latest request for extension.
Deputy-clerk Liz Bell said Harp
told her he was on the plumber's
list to have the connection made.
To this Cleve Pullman replied,
"Plumbers seem to be awfully
scarce right now."
Councillor Ken Ottewell
suggested, "The complaint is
with your landlord. You should
deduct the sewer surcharge from
the rents until the sewer con-
nection is made."
One of the delegation asked
what would happen if the sur-
charge was deducted when
paying the PUC bill and was told,
"your hydro will likely be cut
Two others of the delegation
said they had already paid the
entire bill. Mrs. Penhale added,
"seems we are paying for a cat in
a bag."
Council promised their co-
operation in getting the problem
solved as quickly as possible.
Councillor Harold Patterson
concluded, "You push and so will
Hire staff
for centre
Mayor Bruce Shaw told Exeter
council Monday night that the
necessary staff has been hired for
the now being completed South
Huron Recreation Centre.
The manager will be Alvin
Willert who held the same
position at the old arena for about
25 years. Willert who has been
working for the town this sum-
mer will continue to look after the
swimming pool and ball diamond
for the balance of this year.
Another present town em-
ployee Jim Guenther will begin
his duties at the Rec Centre on
August 29.
Shaw said the third employee
John Roloefs would work the six
month period from October 1 to
March 31 each year at the arena
and the other six months with the
town parks maintenance.
The mayor continued, "It
might appear unusual for a
committee to make plans for an
employee so far in advance but
it's for John's security,"
Shaw is chairman of the board
of management of the rec centre,
Kim MacLean is the vice-
chairman and Don Finkbeiner is
the secretary. Other members
are John Burke and Jerry
MacLean of Exeter and Howard
Pym and Bob Down of Usborne
township. Don Finkbeiner
represents Stephen township.
Barb Bell resit ns,
accepted with regret