HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-06-30, Page 1mployee of T-A Wife is critical
Local man killed in headmen cras
vestigated by the Exeter OPP
this week.
The first of the serious ac-
cidents occurred on Wednesday
when vehicles driven by Karolyn
Gielnik, Huron Park, and Derek
Regier, RR 3 Dashwood, collided
at the intersection of the Crediton
Road and County Road 2.
Both vehicles had bee; south-
bound and Regier was stopped to
make a turn at the Crediton Road
when his vehicle was hit from the
rear by the Gielnik vehicle.
The other accident was
reported on Friday just before
midnight, when a vehicle driven
by John- Hamilton, RR 3 Ailsa
Craig, was struck by an unknown
vehicle which left the scene
without stopping.
Hamilton had been westbound
on concession 14-15 of Stephen
and was turning south onto
County Road 5 when the collision
During the week, the local
detachment officers laid a total of
The drivers, involved were
Kathleen Grant, Carling St.,
Exeter, who had been eastbound
on Highway 83, and Wayne
Temple, Goderich, who had been
southbound on the concession
The two drivers and the three
passengers in the Temple vehicle
all required medical treatment,
They included Audrey Temple
and the couple's children, Bar-
bare, 2, and Wayne, 4.
Constable Wally Tomasik in-
vestigated and set damage at
Minor injuries were sustained
by both drivers, as well as their
passengers, Mary Regier, RR 3
Dashwood; Kevin Gielnik, Huron
Park; and James Divers, Huron
Constable Dale Lamont in-
vestigated and set total damage
at $4,000.
On Friday at 6:25 p.41., five
people were taken to South Huron
Hospital following a crash at the
intersection of Highway 83 and
concession 6-7 of Usborne
36 charges: 33 under the Highway
Traffic Act, two under the Liquor
Licence Act and two under the
Criminal Code.
Two thefts were also reported
during the week, both occurring
on Saturday in Dashwood.
An 8' by 10' tent was stolen
from a field at RR 2 Dashwood. It
was the property of Donald
A 1968 Volkswagen owned by
Katherine Bullock was Stolen
from the Dashwood Hotel
parking lot,
ALL AGES ENQUIRE — Susan Flear, 19, handles all kinds of requests
for information from all ages at the Grand Bend Tourist Information
Centre. Sarah Patterson, 2, of Grand Bend, was in the office Tuesday
morning with her mother Marg and was enthralled with pictures in the
Ontario Camping booklet, T-A photo
One Hundred and Fourth Year Price Per Copy 25 Cents EXETER, ONTARIO, JUNE 30, 1977
Bells to be ringing
for Canada's birthday
nevOr had such a congregation'
says Rev. Snell at retirement
presentation of the gifts and a
book of letters and poems
received from members of the
congregation in tribute to Rev.
Snell and his wife.
the A pot luck picnic followed,
hinted that while the service
officially ended Rev. Snell's
ministry, "unofficially it may not
and that is something to which we
can look forward,"
Rev. Snell and his wife were
Councillor Barb Bell has
enlisted most of the bells in
Exeter to get the festivities un-
derway for Canada's 110th bir-
thday party, so it should be a real
ding-dong affair.
The bells are those in the
Trivitt Memorial Church belfry
and the Rev. George Anderson
will be playing the national an-
them at midnight on Thursday to
kick off the birthday party which
is being organized almost single-
handedly by Mrs. Bell.
There will be one slight
problem for bell lovers. They
may note a few improvisations in
the anthem arrangement. With
only 10 bells on which to play,
Rev. Anderson will have to come
up with some slight changes due
to the limitations with which he is
The birthday party itself will
get underway at 6:p.m. in
Riverview Park on Friday July 1.
All area residents are invited to
bring their picnic lunch and join
in the informal gathering.
At 8:00 p.m., several area-
people will display their talents in
a variety show. This will feature
the Seal orth-Dashwood Com-
munity Band, the local rock
group Sky Hy, Tom Walker with
presented with a color portrait of
themselves taken by
photographer Jack Doerr, as well
as a dishwasher and a sum of
Dr. Harvey Cowen chaired
An 'Exeter man and three
members of one London family
were killed in a head-on crash
early Tuesday evening on Mid-
dlesex County Road 20, the Hyde
Park sideroad, about two miles
south of Ilderton.
Dead is Jim Miller, 332 Pryde
Boulevard and Mrs. Marlene
Florence Keeler, Nancy Ann
Keeler and Mrs. Amy Holmes, all
of London.
Miller aged 64, an employee of
The Times Advocate was driving
the company van in a southerly
direction when it collided with a
ear driven by Mrs, Keeler.
Mrs. Miller who was ac-
companying her husband in the
T-A van suffered severe internal
injuries and a family member
listed her condition as,
"somewhat stabilized, but still
critical." She is a patient in
University Hospital, London.
Mr. Miller, Mrs. Keeler and her
motheren-law Mrs, Holmes were
pronounced dead at the scene by.
Coroner Dr. E. S. Jefferies while
daughter Nancy Ann Keeler died
minutes after arriving at
Constable D. R. Vance is
assisting Corporal Collins in the
The funeral for Mr. Miller will
some honki-tonk piano and ac-
cordion renditions, Melissa
Moffat stepdancing, John Wurm
and Paul Fydenchuk, Vincent
Glaab and Marianne McCaffrey.
The program will conclude
with a giant bonfire in the river
Warning for
Damage high
in barn fire
BEHIND EVERY MAN — Jean Snell has been an active partner in the 41-year ministry of husband, Harold,
and that fact was recognized on Sunday when she was presented with a bouquet of flowers at her
husband's retirement service. Making the presentation is Ada Dinney, while Dr. Harvey Cowen looks on at
the left. T-A photo
never had such a good
congregation," he noted,
Choosing as his topic "My
concern for the church," Rev,
Snell cited the need for more
committed, convinced and
concerned Christians,
"You have to give of yourself
and put your whole self into
Christianity," he commented,
noting that this was the only hope
for the church.
He cited the need for knowing
all people and said he had
struggled with this aim through
his 41 years in the ministry, both
within and outside the church.
"We have to know all people,
because they all belong to
Jesus," he added.
While stating that many people
criticize the church, the popular
cleric said that only those who
have done everything they can to
help the church have the right to
"So don't criticize until you
have done everything to make it a
going and vital church," he told
the audience.
ev. Snell said there was also a
areed for a deeper sense of
gratitude on the part of people.
"We, tend to take too much for
granted," he suggested, saying
people should "bubble over"with
praise for their bounty.
He lamented the fact that many
people don't take time to say
thanks for anything.
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if
people could tell we were
Christians by the way we act?"
he questioned, citing the need for
bubbling enthusiasm, grateful
thanks and a concern for Jesus.
Rev. Glen Wright, minister at
Exeter United, termed his four
years with Rev. Snell as the "best
four years" of his ministry and
Stephen , agrees to pay part
of Recreation Centre deficit
"A fine preacher you'll be...you
don't even know how to get
acquainted with people."
That was the admonishment a
young man received in 1928 when
he headed for Big River,
Saskatchewan on a train to serve
on his first student mission field.
On Sunday, that man preached
his "retirement" sermon at
Riverview Park, and while the
person who had admonished him
was not present to see the
transformation, there was clear
indication he would have been
pleasantly surprised to learn that
the Rev. Harold Snell had
overcome his youthful shyness. If
knowing how to get acquainted
with people is one of the main
attributes of a good minister,
then the' assistant minister at
Exeter United Church had cer-
tainly reached some sort of
It was one of the largest
religious gatherings in this area
for some time, as members of the
four congregations which Rev,
Snell had served during his 41
years in the ministry were on
hand to honor him on the occasion
of his "final retirement".
Rev. Snell commenced his
ministry at Ethel United Church,
moved on to Auburn and then
came to Exeter to serve at James
Street United Church from 1947 to
1959. He and his wife, Jean, then
moved to London where they
served the congregation at
Riverside United until they
retired and Rev. Snell was made
assistant at Exeter United
Church for the past four years.
"It's a moving experience to
face you today," said Rev. Snell
as he looked out over the more
than 500 people who had gathered
at the park for the service. "I
Jim Miller
be held Friday afternoon at 2
p.m from the Hopper-Hockey
Funeral Home with Rev. J. R..
Wareham of St. Catharines of-
Survivors in addition to Mrs.
Miller are daughters Mrs. Ron
(Betty Jean) Janke, London and
Mrs. John (Ruth) Constable, St.
Marys; sons Ray, Kincardine
and Bob, London; brothers
Edwin, RR 3 Exeter and
Everard, Grand Bend. A sister
Mrs. Lilly Blackwell predeceased
in 1975.
Other crashes
Ten people were injured in two
of the three accidents in-
Exeter Town Police are
warning merchants to be alert for
three men working small towns
in southwestern Ontario.
The three men enter a store at
noon when most staff are out for
lunch. One man speaks to the
clerk while the other two steal the
bank deposit from the store of-
Police are advising store
merchants to observe the
clothing, age and motor vehicle
licence number of robbery
Two ten speed bicycles were
reported found at South Huron
District High School by Exeter
Police. One black and one gray
ten speed bicycle may be picked
up by the owners at the police
Constable Brad Sadler in-
vestigated an attempted robbery
at Grand Bend Cleaners, June 28.
A soap dispensing machine was
slightly damaged and no money
was reported stolen.
Damage haS been estimated at
doge to110,000 in a fire which
levelled half of a feeder shed on
the farm of Harold Kerslake,
Exeter firemen were called to
the Usborne farm just south of
the Elimville United Church
shortly after noon.
They managed to contain the
flames shortly after their arrival
in the 40' by 80' steel laminated
structure ,
Fire Chief Gary Middleton said
the fire started when a spark
from a cutting torch ignited some
straw in the building. The cutting
torch had been used to cut off a
bolt on a sliding door.
There were no animals in the
building at the time.
It was the 30th fire call for the
Exeter brigade this year.
Police wage boosts
are to be rolled back
The anti-Inflation Board has
rolled back proposed increases
for members of the Exeter Police
Council and the policemen had
earlier agreed on 10 percent
increases, but the AIB have
advised that only six percent will
be approved.
However, the AIB have ruled
that the pay increases granted to
members of council are okay,
despite the fact they amount to
almost 25 percent.
Council members boosted their
pay from $1,200 to $1,500 per
annum and gave the Mayor an
increase of $300 to $2,100 per
No decision has been made as
yet on the pay scales of other
town employees. They too have
been submitted to the AIB for
approval. Most are around eight
A grant of $250 was approved to
the Huron County Farmstead and
Home Improvement Association.
These monies will be used for
prizes in a beautification
program being conducted in
conjunction with the 1978
International Plowing Match will
be held in Huron on the Wingham
area farm of Jim Armstrong.
Council decided to deny a
request from Southcott Pines
Parklands Limited for a change
in the planning bylaw to allow
commercial use for some
property owned by the firm,
north of Grand Bend.
It was decided by council to
have the property in question
remain for agricultural use.
Council has passed a bylaw
authorizing the placing of a
number of yield signs and a few
stop signs at township road in-
Recommendation of the sign
project was made after council
received a roads survey from the
Ontario Ministry of Tran-
sportation and Communication,
Clerk Wein said most township
intersections would now be
controlled by either a yield or stop
Final reading was given to the
Glavin "D" municipal drain
bylaw and the 'contract let to
Hodgins and Hayter of Grand
Bend for $700.
A building permit was issued to
Earl Neil to allow a building
extension to his Quality Produce Council will be participating in
property at Lot 13, Concession 2. the recently announced Rural
Land sererance applications Employment Incentive program
from Florence Hodgins, Cen- through the County of Huron and
tralia and Charles Browning Sr, its development officer Spence
Crediton were approved. Cummings,
Stephen township council has
agreed to participate in providing
some financial assistance for the
South Huron Recreation Centre
in Exeter.
The township will assume 10
percent of the maintenance deficit
in any one year to a maximum of
$1,200. This offer, if accepted by
the Rec. Centre Board, would be
for a three year term and the
agreement would be negotiable
at the end of that period.
Clerk Wilmer Wein told council
at the latest meeting that the
township population had risen to
4,105 according to the Canada
Census completed in June, 1976.
Wein said assessment
department figues released
during 1975 set the township
population at 3,948. He said a
growing number of residents at
the Grand Coves Estates
development at Grand Bend was
responsible for the higher
population figures.
Announce appointment
of rec administrator
BARN DAMAGED — A large steel feeder shed on the Usborne farm of Harold Kerslake was partially
destroyed by fire on Monday, The fire was ignited by a spark from a cutting torch and the Exeter fire
department managed toisave half the building. T-A phofo
To study in Hamilton
SH teacher gets Fellowship
The board of ,management of floor in the hall at the rec centre,
the South Huron Recreation After the floor was poured, it was
Centre this week announced the found to be uneven and had to be
appointment of R, Kirk Arm- ground,
strong as recreation ad- Officials from Cambrian
ministrator. Facilities indicate, however, they
The 26-year-old will be in are still not satisfied with the
charge of promoting and floor.
managing the new recreation Shaw said unless the floor
facility and looking after com- meets with approval from the
munity recreation. engineers, it will have to be
He has been working for the removed and replaced or covered
City of Waterloo for the past five with hardwood. He indicated the
years, mainly in the area of former could create a delay in the
promotion and administration opening of the centre and the
with the city's arenas. He has latter would be expensive.
also taken some business courses
and holds a type "A" recreation
Mayor Bruce Shaw, chairman
of the board of management,
said Armstrong would be on a six-
month probation period. His
initial salary will be $13,500 per
annum, with a $50 per month car
Armstrong will commence his
duties on Monday and will reside
at Huron Park.
Shaw said no other staff would
be hired for the recreation centre
until at least the first week in
He also indicated some
progress is being made regarding
a problem with the new cement
A science teacher at South
Huron District High School has
been awarded, a Shell Canada
Merit Fellowship in Chemistry
for study at McMaster University
in Hamilton this summer,
Ralph G. Wareham, 33, is one
of 20 Fellows selected from high
School science teachers across
Canada to attend the four-week
course commencing July 1,
Mr. Wareham graduated from
South Huron District High
School, where he has taught since
STORY TIME— Rev, Glen Wright conducted a story time for the a that, More than 500 people were on hand, o small portion being
children of Sunday's service in Riverview Pork, while the oclults enjoyed shown here. 1-A
Drinking water
causes accident
A freak accident occurred on
Monday night to Jerry Smith RR
1 Hensel!,
Jerry was just downing a glass
Of Water to finish his supper when
the glass exploded in his hand, It
took five stitches at the Seaforth
Hospital to close the cut in his
finger where the glass had
severed a vein, artery and a
1975. He went en to receive his
BSc from the University of
Western Obtario, London, in 1965,
and then became a commissioned
officer in the Royal Canadian Air
He is the head Of the science
department at south Huron
District High School and is active
in the Ontario Secondary School
Teachers Federation, Mr.
Wareham is married and has
four children.
The Shell fellowship program,"
now in its seventh year, is
designed to bring science
teachers up to date on develop-
ments in modern chemistry and
chemical education.
Each fellowship provides
payment of tuition, expenses of
$300, travel allowance and ac-
tomrnocla tion on campus. It also
Covers any required material for
laboratory workshops. Shell's
annual expenditure for the
program is $28,000.
Mr. Wareham lives at 273
Churchill Drive, Exeter,