HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-05-19, Page 22MULTIPLE CONGRATULATIONS — Five young men from Middlesex County congratulated each 'other
after Friday's graduation ceremonies at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology. From the left are
Martin Vander Loo, Paul Hodgins, Peter Duenk, Ed Robb and Stephen Bowman. T-A photo
CCAT graduation speaker
list agriculture 'the in thing' SITE REQUIRED
- approximately 1000 acres on farms within a 1 mile radius.
- nearby 3 phase hydro line
- nearby telephone exchange
- good secondary road network
Any interested Middlesex residents are invited to apply in
writing to one of the following by not later than JUNE 30,
Mrs. Mary Tuckey
38 Sunray Cr.
Lambeth, Ont. -
Mr. Floyd Wills
R.R. #2
Thorndale, Ont.
Mr. Wilson Hodgins
Lucan, Ont.
Buy North America's largest selling grain bin at
very competitive prices.
MF AGRI BUILDERS can design, supply and install
your Grain Storage and Handling System for less
money than you think.
Buy Before June 1st and
Receive 10% off on all
& "CARDINAL" Handling Equipment
RR #2, Staffa, Ontario
NOK 1Y0, Phone 345-2611
GETS CO-OP AWARD — Robert Traut was the top academic student
in agricultural business management and received the United Co-
Operatives of Ontario award at Friday's graduation exercises at Cen-
tralia College. UCO district director Bob Down makes the
presentation. T-A photo
Get in on the $400 rebate on Case low-
profile tractors: Case will send you a $400
Check for buying your new Case tractor'—
any model from 43 to 80 PTO
horsepower—between now and June
30th or, if you prefer, the $400 may be
applied toward your down payment.
That's a good deal —and a good deal
more...from your participating Case
$400.00 that ain't hay!
iprA cgmmitment
PHONE 236-4934 or 236-4321
New Idea's Uni-System
where the whole idea means better performance
Uni-System. New machines that make more sense in 1977.
Uni-System. A completely new design that begins with two brand new Hydrostatic Uni
Power Units. for your choice of up to 175 brake horsepower. Optional powered rear guide
wheels for extra traction. Every convenience feature at your fingertips in the new Quiet
Comfort Cab, including optional factory air conditioning for the kind of day-long comfort
you've been looking for.
Many of the Uni-System harvesting and gathering units are brand new, too! Take this
Uni Forage Harvester, with the exclusive new 768 3-Row Wide/Narrow Row Crop Head,
It'll harvest three rows of forage, in any spacing from 28 to 40 inches, with no ad-
justments or modifications whatsoever! And teamed with a new Uni Power Unit, you'll get
non-stop, high capacity chopping while you enjoy super quiet operation.
Or choose a Uni Combine, Uni Picker, or Uni Sheller. No matter what you choose, you'll
get a great combination ,of comfort, power, convenience, and profit-building versatility
at a price that just can't be matched by single-purpose Self-propelleds for the same jobs.
Page 22 Times-Advocate, May 19, 1977
More protein in fall
Need nutritional ration
Assistant Agricultural
for Huron County
With todays high cost of protein
supplement, dairy producers
must be concerned about feeding
a nutritionally sound ration year
Because your cows may be
going to pasture is no reason to
assume dairy nutrient
requirements will be met. Within
a month the dry matter of spring
grass can drop from 68 percent
T.D.N, and 15,percent protein to
50 percent T.D.N. (Energy) and 7
percent protein. Quality of
pasture can change greatly from
one field to another depending on
maturity and amount of legumes
In May and June a grain mix
containing 14 percent protein
should be adequate, but during
summer and fall when nutrient
values drop in pasture a grain
mix of at least 16 percent protein
is required, A 1 to 1 commercial
mineral mix should be sufficient,
but you must keep in mind
phosphorus and magnesium are
the two minerals most often
lacking in pasture rations.
Additional dry hay (5 lbs.
cow/day) is an excellent way to
help prevent a severe drop in
butterfat test which often occurs
on lush pasture.
With haying not so far away,
you may be interested in having
your feed tested. Types of
analysis and cost per sample in
each case are indicated below:
1. Dry Matter and Protein —
$5.00; 2. Dry Matter, Protein,
Plus Phosphorus, Potassium,
Calcium and Magnesium —
$11.50; 3. Dry Matter, Protein,
Phosphorus, Potassium,
Calcium, Magnesium plus
Manganese, Copper and Zinc —
In conjunction with the feed
testing program, we have the
dairy feed formulation service
which will assist you in feeding a
nutritionally sound ration.
Feel free to contact our local
Agricultural Office in Clinton if
these programs are of interest to
you. (Phone number 482-3428 or
Zenith 7-2800).
Forage wagons
costly in protein
Open forage wagons may be
costing Ontario producers
valuable protein, says J. K.
Weeden, agricultural engineer
for the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food,
Producers could be losing as
much as 400 lbs. of forage leaves
per acre by using open wagons.
Based on protein costs this
spring, this represents a loss of
about $5 per acre.
Because leaves are lighter than
forage stocks, they can easily be
picked up by cross winds and
blown out of the wagon. Since
most of the protein content of
forages is in the leaves, losing
them can greatly reduce the
protein content of the feed.
"Sixty-eight percent of the
protein in alfalfa is in the leaves,
while leaves of grasses contain
about 57 percent protein.
To eliminate the loss of this
valuable protein Mr. Weeden
recommends installing a roof on
the forage wagon. But a roof
alone will not completely solve
this problem. "We suggest
producers also install side vents
extending from about half-way
back to the back end of the
wagon. The vents should be lined
with wire screen or mesh no
larger than 1/2 inch,"
• Another way to conserve the
forages is to extend the blower
into the wagon to eliminate the
effects of cross winds. It is im-
portant to watch the blower to
make sure it is not shooting the
crop away from the wagon.
Harvesting the crop when it is
too dry will also add to the loss
When the crop is blown into the
wagon. Leaves and other fine
particles are easily picked up by
the wind when they are dry.
Because of the high protein
content in forage crops, up to 20
percent if harvested correctly, it
is important to conserve what has
been taken off the field.
"It is the in thing to be in
agriculture in 1977".
Those were the words of Dr.
Clay M. Switzer, dean of the On-
tario Agriculture College of the
University of Guelph speaking to
the graduating class Friday at
Centralia College of Agricultural
Dr. Switzer continued, "What
a change this is from the attitude
many urban people used to have.
It wasn't so long ago that
colleges at Centralia and
Ridgetown were labelled as
"cow colleges" by most high
school students and there was no
great demand for our program."
"Now most high school
students tend to be envious of
their fellow students who go into
agriculture and related fields.
There is a real back to the land
movement among young
people", continued the Guelph
University dean.
According to Dr. Switzer every
agricultural college in the United
States and Canada is bursting at
the seams and most have had to
establish quotas and a large
number of academically
qualified students who wish to
enroll are not being admitted for
lack of space.
Dr, Switzer stressed the im-
pact possible energy shortages
would have on the food system.
He said former Ontario Minister
of Agriculture W. A. Stewart ex-
pressed concern in this field in
1975 when he established an
energy management resource
centre at Ridgetown saying,
"energy may well become a
major limiting factor to
agricultural production."
Dr. Switzer's message con-
tinues, "In the past 30 years we
have largely replaced muscle
energy on the farm with
chemical and mechanical
energy. This has allowed fewer
farm workers using less land to
feed more people. It has been
stated that one farmer could feed
himself and five others in 1900,
whereas today he is capable of
producing food for more than 50
. other people.
It is estimated that energy
used on the farm to produce food
is about three percent of the total
energy used in Canada. This is
considered to be one-tenth of
transportaion energy and one-
seventh of the energy used for
heating buildings.
Although food production is
energy dependent and does re-
quire relatively large quantities
of fossil fuels it must be kept in
mind that agriculture and
forestry are the only industries
to show a net gain in energy.
A crop of corn, for example,
with an energy input of one
gallon of gasoline will return an
energy equivalent of four to five
gallons of gas. Howeyer, by the
time the corn is dried,
transported, processed, dis-
tributed, sold to the customer
and used, the total energy is
greater than the food energy
available in the finished produdt.
It has been estimated that the
total energy expended to get the
food on the table represents
between 12 and 15 percent of the
total energy consumption in
• One alternative, if energy
becomes less available to
farmers in Canada would be to
grow only those crops that are
most efficient in energy terms.
Pasture crops, for example, give
the maximum output of energy
food per unit of energy input.
The production of beef and
milk give very low energy output
per unit input and the production
of grain crops is intermediate.
Thus it might seem that in an
energy deficient world, we
should not be producing animals
or animal products for food.
Indeed, this has been suggested
by many people who are concern-
ed about the world food situation.
However, there are other
aspects to be considered. A large
proportion of the feed used by
cattle is made up of materials
which would not normally make
up part of the human diet, and
animal wastes provide a poten-
tial energy source.
Also, cattle and other
ruminants may graze on land
which is not suitable for the
production of crops that can be
used directly for human food and
Dealers plan
large display
More than 15 farm equipment
companies will display forage
handling equipment at Forage
Days 77, June 7, 8 and 9 at the
Elora Research Station, north of
The machinery show and
demonstration are part of the
three-day program designed to
provide producers with the latest
information on growing, har-
vesting, storing and feeding
perennial forage crops.
Producers considering
replacing forage handling
equipment will nqt only be able to
examine new equipment at
Forage Days 77, but will also be
able to see it in action.
Selected pieces of equipment
will be displayed to show how
they can operate as a harvesting,
storing and feeding system for
either dry hay or hay crop
silage. '
J. K. Weeden, machipery
chairman of Forage Days 77,
says that equipment for handling
hay as conventional bales, big
bales and stacks in the dry hay
system will be shown.
these animals are energy con-
Dr. Switzer stressed the im-
portance of retaining high quali-
ty land for agricultural use say-
ing "this type of land may
produce as much as 25 percent
higher yields with the same
energy input".
In conclusion Dr. Switzer said,
"I have faith that we will learn
how to use alternative sources of
energy long before our
petroleum supplies run out.
Nevertheless, we in agriculture
have a responsibility to do our
part in energy conservation and
to make it clear to the rest of
society that the food system
must be given a high priority for
available energy supplies."
Dr. Switzer was introduced by
Dr. J. C. Rennie, the executive
director of Education and
Research for the Ministry of
Agriculture and Food and guests
were welcomed by Centralia
College principal J. A.
MacDonald said the College
will celebrate its 10th anniver-
sary on July 20 of this year and
Friday's graduating class would
bring the total graduates to date
to more than 800.
hydraulic hose for
practically any applicatiOn
for' most any machine
Come to the hydraulic hose center.
We have the equipment, bulk
hose and a full line of fittings.
We can furnish replacement or
custom hose in just minutes,
for almost any hydraulic
hose assembly.
Massey Ferguson
Front End Weights
Pound '2500 8
Weights EACH
SHERWOOD (Exeter) Ltd.
18 Wellington St. 235-0743 Exeter