HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-05-19, Page 20Page- 20 Times-Advocate, May 19, 1977
Mrs, Hiltta Payne, Phone 262.5018
Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-202$
WI honours grandmothers,
skit presented on TV family
99 practical tips: Each
project is carefully cov-
ered in a three minute
video taped program
that you can select and
watch in the comfort of
our store,
Step by step explana-
tions. You'll pick up tips
that can save you time,
effort and money.
Learn how to do-it-
yourself right in our
Introducing ourTV
information centre.
lb. 75
$ 24 oz. loaf 3/ 1 . 09 Weston's Super Save
Sunlight Powdered
Detergent $2.19
Clover Leaf Chunk
Light Tuna 6 1/2 oz. 69'
Bick's Assorted
12 fl. oz. 49'
Spaghetti . .55'
Aylmer's 48 fl. oz.
Tomato Juice .59'
28 fl. oz.
Liquid Detergent, Twin Pack
Mir . 2/24 ft, oz. 99' Wyler's
Drink Crystals 22 oz!1.79
Heinz in Tomato Sauce with Cheese
YOUTHFUL BUYERS — Merchandise for all ages was available at Thursday's rummage sale staged by
the Hensall Kinette club. Shown with their purchases are Danny Charrette and Andrew Fargnoli.
Bus trip planned by seniors
Cooked Ham
Head Cheese
"Roza fooP
Valley Farm
FRENCH FRIES 2lbs. 2/79'
COFFEE RICH 32 oz. 59'
Choice Local Beef
Store 262-2017 Slaughter House 262-2041
SIDE OF BEEF Fully processed
HIND OF BEEF Fully Processed lb.
FRONT OF BEEF Fully Processed
TURKEY WINGS 10 lb. box
BEEF PATTIES No Filler 10 lb. bag
lb. 894
lb. 694
MAY 18, 19, 20, 21
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to limit
oil quantities on all advertised items.
HENSALL — ONTARIO v,ilf inn I nn [mil
Grandmothers were honoured
at the May meeting of the Hensall
Women's Institute held at the
Legion Hall on Wednesday, May
11. A skit, which was a take off on
the T.V. series, "The Wilderness
Family" was the main item on
the program and provoked quite
a lot of laughter, Taking part
were Mrs. Rosa Harris, Mrs.
Elizabeth Riley, Joanne and
Laurie Pepper, David Skea and
Mrs. Carl Payne. Also providing
good entertainment were the
Forrest family, who played
sacred numbers on guitar, piano
and violin. A reading given by
Mrs. Riley, "I'm fine thanks"
and "Grandma" were enjoyed
and community singing com-
pleted the program.
Opening the meeting, president
Mrs. Cecil Pepper, read a poem,
"The Things that Count" and
twenty members answered the
roll call by introducing their
guest grandmother; altogether
sixteen guests were present.
During the business, delegates
to the District Annual were
nominated, Mrs. Jessie
McAllister, Mrs. Joyce Pepper
and Mrs. Pearl Koehler being
named. Mrs. Cecil Pepper and
Mrs. Carl Payne were also
named to attend the 80th an-
niversary of womens Institute at
a luncheon in Kitchener on July
13. Two vacancies in the slate of
officers were filled, Mrs. James
McAllister to Education and
Cultural Activities and Mrs.
Peter Bisback to auditor.
It was decided that for the June
meeting all members would meet
at the Legion Hall at 6:30 p.m. for
a business session and then go to
the Hensall Bean Pot for dinner
at 7.30 p.m. Games to be enjoyed
later at the Legion Hall, Plans for
a bus trip in June were completed
— trip to take place on June 27
and to go to Ontario Place,
leaving at 8 a.m. and price to be
$6.50. Names to be given to Mrs.
Carl Payne or Mrs. Peter
Bisback by June 20 — please
The Huronview Auxiliary met
in the Craft Room on Monday,
May 16, at 1.30 p.m. with
president, Mrs. W. Colciough in
the chair who opened the meeting
with The Lord's Prayer.
Secretary, Mrs, Ann McNichol
read the minutes and Mrs. Leona
Lockhart gave the Treasurers
report in the absence of Mrs.
Mary Robinson, who has moved
from Londesboro. Eleven
members answered the roll call
by naming their favourite colour.
Plans were made for the
bazaar, bake sale and tea to be
Starring Wally and
Natalie Bruner hosts of
Wally's Workshop, a
U.S. television pro-
This exciting video
program is FREE and
available only at
Hamecare Building
Centres. Come in and
see it soon,
state if you are Senior Citizen or
To complete the evening, prizes
were given to the grandmother
with the nearest grandchild
married, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick, to
the grandmother who lives
furthest away, Mrs. Hazel Luther
from Newfoundland, to the great
grandmother with the most great
grandchildren, Mrs. Mame
McAllister, to the oldest grand-
mother, Mrs. Robert Simpson, to
the grandmother with the nearest
birthday, Mrs. Dorothy Brintnell
and lucky cup, Mrs. James
held on June 1 at 2-4 p.m.
Mrs. McNichol gave a report of
her visit to the Regional Villa at
Mississauga and brought back
some worthwhile ideas. Treat
residents as individuals, find
something for them to do to give
them an aim in life, do not try to
force people to move into a home
but encourage them to do so on
their own.
Some articles were brought in
for the bazaar and these were
priced. After the close of the
meeting, Mrs. Aldington served
tea and cookies.
Mrs. Dorothy (Luker) Smith,
her daughter Marjorie and son
Kevin of Edmonton spent several
days at the home of Jim
McAllister visiting relatives.
Mr. & Mrs. William Allison of
Kitchener spent Sunday with
Mrs. James McAllister and
visiting Jim McAllister in the
Blue Water Rest Home.
Ted Thuss has been receiving
treatment in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London.
Mrs. Evelyn Fletcher of Exeter
was a recent visitor with Mrs.
Bertha MacGregor.
Mr. & Mrs. William Simpson of
Birmingham, Michigan, visited
recently with Mrs, F. G. Bon-
Mr. & Mrs. Oron Williams,
formerly of Hensall now residing
in Summerside, Prince Edward
Island attended their son
Malcolm's graduation at Cen-
tralia College of Agriculture,
Friday. Malcolm is residing at
Brampton. While here Mr. & Mrs.
Williams visited with Mr. & Mrs.
George Parker and sons.
Gabian Stone '
Calcium Chloride
in 100 pound bags
Sand & Stone
Stone for
Weeping Beds
Creditor 234.6382
Tenders have been called for
the new Hensall arena and the
fund raising campaign started
into high gear this week as 24
canvassers started their
solicitation in the village.
"The people are really en-
thusiastic," commented clerk
Bob Heil Tuesday, noting that
almost $7,000 had come in from
people making donations even
before the canvassers call,
Cost of the new arena is ex-
pected to be around $600,000 with
$150,000 of that having to be
raised locally.
The tenders will be opened at
3:30 p.m. on May 31.
The ice surface in the new
facility will be 85' by 185' and
there will be a seating capacity
for about 550 people. All the
seating will be located on one side
of the arena.
There will also be a 97' by 48'
hall on the ground level. This will
include two bars, complete kit-
chen and will have a separate
entrance. It will also have an
UCW meets
at Chiselhurst
The Chiselhurst U.C.W. met on
Tuesday for their regular
meeting. The president opened
the meeting with a poem followed
by the Theme Song and Prayer.
Mrs. T, Brintnell was in charge of
the Worship "Praise is Natural".
Invitations were accepted to
Birthday Parties at Carmel
Church, Hensall; Hensall United
U.C.W.; Brucefield Church and
the Marion Ritchie Auxiliary,
Cromarty in June. Final
arrangements were made to
entertain at the Bluewater Rest
Home on Tuesday May 17.
Mrs. Ed Dick was in charge of
the Devotional and gave a poem
"My Mother" Mrs, Alvin Cole
and Mrs. J. Brintnell presented a
film "Laughter and Dignity".
The meeting closed with prayer
and the "Slip and Bloom" sale
followed realizing a good amount.
Lunch was served by Earle
Coleman and Vera Brintnell.
Dr. McClure
to be guest
Dr. Robert McClure, former
moderator of the United Church
of Canada, will speak at the Hen-
sall United Church Anniversary
service Sunday, May 22, at 11
Dr. McClure, the son of
Chinese missionaries, was born
November 23, 1900, in the United
States. He graduated from the
University of Toronto in 1922 and
returned to serve in China after
marrying Amy Hislop in 1923,
Dr, McClure studied radiology in
entrance to the arena portion of
the building. The hall will seat' 450
The overall size of the structure
The Three Links Senior
Citizens Club met on Tuesday
night, May 10 at the Drop-in
Centre with Mr. Perce Campbell
in the chair. Plans for a bus trip
in June in conjunction with the
Womens Institute were an-
nounced by Mrs. Carl Payne and
Mr. Perce Campbell stated that
levelling of the ground at the
back of the hall had not been
started yet as it had been im-
possible to get labour; this is for a
shuffleboard area. Correspon-
dence dealt with the Annual
Convention at McMaster
is 151' by 218',
There will be storage area
under the seating in the arena
portion and the arena will be
University August 15-17 and
reminded members that Senior
Citizen week was June 19-25. A
letter was also received regar-
ding the Blyth Summer Festival
of Arts and it was decided to
organize a party td visit the
festival at the June meeting.
During Senior Citizen Week,
Hensall and Exeter are to give a
combined program at Huronview
on Wednesday, June 22, all to
meet there for lunch at 12.30 p.m.
charge $1.00, Named to a com-
mittee to organize the program
were Mrs. Rosa Harris, Mrs.
served by four dressing rooms,
with each having its own toilet
and shower facilities. .
Plans also call for another
Ruby Bell and Mrs. Perce
After completing the business,
piano duets were played by Miss
Marilyn Brintnell and Miss
Shirley Kerslake which were
much enjoyed. Euchre was then
played for the rest of the evening.
Prize winners were ladies high,
Mrs. Myrtle Sherritt, ladies low,
Mrs. Alice Ferg, mens high,
Clarence Volland, mens low,
Perce Campbell, lone hands,
Mrs, Maggie Campbell, nearest
birthday, Mrs. Henry Adkins.
Ox Tails
Leg of Lamb
U.S. No. 1 Cello
U.S. No. 1 138 Sunkist
heated room over the ice at one
end of the arena, This will be
known as the curler's room, but it
will be available for service clubs
or small meetings, It will have a
capacity for 80 people and will be
This area has its own kitchen
facilities as well.
Clerk Heil said the needs of
handicapped people and senior
citizens have been fully con-
sidered, The building will be
accessible by ramps and there
will be a heated viewing area of
12' by 24' at one end for han-
dicapped people. This area is
entirely fenced in,
The new facility is modelled
basically after the new arena in
Dorchester, which Hensall
organizers visited earlier this
Folks who don't count their
calories usually have the figures to
prove it.
* * *
One thing so simple a child can
operate it is a grandparent.
* * *
If kids like violence so much, how
about letting them punch a time
* * *
There's no clock to punch at
Small Engine Repair Service
107 Queen St., Hensall
but Jack has time to be on the job
six days a week, 8 a.m. - ?? p.m.
lb. $ 1 .• 69
lb. 59 4
lb. 794
lb. 49 4
lb, 294
lb.$1 9
lb. $ 1 •• 89
lb. 394
16 oz 39c
bunch 17'
Report residents enthusiastic
Call tenders for new Hensall arena
BullsoMucaulay Ltd.
Richmond St., Henson 62-2418
Huronview auxiliary
finalizes bake sale
KINETTES SALE SUCCESSFUL — Thursday's rummage sale sponsored by the Hensall Kinette club proved
very successful. Above, Pat Brown, Cheri Bonthron and Linda Soldan check out the merchandise at the
counter. T-A photo
Europe during 1934 and became
the only medical missionary in
inland China with radium for
cancer treatment.
The 1949 Chinese Communist
revolution made it impossible for
Dr. McClure to return to China
following his study of public
health in Sweden. Dr. McClure's
career has led him to various,
regions of the world ranging
from India to Pakistan and
United Church
The Hensall United Church
service was conducted by the
Rev. Don Beck assisted at the
organ by Mrs. John Turkheim,
Visiting the church was the
Independent Order of Odd-
fellows and Rebekahs of the
Hensall lodges, who filled the
front body of the church. The
choir sang the anthem, "Incline
Thine Ear" with Mrs. Bill Fuss
taking the anthem. The
meditation was "Practicing.
God's presence"
The beef barbecue will be held
Wednesday, May 25.
Figure Skating
The Spring figure skating
school was held at Vanastra
arena this past six weeks.
Students of Miss Pauline Bell,
Professional at Zurich-Grand
Bend Club were successful in
passing tests on Saturday, May 14
were Kerry Lynn Deitz - jump
Badge; Kim Bedard Preliminary
Figures and The Swing Dance;
Elizabeth Datars - Jr. Bronze
Dance the Ten Fox.
Mrs. Annie Noakes who was a
patient in South Huron Hospital
Exeter returned to her home last
Breakfast Strips lb 9 8 1/4 Dinner Hams
Thrifty 1 Lb. Pkg. Frozen Grade A
Frying Chickens
Beef & Pprk
Baby Beef Liver
Maple Leaf 1 Lb. Pkg. Maple Leaf