HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-05-19, Page 1e exelerZinesearAtwocate
SPECIAL VISITOR AT LIONS — The guest speaker at Thursday's Exeter Lions club meeting was Edward
Kincaid representing the Leader Dogs for the Blind group. Along with Kincaid was his dog Wulf. From the
left with the two visitors are Exeter Lions Frank Giffin, president Max Dawson and Larry Snider. T-A photo
Centre board presents report,
Usborne first to give approval
Area residents show concern
on many school problems
Public forums on education
were held at South Huron District
High School and Stephen Central
School Tuesday night.
The forums were part of the
South Huron Schools Evaluation
Programme when parents,
teachers and students had an
opportunity to express their
concerns and state priorities.
Exeter Public School principal
Jim Chapman is co-ordinating
the evaluation program which is
being financed jointly by the
Ontario Ministry of Education
and the Huron Board of
The external team evaluation
meeting at Stephen Central at-
tracted four teachers and six
parents in addition to the five
members of the panel and
Huron's attendance officer Don
The meeting was directed by
Reg Shadbolt, a superintendent
from the Frontenac County
Board of Education. Assisting
were Mrs. Dolores Wing,
chairman of the Leeds and
Grenville Board of Education:
Mrs. Ilene Carter, primary
consultant with the Lambton
Board of Education: Pascal
Calarco and John Milliken, both
Education Officers with the
The main concerns voiced by
the parents and teachers were a
possible return to the inspector
system, integration of bus
systems and discipline at school
and on the buses.
Dave McClure, a parent and
Howard and Peter Hughes,
founders of Hughes Boat Works,
have announced they will sign an
agreement today (Thursday) to
purchase the assets of North Star
Yachts of Huron Park.
The deal is between the
Clarkson Company, London, who
are the receivers of North Star
Yachts, and the Ontario Develop-
ment Corporation and the Cana-
dian Bank of Commerce. The
latter two were the secured
creditors of North Star,
Howard Hughes advised the T-
A that the business will be
reopened at the existing Huron
Park facility, which was built
two years ago by the ODC for
North Star,
Production is expected to com-
mence in the first week of June.
"Initial production will be bas-
ed on the existing line of yachts
built by North Star," Hughes
said. The name of the company
will be Hughes Boat Works Ltd.
The company will be hiring ap-
proximately 25 hourly paid
production personnel immediate-
ly, together with several key
management people.
Previous employees have been
invited to contact a represen-
teacher at South Huron District
High School led the move for the
return of what he called "subject
Looking for
a white dog
A six year-old Exeter girl will
be forced to undergo rabies shots
as the result of a dog bite if the
animal is not found very shortly.
The girl is Leigh Ryan,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned
Ryan, 229 Kingscourt Crescent,
Leigh had ridden her bicycle to
the Exeter Public School
playground with a friend Kim
Van der Weil when she was
Only moments after the girl
was bitten the dog was called by
a woman who put it back on a
leash. She was" accompanied by
several small children.
The youngster went im-
mediately home to tell her
mother who returned to the
playground but the woman and
dog were gone by this time,
Ned Ryan told the T-A Wednes-
day that he believes the dog is a
Samoyed and goes by the name
of Trixie,
Ryan said if the dog is not
found the series of rabies shots
would have to be started in about
two weeks.
Anyone with any information
about this incident is asked to
contact the Exeter police office.
tative of the new firm who will
be on hand at Huron Park next
week, starting on Tuesday, May
The Hughes brothers, along
with their wives, Mary and Pat,
founded their yacht firm in
Toronto in 1963 and moved to
Huron Park in 1967 in co-
operation with the ODC. They
were the first industry to settle
at the former RCAF base.
The business was sold to
United States Steel Corporation
in 1969 and the brothers remain-
ed with the new owners until
1971, They employed 80 people
when they sold to the steel firm.
They moved to the Orangeville
area where they now own and
operate Hughes Motor Homes
and Hughes Motor Coach. They
sell new and used motor homes,
rent motor homes and their fac-
tory produces motor homes for
General Motors.
In addition they install in-
teriors in highway coaches for
such firms as Charterways and
Howard Hughes said they
would maintain the business in
Cit.angeville and both will
become involved in the boat
business as well.
McClure suggested the present
method of superintendents
handling the work of former
inspectors was "doing it the hard
way." He added, "Under the
present system they do more
consulting than inspecting."
To this remark, Shadbolt
replied, "Huron doesn't have
curriculum experts. Superin-
tendent Jim Coulter is the or-
chestra leader for curriculum."
Shadbolt continued, "Are you
as taxpayers willing to bear
higher costs? This type of in-
spection you suggest will cer-
tainly call for more resource
Stephen Central teacher Marg
Hogarth agreed with some type
of inspection saying, "I would
like to have a primary consultant
for guidance."
On the subject of discipline,
McClure commented, "As far as
I am concerned all parents,
society and the schools are falling
down with discipline.
In replying -to the discipline
question, Mrs. Carter said, the
highest point on the internal
report was discipline. All of us
have to become actively in-
Mrs. Lorraine Bowers,
Crediton, suggested students
should not be allowed to drive to
high school as this causes
problems. She said all students
should ride the buses provided.
McClure suggested temporary
car park passes for students
having to 'go home early to work
or staying for extra curricular
activities at school.
Mrs. Marianne Bender, a
parent and secretary at Stephen
Central said, "It's the fault of
parents that students do not take
the buses as they should."
Huron's attendance Officer
Don Young interjected, "The
Board has no say as to how the
students get to school."
Please turn to page 3
Debate over
police office
An attempt by the two female
members of Exeter council to
have the new police office
completely renovated this year
failed to draw the support of the
males when the subject was
broached this Week.
Councillor Barb Bell said she
felt the building should be
completely finished now, rather
than holding back some of the
renovations until next year.
She was supported by Coun-
cillor Lossy Fuller, who noted
that the police would have to be
uprotted again next year to
complete the renovations and
suggested council spend a little
more this year and finish the
She said some of the lighting in
the new building was inadequate
and should be altered now.
Mrs. Bell said it would
probably only cost about $1,000 to
complete the renovations.
However, their motion to
complete the work was defeated,
Mrs, Fuller then mentioned
that there were "too many
bosses" on the project and
suggested the workmen involved
should only have to answer to one
There were indications that
several council members had
been giving directions to date and
this was creating some confusion
for the workmen as to who they
were to take directions from.
Councillor Harold Patterson
said he couldn't understand that,
noting he hadn't been near the
At any rate, council decided to
empower the police committee to
supervise the project and the
property committee would with-
Usborne Township council
have given tentative approval to
recommendations presented this
week by the South Huron Recrea-
tion Centre board of manage-
ment, including agreement to
share a portion of the current
year's anticipated operating
Usborne Reeve Bill Morley
said council reached that deci-
sion Tuesday night, after they
had received the report from the
board of nianagement.
All four area municipalities
had been invited to the meeting,
but Usborne was the only council
to appear in total,
Representatives from Exeter
and Stephen were also on hand
and those councils are expected
to deliberate the recommen-
dations in the immediate future.
Hay was also invited, but no
representatives were present
from that township.
"We had all our council there
and felt it was a golden oppor-
tunity to discuss the proposal",
Morley said.
While Usborne has agreed to
Debate for hour
Council and the Exeter PUC
debated that controversial fire
protection cost for almost an
hour, Monday, with the former
finally agreeing to pay the 35
percent increase similar to all
other water customers.
PUC manager Hugh Davis and
Reeve Si' Simmons carried on
most of the debate and the Reeve
was still unconvinced at that end
of that lengthy session that the
increase in fire protection costs
was justified.
However, when council voted
on the matter later in the
meeting, Simmons did vote to
pay the increase.
"Reason prevails," Mayor
Bruce Shaw commented when
Simmons joined in to make the
decision unanimous.
The debate over the 35 percent
increase has waged for some
Saddle club
gets grant
The Exeter Saddle club receiv-
ed $1500 in Wintario funds last
Thursday to add lighting
facilities to their new outdoor
show ring. The show ring, built
by club members from Huron
and Middlesex counties, was of-
ficially opened Sunday with Jack
Riddell cutting the ribbon at the
opening ceremony.
Other Wintario grants for
Huron County projects will be
received by the Seaforth Arena
and Community Hall, Howick
Township, Goderich Oldtimer's
Hockey Club, and the Seaforth
Industrial Hockey League.
The grants range from $110 for
the purchase of goal pads by
Seaforth's Industrial League to
$70,000 for reconstruction of the
Seaforth arena. The Wintario
grants issued to Huron County
projects Thursday totalled $75,-
The Exeter Saddle Club has
horse shows planned for Sunday
afternoons throughout the
summer and will sponsor the
Mid-Western Quarter Horse
showtat theEXeter.fairgrounds on
June 11.
share in any operating deficit for
the current year, they did not
agree to enter into a long range
agreement as the board of
management had hoped.
The board had suggested the
municipalities agree on a cost
sharing formula and that the
percentages agreed upon would
be in effect for three years and
then re-negotiated at that time.
Usborne did agree to pay 30
percent or $4,000 towards any
operating deficit in 1977,
whichever is the lesser.amount.
Morley said council would take
another look at the situation next
year after the board had been in
operation and had a clearer un-
derstanding of what the deficit
may be in a full year's operation,
He said Usborne was not
prepared to agree to terms on a
three-year basis at the present
time. They felt it would be unfair
to obligate their ratepayers on
that basis when the operating
deficit was still an unknown
However, he was quick to point
out that he was very optimistic
time and at their last meeting,
council agreed only to pay the
same rate as last year. Monday
night's decision rescinded that
motion and approved paying the
increase as billed by the PUC.
Simmons started off the debate
by telling the PUC that council
didn't think they should pay the
increase, but added that they
would if the Commission could
give them a good reason why they
should pay,
PUC chairman Murray Greene
simply stated that everyone else
had to pay the 35 percent increase
in water rates and wondered why
council members were of the
opinion they shouldn't.
Simmons asked for an ex-
planation of the increase and
Davis said it was due primarily to
the cost involved in the new wells
and pipeline in Usborne Town-
He went on to note that much of
the cost involved in installing new
mains was due to fire protection
as those mains had to be over-
sized to provide enough water for
the firemen.
Davis said that a two-inch main
was adequate to supply domestic
water, but the mains had to be
over-sized to six inches to provide
for ample water in fire
Noting that the bill for fire
protection had increased from
$387 per month in 1962 to the
current figure of over $2,000 per
month, Simmons said if council
increased taxes at a similar rate,
the present mill rate in Exeter
would be over 400 mills.
"You're asking us to put one
and a half mills on the rate to
subsidize you." he told the PUC.
Davis replied that the in-
creases were due to major
capital expenditures and
reminded council that they had
all wanted the new Usborne wells
installed and had sat in on
meetings when those wells were
being discussed,
Simmons said that Clinton had
not increased their fire protection
costs at the same rate Exeter has
and wondered why, when the two
communities had grown about
the same in'population over the
past 15 years,
that the centre would not operate
at a large deficit.
He said if an ambitious
manager was hired to keep the
centre humming with activity he
didn't anticipate a very great
deficit on the operation.
Most of the other recommen-
dations submitted by the board
were tentatively approved by
Usborne, Morley said the
township had two represen-
tatives on the board in the per-
sons of Howard Pym and Blob
Down and they were both compe-
"We don't want to step on their
toes," he said. "They're capable
of making decisions."
In their budget this year,
Usborne has set aside two mills
for recreation purposes, That
comes to about $6,400, The Reeve
said he anticipated some of that
would have to go towards helping
with any deficit at the new swim-
ming pool in Kirkton.
The recommendations outlined
by the board and being con-
sidered by the contributing
municipalities are as follows:
He was advised that Clinton
had a much closer water supply
and their capital plant cost was
probably not even near 50 percent
the total for Exeter.
Davis also noted that Clinton
Please turn to page 3
Dave Zyluk to
represent NDP
A former Exeter resident is
contesting the riding of Huron-
Bruce for the New Democratic
Party in the upcoming provincial
Named at the nomination
meeting in Kincardine was David
Zyluk, principal of Kingsbridge
Separate School. Zyluk spent
several years in Exeter on the
teaching staff of Prcious Blood
Separate School.
While in Exeter he ran un-
successfully for a council seat in
the 1974 municipal election and
was a member of RAP for two
1. That a recreational ad-
ministrator be hired.
2. That councils accept the 1977
budget as presented.
3. That the councils enter into an
agreement whereby the
operating deficit is shared
among the municipalities accor-
ding to a formula,
4, That councils accept the rental
rates and fee schedule as outlin-
ed in the report.
5. That councils approve the
board's plans for the purchasing
of additional equipment to max-
imize the benefit to be derived
from Wintario grants.
6, That the town of Exeter ratify
the following agreements
entered into by the recreation
sub-committee of the board: (a)
tennis club, (b) soccer club.
7. That a petty cash account of
$500 be advanced to the board
Expect deficit
In their proposed budget for
the current year, the board
predicts a deficit of around $14,-
000. That's based on anticipated
revenue of $36,050 and expen-
A 29-year-old Brucefield area
man, Charles R. Lince, was kill-
ed Wednesday morning when the
motorcycle he was riding collid-
ed with a tractor trailer on
Highway 83 at the Staffa Road.
The fatal accident took place
at 7:05 a.m.
Lince had been eastbound on
Highway 83 and the tractor
trailer, owned by Cronyn
Transport of Dublin and driven
by Donald Seymour, Concession
4 of Tuckersmith, was
southbound on the county road
and crossing Highway 83,
The motorcycle hit the right
front wheel of the tractor.
Lince was pronounced dead at
the scene by coroner Dr. William
O'Connor, Grand Bend. The vic-
tim sustained a massive skull
fracture and internal injuries.
The body was taken by Hoff-
man's Ambulance to Stratford
Hospital for a post mortem.
OPP Constable Jack Straughan
was in charge of the investiga-
tion, assisted by Cpl. Ray
The motorcycle was totally
wrecked with damage in the ac-
cident being estimated at $2,000.
A six-year-old Exeter area
youngster escaped injury Sunday
when his bicycle was involved in
a collision on Huron St. East,
The driver of that vehicle also
escaped injury when he ended up
in the ditch as the vehicle over-
John Penninga, Exeter, was
eastbound on Huron St. around
noon when he took evasive action
to avoid hitting the young cyclist,
Thomas Rolph, RR 3 Exeter. The
car just clipped the rear of the
The Penninga vehicle sustain-
ed $1,500 in damage when it roll-
ed over and came to rest on its
roof in a field. OPP Constable
Wally Tomasik investigated the
In another Sunday accident,
damage was set at $2,500 when a
vehicle driven by Harold
Eberhardt, RR 2 Centralia,
struck a private drive and
culvert area on Highway 4 south
of Exeter.
The driver sustained minor in-
Constable Jack Straughan in-
There were two accidents on
Friday, both of a similar nature.
un,ures of $50,090.
Those figures do not include
any recreation program for Ex-
eter, but are strictly for the
operation of the rec centre.
Anticipated ice rental for 1977
is about $13,000 and the canteen
and pro shop is expected to
generate revenue of $12,500. Bar
receipts are set at $5,000 and hall
rental at $3,000.
The board told the councils
that they felt a competent in-
dividual is needed to help co-
ordinate recreation in the par-
ticipating communities as well
as administer and promote the
rec centre.
"With this in mind, the board's
choice as an administrator has a
three year business administra-
tion diploma with a number of
years practical experience. He is
presently enrolled in the recrea-
tion leadership program and is
eligible for the interim "B" cer-
tificate and he has managed two
arenas for a private concern for
a number of years."
A suggested salary for that
Please turn to Page 2
Price Per Copy 25 Cents
A vehicle driven by David
Smale, RR 1 Hensall, struck a
parked car on a Hensall parking
lot. Damage to the vehicle owned
by Hugh McEwen, RR 2 Hensall,
was estimated at $200 by
Constable Frank Giffin.
In the other collision, a vehicle
driven by Francis Morrison,
Huron Park, struck a parked car
owned by Bruce Bird, also of
Huron Park. Damage in that one
was set at $120 by Constable Bill
Lewis. .
Two cyclists
are injured
Two bicyclists have been the
victims of collisions during the
past two weeks. Deborah Totter,
425 William St., Exeter, collided
with a vehicle driven by Helen
McCann, RR 3 Dashwood, May 5.
The accident occurred on
William St. and was investigated
by Constable Brad Sadler.
Constable Sadler investigated
another bibycle-auto collision
May 14, Katherine Jolly, 255
Huron St., Exeter was riding her
bicycle on Gidley St. when she
collided with a vehicle driven by
Margaret Johns, RR 1 Woodham.
Other area accidents included
a collision between a vehicle
driven by William Thompson,
William St., Exeter and a hit and
run vehicle May 7. Constable
Brad Short investigated the
accident and estimated the
damage to the Thompson car at
Exeter Police investigated a
missing person call from the
Epps home on Albert St. May 9
and the youth was found in the
Two vehicles collided on Main
St. Exeter May 11 and Constable
Brad Short investigated. A
vehicle driven by Herbert Blue,
Exeter, collided with a car owned
by Carmin Schlenker, Kitchener.
The estimated damage was $500.
Constable Kevin Sadler in-
vestigated a collision between
cars owned by Lester Heywood
and Garnet Shipman, both of
Exeter. He estimated total
damage of the May 13 collision at
FLAG BEARING INSTRUCTIONS — Prior to Wednesday's parade for
the Legion Auxiliary Zone rally, parade marshal Phil Campbell gives
final instructions to flag bearers Norma Jones and Irene Jackson.
Hughes brothers
buck in business
One Hundred and Fourth Year
GRADUATION AT CENTRALIA — The eighth annual graduation ceremonies were held Friday at Centralia
College of Agricultural Technology. Above, principal James MacDonald welcomes Dr. Clay Switzer, dean of
Agricultural College at the University of Guelph; Dr. J. C. Rennie, executive director of the Ontario Ministry
of Agriculture and Food; Dr. Ralph Topp, Animal Health Co-Ordinator and Dr. V. E. Currie, Co-Ordinator
of Home Economics. T-A photo
Council agrees to water costs
Motorcyclist dies
in district crush
LEGION BREAKFAST CHEFS *The annual Exeter Legion bowling tournament held Sunday was preceded
by d breakfast. Shown in the kitchen are Jim Young, Ray Hunter, Oliver Jaques and Lee Webber. T.A photo