HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-05-12, Page 24AUCTION SALE Mon., May 16 6:30 p.m. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Basement Norm Whiting Courtesy Auctioneer Reception and Dance Mr. & Mrs. Jody Mosurinjohn (nee Donna Smith) of Huron Park Sat., May 21 at HULLY GULLY Dancing 9 - 1 Music by NELSON HOWE THE COUNTRY GENTLEMEN • S. %. • N. • 'go • • • S. STARLITE first Show 1 11 1A k 1‘!:1 ChildteR t nder II in S .r. Fr., GRAND BEND Box Office Open at 8 FRIDAY & SATURDAY MAY 13 & 14 Colour Adult Entertainment DRIVE IN WHITE LINE FEVER Jan Michael Vincent 25th Wedding Anniversary Dance for Mr. & Mrs. Howard Adkins Sat., May 28 9 - 1 Music by BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS at ZURICH ARENA Lunch Provided Best Wishes Only I DANCE Fri., May 13 KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Joe Overholt Sponsored by Exeter and District Heritage Foundation $6 per couple Rummage Sale in aid of First Huron Park Brownie Pack to be held Sat., May 14 J.A.D. McCURDY SCHOOL Home Made Goods and Bake Sale Doors open 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Sunday May 15 at EXETER UNITED CHURCH The Exeter Young Singers Present The Musical "ZACK" at 11:00 a.m. Th Pork Barbeque THAMES RD. UNITED CHURCH Sat., May 28 Adults $4.00 Children $2.00 Dinner Served from 5 - 8 p.m. Sponsored by Thames Road Elimville Manse Committee Advance tickets available from El son Lynn and Dorothy Duncan. The Huronia Singers Present The Music Of Dr. Geoffrey Beaumont's Folk Mass at Holy Trinity Anglican Church Lucan SUNDAY, MAY 15, 7:30 p.m. Party for STEVE HARRISON GRAND BEND LEGION HALL Sat., May 14 Admission $2.00 Everyone Welcome BETA SIGMA PHI SPRING DANCE "The Days of Wine and Roses" KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Sat., May 21 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music by LARRY DENNIS AND SOCIETY Buffet Lunch $10.00 Couple Proceeds for Cancer Society Zurich Recreation Park & Community Centre Committee Presents ROLL-A-THON '77 1:00 p.m. Saturday, May 14 Sponsor Sheets Available from Jerry Rader Starts at 8:00 P.M. Stephen Township Community Centre CREDITON Admission $1.00 15 games Extra Cards 25¢ or 5 for $1 00 BINGO> Tonight Thurs., May 12 — n i 5 $325 ca11s5 1 share the wealth. JACKPOT 2 Cards far 254 Due to license regulations no one under 16 years of age will be admitted. Sponsored 9y Creditor) Hall Board asonswisia. BROWNIE' DRIVE-IN THEATRE LTD. BEECH ST. CLINTON FRIDAY — SATURDAY — SUNDAY May 13 - 14 - 15 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Logan is 29. s%v , MICHAEL YORK JENNY ABUTTER RICHARD JORDAN FOSCOE LEE BROWNE FARRAH FAWCETT-MAJORS & PETER USTINOV DAVID ?ELM GOODMAI4 MET RO-GOLDWIN•MAYER REDD PEARL MX BAILEY "NORMAN... IS THAT :N I\ A NMENT "'Ur TEARTDUILT B O X O F F I C E O P E N S A T 8 : 0 0 P . M . - F I R S T S H O W A T 8 : 3 0 P . M . BO X OF F I CE O P EN S A T 8 : 00 p . m. - F IR S T S HO W A T 8: 30 P . M. The only thing you can't hove in this perfect world of total pleasure is your 30th birthdoy. Nt•G.M ugents 1--- G41/1 NJ. poiki \fi\ 111 447 • May 13th 7pm-9pm May 14th 10am-Spm MACRAAAE,WEAVING AND POTTERY SHOW AND SALE OF WORK BY ARTIST KAREN TIEMAN OPEN HOUSE .r,o, CI FROM .5010 “ EKE/ T's Tow SOR,TH M S.C. SC 4001- 9"' HOUSE ON LE. rr FROWNORTH and Notist trl 2nd Ni le )4, FREE BUS SERVICE to the London BINGO Games Every Wednesday NEW TIMES BUS DEPARTS AS FOLLOWS Exeter 6:25 p.m. Huron Pork 6:35 p.m. Centralia 6:40 p.m. Lucan 6:50 p.m. Phone 235-0450 25th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY DANCE for Harry and Jo GIELEN Fri., May 20 9 - 1 Music by JOE OVERHOLT KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Lunch Everyone Welcome No Gifts Please coml••••••••••••••/...,..*••••••••100Mel..•••••Th 40th Wedding Anniversary DANCE for Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glanville CREDITON Fri., May 20 9:30- 1:00 DASHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE Music By Bluewater Playboys Everyone Welcome Best Wishes Only asked its superintendent of in- struction to arrange for revision of local basic courses of study in grades 7 to 10 based on forthcom- ing ministry of education guidelines. The revision of basic courses will he carried out in accordance with the new Ontario require- ment that, starting in September 1977. first and second year students in secondary school must work toward obtaining credits in English. mathematics. science, Canadian history, and Canadian geography. It is expected that most of the revised basic courses will be ready by September 1978, Middlesex County Board of Education is not planning to in- crease French language instruc- ion in elementary schools next year. At its regular meeting this week the board decided to keep its present program of 30-minute daily periods of oral French in grades 7 and 8. At the same time. Noon Hour Special Mon. thru Sat. Catering to Small Weddings & Banquets HIGHWAY 21 ONE MILE SOUTH OF ST. JOSEPH'S Phone 236-4850 NOTICE TO COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL CUSTOMERS OF THE EXETER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION A meeting on "Conservation of Energy" will be held at the Ex- eter Public School at 7:30 p.m. D.S.T. on May 17. Representatives of Ontario Hydro will be present and a film and paper will be presented on ways to make better use of electricity by eliminating unproductive kilowatt hours. If you plan to attend please contact our office by phone. (235-1350). Exeter Public Utilities Commission H. L. Davis Manager ******************* * Estate Clearing Auction * of AntiquesStote,Stock & Household Items Ty for Estate of the Late Mr. Peter Eisenbach on Highway 81, Grand Bend, Ontario. Sat., May 14th at 10 a.m. ANTIQUES: corner what not, china cabinet with leaded glass top, round table and 4 chairs, 3.4 four poster style bed, cedar chest, old docks, Dominion old organ, coal oil lamps and bracket, Tiffany lamp and stand, love seat and upholstered chairs, rocker, wash stand, press back chairs, toilet set, hen on the nests, odd dishes, wicker chair, girl and boy statues, small Woodland stove, chest of drawers, Captains chair, cup- boards, old tools, pictures, old books. HOUSEHOLD: Philco 2 door refrigerator, GE washer and 4I( dryer, 4 piece bedroom suite, 2 piece bedroom suite, modern ...4( Grandmother clock, odd dressers, pictures, chesterfield and " chair, dehumidifier, TV, radios, wardrobe, Singer sewing .air machine, silverware and odd dishes, pots and pans, etc., bed- i_r" ding, linens, lamps, desk and chair, tools, step ladder, etc. STORE STOCK: which will start at 10 a.m., knick knacks and ir .41( small antique pieces of many, many kinds, dishes, high chair, baby buggy, lamps, lamp parts, lantern globes, canes, books, trunk, odd chairs, showcases; counter with drawers, jig etc., etc., etc., etc. No museum pieces will be sold, only the T store stock and personal belongings of the late Mr. Eisenbach which includes many, many interesting items for everyone. 41( Plan to attend. 1 Terms Cash 4( "10( 4( Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson 4( • 666-0833 Ilderton 666-1967 4( **************** Twilite Auction Sale Of Farm Machinery and Some Home Furnishings For Ray Heaman, Lot 20, Concession 8, W.C.R., McGillivray Township, 7 miles north west of Parkhill, 3 miles south west of Greenway. Tuesday, May 17th at 5 p.m. TRACTORS & PLOWS: IHC B4 14 gas tractor with Allied front end loader with hydraulic bucket, in excellent condition; M.F. 3 furrow 12" bottom 3pt hitch plow; IHC Super H tractor with 2 rowscuffler and hydraulic lift: 3 furrow mounted plow. TILLAGE EQUIPMENT; J.D. 15 disc grain and fertilizer drill on rubber; M.H. 32 plate tandem disc ; 4 section drag harrows; M.F. 7 plate 3 pt hitch one way disc; Hamel 9 ft. 3pt hitch cultivator; M.M. cultivator, HARVESTING EQUIPMENT: Case 28" steel threshing machine on rubber in above average condition; Case 6ft team mower; New Idea side rake; 34 ft. grain and hay elevator pto drive; 15 ft. grain auger with new electric motor; rubber tired wagon with flat rack and sides for grain box and end gates for hay. MISCELLANEOUS: Bearcat 10" hammermill; Letz corn cob grinder; oil chicken brooder; rubber tired wheel barrow; Sunbeam cattle clippers; cattle dehorners; buzz saw mandrel; quantity of 2x8 cedar plank; pail greaser; 20x10.00 truck tires; forks, shovels and other items too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Old dining room table; wardrobe; odd chairs; tables and dishes. The farm is sold and owner moving to town, Terms Cash plus 7% sale tax if applicable. Not responsible for accidents day of sale. BILL ELLIOT Auctioneer 294-6759, Parkhill the board instructed its staff to study the implications of the Ministry of Education's new policy that encourages 40-minute periods of French in all elemen- tary grades. Extending present classes and starting new ones will have im- plications relating to time. money. and teaching staff. It is expected that the board's study of the matter will involve not only classroom teachers but teacher federation represen- tatives. parents. and school trustees. In other business the board Hotel owner handed fine For the first time in Huron County, a hotel owner who failed to make his employees comply with hair restraint regulations set down in the Public Health Act has been convicted in Provincial court. The conviction came in Wingham last Wednesday, accor- ding to a spokesman for the Huron County Health Unit in Goderich, Art Kauk, owner of the Manor Hotel in Wingham, was fined a total of $500 for two violations of Food Premises regulations of the Provincial Health Act. A fine of $200 was assessed for the hair restraint violation. A se- cond charge stemming from Health Unit findings of ex- cessively high bacteria levels on drinking glasses brought a fine of $300. Two other charges brought against Mr. Kauk by the Health Unit stemming from sub- standard washroom cleanliness and a lack of soap and paper towels in the washrooms, were withdrawn. The Health Unit spokesman said the conviction did not in- dicate a move to toughen the en- forcement of food premises regulations. He said court proceedings are a last resort, used only when repeated attempts to force compliance with the regulations have failed. DINE OUT Good food, pleasant atmosphere, dinner specials. Now Licensed un- der L.L.B.O. • Hold your anniversary or birth- ' day party here. 4 WAY INN DASHWOOD CALVARY UNITED CHURCH Welcomes the guest visit of a former minister Rev. & Mrs. MERRILL JAMES Windsor Sun., May 15 9:45 a.m. Rev. & Mrs. James Speakers 10:50 Sunday School John James - Kingston Speaker 12:30 p.m. Pot Luck Lunch 7:30 p.m. John James Ordinate Speaker Fellowship to follow in .the church basement. Everyone welcome. Coming Events At Pineridge Chalet R.R. 2, Henson Sat., May 14 Wilbee - Patterson Open Wedding Reception Roger Quick Sat., May 21 25th Wedding Reception Mr. & Mrs. Mozart Gelinas Joe Overholt & The Standbys Sat., May 28 CLOSED ••••••/W•Ism,101.••••• For Reservations Phone 262-2277 236-4610 236- 4213 DANCE Sat., May 14 KIRKTON-WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by JOE OVERHOLT PROCEEDS FOR ATHLETIC FIELD Page 24 Times-Advocate, May 12, 1977 To increase French instruction 131 1C:11 I I BAYVIEW RESTAURANT & TAVERN _ Open Daily 10 til 9 Featuring Home Cooked Meals 40( yT Seaforth Centenaires Junior Hockey Club presents SEAN FAGON AND THE DUBLIN CORPORATION Sat., May 14th SEAFORTH ARENA Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Advance tickets $5.00 per person. At the door $6.00 per person. Admittance restricted to persons 18 years and over. Tickets available in Exeter from Gordis Variety or by calling 527-0882. Lambton Progressive Conservative NOMINATION MEETING MON., MAY 16 at 8 p.m. at VICTORIA PLAYHOUSE, PETROLIA SPEAKERS The Hon. James Auld and the Hone D'Arcy McKeoUgh