HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-05-05, Page 26STOCKER SALE 1200 Head at Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. on Sat., May 7, 1977 at 1:00 p.m. Consisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves Victor Hargreaves (519) 482-751 1 Clinton or Barry Miller (519) 235-2717 Exeter or 229-6205 Kirkton AUCTIONEER: Larry Gardiner Annual Interest Payment on 5 year term GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES V . STANDARD TRUST COMPANY 382 Dundas St. Woodstock, Ontario Telephone 539-5601 out of town call collect. MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ••• ......... 25 Notices 20 Property For Rent ....... - .. ...... 16 For Sale 17 Wanted To Buy Page 26 Times-Advocate, May 5, 1977 16 For Sale 16 For Sale GRAND BEND AREA — beautiful home, prefer mature couple, will maintain yard if wanted. Phone 238- 8892 or 234-6268. 17:18c HARDWOOD outside door with window complete in frame; also aluminum storm door complete; also screened Gazeebo with vinyl roof, 238-8620. 17:18' FURNITURE, appliances, single items or household lots. Phone 234- 6309 or 234-6786. 47t FURNITURE, antiques, appliances or miscellaneous items. By the house full or singly. We buy estates or will arrange to sell them by auction, CO n• sign me n ts welcome. Kuriousity Korner, Seaforth. Phone 527,1336. 4t SODDING SEEDING - PATIOS For Complete Landscaping Call GREEN WOOD NURSERY & LANDSCAPING 296-4665 THEDFORD INDEPENDENT SHIPPER to UNITED CO-OPERATIVE OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPARTMENT TORONTO Ship Your Livestock with LEADING SWIMMING POOL wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all aluminum pools in stock. Sacrifice price for desperately needed factory warehouse space. Brand new swim- ming pools include filter, walk around deck, fence and warranty. Size I 5x27', $1355.00. Cash or terms. Call Pere collect days or evenings 1-519-433- 1083. 6t ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, sales, service, rentals, supplies. Jerry Mathers Typewriters, 92 Main St. 235-1840. 21t DP ILL. PRESSES, vises, anvils, power hand grinders, wrench sets, used steel. Phone Hamilton's Machine Shop, 235-1655. 411 HESS JEWELLERY, Zurich has a fine selection of diamonds, wedding rings, watches, clocks, cuckoo clocks, barometers. Cardinal watches sold by jewellers only, $13.95 and up. Family rings and charmms, watch and clock repairing guaranteed. It THE MAPLES TOWN HOUSES Scott's Leather Tack Shope 120 Sanders Street, West Exeter, Phone 234-0694 Riding Equipment and Apparel, Lee Jeans, Denim Jackets and Overalls, Western boots and hats, leather belts, wallets and hand bags. 17t One 2 bedroom apartment available April 1, 1977. CALL 262-2014 18 Wanted WANTED: old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 15:16:17;18c OLD MOWERS — we repair or buy any small vehicle or Marine Engines. We have reconditioned used mowers for sale or new Lawn-Boys. Sec us at the Country Store and Arrow Gas Bar, 2 miles north of Grand Bend, Highway 21 at 83. 161' ORDER YOUR ROY SCOTCHMER 141- Goslings, Ducklings, Baby Chicks ONE BEDROOM apartment in downtown area, stove and fridge supplied. Phone 235-0890. 12t Monday Is Shipping Day From Varna Stockyard CALL HAYFIELD 565-2636 By 7:30 a.ni, Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up 47/4t FOR SALE OR RENT New Building Highway 83 East 1967 EVINRUDE 18 horse outboard motor, excellent condition, $200. Phone 229-6294. 17:18* TENT TRAILER, good condition. Phone 235-0484. 17:18c 1973 ARGOSY travel trailer 22', many extras, Zep-dee awning, anten- na, B.A.L. stabilizers, etc., excellent condition. Phone 238-8707, Grand Bend. 18* (heavy breed) FRESH STORAGE APPLES Spys, Macs and Delicious and Pheasants NOW ELIZABETH COURT IN HENSALL NOW RENTING from Edelweiss Acres Farms Erich Freiter RR I, Dashwood, Ont. Phone 237-3382 EXETER INDUSTRIAL or Commercial property for sale or lease, 9,000 sq. ft, or portion thereof, ex- cellent cement block building with large overhead doors and equalized dock, over 2 acres total. TIMBER WANTED 26 Legal Notices Bring Your Containers VERNON SCHATZ NEARLY NEW Duro sewage pump, in good working condition, not re- quired with sewer hookup. For further information phone 262-2722 after 6 p.m. 18* NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Louise Veal Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Louise Veal late of the Township of Tuckersmith, Housewife who died on or about the 18th day of December, 1976 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 7th day of May, 1977 after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. lot One, two and three bedroom apartments, Shag carpeting, Kelvinator appliances, all utilities paid. For inquiries phone 433-7781, London, GENERAL MERCHANT Dashwood, Ont. "Where Quality Counts" Phone 237-3531 Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushlots of all kinds. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig or phone 232-4450, before 8 a.m. or between 3:30 - 5 p.m. (if possible), STUDENTS RENT OR BUY YOUR TYPEWRITER AT T-A Try our attractive rental-ownership plan. PHONE 235-1331 Contact TUCKEY BEVERAGES MUST SELL GMC truck converted to camper, gas stove, fridge, good con- dition, good tires, sleeps 5. Make an offer, 652-3155. 18t FRAME HOUSE to be moved from site. Tony Conlin, 228-6380. l8t BABY'S HARDWOOD CRIB, with new mattress and bumper pads, $60 or best offer; safety walker and jolly jumper, good condition, $7 each or best offer. Phone 229-6394. 18c LARGE WOOD frame windows, ideal for enclosing carport, verandah or green house. Phone 235-1509 after 5 p.m. 18c 1St 50t I 6t SWIMMING POOL SACRIFICE— Leading Canadian manufacturer and distributor has aluminum pools left over from 1976 season, half price, guaranteed installation and terms. Call collect days or evenings, 1-519- 433-2611. 6t MODERN ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, new broadloom on floors. Available now, phone 235-2420. 121" ONE BEDROOM apartment for Senior Citizens only, 4 units to choose from, For more information call Maplewoods Apts., Zurich, 236- 4373, 14t ONE OR TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, furnished, above Canadian Tire. Phone 235-1497 or 235-0451. 15t 19 Property For Sale PHONE 228-6504 Residential Building Sites bordering on woodlot 381- Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor Exeter, Ontario PERENNIAL PLANTS — Mrs. Gor- don A. Smith, 168 Main St. North, Exeter. 17:18* COMPLETELY REDECORATED one bedroom apartment, heated, close to downtown, available May 1. Phone 235-2087, 161' BARN 21 x 33', good beams and barn boards, best offer. Phone 262-2235 Hensall, Ontario. 18c 1976 CHAMPION mobile home 12 x 60 feet. Phone 284-2070 week days 9-5 p.m. 18:19c TWO TRACTOR TIRES 18,4 x 34 suitable for duals, phone 238- 2611. 17:18c H USQVA RNA sewing machines. Save $115 on the 2000 model with all the stretch stitches. Making room for new model 2000 SL, offer good until present stock depleted, Hopper- Hockey Furniture. Phone 235- 1990. 17:18c 'I6:17;18c Phone Gib Dow 235-0707 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Howard Willet Lemon also (Howard Willet Lemmon) Deceased 21 For Rent 391" SOUTHCOTT PINES Grand Bend, 4 bedroom, electrically heated, fireplace, furnished. Phone 1-969- 7848, 18:19c ONE AND A HALF ACRES — with a real fishing creek running through. Brick cottage with lots of kitchen cup- boards and NEW OIL FURNACE, small barn, double garage. Fruit and shade trees, lots of cultivated garden land. West of Kirkton. Owner mov- ing, make an offer call Ruth Bryans 284-3327 or Philip Furtney Real Estate Ltd. (Broker) 284-2566 St. Marys. 18c 1000 BALES of mixed hay; 800 bales of straw. Phone Jack Taylor, 229- 6472. 18t LIONEL TENTRAIL (LPL 80) 1974 model, hardtop, sleeps 6, excellent condition, trailed 60 miles only. Hen- sail, 262-5355. 18:19c RENTALS All persons having claims against the estate of Howard Wino .Lemon late of the Town of Exeter, County of Huron, Retired Farmer who died on or about the 17th day of December 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 7th day of May, 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Metric Time Is Here! FLOOR SANDERS FLOOR EDGERS POWER HAND SAWS BELT SANDERS IA" and 1/2 " DRILLS PORTABLE TELEVISIONS FLOOR POLISHERS GARAGE SALE — tvly 11, 12, 13, 14, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., 224 Sanders E. — utility and card tables, 5 year old frost free refrigerator, stroller, linen cabinet, electric bass guitar, amplifier, child's wagon, steel guitar, Brownie 8 movie camera and projector, clothing, toys and many, many miscellaneous items. 18:19* WAGNER ELECTRIC MOTOR one-third horse power, just recon- ditioned. For further information call A & H Food Market Ltd., 235- 0212. 18c AS OF MAY 1 OUR FEED WILL BE IN METRIC WEIGHT BEAVERS HARDWARE Your Westinghouse Dealer Exeter 235-1033 Thank You For Your Continuing Business P. H. HILLER Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix Realty Limited l8t TWO BUILDING Lots of about one- half acre each. Within easy driving distance of Exeter, London or Mitchell. ONE ACRE — mature trees add to your living comfort in this former 3 bedroom school house, Owners have completed much of the work. Ex- cellent location on paved road. Exeter, Ontario 16:17:18c ELECTRIC RANGE; Gendron baby carriage, baby articles, phone 235- 0431 after 6 p.m. 18c 21' TRAVEL TRAILER, sleeps 7, fully contained, complete hitch and electric brake. Apply 47 Gill Road, Grand Bend, 18:19* QUANTITY of ensilage in bulk, can be loaded. Phone 235-2747. 18c KOOLVENT ALUMINUM window awnings and porch canopies, aluminum windows, expert installa- tion, free estimates, Walker Aluminum Sales, 17 Nelson St., phone 235-0722. 18t 21" BLACK AND WHITE TV; one pair of water skis; baby's car bed with wheels, Phone 228-6341. 18c GENERAL ELECTRIC lawn mower, 100' cord, good condition. Phone 235-0394 after 6 p.m. 18* 60x12 NORTHLANDER trailer, 2 bedrooms, front kitchen, large dining area and livingroom combined. Call 228-6231 after 6 p.m. 18c 13' HUMBER JEWEL boat 55 hp Chrysler motor and trailer. Price $1650.00, phone 228-6751, evenings 228-6810. 18t 200 EGG INCUBATOR. Phone 235- 1254. 1St BOY'S BUNK BED plus mattresses. Phone 237-3342. 18c OUTSTANDING NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alfred William Reichert ESTATE AUCTION Bev Morgan & Sons RR I, Hensall, Ont. 235-1487 Of Furniture, Antiques, Appliances for the Estate of Duncan Aikenhead, held at 77 Main St., Seaforth on Sat., May 14 at 12:30 p.m. CONSISTING OF 9 piece oak dining room suite (round pedestal table, full glass china cabinet), walnut what-not, Vic- torian sofa, living room suite, parlor tables, cherry extension table, large bonnet chest, two balloon back chairs, bookcase, cherry chest of drawers, 3.piece bedroom suite, 2 gunstock chairs, oak rockers, and many more pieces. 'LAMPS: brass base Gone With The Wind with etched and fluted shade, brass base banquet lamp, 2 desk oil lamps, other oil lamps. RUG: Oriental 10' x 12' rug (excellent). GLASS AND CHINA: Cranberry R.S. Germany set, R.S. Prussia, Canadian glass, 8'piece set Limoges, Amber dishes, coloured glass. PICTURES: Oil on canvas (old) SILVER: Quantity of sterling and silver plate. TERMS: Cash Rent a Car or Truck and Lovina Maria Reichert Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Alfred William Reichert late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer who died on or about the 22nd day of January, 1959 and against the estate of Lovina Maria Reichert late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Widow who died on or about the 8th day of January, 1976 are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 7th day of May, 1977 after which date the estates will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiv- ed. 17:18c Call Marion Kennedy Sales Representative 348-8362 Residence 273-1650 Office HARDWOOD tree tops, split, cord $23.00; log $18.00; you cut and pile $13.00. Apply to Carfrey Cann, 235- 2625. 17:18c BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY 18c BY THE WEEK OWNER HAS BOUGHT 3 plus 2 bedrooms, huge family size kitchen, sun porch, drilled well, situated on over 2 acre lot. Call collect Carole Hudson 433-6622, 225-2474. Canada Permanent Trust, Realtor. I 8c For Your Moving Needs 12' Delivery Van Available For Rent LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Exeter 235-1640 31t AUCTION SALE SALE Some Surplus Stock, Fixtures, Antiques, Misc., etc. it At Granton General Store in the village of Granton. Bill Jacklin, Prop. For information phone 225-2736 or 225- 4( 2402. Wed., May llth, 1 p.m. 4K, Chest freezer, shelving, brackets, electric wiring, electrical .ir boxes, numerous tools, table saw with motor, small electric r motors, furnace fan, electric lamps, reclining chair, 2 coal oil ▪ lamps, 8 day mantel clock, high boy dresser, dresser with oval yr mirror, quantity of lumber, Gyproc , wooden play pen, 7' counter top dishwasher, 2 electric window fans, 8000 BTU air -41( conditioner 110 volt, old school books, magazines, new 5 band radio, 2 solid state receivers, 19" Zenith colour TV, 3 - 45 gal. steel drums, 2 packing crates, pickle barrel, 1 Singer -.3( sewing machine, old glass show case, open book shelves, AK Christmas decorations, used childrens toys, numerous other articles. 4IC Terms: Cash 41( Not Responsible For Accidents Sale Day AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson and Hugh Filson * 666-1967 666-0833 20 Property For Rent TWO BEDROOM unfurnished heated apartment, main floor, phone 235-2575. 18c TWO BEDROOM HOME split level, 292 Huron St. E. Phone 235-2650 between 9 and 5 p.m. or call 235-0278 after 6 p,m. I8c PLYWOOD FORMS, wedges, mix- ers, power trowel, etc. Form ties stocked. For more information call M. J. Corriveau, Zurich, 236-4954 after 4 p.m. week days, any time weekends. 17t HOLIDAY AT THE BEACON- GLOW — one and two bedroom housekeeping units; heated pool; sauna; access to beach; shuffleboard; games room; off-season rates to June 30, after Sept. 6. Beaconglow Motel, RR 3, Collingwood, Ontario. Phone 705-445.1674. 18;22:27:31* Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors Exeter, Ontario 16:17:18c SMALL ACREAGE suitable for corn or beans, one mile north and one mile east of Hensall. Phone 262-5175. 18c GRAND BEND — furnished three bedroom duplex on river, adults, no pets, seasonal monthly or 2 weeks, $150.00 per week. Phone 1.238- 8504. 18:19:20:21c HURON PARK — cosy 3 bedroom house, $124.20 per month. Phone 228- 6942. 18c No Reserve SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS 4strosigilassaciariikattoKov0-..guali striskokiCskiratmeleraitotsitstsitirk NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Rodd Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Rodd, late of the Township of Usborne, County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 27th day of October 1976 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of May 1977 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, 40' DELHI TOWER with Delhi VHF, UHF and FM all channel antennae with new rotor and automatic channel master selector complete with wire and holders. Phone 235-1682. 18' MOZART UPRIGHT PIANO; Gehl hammermill. Phone 237-3275. 18;19* EIGHT TRACK TAPE player, RCA, like new; Rogers Majestic record player, 78 and 45 records, IOC each. Phone 235-1210, 18* 22 For Sale or Rent PROWLER, Golden Falcon, Cita- tion, boler, Bellevue and Lionel trailers, truck caps, campers and 5th wheels, Johnson outboards, boats, camp-out trailer rentals and sales, Hwy. 8W, Stratford, 393-5938. Closed Sundays. 12.24c TWO BEDROOM HOUSE in Hen- sail, available June I. Phone 262- 2148. 18:19* THREE BEDROOM HOUSE, full basement. Phone 228-6271. I8c ONE BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, Grand Bend. Phone 238- 2462. 18:19c HENSALL — ground floor furnished bachelor apartment, phone 235.1232 days, 229-8936 evenings. I8c EXETER — 2 bedroom apartment, front entrance, private drive. Phone 235-1936, 181' THREE BEDROOM house, gas fur- nace, available May 15, 299 Algon- quin Dr., Huron Park, phone 228- 6534 18c Estate Property To Be Auctioneed 23 Wanted To Rent 1.****************** price $165. Phone 235-1481. 18:19* 8' TRUCK CAP, good condition, THREE OR FOUR bedroom house, in Exeter, Phone 235-0151 or 527- 1337. 16t THREE OR FOUR BEDROOM house in Exeter area, required June I or sooner. Phone 235-2445, David Banks. 18:19' Bell & Laughton 17 Wanted To Buy ******************* Solicitors for the executrix Exeter, Ontario GOOD FARMER'S FARM at least 4( -3( Estate Clearing Auction of Antiques, Store Stock & Household Items 4( for Estate of the Late Mr. Peter Eisenbach on Highway k, 81, Grand Bend, Ontario. Sat., May 14th at 10 a.m. jr ANTIQUES: corner what not, china cabinet with leaded glass 7' top, round table and 4 chairs, 3/4 four poster style bed, cedar * chest, old clocks, Dominion old organ, coal oil lamps and bracket, Tiffany lamp and stand, love seat and upholstered chairs, rocker, wash stand, press back chairs, toilet set, hen on .41( the nests, odd dishes, wicker chair, girl and boy statues, small „,1, Woodland stove, chest of drawers, Captains chair, cup- -7"k_ boards, old tools, pictures, old books, F. HOUSEHOLD: Philco 2 door refrigerator, GE washer and .*dryer, 4 piece bedroom suite, 2 piece bedroom suite, modern Grandmother clock, odd dressers, pictures, chesterfield and chair, dehumidifier, TV, radios, wardrobe, Singer sewing air machine, silverware and odd dishes, pots and pans, etc., bed- IC ding, linens, lamps, desk and chair, tools, step ladder, etc. '71 STORE STOCK: ,which will start at 10 a.m., knick knacks and .*small antique pieces of many, many kinds, dishes, high chair, baby buggy, lamps, lamp parts, lantern globes, canes, books, trunk, odd chairs, showcases, counter with drawers, • etc., etc., etc., etc. No museum pieces will be sold, only the ▪ 71' store stock and personal belongings of the late Mr. Eisenbach which includes many, many interesting items for everyone. * Plan to attend, Terms Cash -41( 100 acres. Phone 519-438-5812, 18:19* *THREE BEDROOM brick house in Exeter with good size lot, required by 40( June. Apply Times-Advocate, Box SRP, Exeter. 16t 17:18:19c CLASSIFIED ADS NORM WRITING aRIGUORCOP AUCTION SALE Reetee* u#45406, Held at the location, 1 mile south of Hensall on Highway 4, for the Estate of Agnes McLean, on Sat., May 21 at 1:00 p.m. PROPERTY INCLUDES 12 year old ranch style brick house with 1400 sq. ft. of living area including large kitchen and dinette, living room, two bedrooms, spacious closets, three piece bath, two piece bath, back entrance and office. Full basement includes large family room, tool and fruit rooms and spacious laundry and storage area, New 231 sq. ft. Florida room and 366 sq. ft. garage. FEATURING: * Hot water heat * Own water supply * Beautifully landscaped 300'x90' lot * Circular pav- ed drive * Highway 4 location with a country atmosphere, "Must be seen to be appreciated." * *ALSO SELLING by auction same day - furniture, antiques, glass, china, lawn and garden equipment. Property offered at 2:00 p.m. Terms 10% down. Balance in 30 days Phone 262-5568 or Clearing Auction Sale 4( yT yT y T yT yT -3( Of Household Furnishings and Misc. Items Sat., May 7, 1977 at 1:00 p.m. Sharp In Dalton Subdivision, 3 miles south of Grand Bend For Mr. and Mrs, E. B. Reed (They are moving to Florida) HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Baldwin elecric organ & bench; 2 studio couches; French provincial living room chair; 2 livingroom arm chairs; odd chairs; coffee & 2 end tables; coffee & 2 hexagon tables; small oval table; floor & table lamps; antique tiffany table lamp; fern stand; 3 pee. bedroom suite; dressing table; box spring and mattress and head board; 2 single beds; Viking 18 cu. ft. deep freeze; Beatty clothes dryer; Maytag washing machine; B&W TV; 3/4 size violin; boiler hat; several pots and pans; many, many dis- hes; some electric appliances; garden tools; 2 - 750.15 snow tires and many many other items. TERMS - CASH for Dennis Morrissey, Lot 3, Concession 13, Stephen Township, first farm north of Mount Carmel, Sat. Morning, May 7th, 10:00 a.m. Sharp 190 Allis chalmers gas tractor with cab in good shape, Allis Chalmers 12 foot Vibro shank cultivator; 13'/2 ft. Allis Chalmers disc, 4 furrow semi-mounted Ford plow 14 inch bot- tom, Oliver baler,2 new Holland manure spreaders, 30 foot 6 inch PTO Spee King auger, Gleaner (C) combine with cab, 3 point hitch fertilizer spreader, Innes 4 row bean puller and windrower, John Deere side rake, McCormick seed drill, land roller, cattle dehorning crate. No reserVe. Farm is sold. Terms cash Proprietor and Auctioneer not responsible far any accidents. Dennis Morrissey, Prop, RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers Appraising Liquidators Clinton 482-3120 ifram00404•40, Larry Gardiner AUCTIONEER Norm Whiting, Auctioneer Phone 235-1964 Exeter -0 Hugh Filson AUCTIONEERS Tom Robson .9( it, 666.0833 Ilderton 666-1967 lg.