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Ti e$,A0vocate, May 5, 1977
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AJ AULT' C' S op'g
You can't go shopping today, and
you never remember to take the
list anyway."
My stack of unanswered letters
presented a more worthwhile
plan but after writing three
letters, I still had no ideas for a
column. Thus I switched to the
theory: "A change is as good as a
I hemmed a skirt, that had
been waiting for three weeks and
that I probably won't wear until
July. While I sewed, I listened to
lively music, hoping the beat
would stimulate a flow of
thought, It didn't.
During lunch, I watched two
game shows on TV to take my
mind off my problem: perhaps, I
The 46th Founders Day
banquet of the Beta Sigma Phi
Sorority was held Tuesday at the
Exeter curling club. The banquet
opened with the singing of 0
Canada, a toast to the Queen, the
opening Ritual, the Beta Sigma
Phi grace which was read by all
followed by a delicious roast beef
Pat Fletcher, president of Xi
Gamma Nu and Mary Ann Topp,
president of Xi Alpha Pi in-
troduced the head table guests
and vice-presidents Marian
Odds n' Ends
finish the laundry before four.
After supper, I relaxed in front
of the television until eight
o'clock. Then I decided the
foolishness had to end.
"You've got to get down to
business and write something
before the whole day is wasted,"
I told myself firmly, "But first I
need another cup of coffee."
I finally resumed my position
in front of the typewriter with the
blank sheet of paper staring
defiantly back at me. ,Just when I
considered giving up, I recalled
another tidbit of advice from the
manual: "Write what you feel."
It is now nine o'clock. and I'm
writing a column about not being
able to write a column,
Jewels, Exemplar Ritual and
Order of the Rose Ritual were
The April Women's Missionary
Counsel of the Pentecostal
Church met at the home of Mrs.
Roy MacDonald.
Mrs. Keith McLaren presided
over the meeting. Mrs. Milford
Prouty led in the Hymn "My
Faith looks up to Thee" Mrs.
Beulah Desjardine opened in
prayer. We also sang the Hymn
"Faith Of Our Fathers".
EXEMPLAR DEGREE — Receiving their Exemplar Degree in Beta Sigma Phi are from the left, Glenda
Wagner, Jay Skillender, Beth Jamieson, Marion McCarter, Gay Lemmond and Carol McDonnell. This
degree is received after four years in the Ritual of Jewels Chapter,
Present awards at banquet
When I woke up this morning, I
felt ambitious. I couldn't drive
anywhere, because my car was in
the garage. The sky threatened
rain, and when I opened the
window, the air felt damp. The
weather didn't encourage
"This is my chance!" I thought
to myself. "If I want to go away
• for a few days in May, I'll have to
write some extra columns in
April, and today is the day I'll
After breakfast, I sat down at
my typewriter. The only sound
was the hum of the kitchen clock.
From the window, I noticed the
street was almost deserted, and
nothing was happening to
distract my attention. This
morning seemed to be a perfect
time for me to concentrate on
What happened? Nothing! I
stared at the typewriter for
twenty minutes, but no ideas
Suddenly, I remembered the
advice in the writers' manual:
"If you have trouble starting to
write, jot down anything that
comes into your mind — a
shopping list, a letter, anything to
start ideas flowing on paper."
I began listing the groceries
that I needed, but then I asked
myself, "Dummy, why are you
wasting ink on a grocery list?
had been concentrating too Bard.
I even washed my breakfast and
lunch dishes, thus straying from
my firm belief that dishes should
be done only once a day.
Occasionally, when the phone
rings, I'm irritated because it
causes an interruption. I'm sure
you've all had similar ex-
periences. However, today I
welcomed the friendly ring, and I
chatted longer than was
necessary. During the con-
versation, the blank sheet of
paper in the typewriter stared at
Around three o'clock, I
remembered the pile of dirty
clothes in the closet, and being a
stern conservationist, I hurried to
McCarter and Donna .Tones
welcomed new members.
Highlights of the year were
given by Bonnie Brooke and
Louise Giffin. The Founder's Day
pledge was read by Gay Lem-
mond and Mary Jane Taylor,
Following a recorded Foun-
der's Day message Marlene
Thornton sang "Follow the
Rainbow Road", accompanied by
Glenda Wagner.
Following dinner some Alpha
Pi members presented a skit,
"Sororityville" and the Ritual of
Secretary Yvonne Reynolds
read the minutes of the last
meeting. The Roll Call was
answered by a scripture verse on
There was a thank you letter
from the president of Eastern
Pentecostal Bible College for the
lovely quilt which was sent.
There was a treasurer's report
given by Mrs. Cliff Blanchard. It
was decided to send money to the
Hong Kong children. It was also
decided to send used clothing to
our missionary Miss Margaret
Cantwell in Kenya.
Mrs. Hilda Bodaly gave the
testimony of Rev. Beam who was
raised from a death bed.
Mrs. Beulah Desjardine gave a
reading about the Wise Wood-
cutter Revisited. Mrs. Cliff
Blanchard gave a message on
"Caleb's great Faith." Time of
Centralia names
home ec head
The appointment of
Dr. V. E. Currie as associate
principal (foods and home
economics) at Centralia College
of Agricultural Technology was
announced today by J. A. Mac-.
Donald, principal of that college.
Dr. Currie has had wide
academic and teaching ex-
perience. In 1962 she graduated
from Howard University,
Washington, D. C., and com-
pleted her M. S. degree in 1964 at
the same university, majoring in
human nutrition, In 1974, Dr.
Currie was awarded her Ph.D.
degree at Cornell University.
She completed her dietetic
internship at Freedman's
Hospital, Washington, D.C. in
1963 and served as therapeutic
dietitian at Metropolitan Hospital
in New York City and East
General. Hospital in Toronto, Dr.
Currie has worked as a lecturer
in the Faculty of Food Sciences,
University of Toronto, and as an
assistant professor at Wood-
sworth College, University of
Toronto. She joined the staff at
Centralia College as a lecturer in
GET ORDER OF ROSE --- The Order of the Rose Degree was awarded to three members of Beta Sigma Phi.
From the left are Elsie Witteveen, Brenda Hennessey and Sally Lou Raymond. This degree is presented to a
member in recognition of 1.5 years of active participation in Beta Sigma Phi.
Plan to get ahead is stumped
Pentecostal women
aid Hong Kong kids
; prinkse yo
never thou: ht
If you're thinking about buying carpeting be sure you see our selection to-
day. It's in our tower level , . and if what you want isn't there we can get
it for you. Compare prices ... compare quality. We can arrange
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