HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-04-28, Page 8Earl Campbell of Earl Campbell Jewellers, Exeter is, pleased to announce the
association of his son Jay Campbell with the company. Jay, a consulting
meteorologist, was formerly a management consultant and policy
analyst with Environment Canada. He brings to the jewellery
business a background of teaching management expertise
as well as a life long association with his fathers
business. Jay with his wife Kenley and two
sons Tim and Colin have moved to Exeter
and are becoming actively involved
with the community. Jay is looking
forward to meeting you and
helping you with your
jewellery needs,
r •
For Complete Landscaping
296-4665 THEDFORD
Spring Planting
Time Is Here
For A Large Selection
Of Quality Nursery Stock
• Shade Trees
• Evergreen Shrubs
• Flowering Shrubs
• Tea Roses & Climbers
Pay A Visit To
op 0
0 a V
• 8 cycles including pot
scrub, 145° hygienic
and plate warming
• Lift off4utting board
• Soft Food scrap
• Porcelain interior
• Cutlery basket
• Safety tilt door
• Detergent and rinse
additive dispensers
For Mother's Day come In and
compare the prices on the
complete line of Kelvinator
with the purchase of every 0680
and U680 Kelvinator Dishwasher
20 Pieces of orelle
LIVINGWARE by Corning.
The perfect combination for
mom's dishwasher
(A $39.95 value)
Buy your Mother's Day surprise today at
• Warehouse Furniture and Appliances
Unlimited (New and Used)
MAIN ST. • Antiques & Things EXETER
During Keivinator's great Mother's Day Special
Immaculate Heart of Mary Roman Catholic Church in Grand Bend was
the setting for the April 23 wedding of Joanne Laura Grenier and
Joseph Frederick Bengough. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Grenier, Hensall
are the bride's parents and the groom is the son of Mrs. Antionette
Bengough and the late James Bengough, Hensall. Father Boyer of-
ficiated. The matron of honour was Rose Marie Rader and the other
bridal attendants were Karen Janisse Welland, Diane Belle and Tam-
my Rader. The best man was Joseph Zimmer and guests were ushered
by Larry Luther, Richard Rader and Michael Zimmer. After a southern
wedding trip the couple will reside in Hensall. Photo by Frank Phillips
Hurondale institute
choose new officers
Page 8
7 ' '
A few weeks ago I vowed not to
mention the weather again,
because the subject was stale.
But since the phrases "white-
out", "no buses running" and
"one-lane traffic" have vanished
from my vocabulary, I've
changed my mind.
It's refreshing to refer to the
weather in terms of daffodils,
green grass and spring wheat,
raking lawns and planting gar-
dens, sunshine and even warmth.
The temperature is high enough
today for working outside in
shorts and sleeveless tops. With
optimism, I proclaim, "Winter is
gone, and good riddance to him!"
I even had my snow tires
In a book of poetry, I found a
selection that aptly describes
this time of year. It was written
by Edwin John Pratt, a Canadian
poet, and is entitled "Putting
Winter To Bed".
"Old Winter with an angry frown
Restationed on his head his
And grew more obdurate,
As rumours every day had flown
From some officials near the
That he might abdicate...
His patience had been sorely
By a recent blow dealt to his
When March, the stripling, dared
To jeer at him with callow yells,
And shake the hoary icicles
From off the royal beard...
The gage accepted, Winter drew
First blood, then beat him black
and blue
With Nordic thrust and swing,
Till March at last, the wily fox,
Clipped him on the equinox,
And bashed him round the ring;
And would have clearly had him
Captured his domain and crown,
When three parts through the
Had not the king with a trick
Cracked him on the nether sign,
And March was counted out.
So now, with an Alaskan ire,
He donned in full his white attire,
Lord of the Polar waste,..
And yet before the week was
Neuralgic headaches thick and
Were blinding him with tears;
Despite the boast, he needed rest
To stop that panting in his breast,
That buzzing in his ears...
He laid his head against a stump,
One arm inclined upon a clump
Of glaciated boulders;
The other held his side—he had
Pleuritic pains and very bad
Rheumatic hips and shoulders...
A sorry sight indeed he lay,
A god-like being in decay...
The day that April found him...
With one glace at his swollen feet,
Her diagnosis was complete,
That dropsy had set in...
`0 shame, that March should thus
surprise him,
Without a thought to acclimatize
Towards a mellow age;
I know another way benign
To lead him through an anodyne
In his hermitage!
Then with a bath of rain and
She took the chilblains from his
With tender lubrication;
She poulticed out the angry spots,
The kinks and cramps and spinal
And all discoloration.„
It took three days to get his throat
Clear of that wheezy guttural
His brain to vaporize;
She conjured him at last to rest;
Folded his hands across his
And sealed up both his eyes...
With one thing more, her task
was done—
Something she found hid from the
Within a valley low;
`Just what he needs, dawn fresh
and white—
The north wind brought it
over-night —
A counterpane of snow...
Then taking on a mood austere,
Kneeling, she whispered in his
A world of discipline...
`For eight months now without
You give your promise not to stir,
And not to roar or wail,
Or send your north wind with its
Or yet the east whose vapours
Their shuddering sleet and hail.
So help you then for evermore
If you so much as cough or snore,
My seven younger sisters,
Who follow after me in turn,
Are under strict command to
Your body up with blisters...
But If you keep this honest vow,
I pledge their virtue, here and
To rouse you in December; •
Then you may come on Christ-
mas Day
With furs and bells, reindeer and
But, hand on heart—remember!"
in songs they would like to be
included in the new Institute song
book was made.
Carol Dougall was given a gift
for representing the Institute at
the Farm show as a contestant
for Princess. The May meeting
will be on the 30th. It was moved
to give a donation to the.Kirkton-
Woodham swimming pool.
Mrs. Anna Ballantyne con-
ducted the election of officers for
1977-78. Past president, Mrs. Carl
Mills; President, Mrs. Harry
Dougall; 1st vice president, Mrs.
Glen Stewart; 2nd vice president,
Mrs. Wm Dougall; Secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. John Pym;
Assistant secretary-treasurer,
Mrs, Charles Kernick; District
director, Mrs. Carl Mills;
Alternate district director, Mrs.
Garnet Hicks; Public Relations
Officer and Press Reporter, Mrs.
Arthur Rundle, Mrs. Laura
Sillery; Tweedsmuir history,
Mrs. Harry Strang, curator, Mrs.
Hugh Love, Mrs. Andy Carter,
Mrs. Clara Harris.
Branch directors, Mrs. Lee
Webber, Mrs. Riney Keller, Mrs.
Mac Hodgert; Auditors, Mrs.
Lorne Porter, Mrs. Norman
Stanlake; Emergency, Mrs. Wm
Lamport, Mrs. Frayne Parsons,
Mrs. Hedley May, Mrs. Stan
Love, Mrs. Bev Alexander, Mrs.
James Earl; Nominating com-
mittee, Mrs. Lorne Oke, Mrs.
Gerald McFalls; Hospital
representative, Mrs. R. E.
Pooley; Huronview represen-
tative, Mrs. Garnet Hicks;
Pianists, Miss Ann Brodie, Mrs.
Norman Brock; Song leaders,
Mrs. Wm Dougall, Mrs. Ray
Mrs. Alvin Moir installed the
new slate of officers. Mrs. Harry
Dougall spoke welcoming words.
Special guests
at Eastern Star
Exeter Chapter No. 222 OES
Reception in honour of Mrs.
Dorothy Bell, Grand Marshal, of
the Grand Chapter of Ontario
was held in Zurich Community
Centre April 22 with over 225
members and friends in at-
tendance from various parts of
the province and our own District
No. 5.
Other special guests were Mrs.
Violet Whitfield, Worthy Grand
Matron, Stoney Creek; Mr. Alex
Dawson, Tottenham ., other
Grand Officers past and.
Following the banquet, The
Miller Family of Dashwood
provided a variety program.
Sunday, May 1, the Chapter's
annual Church service will be
held in Trivitt Memorial Church,
Exeter, at 7:30 p.m. Social hour
to follow in the Parish Hall.
Everyone will be most welcome.
For Sale At
Wholesale Prices
Dig Your Own
And Save
Recipe box . . .
Holiday Ham Ple
Pastry for 2-crust 9-inch pie
2 beaten eggs
1 cup (8 ounces) cottage cheese
Dash pepper
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
1 cup (4 ounces) grated Swiss
1 1/2 cups diced cooked ham
Line 9-inch pie plate with half
the pastry. Cornbine remaining
ingredients and pour into pie
shell. Make lattice topping with
remaining pastry, Bake 10
minutes at 450 degrees F; reduce
heat to 350 degrees F and con-
tinue baking until crust is golden
(30 to 40 minutes). Let stand 10
minutes before serving. 6 ser-
District 4-H
programs set
The Home Economics Branch
of the Ontario Ministry of
Agriculture and Food is again
holding 4-H Homemaking Club
Achievement Days in Huron
This club helped members
plan, select and make a garment
for leisure wear, Special em-
phasis was placed on the selec-
tion of style and fabrics for
leisure wear, the use of com-
mercial patterns and various
trims such as lace, eyelet and
Mrs. Loralee Marshall, Home
Economist for Huron County, will
be conducting the following
Achievement Days throughout
the County.
Crediton Area Stephen Twp.
Central School' May 7
Clinton Area Central Huron Sec.
School May 14
Exeter Area South Huron
Secondary School May 28
All friends and relatives are
invited to attend the afternoon
programme which begins at 1:15
p.m. The girls will be presenting
skits and exhibits on various
topics related to this club. Also, a
special feature will be the fashion
parade in which the girls will
model their leisurewear. Your
presence will show your support
for the young people in the
Hurondale •Wometis Institute
held their annual meeting in
Usborne Central School, April 25.
All present enjoyed a
smorgasbord dinner provided by
the three losing groups of the
years contest amongst members.
Secret pals identity were
revealed by the exchange of gifts.
Institute Ode and Mary Stewart
Collect were repeated followed
by roll call which was the paying
of fees for the coming year.
Minutes and financial statement
were read and approved.
Members were told of an
Institute get together to be held
at Bingman Park, Kitchener,
July 13, 4-H Achievement Day is
to be May 28 at South Huron
District High School.
The district annual is to be at
Grand Bend United Church on
May 19. Mrs. Maluske is to be the
speaker. A committee was
named to find articles for the fall
fair display at Exeter. The
Institute is donating $25 for
An appeal for members to send \235 Andrew Street
Times-Advocate, April 28, 1977
Not Just Knots
Mon.,, May 2, 1977
Knitting &
Macrame Supplies
Mon. thru Fri. 9:00 - 9:00
Sat. 9:00 - 6:00
Exeter,Ont. Phone 235-0105
If rain is now pelting your
daffodils, it's just April bathing
Winter's feet. And, if your tulips
are nipped by an over-night frost,
remember, spring needed a
coverlet to put winter to bed.
May he rest in peace for a long,
g long time.
Many Thanks
to the Women's Auxiliary members,
volunteers, and the many husbands for their
enthusiasm and long hours of service, Com-
bined with the response of donors and the
public, the Rummage Sale was a huge
success. Thanks again for supporting our
David Steckle & Family
R.R. 2, ZURICH Phone 565-2122
From •Zurich: 1'h miles west then 3'/z miles north. From
Grand Bend: north on Highway 21 to Drysdale, turn
right 2 miles to Blake, then left 1 1/2 miles.
Open evenings until 9:00 p.m. Closed Sundays.