HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-04-21, Page 16Page 16 Times-Advocate, April 21, 1977 Lucan nd district news itafrd.s —7, XL-75 REMKES ENTERPRISES FOR INSIDE AND OUT you'll find it all at the HOME AND GARDEN SHOW OVER 160 EXHIBIT AREAS • DAILY GUEST PEAKERS — PANEL DISCUSSIONS • FREE THEATRE PROGRAMS • SOLAR ENERGY SOCIETY OF CANADA DISPLAY • DOOR PRIZES TO BE DRAWN DAILY • GRAND PRIZE — TRIP FOR 2 TO THE EUROPEAN HOME SHOW • HELPFUL INFORMATION ON EVERYTHING FROM INTERIOR DECORATING TO OUTDOOR LAN D- SCAPING • PLENTY OF FREE PARKING "everybody who Is anybody Is in the home & garden show" ADULTS $2.00 CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE SHOW HOURS — WEDNESDAY TO FRIDAY '1 PM - 10 PM, SATURDAY 10 - 10, SUNDAY 12 6 PM UCW plans upcoming events dozen chairs and four square stacking tables should beordered to augment the present supply, Bale articles for Angola will be collected during the coming month with May 29 as the deadline. A list of needs will be posted in the vestibule. Refresh- ments were served by members of the Friendship Unit. Five shooting charges Farm machinery stolen NAME COMMANDER — W. J. "Bill" Smith of Lucan Legion branch 540 was named Commander of District "A" Sunday at St. Thomas, Above, left, Provincial third vice-president Comrade Rick Collins of Rexdale offers his congratulations. Photo by Daley 1 G. R. PAUL Administrative Services Lucan, Ont. Computerized Tax Returns Open Monday - Friday during tax season 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Evening Mon. - Fri. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Open Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. PHONE 227-4462 or 227-4463 Constable W. T. Hodgins of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police is continuing investigation of the theft of a farm tractor and manure spreader. The machinery valued at $15,000 was recovered on the Huron-Middlesex County line east of Highway 4. It was taken from the farm of Wayne Carroll, Concession 4 in the township of Biddulph in the early morning hours of Friday. Four other thefts were in- vestigated with stolen property valued at $305. One act of wilful damage was reported with damage estimated at $15, As the result of separate in- vestigations four persons have been charged with offences under the Liquor Licence Act. They are Stanley Prince, Douglas Tuck and Eric Bakker, all of London and Dwight McLean, Snelgrove. An indiscriminate shooting occurrence in West Nissouri township, north of Thorndale Mir DALEY'S WEEKLY COMMENTS By SID DALEY Congratulations witiminimiminninnininininninnninimmintinnintitinninninniminniminnimmu NEW MODELS E-: The Lucan United Church Women Easter Thankoffering meeting was held on Tuesday evening in the C.E, Rooms, President Marjorie Park welcomed the members and called on Iva M. Hodgins to conduct the worship service. She was assisted by Alice Thompson and Honor Stanley and the ser- vice was the candle light type with Jesus, An Easter playlet was presented by Bernice Lockyer giving the introduction, Marjorie Park taking the part of Patrick Watson who was interviewing the Apostle Peter, taken by Freeda Melanson During the business meeting announcements were made of the next meeting, June 14 when Rev. Mary Mills of Kirkton will be the guest speaker and other women's groups in the community will be invited to hear her, Carlisle U.C.W. Geranium Tea, May 25. Tickets to be ordered ahead in order to get a geranium, our own Chicken Barbecue date was confirmed for September 21, Westminster Weekend May 27-29 and Alma School for Leaders, August 14-17. Hopefully the latter two will be attended by some members of the group, Members agreed to convene a "food both" in the storage building for the Lions Club Fair, serving sandwishes, homemade pie and tea. All members and adherents of the Church will be asked to give of their time for this project. It was also agreed that two found abandoned on Concession 6, London township, near the Denfield sideroad. The front end of the vehicle was extensively damaged, Constable W. R. Disher is investigating. Early Sunday morning, Donald Riley, Lucan reported the theft of his car from the Lucan Legion parking lot, It was recovered in London, Monday. Constable Jim Craig was the investigating of- ficer. In the lost and found depart- ment, a brown paper bag was found in Lucan Lions park Sunday afternoon, It contained a doll and other articles belonging to a small girl. The owner may claim the property at the police office by proving ownership. resulted in five Thorndale men being charged with discharging a firearm from a vehicle under the Game and Fish Act, Charged were Ronald and Robert Caddick, Timothy Wilkinson, Ronald Granville and Kevin Allison. Seized during the incident were rifles and am- munition used in commission of the offence. Saturday afternoon, a car reported stolen in London was Seniors get jr. invitation NOW ON DISPLAY" Thomas Organs are ri making beautiful music in thousands of homes. A home Bake sale a success Communion at United Church Comrade J.W. "Bill" Smith, Lucan, Branch 540's favourite son, was elected Commander of District A, Royal Canadian Legion at the Legion Convention held at Branch 41 St. Thomas Saturday and Sunday. The popular Commander will be head of some 22,842 members in 67 Branches of the Legion which make up District A, throughout Southwestern Ontario. The Branches include Aylmer to the east, Lucan to the north then west and south taking in the Legion Branches in Lon- Explorer tea attracts many AND UP don, Chatham, Windsor, Sarnia and all the other Branches in these areas. Your Comrades of Branch 540 salute you Comrade Bill for bringing this great honor with you to Lucan and wish you a most successful and happy term in office. Members of the Branch are reminded the horses are running on Saturday afternoon, Come on over to Branch 540 and get in on the fun. If the smelt are running Branch 540 will be holding a fish fry Saturday evening, This will be but one of the many fish fries planned—To coin a phrase 'We do it all for you'. Make it a point to get out to these do's, They are planned for your entertainment— come on over and bring a guest couple. And that's 30 for this week— Rem amber—there's nothing like a little exercise to change a man's life—especially if it's a walk down the aisle. organ is the best way for you to have family fun, The color- glow method will have you playing a variety of beautiful pieces in only a few = minutes, Be sure you visit us and see how. F. PRICED FROM $79500 Easy terms ;j1 lllllllllllllllll 11111111111$11111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllllllllll I lllll :E. Complete Line of Color Glo and :2- Regular Organ Music In Stock .1 The Sacrament of Holy Communion was celebrated by Rev. Cecil Jardine on Sunday at the Lucan United Church. In his meditation, Mr. Jardine ex- plained the meaning of the three celebrations observed first Baptism, second Confirmation of Belief and thirdly the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. He asked all to feast at the Lord's table in remembrance of His body broken for us and His blood shed for us on the cross for our sins. The choir sang thelovely hymn "Let us Break Bread Together on our Knees" under the direction of Ray Koopman. Announcement was made of the musical evening on April 27 at 7:30 when the Woodburn Family Singers of London, the New Life Quartette and local talent will bring a message in song. This is for the whole family, The free- will offering will be used to help the world's hungry learn how to feed themselves, Your whole- hearted support is anticipated. Tell all your friends. hornas ORGANS A SOUND FOR EVERYONE Closed Wednesdays, Open Friday Till 9 p.m. Phone 235-2522' 429 Nidifi St., Exeter Biddulph okays building permits The Ausable-Bayfield Con- servation Authority will be asked by Biddulph township council to include some local improvements in their usual youth works programs. At its April meeting, council decided to have stream bank improvement beside the Lucan- Biddulph fire hall included in the program. The contract of the Greenlee Municipal Drain was awarded to Neil Drainage of Ailsa Craig. Building permits were ap- proved for the following: Meadocrest, Lot 38, Con. 4, barn lean-to; Ministry of Tran- sportation and Communications, Lot 37, Con. 6, sand and salt domes; Gary Jewel, Lot 17, Con. 4, a house; John Stevens, Granton, a garage; Tom Van- denberg,Lot 38, Con, 2, a garage. A father returned home from his usual day at work in the fields and found his small son sitting on the front steps looking unhappy. "What's wrong, son?" he asked. "Just between you and me," the lad replied confidentially, "I simply can't get along with Sthtir wife." The Saturday Cancer Society Bake Sale was quite successful. Thanks to all who participated. How are your pledges coming for the "Family Ride" on May 1? Did you know that the Lucan Girl Guides are providing baby- sitting at the Lucan United Church so all parents and their older children may participate. If you do not have a pledge sheet yet they are available wherever you see the poster. Get yours today. Do you have your canvass completed ,or nearly so? If not, let's get working on it and help Mrs. Gibson send in a good report. With every family in Biddulph Township and the villages of Clandeboye, Granton and Lucan doing what they can, we will reach our objective. If you are on a payroll plan, why not consider a personal contribution as well? Every $ helps the fight against Cancer. We can and will wine The ride leaves from the Lions Club Park or the Granton Cenotaph at 1:30 p.m. Members of the Sunshine & Busy Buddies Groups held their meetings on Thursday afternoon in the Masonic Hall, with an excellent attendance. President Merna O'Neil welcomed the members and the ass't secretary reported cards sent to Muriel Cobleigh and Rita Robb who are on the "sick list". Secretary Ethel Crouch is recuperating nicely but still being visited regularly by the V,O.N, She hopes to be back in a couple of weeks. President Merna read two invitations the first to attend the Junior Farmers' Sr. Citizens' Night Tuesday evening, April 25, The other to a euchre party in the Ilderton Community Centre, sponsored by the Ilderton Seniors Club on Monday, April 25, admission $1.00. Please be prepared to say whether or not you can go at the meeting this afternoon, Thursday. Committees for May and June will be: Lunch, Violet Hardy and Rachel Tuke and Social, Mildred Hirtzel and Mary Kooy. Birthday wishes were extended to Irene Egan. High Bridge scores went to Edythe Murdy and Helen Thompson with euchre winners being: high lady, Mildred Hirt- zel; lone hands, Harriet Holmes; low lady, Alma Hodgins, high man, Joe Carter; lone hands, Percy Williams; low man, Lon Phillips. Lunch was provided by Murray and Iva Hodgins, Harriet Holmes and Reola Hotson. Cancer can be beaten LUCAN SOCCER REGISTRATION — A large number of youngsters minor soccer teams, Saturday. The ladies taking registrations are Maureen Craig, The prospective soccer players are Ian Craig, Jeff Hi Lankin and Blaine Butchart. Registration continues Saturday morning. attended registration for the Lucan Joan Crawford, Rose Bakker and rtzel, Jay Milton, John Grace, Paul T-A photo The Lucan-Clandeboye Explorers held their 24th "Bunny Tea" in the general assembly room and C.E. Wing on Saturday afternoon, April 16, with an ex- cellent attendance. There were so many displays of hobbies and crafts that the leaders had great difficulty getting them all in. There was everything from wicker-ware by McMurray, from London (cer- tified as blind) to a doll house made from salvaged materials of every descriptions. The stuffed animals and upside down dolls, gorgeous floral pictures in many sizes from dried flowers and weeds, Decoupage, macrame, crocheting and knitting, quilts, quilt blocks, liquid embroidery and miscellaneous other crafts and hobbies, completely filled every space available. The little Explorers made charming tea room hostesses serving tea and cookies to their mothers and friends. Mrs. Wm. Froats as chief counsellor welcomed the guests, Mrs. Hans Rosch, pinch-hitting for coun- sellor Mrs. Henry Kaune supervised the tearoom and Mrs. Lorne Mohr with the help of mothers and others supervised the kitchen, Of great interest in the AC.E. rooms was a full sized quilt on which several of the quitters were working. Many of the guests had never seen quilting being done. Also in this room was a collection of salt and peppers of every shape and description, which drew many interesting com- ments, The Explorers and their counsellors thanked everyone who helped to make this annual event so very successful again this year. The next event is to attend the service of Giving at Empress U.C., London, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, April 24. The speaker is the play therapist from Vic- toria Sick Children's Hospital. Exeter man injured in Mooresville crash U1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: and 3 in Biddulph township and rolled over. Jones received minor injuries in the impact but was not hospitalized. Constable D.R. Vance set damages at $400. Saturday at 6:15 pm. Constable W.R. Disher set damages at $1,300 when a vehicle left Con- cession 6 in London township and struck a fence. The vehicle was reported stolen earlier in London. 1111111111 lll I l I ii I lllll 1111111111111111111111111111111flu Suzuki Goes the distance from the RM80 Honda. Try wearing one out. SUZUKI to the GS750 at g toiLLy Two persons suffered injuries and damages were set at $4,200 in four accidents investigated this week by officers of the Lucan detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, Early Saturday morning, Michael Higgins, Mill Street, Exeter was taken to University Hospital, London by Haskett's Ambulance after the vehicle he was driving left Highway 4 a half mile north of Mooresville and rolled over. Higgins suffered a broken leg and arm. Constable W.T. Hodgins set damages at $2,000. Tuesday at 2:50 p.m. a parked car owned by John Lambourin, RR 2, Granton, was struck by a vehicle driven by Richard Hastings, RR 3, Ilderton, The LarnbOurn vehicle was parked on the Main street of Granton, Constable Hodgins listed damages at $500. In another single vehicle mishap Sunday afternoon, a pickup truck driven by Carl VJilliain Jones, Lucan left sideroad 25 between Concession 2 G ULL SPORTS & RECREATION LIMITED Vorno Ontaho NOM 2R0 D.ol 519462-5004 E. Hwy. #4 S. of Exeter Ph. 228-6281 1