HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-04-21, Page 15HI NEIGHBOR! FOR ALL YOUR PROTEIN, SUPPLEMENT, MINERAL & VITAMIN SUPPLIES VISIT: 294-6687 229-8210 229-6258 Wayne Mellin, RR 3, Parkhill, NOM 2K0 Terry McIntosh, RR 1, St. Marys, NOM 2V0 Wilf Paton, RR 1, Kirkton, NOK 1K0 Albert Tuckwood, RR 2, Granton ( home) 271-3862 (farm) 225-2237 Farm dealership enquiries invited for local areas not represented LIQUID FEEDS INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 50 Crimea St., Guelph, Ont. Phone 822-5550 - TOLL FR EE 1-800-265-8335 Times-Advocate, April 21, 1977 Page 15 ANYTIME... ANYWISE.. ANYBODY Aar a ertVir h • Registered Herta Barley • Complete Line of Forage Seeds • Plow Down Mixtures ROBERT E. FORREST CUSTOM CLEANING SEED GRAINS Vita Flow Seed Treatment Hard to Match Prices On: Ed-El-Fa Farms Ltd. Box 344 HENSALL, ONT. 262-2627 262-6048 Save $$ Now On These APRIL SPECIALS 10% OFF * Batteries * Tune-Up Kits * Hydraulic Cylinders * All In-Stock Toys 5% OFF * All In-Stock Paint * All In-Stock Radios FILTER SPECIALS * Ford 300 Oil Filter BUY TWO AND RECEIVE FREE FILTER WRENCH * All Other Filters BUY THREE AND GET ONE FREE We Have A Complete Line of Parts For Briggs & Stratton Engines Better Farming Starts At EXETER FORD Equipment Sales. Ltd EXETER 235.2200 isimmigoimompoy Tractors Equipment feSIPME LIQUID HERBICIDE FOR BEANS THAT CONTROLS... BOTH • 0 IT'S A LIQUID. That makes Afesin convenient to handle and easy to apply. There's no carryover residue the following year. 0 ECONOMICAL;TO USE Afesin is one of the most economical herbicides you can use; One pre-emergent spray gives you full season control, FOR ALL MAJOR BEAN CROPS Afesin is registered .far all major bean crops. Field Beans (Kidney; White and Yellow-eye. Lima Beans,'Snap BeansySoybeians CONTROLS WEEDS AND GRASSES Afesin controls both annual brOad leaved weeds and annual. grasses, The result is increased yield and better quality.beans.' . FMC of'Canada Limited • Agricultural Chemical Division,: Burlington,"Ont. Afesin Is a registered trademark of Canadian Hoescht Limited WEEDS and GRASSES, Mitchell 348-8433 Hensall 262-2527 Granton 225-2360 Hensall District Co-Operative Brucefield 482-9823 Hensall 262-2608 Zurich 236-4393 Get yours... while the getting's good! LAURIER*BARLEY HIGH-YIELDING ...6-ROWED pt. CONTACT YOUR LOCAL Lip STEWART SEEDS DEALER Ciba-Geigy Seeds Ltd. SEED OXFORD OATS PRODUCTION CONTRACTS LAURIER BARLEY For information, contact: LARRY MORRIS, STEWART SEEDS, AILSA CRAIG, ONT. (519) 293-3211 *A product of Macdonald College research GIFTS FOR FARM SHOW PRINCESS — Carol Allen, RR 1, Woodham recently attended the annual meeting of the Elimville Women's Institute to share with members the privileges and duties she has as Western Ontario Farm Show Princess. Presenting gifts to Carol on behalf of the Elimville WI her sponsoring organization are president elect Mrs. Murray Coward and retiring president Mrs. Howard Pym. T-A photo • Exeter joins fight on new chain saw rules On July 1, all chain saws must have an anti-vibration device and chain brakes, and that includes all existing saws as well as those just coming onto the market. Exeter council this week quickly and enthusiastically endorsed a recommendation from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority that the new regulations apply only to new chain saws. The Authority said that many of their present saws could not be equipped with the new devices The public is invited to a special meeting of the Huron County Board of Education on April 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the board's offices to consider secondary school literature texts. There has been some con- troversy concerning certain books. Some were described as being obscene and pornographic at the last meeting on April 4. In that meeting, Lloyd Barth, RR 3 Blyth, made the claim that secondary school students in the county are being subjected to "literary filth" in books used in w. English, courses, - The books he cited are part of South Huron District High School's course. John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice and Men' is used in grade 12 four-year English course. J. D. Salinger's 'Catcher in the Rye' is used in both grade 10 five-year English and grade 11 four-year, and 'The Diviners' by Margaret Lawrence is used in grade 13 contemporary novels study. The board has invited prin- cipals and English department heads to discuss and evaluate, with the public, the contribution made by the texts to the course. By Wilma Oke The Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board will sponsor up to 30 teachers to the family Life course at St. Jerome's College, Waterloo, in the summer of 1977 at a maximum cost of $3600.00. The tuition fee for each teacher is $120, which the board will pay but each teacher must assume any travel or boarding costs, Before each teacher takes the course he or she must be ap- proved by the board. Trustee Michael Connolly said, "Paying $120 per course we want to be sure the teacher will con- tinue with our system, The taxpayers are paying." Mr. Connolly expressed his concern that all schools should have teachers taking the course, and that some schools should not have a bigger percentage than others, The board members decided at the meeting in Dublin Tuesday night that they want a cheque disbursement summary mailed to them with the agenda When available, and time will be set aside at the following board meeting for trustees to direct questions, if any, to the finance committee for elaboration, The clergy-board liaison committee will meet April 14 or 21, or as soon as a meeting can be set up with the clergy, to discuss the problem of the spring break period in 1978 being the same time as Holy Week. On the committee representing the board will be Mickey Vere, board chairman, Michael Connolly and Donald Crowley. If the committee recommends that the spring break week be changed to another week, and the board approves, then the board. will make a submission to the Ministry of Education for final approval of a modified school year calendar for Huron-Perth area. Phase 2B, Focus on Faith, will be held November 20 at a location not yet determined in Huron or Perth. Bishop Emmett Carter of London has agreed tentatively to attend. This meeting will be attended by trustees and their spouses, principals and their spouses and parents representing each school in Huron and Perth counties. John Vintar, Director of Education, reported that five applications have been received Plan session for Friedsburg Friedsburg Days 1977 will be the subject of discussion at a public meeting at the Dashwood Community Centre Monday April 25. Last year's officials have in- dicated adequate interest must be shown if the popular event is to continue in 1977. The 1976 committee met Monday and decided on how the funds on hand will be distributed. A donation of $4,000 will be made to the Dashwood volunteer fire brigade to assist in their building project. Amounts of $1,000 each were approved for the Dashwood athletic field fencing; Arc Industries and the Shriners for crippled children. for the two French teaching positions to be started on the first of September with the teaching of French to he started in Grades 7 in the schools, Interviews will be held as soon as a committee can be set up. Mr, Vintar and Superintendent Joseph Mills will attend a meeting in Toronto at the Ministry of Education where the Hon, Thomas L. Wells will be explainingthe program toimprove and expand the teaching of French as a second language throughout Ontario and if there is any plan to implement additional financial assistance to the board for this program. Superintendent William Mills said that each of the 19 separate schools in Huron and Perth will be holding special programs to mark Education Week being held across Ontario April 17 to April 23. The theme this year is Growing with Dignity and will focus attention on education and make it visible to the community. Mr. Mills said the importance of the Week is that we must enable children to learn without fear of ridicule or destructive criticism and to recognize that all people are entitled to have a mind, a heart and a life of their own. Twelve of the trustees who attended the annual conference of the Ontario Separate School Trustees in Toronto the first of the month, along with Mr. Vintar and Mr, Eckert, gave reports on the meetings they attended at the conference. A letter of appreciation will be sent to Bruce R. Heath, Director of Children's Aid Society of Huron County, for serving since late 1975 as a member of the Early School Leaving Committee of the Board due to his pending appointment to the Children's Services Branch of the provincial ministry of community and social services branch and his change of residence to Toronto. Will send 30 to conference School board sponsor teachers and the costs of replacing them would he prohibitive in view of their limited funds, They also noted that the need for the new safety devices was questionable in view of their safety record involving chain saws. "It's a good promotion to sell chain saws," Councillor Ted Wright commented, adding that the new regulations were ridiculous. The only dissent was expressed by Councillor Ken Ottewell, who wondered if there should be a time limit placed on replacing existing saws not equipped with the devices. However, Wright suggested that a saw that was alright now would still be in good condition in the future. Councillor Harold Patterson wondered what all the fuss was about. "I can get in trouble with a hand saw," he mused. Debate books this Monday