HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-04-21, Page 7EVENING WEAR FOR SPRING - Left to right, Dolly Steeles, John Anderson, Dorothy Bradley and Bill Timmerman took part in a fashion show at Grand Cove Estates last week. The models attire came from McKnights Men's Wear and Boyle's Ladies' Wear, both of Exeter with Carpenters Optical and Palmers Flower Shop supplying some accessories. Photo by McKinley Grand Cove residents 'strut' in popular fashion show . Times-Advocate A ri121 1977 •te`:.1.• * * 1:1* 40" Ofr .4t tik 41°' v-- 0*: fe 4- 4- * *44 • * * s • * • 4.0. 44/., OLDER, AND GETTING BETTER - That was the mood of those attending a fashion show put on by the residents of Grand Cove Estates in Grand Bend. The fashions were geared for the spring season and were donated for the occasion by several Exeter stores. Left to right models Marian McFadden, Pete Chambers, Helen McKeever and Bob McCutcheon pause to show some of the more formal wear of the evening show. Photo by McKinley SATURDAY APRIL 23 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. FREE COLOUR PORTRAIT OF YOUR CHILD NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY London's finest child photographer will be in our store to take pictures of your child. Receive colour portraits far superior to any you've previously experienced • with Kodak's new professional colour film and advanced lighting techniques. Just come by our store during the day and hours listed below, Photographs of your child or children will be token in a full professional sitting, limit one free portrait per family. This is our way of say- ing "Thank you" to all our regular customers and "Welcome" to all others. AGE LIMIT 5 YRS. However, older children will be posed with pre-schoolers, H 390 MAIN ST. EXETER vimaiotomememisermw 111111111110.011111fte TENNIS ANYONE? EXETER TENNIS CLUB Invites YOU To Attend An OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, May 4, 8:00 p.m. Exeter Public School Library * General Meeting • Tennis Instruction • Film Presentation • Refreshments • REGISTRATION • CLUB MEMBERSHIP RATES Family $25.00 Couple $20.00 Adult $12.00 Student/Junior $10.00 the 1976 exter Tennis Club Paid Members receive an equivalent membership this year free, providing they register soon. All members receive prime court time, lessons of discount prices, free tournaments tinclsolnpa nion competition, Come out May 4th for an enjoyable and informative everting and help get the dub off the ground, For further information please contact: Mrs. Agnes Cot- trell 262,2112, 235.0270; Mrs, Ann Gray 23$.2681; Mrs, Ruth Mercer /35.0342; Mrs. Fran Shaw 215-0200, N A EDO Puppet Oven Mitts 1.44 Ladies Briefs Reg. 79e 3/$11 .44 Putt Putt Shorties Reg. 89c 2/$1.44 Thermo Coasters Reg. $1.99 $1.44 Playing Cards Reg. $1.69 $ 1.44 5 boxes Facial Royale Tissuet (60)9.44 Hartz 30 oz. Bird Gravel Reg. 69c ea3/$1.44 Faster Type Foam Mats Reg. $2.99 $ 1 .44 Feather Ade Budgie Food Reg. 693/$ 1 .44 Boys & Girls Ass't. Tops 1.44 Hartz Spray Millet Reg. 79c2/$ 11.44 Reg. $1.99 9.44 Potting Soil Reg.6943/1 1.44 Ladies Beaded Halters Reg. 99s 2/$1.44 Rubber Balls Reg, 59c 3/$1.44 .1•1101.1•1110=1211=110111•11 Viscount, Pkg. of 3 Men's Briefs Reg. $2.24 $ 1.44 Ladies & Children's_ Sizes Slipper Socks Reg. $2.99 $1.44 Boys Cushion Sole Socks Reg. 99a 2/1.44 French Cologne Reg. to $3.25$1.44 Running Shoes Reg, 1.99 $ 1 .44 Bird Treat Dinner Reg. 99ct2/$1.44 100% Polyester 4 Ply Embassy Yarn Reg. $1A 1.44 Sparkle 4 Fragrances Air Fresheners Reg. $1.17 2/$1.44 Capstan Knitting Yarn Reg. 89ct 2/$11.44 All Occasion, 10 Sheets to Pkg. Gift Wrap Reg. 99c 2/9 .44 Plastic Drapes Reg. $1.69 1.44 Festival Candy Assortment Reg. $1,9 1.44 IONNONI1/4....*.ssilwriffsEn~xemar Terry Print Apron $ •44 Plastic Shopping Bags Reg, 69c 3/9 .44 Earthenware Mugs Reg. 49c 4/1.44 For Summer Picnics, 80 to Pkg. Paper Plates Reg. $1,57 1.44 Some Quantities Limited $0„,.,,•••••••>4.- Polyester Assortment of Kitchen Gadgets 3/$1.44 Everloft Stuffing For Spring Clean Ups Rubbermaid Buckets Reg. $1,71.44 Ladies Scarves 4/$1•44 2/1.44 Reg. 39c Reg, 89 "The Family Store with the Hometown Feeling" Hardhead by Flair Reg. 89c 2/ 1.44 4.4 Present day leader depicted in pageant the showing were Marian McFadden, who was stunning in several pant suits; Dorothy Bradley who showed a beautiful red and white border print dress to great advantage; Dolly Steele who's slim figure emphasized the coolness of narrow strapped sundresses complete with matching jackets and Helen McKeever who was stunning modeling • a green watercolor hostess gown. Modeling the men's attire, Bob McCutcheon brought a roar of appreciation when he appeared in a man's three-quarter bathrobe ,aad,matching pajamas; Pete Chambers appeared ready for gardening in a versatile outfit, although he confided he hates gardning ; Bill Tim- merman, who made the most of modeling a three piece Johnny Carsen suit and John Anderson who was the finale of the showing in a white dinner jacket with velvet collar and matching dark pants. The show was a complete success and comments flowed freely from the audience as the models "strutted their stuff" in a most convincing manner. As the commentator, Mrs. McCutcheon, put it, "We didn't try and get Twiggy or Rock Hudson to model because our models are just as good, We're not getting older, we're getting better," With that the showing ended and everyone sat back to enjoy a light lunch a cup of coffee, and some good conversation. Wins afghan in local draw Mrs. Jane Truemner, Main St,, Exeter, was the winner of the Exeter Minor Hockey afghan draw. The profit from the afghan draw brought the group an ad- ditional $330 while the last two bake sales brought them $181 and $178 respectively according to Peary Lathwaite. During the morning service Sunday at Trivitt Anglican Church Young People of the congregation presented a pageant named "The Way of the Cross;" depicting a present day Church leader who expressed doubt about the relevance of the Christian message for todays people. While he and a sceptical young lady discussed the matter, two Messesngers arrived who had witnessed the excitement of the Resurrection of our Lord. A Pilgrim of Yesterday arrived accompanied by the three Marys and a band of little children all witnessing to the Christ, his teaching, his redemptive death Raffle aids YACMR The Easter raffle held by the South Huron YACMR group was a success, adding $206 to its bank account, YACMR members would like to thank the com- munity and South Huron District High School far the support given._ YAcma stands for Youth Across Canada with the Mentally Retarded -- the word "with" being important because it emphasizes equality; which is exactly what the group wishes to promote, Each of us wants to be able to approach each other as equals, as friends, Through social nights, winter carnivals and just being together everyone is able to work together and treat each other as equals. Your support of these programs through fund raising projects helps the group accomplish these goals, YACMR also hopes to educate the public and overcome the misunderstanding that surrounds the term "mental retardation," Your support of these projects reinforces the notion that the group is successful in this and that you accept the idea that the mentally retarded can make a contribution to society. YACMR was pleased with the public response it received and hopes that it can rely on such support in the future. If you are interested in learning more about the group contact Maureen Hartman, president, at 235-0880. IN HOSPITAL Murray Neil is a patient at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Final show frolicsome Artistic Director William Hutt to-day announced Theatre London's final production of the season and the final production which ends a spectacular era for the "old" Grand Theatre. Moliere's School for Wives, directed by the incomparable Jean Gascon, C.C., features a frolicsome cast: Donald Davis, Brenda Devine, John Gardiner, Irene Hogan, Jack Medley, Sam Moses, Jan Muszynski and Jack Roberts. The final dedication to the "Grand Old Lady" is ap- propriately offered by Moliere's School for Wives. Like the play, many men have flirted with the lady and though she may be described as a cultural coquette, the love affair still continues after 75 years. The conquest of cancer con- cerns everyone, Protect yourself and your family with medical check-ups, Help others with a generous contribution to the Canadian Cancer Society. and subsequent resurrection. All doubts were banished at the sight of the empty cross; and the sudden appearance of the Angel Gabriel confirmed their faith and strengthened their resolve to bear the cross and so ultimately win the Crown reserved for those who are faithful. The cast was as follows: Paul McAuley, Tracey Campbell, Paul Campbell, Stephen McAuley, Steven Wells, Leslie Campbell, Jane Sims, Brenda Murray, Nelson Monteith, Robert Sims, Ruth Ann McAuley, Patty Dobbs, Fred Dobbs, Tommy Humphreys and Terry Humphreys. The Church choir, under the direction of the organist Mr, G. McAuley, sang the musical numbers, with Pat Dobbs and Tracey Campbell taking solo parts, A special feature of the Easter celebrations was the Easter garden in the Church Vestibule arranged by Mrs., G. Anderson, Mrs. E. Skillender and Mrs. T. Lavender, Miss M. Bissett donated the flowers in the Church to the glory of. God in memory of loved ones. It was an evening of beautiful clothes on beautiful people as the residents of Grand Cove Estates in Grand Bend gathered to watch their neighbours "strut their stuff" in a fashion show spon- sored by several Exeter businesses. It was also an evening of fun as the commentator, Julie McCut- cheon, seemed to have an endless supply of quips and jokes con- cerning not just the participants but those enjoying the show as well, to the delight of all. The close to 90 Grand Cove residents who attended the fashion show put on by other residents saw the latest in spring and summer fashions for both men and women from the stocks of Boyles Ladies Wear, McKnights Men's Wear and Carpenter Opitcal. Palmers Flower shop supplied spring bouquets to give the Grand Cove recreation hall a touch of spring. Smart pant suits for the ladies were a big hit with jackets varying from sleeveless to capes over matching vests. Johnny Carson leisure suits and several three piece outfits for the men in the crowed brought applause from the ladies as well as the models circled the floor in their spring ensembles. One very different outfit which attracted a lot of attention was a kaftan in a brown and white print. It had one long sleeve with the other side of the dress being, the more usual kaftan straight bp' and down style. For dancing it would be ravishing with the flowing kaftan side of the gar- ment showing to its full effect. The eight models involved with