HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1874-6-17, Page 1, "� , ,,,r,wqw--1 I I ­ � I 1- Lj�l . I . $ - , .AR. - I .t!� T_�z . �, 1, I I . . � . ( I I I I 14�1' - , *, I 1 7 I _N . � - �� , � a- - " e, . - , . - Ime 7 � - I - - ­', ­ - __7 - � I . - I . - , � - -, � . -1.1 sh"'ea " it$ I - -1 . � - - -77"7�� , ,�,�' 1, . . 0 - , _. - A 1,: a __ _. � I I- t.", ­.� - .�'.. ­ ­# ,� � " �A! IF.., I 7-wr , .1 L M AM= � 4 11 . 1. - 4 Cfoi, -` , _ I I I 11 10111 . I - __.� i" I I � -.- 4 .- . - � _ �, , r . I . I = a" a*, 1 6 -1 !.,,j�-,;:v" � ,,.;� _'� , _ 40 . ­ -, - --- - __ rawau� " - _­_ . .� �, � ­ - �_�., � fa,_ -r,f-*.- * � . � . .% �. 11 - � � _",.r,k___. -_ - � - _11� --- � " -,- I iiii I - new-- .., *I I , _�,, . I - �11.0 _ 11 I" . -"1.t___ Vow - , - . � ­ f ­' I �% .. - . r--. 4 ", I " � __ - . 1. - - --:!, -__7 . ­ $0 ef be . . ", I . __ � �- � _ . d . . .; 4 , 11 0 �,�, ­_ -.1 . I . vf , � r l, a S � I . I f, *1 . � I . *8 Men In I I . r, * - � �", I . . a . . � I . I � - : � - . , , - " rr , Ike. Imp ftawd, - - �, - - 40 � - - , ".--- . _' . - I , 111 . 40 t � - � . I I ­ 1, . � (am*&U� LOA) _� I I I I . 1�41 I - I I I., ­ I a . I . t . I � I 'amuml a. Loose ftems Pdsw* is . . . � � 1. . I =A Von :. - � _ 4 - - 406 - - - . . tin toobs, pftwd 6" p*Mko".Aeodwka. � Ic -_ ,---- _______ -_ �--- _ - - --t-s --- = go bm. waidandowAir asomw I I ___ ­ - .-- ___ -, - !1�_ - I "Thisorstattifistpossaime0a, fouserals, Viewmewisuab . 48.1, I � - � - -,--. . � bw to home .-.A - . "Issweem'S01060.400heam.. iw _ t, .r jft am annual Pow." on*. - - - -T ... I!lltl...'� 00�� 61, I I ­ � . - -_ � __1 " " �m� = ----= -- -------- a - "W_ - � . - a I J. J. MULL. 'i, waa­=,:==��_ -. --- . -_ ------ - , . WyTO1,E No. 1426. *"" . . Dourrointivis. -annang � asom I" I t, xxvn. NO. 22. GODERICIR. ONTARyn, wrnNrST)4T. YME 17, IR74. 0.0,5 T 08 wittempeou, W - . -1: a" all" * I. ­ - - -, ___ - ___ dky iw "64066 _ besou Wk 0 60ormorm-- - ___ � , _ - - _,_________.__ - __ - __ -.--- � � =ft- A& good" Is sioutim � I" ,ow E �Ad� I � I . 2 7 -fl",* T=". -.,Z aim - U �71���t ..: . � IT .aw - so'" *oft La moved ad .w -_ his it, 666.w or I. Q: 6.;I%mh 7:1 IA�'� " amid laerk, 4 ! ad 00 bombwuom. with wb" 44 awid..~. .,�.to.r.bombs*4 IPC b. , - i ;.wi. .L". ;� I inagove a bow meow be now it- - - , , A IFLE Yov SICK t " I goods' News— is is mAd that - Attefin". cirv. . OL blowd an my it sea a&&"-" is IDW6 Ask a mooL. to 66" zArn of AMJMTMMO 1 . - � - 4, 44 wriald mair;', am llossock Time wooks I MI, and na , st..."'.4-Z = so" Mamom , , 6ow" ad &New �it _ z-z� - - - _ - to lit"a . fus wou me" 40 --- - . 0A, %jaim-NJIG" ows"Rell bar Role- won wamdn-,. them son m rdso,- 4-W. = them author =an& ad Woods. 0 as�p the bw lowdshms best bum lisp Joe ... M IRS".-" r It.. m ft. ,.�tue'*w,� No one o� of salpfidair. Ed, _.as. _��___7__ . %"..N"V. .0m..&=="� maw Long Us 33. -Me ]ft aw raff 03W : nom- "am 's awash mbig, we is the am =:I;:- as omw..bw evisis thus ardlen am Wdmmdz 6@wvid ad on mum an . , ._ I � � - -notillink, theme "a T%o seat &I tbas surviory wm "a& "M 0"4 4111111110 Nougat I am knew " " some ft@" b"g as," 1 A � ,, - 41. IL 0. A V. A. A . M. The" lowest oo, b" '..t.w Poo &mod smarmosifif Wit is- -W _ "' ose.... hows 6 1. " name 41, , """Two PRAIIIIIIIACCUTWAL OUS11111111111T. ft isvisawal boy (XA^ � is, lisgeddiNed %baw. he's sprawled owit be st, plimus lillso metronome wAN6. mod P" - wait a suJisgood "6biw, moved -I* . - eft - P@mi d mji�� t. Iwoomewerassolis -.N..d awe - - AAwwmj1 to sew tea, "4o� of remok " , I ben*. -kp --it -d6% ad I% mo*m w,**�- � -,dim ...Nw.*Agm=- Aw a boo them@. awLab6 lorkbak malsamobel madw' full 680$h. .vii.e. = by *$%a" == = _* easy hisol so moo. P.alknol, who tvirre a - . ae 16 Is a" ?= .# -" M. he" base be. '" 41sy who* swift a mailemwebook -=me. moo abo4dw9im .awasivand by 60 ". " - " �z 41r. .. vo@NW biomass as& bfimaY"b-ft.= .; 'anii.e. &I. awL I 6 aismob, i� 'A Rod nodia'tb* n.-*papw. so I ' i C6�� woo -be-* qp-m. gA so te'u. I dam'% believe mayb--dy amit sued ;. no.b... aments, I affAme Very., @&A I 4ke" vsk -4 a oesipseA. Am %bes _?l � - � :,� , , be 0ouk Rod ==a W. , OWN kowwaa saw Ifies, sewAAma- =6:= mmwb. visa those hand bobbies' sisual wWAaw of Mr. Mwm4-o,s ithow she Q bomosighl ban .1 @am of to tyrissixim ever bhol= car"all hydr-ow mad sma�ma �% - I OL UM".��. I I alsfialims mod a i,�b&w ; tir wheal with 4mlk& so wait a Assirlydabioned'.wrom thni"wasor. ki""4`15�,R- . � a I*~ beemanum how owe sLAo to t, .&it". " 'ad to -4--L , old mad, Iss," saidiihowas. &a be 64 a philhollsity Its- �., ­ -LL . . ... 11s. of* wan� as 811 am, foris� ii1sussy or These, owe a "Its as she 64 ,.N" bull it. .Uou "'a time in Irep & NmL&hakm�mm LL 11 ad to the sopwsnm& W Aft. I MW Drink walk me, sod drilish an It ad . ­ . "I - F . - - ! A of the bwA. End der bftmw 1106mr- humbly b4w" a&& 146immossom 11 1. - .. a" .am to _-_ � - - .4m�- Iny-mb 1102. Fuzz Dav U) 7*407 welo� to my map, = is this I a - .Ad Idus Pol-� -M Gh- lowersts. wA&� I M4 Pw " A%wftin @1116A wft - , - ~ tram 611 This. 6" a sit-al"as z&�-.-..-tZ.-.-:- 4OU19. Is a IIJM Yom Ili"-, =�-, .9 I lask. Sinfil whad. %Nod ad twai� " -- - or Ask boo 6- him In aseL So ft=& . 0;,- 1=::::::*.=::*_* � &911 Or ruir asiD MOB?Ax. Ceimild 56 shows or med top 64 or; It %he sosw**&� ed tit* asommotaure. '1111-. regbi- asibo% I be"& It my- estimates of sombinsholas as moo" bw Ime rwtr" -A mrown, as :: ___ __ _��__ - ��­ make the nook of Ide roe Near - ton they I - 8061, A&WA she. sod tie. man" .4 emolas "A �v.,* . �- s be" of Insist sad I I = .. buto safts, - be .O.P.L I : ......­. ... Na�_.'Iwumau &aamoup in tow -4646b wrikk4to i I I I 6", kL, .. y tot he" is. wood I" pow *bfto 6- safth-riso todombon from a of - . . . .:a Berm EMAM orm MadW "re. Lito is short tied wows 60-Y v ben idwely moo" is In. emp a bloalk peavent, somolyhoss a. ban *we arm mA as &art 1-61 F.A. foe* wi&boui flyaoind .v= A '*,------P;;Z-rl.----1*4kvlbp I *Tpbl�: . Is , o'dill". t time P--,-. p- - - I 11119 we Jose fAvA Wobed hits Is ohs ookmi"a is am ka so an eV6, to, ... I I'd tka I ttabiw amen wis" be use*- .w A Wit,, - I I . minimal a.,.. . ...... K&MUmowAanooDmwu. Bush alibal are swums And th -Ii F4� is swaWmL't Ime."1=41= Passel, dowle so tba am �� - - - - . .;n,, � ...... :.. . : I *:,: Iff �� I " ... . - 0*! so; for I should not but* &moo bewoolivit I" on- mosea hikety -0 an awassia . Towl, , . " I -@base- qo--- To Q- - * 'a I . . 7: �: A 0AYT. W. 00X, - IsloorsiMato 00L]11:00401". ­ m wssew$ ba4s6otAdbow4Ow"6we finve 4.6&li" bin I E�.Rr. To 'jul, is . . fil , .:.:::. eat %W P.Phnom %-Ad a. Y.'" w.",iy bwt,. 1,91"ad T11111 knaw ad . I L'Tu owirsts Nosaix uum&- Where Y" mon no Tliumm's a as�. inimise, 441% massur rion *.a an and to Ibe the o"I.-its .1 41ho c6r" to =mls: FLastor Iniffividesk I 4 ram L)"W . ww- - !�"!t I to in to waft" To 6=21 -I boost am my any a--& 1freal a .1 .N.tw 464 a I of am seek-- jul;:11 but f.r Y'� I "Ii.re 1 ah*41J .1.1wwl.kA pabiwwemomww, makinA 6 rate amount - - CL=26" Theftik I - -, - ,sm, I wo I 0 hommuseep �.p" b.�.w ft. 6"16 1116 . " be a it I is as mkr I wassom Awks, �` --pe-Aed by a . E.J.wisom %pow*" Thsun I " bluse I= U. - . D,A bin I I - I& we Nos." a 4, amwo;mm mi we straw, we Torress= Clustied. opme, mol mad thay. __ ThromAom ww- I'A I a! 04 our *am an 6, iqlAams, ,vwm6-aft baired , "a I kav,.� i 51= 10, - " =1 , I .,.--..d"mL2n� 0= ..... � .1 ­. I—- 11 'A" t �k*zbvbu vam6w Ian* "" or. I 11"A *it ", i - ­ T mr a$ uqm. mi evil adolmd 1110% aa.s ultirm, ftuarihom*-. I 411 I% _i_A�� Vol asquise m*40 ��* I -- � wiA& at* unmasking at lb 0 - .. ~ W660 . 6 - on, - , - , so afewassalwas InEZ-F-se -.-- � __ SE -.Wtv= ._= 2. to -w 66- W_% ampwu"7 14" weekly fings 19mi.posim ;& i 1*25 a must woes" &go #A&t I w -.IJ &.% Law. a " a. a gave Ims a --- . fistle. a. , uwko* ine - 0 = beam, 4"nmg women to the hoe" " histid as I held my 6.""4 of woes. mass .#__ _so so asoil � I- ----. - - isma"s, koon wink IrW tam up 7A.-= her � fiendamn ad as ::Odkam .1 -_ --- W= an" , L g Dnqp. rooms K"N"uk - ___ ,.I", " . they mom those � wAmmwak& a so" by " -- L *tn d - _ ­ @I" I ShIL vie4mbr am =. pl.6m4 to to the 1�1=qvaw �, _�'A, "a didn't." .bpw,*.i Mi. - - bkv--*Vphks% 6-400*miow ad am f .=a! aMb. c�"A%: Ap-sollph . . - IA-...Ol ... as 111-1" we home" to saw Alonev to ,,,an . ,- ­,-, = =PVL , wasse. :.g.,I" .1 moodabon" 6" -ne, own now -smig ! awns lopw Rome no moba 1111I � an I := so" taw - beam me , As for Waggis, he me estimated the . - =:1 MM �11111"& monomm-� Gas. .110". 60% Novi qsbe. , *'Trok" sod be ""use z bete" mom* 111juse4twell .".-�r 'no lie-nalowtv boonew� in by I Ism, bow ow_'-mJ!!M - - - - .tp:� I it Cr with � dabo UT;Lmsfogial now Poppin, evoks lftm�' Iwo had renewed, th," he "': .. a bakdAmonaM a OW" _ -Y �­ - - .__ 061P.43040a L. -C 1.6 t: ­ I ibrom�. - mi" poll- W. swayed at home .1 hims *we . am (-, a- to 41be eam*4wky waft ins, I me. P64 61 ipOWASSUNkIL, IT b=Mp so but bo%.= 'V - 19 . L d"m � 6w el� mi 11: m II. molght have been slifortotl of a 4,bd of . A bow to IRA 6m am meow The - as imat"at. litim, I I 11 parpmm is hors is .am - 1. �& - L, a" was er &L an Low as room ,eiw fe- Pamperer " I sm, T-&&"-" .A�m all W4064 tna I but I've AWA%ad " "y .9 assume my - a .1asintmot. I *me liem 16 on al"Is, a o e" &000 to I . . Lam" I" fiff , Q-�) any JnL mul mosisia Moo Oro& or"Ma. Pwft* ando -womemond IV tial, P I , Noon owls"'a lawwo-overy Weadea MAIRS." gpd A sivemimur famous so ragims; the I G -al's oodboamm. Is often, oww"bus .0 wlmmmkimi 84 = = I. by a* .an" - a& AA ". B.on"d = P -W - "-"-�s.G&W""JL,00@-*-&16- DTZ MM Ilyn FIRIUMS Am - ph"*& she am suirefted Pala. Rod in ohrea�tw with a �,=Obi.*� sued . � ,woutroomm, ap&-%W!2', 'a -musk , SpLonw.ain "d 4s6Nft26- . � � I _ _ k the bAsh, 00 - sad, b Ili. umd4 ha"tw. the dom4wil. --- - .4 le. .~ .__ - ___ __ 410-1.". 'hot In 4A iu-Piff. 1.1f, A., Fee _.W 40- F -U a= do b., ..ad 1. 'In .6. 4, :z I =:�r bete mamf offer mines found his .I. -I. a 1-a .f 4ornizoomi. wot,]a swl� ad - invited owns. "U"A - _� . fta&tWAlk. I. & awetossrihbw n'so, dImile, I" West all"=,, .. WI 1-sam $.U.N.% sam, r The = . I . MONEY TO LOAN 6 the video peftes. I . cbwm- The ometifer. .it. was als. a . -.AYR a. saw Imis ,- .4 . _� &�_ L . - Tm Modulus ­11obwasto-Ils r &*W *an &"# owdoesme bo4 tried so so 411. ­44*4 tom Rural imight, fight, ipme � - For �aw�t MAG Pessimism fait u*aasog fewoo,wer "4 of V` .aaiooaet4mlm-.Nmtm;- 1 -_ - I the 'on, h -i. . rs, aisaw Ohl Boom oll 446" too army mine. rratm"Led a frt�jlass aus,L�A abs 17 in OW moss be hmmetwood�le. . I Swint#* Wbredarle, - - -d,IV WIN ILATU OT . peray" the �1- andonmen an t1i"ree best we"i"Iss, - --- she" ­ Inskjolou Iotkg herself, she cliosso *me res"oAft to . Toodusisnow, At _�, , _� - I rbaser -loip-"ana�onoo,"om Ad: .""4A 66*1 ab." stately "Isseed, their am" .W as _ _ .- .- I I '... , - - -_ - - proliferations. Th " is d."w 1;2 . � --.;;7, C wimyow"y) sphsiong w" hislobas, . �11111 " I ­ - --,----xw ;BOLI)Pwnammt __ b:wtfi..s1dbs;1=�,. WLNW. .'be& I &MI suppose I enfold bar' It- - - A. st-1-1 -411 - " 1:7, It( yen havvyisZoowl my wea. I here z topothops '1416 .3 . . � M foil000loolgeopon "TU" it Is 'mid Nuky Ann. who had .1 v 1i "Tior somisely mi %rest& noun. the& bestodn"t half do the job, bet gaiased by low ow,a amhe the Is"" ! .8684 yeaus; and A I "s dalsowl own *&*"mead. boa "tow a -_ I ,�� to -mad .00m sake of *.ft do A Cbb� entered � a almore is Mat*- - : � I 41II&II509911M -w-- For we"'Volan App!A1. It. mom Bond's TODIC BittOrs- &bW4" "h*`gmT*`n ot,-* ,lw"" nUg"'!u As"' ' I after ameau owme"'t" nf rival 'a am ;"r low OA ' � an,,th-, it'. the 4�.7 .G1 ,.A.., ."I be =1 .... --.--- . _� . ifilet. L redowti.n she .ad ki"y -- ,..4p,, amod . ..-fit., . ,I... 4 - Isan Is Abe. 4ibm dw 40d. Malk. - I - a ead - ---w4iAV490t Ago"aigiiwi&. PZNI ijew LA,wCwmPilunt, IWPI' neddumt.ilitswusdiihmabilt-& Nov. ,,We're t I. , hvef r th-, te y getaway a a :,6P6J2X U!U � " log up be As answer, dove . . - I 1: ., � saw . Vt U.,tw.. .l.I.N.1hyl apAoilvalet'j, mismoored. U I I U 1�7 o I! '" ad I fabeet-1 boa tit*' you I.A4 awo,tw4,41-, .. . - - - method a qpuw --- _'. " - ot2abbm% @*4 T . I LL. lbourt, INAW--. end- psi on yew bet. and III nsM due a. End sior L.4op, ama*t wer to my time win , *Weai .8 mob "boom I wait wlll slash tempted t.. 0 ­Taimy - skindambill - = %t�abraqfil @o:t:t r . . vh�ax= - IUI-" Dismount. 0. be 4. - -%.I. .-K-timism.- . 111,11.11 - .n'.... a fessforable ellipwas Amid a kri� . sie�a . 'S" - I ______ -111111-W - " pitipsitiltria,.11witiliumbe. as tell him* I&'*. AU � a a U ! -ma-,d" sal.um� valS I *)md,.I-1*1- it -Un-M. ,L-.* We Doiji-I IS .6. _. .Vt Me . I . Tormt& . dir., dic., t'A-mmisiow it.,:sna1F(z_ a pwwa.. NeUm -I- as - �n- -howw"am, ,-if oGL~:-wv atwuj� Lithism. eW-ICT-t-bWralm am 161 be into to May Vid drive you tr,mlinam, ts..,, ininagelift her suspiewcow" kmam� 11 - = _____ . - . W.Es.. 0.11111- bow* all others, . `m`!1=pWA.as.'1 brokothum be" bAw cabbage .fib enrimod beef so saily am 6. lamilas" in wh&ss I G -A j o'n't"itasuad. I believed it wr"14 be Ill. - Yoe sobbe 00006*0 ps'"'oom a th IIII, %'.ill, mind y,u build qual the Itself" Laird i .oak. .1 .4 Ule Unlied Atat". . WW am U," 1� An,l Illoss -_ tliwo,vos onfidw %forwarder. Is -w -M . liappl.so a of hJ* all#% I should TU U)A.d St 8L Z'� * 1111AF01111". MONEY TO LEND A Call is romposibollf @*Uwt0d- dortw. swine' mud SmVy Ann. vio4tim. t.varvis Mr. MornAlow, -; the It omm started to her fast, fL.r a. ;I o4wr 1. to. "11L ollo, jZ�Jsvms sioko, wha has happen wu.l'& t W way. I kitzlieve. " R`n Y.m.1 i=rp=l&*11 - Twice At 0-ti7 1111101004 ZaW of bastreall u.d..h. U.mh seat. IN& b4.w on tin w,-st -.w b.1 ..at � ..', be$, Mr. Mo -14-a _. The h;a.riaLl udes.1 .f Vt. 11.1mom I. 0 ==Z==x`*1=1 __ . ad. tit" f Ham, the &-a sal Into the ,,I'll be ourv, to sm, the A"to6m a 11 .. u Ay book *a its basest -h-l* a his,t bow. 94� I it'. that stupid Maluse. 1. "vat 1p-1 wdriu'.' amid Nuk,y, deamrs,fy, " so "tie, DR. gift I'tam w.s&u failing *W lawfuguitkoaffew maid a based. rin = = loo mi amemot .f vaesell 1. em �__ - I cotle *0 sought the hall sul mi, the sken, '. I , "A its (I.Tw�.r be" "noib oft - I als.d.som ton h.- sawwwo ,mov. ., . i'. floe .4 - ,., . 9= ,yvllo�- all fria4mool, LW knew *6xb walsouly a all tollskli in her ellei Islas, come with a wand as of a th"mund ul-L I we missing" my mant �i�."tan�N.1 t is tiL &M t @..ft -ilk. Am he station ��Ifid= . NA..o.a I .... Iona %aIdd of I.P.I.-I. I' -few. . I I vVi but head was .u. I asked Madotse, .6-. site re"ted lics own A,vaiah,na Wk.,% Mom postulates .uw,.nc,Q her by taselY t-al-beemos; - W -W- ..I A-11 haulet, bounties, amad drum, &!I minst.4 .. ".".searrie to her swfrv�,&J a ".644644 Peters, �61 p n,,,,,, The anom, mat, "it " man saisibly shummus. IL a&& a "list w *I ,f tr IT. %- -_ C11.4D. folse-lawls W.D. oses"aftem. Very 11ft Wanted 1 -iy,hm a -yo -a--"t u- phism.-sel she broite, into a a -4 oat es.faim*4 rovidem J.'Palatwo I- $ was ., � he soJJ- 'it a Gil riffit. � * ista mi -on' lieval uturailles in the twonuft-l" ""ta' A,otingwith, Au,iJ the dl-. tU-! ofa,imptas t lwtet,"L tk" yin"N ww"mans. r""Ax'sonewsoll-8,41is-, 1=8 a HORACI HORTON I - I d--.-y,lto all I hL, I soly -ft k*'J wo.alnR - I 4 b. -As "&&=Ila Ad it . " I.f bum" Weld, pow, if tit" Rio t c.n.- I' --­ ...h "'. 3.("), .4, "I "" btu. .vw. Lima* st, h,k samonan" bon 11 . .r I '- J,jimprobarrilaor 611we "al"fas rov- i . any. Wo &I. r4r t7in the h,!Lw -oft -4 a) Jac. 1. t maspa ban pori -r &� .44 " I It --I. hmaublj�y m;o v An., but 61-h , wild tinring the past Taw,, years glassed @sew the peabow poew*6md 64 4 bat 'L a teelic simillaillas ve IT " memory: I I th,.p 21641 .bit. men kale wintgoassot to the AN X.1ply. of 'A foresiles. . " the 1. It u� 1'..uAsuR,'osj,scted 1. Linvo nposs, and a man esi­t bef',re them km� tit. I." ...emu of %bin Destinies Parties - q Ar filistrisfil so 131L. W.L.Oft". I gEw HARDWASr CORE .. MI " .. rop"!" *Asbuiewl both ."a*% .,j�rt Lb. t so t -�Lrdvw Cel* of flood H.Pe. s*4 241 hisersted meet fac the prasibibory bq- law. . , Why .Ild.-i 0 1-11 I . " dadow Mod .11 tkbwA--' biwls- be-* base I ­�tod I. t 11 p, -n- ; =1-6 = I I "Nostisseow? u,"'Nomew 76sta in'tion bre"ll. we b- three twit the, I have, *IV&v bRnqU(SL" mud 11L.TvIs Leove, Th. r ... no -M Laid sdatbossambat ad sigmism &It- I - __ - ___ �. __ �i CARD -,e ,"I).] onxckl - �` -, "ible", I 1". I 61 ars tack" as IstWors-.-Oatiorial, 94.031; 1 1 INSURfANC - as I" <; Imemobeforo'Aam? Its the ck"wa& 5i: . - I shank its -it" h4 twom i-T-1-ttod., . 8jr. C-I..Nl"v. Th.8.6�tvumibn tlelf�,.�­.fr._ I . I !! ;.A!.. have they ff.% mat, ,�r , -. on.lum ks�mm-�k "I ow. -k- lite rkp- 11x1~ an��a"ft. olk-entairupsV4 lMy Am-, "bait Raw, t is -i�?66"4 ff"Al 9lmUir=&-9`,0,%0 is to ; Now armowba.L&63k " issoul ownuo I i lean 1, the chi.heww latt.*t 4kiefshing every pinumant 4.1 sher dinner, but som ,,,w,-- awo" shod I @boqJd buys *"a all my like �O t1le,P WW routs baton falls" . l'bes, 12,546 . MAN sumanoll. be - Own, go.alm I -,,, ?. a "m = =' ", urM. ITI.'MARKETNUM that's hwpl�vnctl 1. as." . n�l,gkt .table be hr,,,,,i!-tt1f,&loo life he 11a addrommag sms Ponal. to be worried, I" AT this timo. olve-thild LAU44dP�T."Y1uavw%so. . life, doosaa. CLAM. Prime* Zolvard to P= j;U,am. "am. @via NARTI%,Az, .en-st-L I vialue "the wasso so an Ernest quar. I To, Infied j%asti) dape_ms" ��.wy in ,&low lonal, 11,340; British "wumbils., am W. . . ­WhT ahoulal I on", If it domain low wisiollia'a" 1144,64 UU lite it, o wat... the . b@1P-!__ --- . tue r sol.4- in all. a tow number so pedli�408 I . am& Let .P so " stsi� u" law j -.tr,-d in to, " r' L, . . I t --Tos.OoiryAmf" - - =7o=W:17&_-7_7_- ;:,'T'-'s�l"*'A"NL-g-"�:'�-:'- tt,l�k- rx , . 1 ­ x"... dim, hame'l" b-- A. a ft. sma� La, other "Isles of tin"All. - - 'L I -AT-L&o. A,& we-% r_� - I sesb,.A. bi� N u k.m*' at A�Laro,l -fly Vt no with omm' as sot "Woopil ad i r`T* 1. Visa roolduLA , ent3ndsmil by - - -_ -_ I .1 ­-­ --- . As�r. M of TH[ CIRCUIAR ski Llovir on it affaiint'", - showsmalsiffietsell lu"frosels"; .,we - 'To er VIEW I 0, t ad I- slemoo ll'urautna si , - I I&AM"xa 431D AT"Hum - __1 "Bet it d,es lived a* sousem �.,�t,�.,.I�.E.7 4, le,acktor, 4I-v4m%,Ir Wism The -1-dtLey Th. C.get. Or.q bodkowsol thO ft - � - :. offiwak.r�­vw owes. ' Y. ­ . - I --- . c'emeov. = 11. HORAC2 HOR10N . an& ,I wFf Not boa Position the P-- 16-7 own. ' A *-we*- awalshartly allow in slib" Genoa I - _= it No., n olmaims . bits muvm' lot. abil AvAd how":" o" th�'. nations 1184, -, a" alu, bad - -1., 't, to, r � . = b �._ ---------- OoApwkd @ft". . � I L - - , I omy stars' Thest . meet ! A famitly ties. from har bed W Anv. away the "MY lasiateir., thAThu�balkely led tomwough'im: =*a, rop,rl. thato, piroops"T wk" Ilt'does that the "lunwan &hall pairfores � I . I . � �v� AIM c4servew. orl. � s� liq I L . -fth a tinsees obtlefroo, I'll smorsest. All fet,.,tattrodows, sho u.a.;i J, t.. Imse, thad, .-And .by sh"ald I Issue lay ­rJar. 111,;rdy JWNT AM "nh,AM "� mine within the Poo s -lint yous $half droll tor I K76- 75 at thou .p44..q as - awg"La&gotAcMMf3fCNAPCSW.b& �__ __ ____ __ ---,-----m as 11111�: T VVAT 11itt tell gatenallod alp.tob" sin it" Issues At= bat bfutals a" bet" hoollaon 01141666riol leldUtAo.191401 tism, i" f, - old f,q 11112,(0), rorettil, hmught out, to ,nala, mad Intione at their onepauty. IFF a".. 0- h,- ;-. " , .q., Ilikin, mum.,,- Ladi_j. .fdt.wy, We sad matother, &oeoowwi as Koun hojWn. R, N&rtaim . E - "-.,%.-,- T Game" ... $"-mmtm libetrompling now my sh"Lown at Mr. M Ir sew who hem never shown eq kbbd� I as 6W�.4wp.md .1 fne Win than Theme ,*V, whi a" por. do- . . - , ]JUMalut. . . , . � '. � I . . r I�Iaf. . I . Vow me,srol wreaks Ili. �ly ustere6urfor to was, r, ., t_1? ;j.,.oJ =7.= I I . is. 16. VK),Vlr-lw. �_7 __� __ . - � - - _ - - COMPIL -T6 $TOOK OF ' fl,iva there win t n, thc4rooll Miss 111"e" I he ifire, lummilholdi van -Ithoo *Iufta-,. utA'A... lwo�a dying. , , � , boalitt 444 tooralitel the fair., their "east dirill eAhm in or out . . . - . thImhat"te, linqw.ver. seem to amil"vo of na.". it tis" " " -- Am Few BASAIRIM&A ,MI AT"IRWBI- Mol-lerroW . , Lr . ..Dyu vow miat as Dust&&". I . , diia. .- ju. 8.4anal, u" !!!! -Tff LIVERMOL&LOWDON1 . 1'6,��­ " d.knot It -4, but ma, last, ,~ arlitht tit -_ . L- ­ r" -a" r national "pw t Yvan", The Raw do ser,". will 66 n __11 . - 114 . . bat am% .111think so -. I mounting, the ssrfriiag�swfz . wrom ones The" was w,mwtl,lno in thaskesponiq ­ - elhole sumbes al,do"lls to 1012 wee tworwinuej And maugmed InA of supwass. I . 1111. , to-vr4b vrAwI@43w9 HARDWARE ; I . *Caual�.l =ass say lill -in som 4111 lommvq thrri"Ch the solution, 6- U� .f the am -or, in c,,li4rma44 fifth Pop- �ttam Ban""$ WRILIV.1 � - . boal"or. I - *Iqauinwm'o book &oor kin's asual groodl-loviu,s, that touched only ti--, Lad m. 66"6 of morts," mine askown .Ili reswit" y an to - - IT* g. tGaVARY. ­ � aIN -_ I --- - - - ­ amm! Reserved, the entire bqaan� of the mail, smA the . "esomen, ft .-.M.", 1 N Iql"41 C C_ I ___ arA! - - on - .fwlhwb.%,�% win we I W am limb, A 4. __ ______ �_­ 1- Th. NewToork Povdon lasbow . 0oiF .�b. = - a" � 4"4 all PWOMO*." ocurso " its" a dog � they alvaits 6s, ..i. __ -_ ____ - . -to i a mows �4 us do Doom or froge- -f" a enmrs owns low t. TIFA I Uil . A. -MA I A1361-��A,__ - tan -,meas Ila- lionesses slowasimso. whom ., t.4"wr mommoth, ' away be "Sully A=4 line lay I"ALA-6 , have puleartidly see" tit* matiouaincto ,-*I� t.r isn�l. Altifough fill. over foaxmaw pay. . � I MONET TO LEND. AvnU&biojmwsi6ow.qootlp"- I g1-6 _- I'd ratkw haves, domovichii-Iret, T'wed .fla. �womi bar Zz. "Int I'll and froserprnot, " sioll Iona lielevin Is of Ituld Imp'u-tasets of,in a - __� Am- "A u, two -- nr trawor-&- rent - I 6 -g.4 o ,-db,.td� o -t -h 111" I " � . she, � & w ­i ki,. Tor a r-ijurluity, steady with CAll"a, animosities, do so.dmw , , so -of pit to all th" - Silky o� wittintst - �m&vwwi Pellet of view. Ili* miwW Tin idetal # - T an ft. him my- A t&U= I)I.I.oking y"Quifors. 4" :! helped to rult them, . � ., 2I.;o. a! frith� wl!mo*U thus it is Ismard to be I. .�, ,go* Wk J!F,,Vs I .., Be" V I)OL self -s, newly, auerpts, little frisiter; I , alwar. . a are gailt to (junly that the' snow 66 luvOltuhho I-) "rest hilleint kit ReThngUy foe Me "we Th" MAW s%W Ir.a.."atia"I"OkAx. sudisslik!r yoUTV -XILLIONS 0 LAM ! L H -PARSONS & GO " T '7tba' ","'; 1 sesta4worwast, wbme swast I Ill .Tor ber .vn head. , I It f our citasel* nook* the I' apkela, 4um,�f war .1th a rin, Rowel mow mho everything be caa"a I* psi" cl.&A. %�eh. t� Lot. is". . J. -0!1[Ztic now 'Spossifte The Market Ilouse bowdum "Tit ."askorrOr" , . pouts, we he Env pe �J"=If, :-What I wrof r, 1 nze, , hot %. ofisrp.t It to wtm^W ad -mi madivey between .pimil. Th. MmvW u,,,pm butwo, � - C" - "A %Let r ­owd,i-.kjl� . Chmen by *we.: pair .1 �o4tp-Aab--, % sh,rt 11 asn't be I.1.P1=L1xm1'., l."1t1m.,,`m7=.z; ., .."rth.en �ha oumiimftbs .f Afriam, And Smash ­.T.Wtanow to Came,lis fig be Somegok .. VW. U. aqvirsess. 2h.awAw.t..-�;1U - "m '"ll - 98604 an. And mi - "A okerri-tr,tuoul.- I - - . swim (uhith. tit. he timamlo. mosmood -81317 girl: won, wbw. in Insist A *art - - `4 "s, * wob yo, . "'D* - v* smay ! n"IAWn not tow as, - . _- Aw"T to - ...... ,,, . . , , , . brojes. - -r T'" ft dv­ ad rmT tAlfV,' - A mod, , .C806"An __ Ab� _U " '" ""' a.m. is , L� oweA =4%dama a � " L ,­ . ifirals, alwoomm - to.wrion. rew as - I - __ � -,-:: L :� - - - . ur . 'I ""ad by the mi. aw 6" by a Wei -at feemi, -, _ I. I Balnuft'somee"'As. 4.4wbok4ft - �. W44L it's a n , and tie. mod a c4 th :-I--- Val" be "to itt, u- ­-� As Now a . . IN ______ " - - - s Afowuwuwni&-Ibmff! ,t4-1 ­411A, 4,.wfl�llaIf "Ups.tbywillibibershollion, here ,�;j L n I - � ��__ eskee, ".6-m 4-..&- Wool 1% a - *,,T;;Y--W-U-,"Amm J"c> Acriffir-4mm w,an ofii,11911ftl JW I . Aokb"� 1sAfwx4 she -h , J -M- .. .het,,Jfa� The its -Lidw" ms ofk'TI#Vmimraftg 11moil 'T the I - AT t4ftJL, N. ,&I*- ,� -;r;1MVwo,_ . I � � .am * sommati, .Lite - - _ -%- -__ -. __ __ - llateal,endwt�l I A03 -Iwo= sea Two. -he bwrunw 4 IT usam. thot short. dark curt*, Mfimdwww's rm4. As they e,.Ur*4 the i f-Assaimas to took a go obrwbwm. - - L I ane" lbradvok SON, , . hilp; & p", I ru be =ap f oibroad, brown a es. " pLrl,,r, Waggle, r"umml but I.,mor tl" A. fta torwaosbo WT lot" , The Rao&wu Version .1 the , - Jr. sr. WAL.&LIMIL Send ofilose. 0 CARR a. � In ,, They sought to Road how* found it -and � . L - I rrmxgv. At Law AND wmjctTowlo TRIKAL bown 4 - ___ ­­ 11411 stamusads, sprand toward them. g."Ill"ut we 9.7. -4 I" replaced $be him Ilowl - tit , - obomom.,o-,"-. seaway reem..'aw. U. P.C. mull it.11APIR&W A—- IT ::lite lo.osidlimew! a �.sonEL- waseedth4thr4ob.1-1 frith-takthe care- jus tooth Vith roe, letiLqn.kly duseelCm. I Trunk will model" a nalzow"I , 11 " , we have indiebool up= ourselves, He" An *telling contest was wiumnmbd is swTW to 4h. x; file on or babiop A* - z . �. GA - L 1111-ous.. .- A m�! of ila Utiasp r, -t" -f IrnorkmC and, glassuirg from ing by mount subtle instift.t ill" ill" I the r.,urt House, YLrd off Frittay hial, stopiew, bows, a" t. Isse, W . . . , , I is on -,mo emaLry, the LNuitinson . �. � A. U. to"- Asset ("It; 'd' -b I "lliewdutimes7lawasme was Iselp- 8-, w y Au* to the mistress, sew: laolootm.(q hell', n,,tham. I '.*'-'y mi Canallso. *4 large in arest Am Ili- Unit, 1 "t '"Q & mi A" "Re" mbisik, Uses w - � .--- - fi._�, - - _,L l4R,W* _,_ r _ � _ 1-1 . r go...ro.mmothing." asse. ..Muisloomallown,lf - I" .__ miressaid. to lusold Ili"&&" ,Aft hammodia" neighbodr, at "I's-theby"ejeti'ar A milits beidawast Wr TI* lCm is 'y the'Tamilost fileanin _'. r . 0.30&ujp - - ____ ___ _ "A twory - ,Robot a to sly. I base .1.1"t in My womMalf, =d jjji�Aj_ isijj6� 6w*. . -I - _ -der like mo-nh st,-p of the C.uft he-temiace Lhey e-moosumi spavoijam, - -_ L Wdir ,dNAVWW A" uninvapos­ . family,,Dm.na.wd Gunn. and east . go mine Lencwm sad eirsh-41"u, wit.11 , . A-00% ow. we P.Inve r It use. lar" and ,I.m Y hAwd r4m, bossing House- &W an Friday hor brood of (�o "treaty years,) the imp amount . al4mooftm - , oft" R LINE. L"..d S to, hat pt,ppin. "overi) 6". two th..Iemw sAim of opens" . , 016" OIIL AICRO , I L .1"'Phl"'. ou.1 he anibelL "My In shlah mi" Itenhil"I A. their Init Attempt to nt bi headrest saillboom "Ian, &bmm I - - obould ,11 r'd t- allow,11 * an I_. I.,lad #64.1( xLrA me "wk wad body to emu I'llaud on" Me, o 'muz instate?'Mr Merndo.."adishiiamph- beemelf, obi,fly mi.-Iont. wit at,. did flat "I - f" L ' � ' pits'nuoulynotalfawryaltz xvazT . awasoillso on - - ToLemaAr, TwrWAT AND SATrBbAy- , ,a= I solifie mum we � ft Ali thus Is 91 I. A. -,w po- -r bell! Sodgwl bird woo out, fib of the wto-b. ., n. abseboom-a-� . Aso -V A---dones 17-we"Yea-C 2 J VV R I T RL T 4- Py 'be war, what's A's lower.ts, &,d rotins"to you'll be kind owes thou fail so olmm,,#, of ,t-6 t Also.s. - , to I. E"o M. be,Vosis as laboI-ataly lying now tit* VnIfeel, s, of life tworld, 4 -limb am�nsmutt sow. . " . - slot be ilsollor's I It tough t 9. be (Iona@% .,.,% to shot up -4, Nvl- I -r 41 low ,, ,make. ON a snfa� tit a r 81rworok a*oamff. M�% R.6 -.d Ponta f- am 111101" ow 11-20110 ;S 711THANK THZ 1-UHLIC to genesis thus of theservagit. " I ---- ­ inwhon, p"T.,ale, mass. psuman the lifferish I" 9 ag..d "it gave It IM be. towes derived trivial tbw.va , ommess not. . ,_wm,._,.1__taRRs". r *"I[*, " war of the room. law I Im-"Ie­0404 Ilos' ,fidammen .It its base" .1 kvA., for As chase. TU trilefisew .. be" is c"olm wfaso, .6 we without oundist, bet whills, No'-flill' TO lleg". . By" / To G..*-. .. ., f..,th. liberal patr.&W accorded ,%* goidmu, ym'lv so founy", sew "Shut up toy foals" Camped 11- thmmoski, wrapped in a crimb)n dfnna$' 'ill 'Pa gw�l .a feel the$ they trill see p"mm am , I voil o him intho jam wild to antalowars, Th" Uby AMEN tittering, "I board an my posaims. I lfta.ffMy ben, Ill I.A lowers , - - - (P..� we fsol Mor. Athimeft sivil wilmll in the Molina but the ca1*4 8 - "Tuel'by al . w.m� .1 boa. ftw6n; M.Tib.", is .1 Trewilow theme win be so pse- upon it. aml, Like Lam .1 the bird som"d im"k it,", we hot* the s* el - - - - jigi.) 6 *a a& -w IAN 3191y trew. eas - Two 8.64, amwevalles W el"no, Rod iss still eLrr�m m Carrome " gbmo do am mints some arom morradwor. -only tin pitest-g in pads, 411ow,low lawn loom glimadl Palo, Instant trade ani� basis a" son. -eelad. hat me tvm$ed arwe brought liff.­6 than to a television remedy is ­ l' " ': V=tW *349"L tAND -4 false, loaxinc in @31 I" l6rerfebod, at tb* 4011411 "Use- I firkeft [Foo F W boover he is, Lh.y�ft#l-r1ow1iF%KI7 ­ - _,, r I ati-I h,o hands t-Atled on )t.son"GattleTwarook ill L I AtresEll, � _'__ L ' __t 6% Ton be" lasso, -.art rodo - t. raT.0, mind just an the imat p-wriord open the "Canadvain Pun Lb-b"W - -_ iseaems, em. IF So . - It, - 4- ----- I-. ,...� . a&. fe'som.olue -4 wasinp Ad i- ow -mor -a� ll� 64", bf-,Xalls M ii�o IrAfte"m We hold yes & gelz aefti. .1 sativa. - imintetnal up tit* avej. " . - Als " ill, sam .=Vol a I= ...Am I , - " - - - .11 Isou ta 4-wheas 4saw Awwobtimak _ I . � .. T, jp. t,,.- W"� VLwt-__r iss"!r4% I whoeh l* u,4 Am 6 "11 PI , sold&, - - ___VT t- lfea-a 1. ma'.4 mrow-mewumm�w If - ff"W. val am N - -, Wegg -_ flonin "ill viref" mad baby 11, - - - - . a. , 'E.. "T.11 Y� me&&" I'll sommoNamigN -*ft � It wu se insween came& am the Vii,ii- -44 r.bons ill en her becir with 4 fury Wallb."bo, Jk- Vow by All . . --- ___ to - - tleee,ves, 11 -Tart. I InAlk a Imirge sold nag in-Itu m wil li� . ­ L� .. - to Isum, .,tit Pleasure it he'll have the Amid. seems of sew of them - a lwas terforil as& ,old I" bat loolers, at 25 of a, per Witte. . .,A."., ftai.11." . sad averytLitill else In his line kept on AGE, the ,no we hertheals deepening mt� y a as �. . 0. #11T a head or sud* to order of Tin %lot .1smilro" ,,ri um. a ILLILIKKIL Swes under Vko old Trendy nobody tb t tt"')c 4ma.$.k madonsilitad to uwo"t wwbmaakko lis"Zk"bawicber a monn-fwad boy I some in shut tip that d.,gnf him." "Llowed'- ofluspered l',plitus, PrIA a assaes. IJ.t the fig mi&" 16114, mtsbip. a droplong her proy obw &a,- - _ - ; swim. rm- -4 se -ems- 6-mr, A"`glr"`r-`&"x"` -14 -jut, woo*, �,am r, look .f loomm. ... '. -,-.,w. rk.mmenam' .4 9-.w - --- mooDw. Inatome" small"; but, 8ub,y Ans.don't ,thing I "F0A-ud,'wWW KIM P*011- Ran. her almmAjoins of the bWy -111 twook settedy 0-01141ou"Y t4rom W Rod "ar across Hat AS 8 War"$. (tin areas pubjefe .=.nwRz ass, 1~ - ia"4,- ALLAN LINIC. azrkk&lxu vaoiffrnv ax yea klww it's Very improper I. gossip "If* way be woo*, f.r an; I- Iwo$ ardent h4md ad the ba6mes .1 %its yard, the Television robnm parewas ressudy') have atov base ta- a" Ever - am"s"E", t ttl cur, Amfore an him wrinst. "Brootly. a 7�! we& f -r tit" wM seems 6. blow 0. be bat Risk govattiffit filrY &%it Ubft Use sit knotty yeave. hovamw it *"Not be Amid , , beloosse., I'we-wit As it -be--" ,71.11 r0 ovd.a.b. MIT Fob. 187& Is" me � is th to war I Dowse that *mows stisiod st�.ut lay btck door, or -h. Camphor. beak- lite InTsh-Od- 11 . the wroag ifills. I'm= Ie" so ­" their ­qr*IA mos. X.4 smatil ft - =1wassil"I" * rn,�I,L.Nlng " a" *mi .4 her street - And *,,,��-.�� .h.111 a "'s tke oat t...k welag,t in as adjoilung hsA the sen on trial. Tilley hemot been - ov- """ . ri I so" a ...4saboode-c .sas, Uverpool, Londohtarly =A , IMS do as she , a Provinces 1==17 level. mad I= w, i,� - - nold boom delighted Lila heart "I I" . ,= , _____ *wt*% swil., sold flaky. to With is bratit HA= saws in--" =.w. -i's eve , &*no" lo-ght mi we ms,=6 Liz. whIla, Willfinit 414 fit. buds Sir* up the . .10 =,"NZ, � Glanew righlial.sys talwomy ad -Nie, A the assissionq of gimae W home mad ­­ - _4.�. i : w7_ . lm, lew,tTGATURDA so %AD. it. Ton imily go "I'll delAveryour mommeN weasoo." Abernethy Man Vismalmsfin .1 Ilia" ^,bt of shot smajo,000 w3r". - , Ana ­tnr. 9. tit lowd T ,,- vqywnA"dmr mi youll "Tor am was". LU Noon had the sainIarti-4 an If Thelatur was unhurt, zlicK."o wd, health theyIkay. planes ad) Is be &am% %rez.1"'low- - - _i. - . lidftii� *;,.­ _ , 4wmow.0­Q1oJwrt-AP�AoqM r1poijeE aa� .'sk, - -ibilar­ ro-mine. f.t ;=r , _.r. 1.v, or, . Is - vmw _:-_-M.-�vot, - :4% 1 L ow -e- -.441k4r,". " a- ,~ may � -__116 14.4 %,"--,ve-"rt ?- IMIN&ft - se, - , J. - . ­ I T ....... we r-.-..- _.AwO "a' , wfloolsmul. I lot wom ,In% f'. 1.:­Urtai, am 1, �" Z 71 , I �& sure uut I = win I&- - 1 , V . a . M=vaid .* Ikairg 4Z .,-.#. %,104 ,Qk.� . ��_% � tea . Flumille owe aboatoot mow imeagiollsome, .imma, vaubwas his retreating ago". Imm. . I ps) woe txA North, End we bow* " twenty Aim or Wny r.boami.it oomillsonil 76" is alm in - , , as�.- al nod a. flows is%-& � ILTOO STIRT, GOCERICH. kill IL, ever , := oefe@WA&, sawillbs. soft LbEew. , � . , . LMLDINM r2o"s -4_6� . w.. . "a UN ..... ..%V" such impade� I "now lons ban be be" m -it I sit, '.4"fol assm to mank now emd re. OR day** primetace, ,I Jor simple, prolve- 111.1 Ut.-shod d6oft� on. aw. 11 ,11. . o"IC1, RTkBLZR A 1 uwRw6N=,= I. som I- .6 a. ..am I- H.V*vv, I allow !,vv ,Vves, the old Sw asked. I � .,4. wARAotal, bet so saw themselves loon,, end sow o'claturowis of III" And I , - , -it mi D. ForlLio- imanwass. 6 -..Nm &.*..".-.. mom wood. - Mass Panamanian woo " Independent . Look there. bulty "Wou, ho,ob"ok�ind 4 w1uts a he.- I , will omwum the ob" okartisill. _ , _', as. Ambra," gareeii. is . @P-"-, A* mos, only .we" "a has" .. 8, .�Iodowsdifeu. sodidejI.4 ,,--- $­sstues luarrod on mortirs" Tom, . . nw"wm]Ba.BL t"' k ass but of weeks, xws'em-af low qb.vr. hke. 1 -ft.--4jfomnn U.I.I&I'lie'... L . Seld by all Tendinous i4sebses. @4 as soft .,t 4-� - .; 6. . . stevis old his -1 4406 passer a. ALAAR LIME as- IRRA-1 dleart feet.r.o. aodomp"o withu.s.eatwol .- r bet. � 11 e - . - rema..ao .1 Hamm 9=7=71 P. lawas - , wbof lived in, with ofeveral worse of Immod he consulted the idneu-1 .'". Rot 6 ,.f ht, "rig -4 am. � Pa I � 9= ow to a. One, Tweak soamboal bet --- -dr�ey in the b&nkL t-Kol up. . - - I -.& *-to Moss" -4 perthaittlL -.4 me a ', love -Ilk& have be" than. file 1 ..4. az Wit 61e;ue in maretrui new* FA" Tl,. I)­1@d,uT Is eovermad with thniand. . - - L IN. a -Ho,wom .Lovisimmid moosamd- rrb.-.rdkwd_a6_-#vaavoM_ ptattior, I �,, 61,11orfoucil". I M2 !,, ,weemon .ww" .a owassovis, evressam "*I firl ft" uo�. ,be any shei 14 h,,w. 0,11 IS it was 1,, touch rived ovedift"o but v as to ­ t roots. bad it *=Lsim the Ana* . �_ "n�________ -- Roots- -6 fto*AP I - I " I'm were they having a froman, in the - - 9 -bow till have LJ: -VW van a" Inny Go" tb. ..4 w-thl"t in stake work 1.4 wrofflon 1 It. 1 , . . a" mod c eloper. wmwwd:3� only easy am. Atwimurxv. - (in Thereslay of test THOMAN' I The 6.4 o� I , b �4 certain lft� "Tor 4.4 sm, any good I- "" 6. *.use I- " yow ao unth ear owed 46 to moato to seek mi -Kr. Waft" altilholis. fritil � 4 V= I. .1ree-A any " hat I 0 a Wk. ', ,hot "Tint left New it& llss door mgma. -I liffise ripstairma.. immom fabommom, bin*$&. Th* best fits vl.to as I child, of this t ---&,P,-,- E 6111111 III 4141411trifil OIL I _'" A ..." IIIIIIIIIIII1111111--_ arwes, hime to a&& r - V. Visa." P. " at, Her coaxplealors asuag 4- Roall-toth is a sulk Y, ant fievell"t TION$ 'a"TC-A FW' bed im"Lloor The 01 ;4 makin'trifir rm,- son fthr, a few, gtmw�o:z am 618" shown, 2" to . don 6 1.11. &PP.w. 8"... t, ha's f.1,41 " ir - mortlys" t.ok piatio wits4h night have boa% Is," real nial, wit, artworks I. file" I Now 1.66 In frIfick that J=niZ"`fL.hQ* . ff 6= V;ftwwwt.. . a v m.,,k I've ..L. ,;r,,.i I , * -We' a" o". in, " sorinwis I, .11 the part," Wk" .pp. - EXPEDmousLy 6 PROPmy """ 0-4 T"'k ft� a'&"'& Siva Plate, but 14 I wlk�w tooth bad* NesIaaadiw"f. o 1I , OR I ROTHWELL I Me kw"u ...., as owassm, 0. G~ su� -4 11-mrs. I I— the arblas Us" they an &Aso" to Like &4*ttw. "A bet hawk _r,,,I.k'mu. mom - Jossu'ro I wrolan't eel him t. took 14.* "it subdif to ,real- 4 an mi" Pon cot 111143h.wom camalwT,814T.clu fill, pass t-* now -%-in it is swed. so to a. P&yANrVm`o--"-""`m`~ GODIERICH AGENCY � ""'; "'a - .'"o , Ile,gamiln. "Loll Roe "*some .1 y..r grald." "em"'PeTlim in" commefty. Is be the .hdt*,O tin bow! �h "A as __._u -6.___1d .-4�-'a od &.*NmNM� 40-7 ft -P-mb" mus ?� '. a Potato, I- a loom with -bob bow. som�mb," massive .1 fibre, @&".ad '%)­ bum I". .V1 vw , ft-, == . I " I � Popkirm lu.nded be, a -fli,p�l""** 6. lee weet b� us*= son. or rum boy vaid, U - in aft) in w6& 2" a sains UsnaL sitim, awe it ownhad greatly . =- &Lw :wMr- Atoll my a, a t.dfattfiaiv,ow all three ..- tbrvws _,­ r.", _Ros R_ ese" as coom -%,*it, far r a. h, .I­@&r*4 all 416- usq.6 ilk"'It, y substane , ofulals, a&% U, be rihisaft Immes no their head. m- 1. a" Use 0- I - " r_ -ft" - *.woo am"I 0"we"A am Trust lad Loan ,­ - Is sweet to lasboam. &ad never out -1 I por l -'r 4- T. "!"of a -ames -A �4­w" -% .." Res ........,,,-. sman rose" Company of __ N, Ili* lasoll .f bat head --a ortyt. wk" V -.w %a Iyrdol.dn soves- . I . "dat far " as".". from saint -fol as obe lied the obdal I -4 t � .. a. - %...am" , Seekk,S-,MWbWdl .tb"g%&ONUI*t* 1,14, M.r"d_A..rY1'-tr'­i4.y..0 aw To% 1-14"i get ki- mA IT, IT It I u the pormorbat ImW* exhaust. bar stic;a Rod wood. in sew* bet 14,60, L- Nwo- 4 --- sweet too-ftol, I" = .Am I Retain, me,ism. knit he wo,. it ,do 4"11 i -y Initial y -a'" AArl&I I% - PlUni"i - od wk.&#, What mi Now York, l- .-. .. I- -, vow_ *72 "'. 4n ..1lo- . CANADA. i 'i - - - ___ ­h_��, _- of :ierwrars, "#%an e.l. Peonies, '" 0111 ,was iwinvel.4 to tor. Campboth a -afas zz:::=-..d -&a--, weemeopcomeas -c-A-41 D. I ", - isliptops a tow esumeruil. a" Ailed wait .lTat .., I L ow f -J., reall, .4.11 Imi tioman I,, dfttb. dmk� A,n, flo" sit Ime 6,1? " bw 1~ I le innesti'mch. ft" arm offammusation it o fatelt __ . _41-_ , oo�ft ve - tworpowed bill, Royal Chaortler. I may "!�� I., noba, ­.. 1 16we ialsilo I , wild wl,k., Lite &Iwo 69 so I , IN 166 6�d to roplame ww" I.,wod that has 16)erse-w000 as we'o ..'ro".., I t,'...."t. ., or -le, a- -taov; [I"alKINMI1108,T I folUlMOA ORDEU IIOLICZM bar a" so ul &sure. , - - no . ,,, ;t.... 4- 0. T%.- lao,lkotm. I ,4f*.*r paramisomody. TM ill" %I boom were brown, , I be. .... ,_ � ro� - " I I Ili* boalp with We learn @ions diall shim, a doing wralL " I ­dwe. R. me (k orw � I'Alk Fob. IrL IM ow.iWmomk&"y Ana, waiwastoott to U sky h� I- mr-wft -1 & feel *r'*id, Than .- eL4, .*4 em 0 .1 I - woo the Few, ohm I.r.4 alone with Use " Ask y-r omstar if IT 6 as I waste foa . . d. &aid %hill as I , CAPITAI-0111K MILLION POUN10111 -4 --sam, vv� -1 b- - . 111111 ZRLI W) - __ - - "lou fremin my liel- - , mad V . )*&I -ad t she I'lus-4 040" voink ft -two pull , . - ___ ­ ­ * A6 , --A!-- a s,.I. tobee a amouji he a&vsnm. Rest& up bar tume in livoisang after bat b� W *6 4.0 I - at-& I h I irwn!��-.-,',`.,o all my .4 , Ars - w - . * - $tLasky way q km- laawl-d t oft to. . .&- is . ,!,; 1, I 'AR shon, a 'I. __ � I "dram, Ivoodhad her smear dodges poa*y, it" file ps"Im, mile* truth a 11AAm, wit, -1 the 1111-110. 111is a4v. ablimeogh Il.s.s.4--por 11111r.wlickilmobase, ; Yi ..Aclwwn'V­rv%"-,- -14UIm remta��- =I,=',== =­. ;w�= - -4 - - .1 jawmanly k1k. 1474L 14M NA plyiall bat sesellif . - W - his; "oll, So I", I "it, it be* &-.fly to-somit. amit thirty a.. t"bites I. the """.4.4 to no, =an 11p1r, -I , .Zoos .Iwo mz= Fund$ f0f Investmont. 1 4 a" aez in a v - � I Tbip wrewt Dow to ba"i - ,-as Go, a so�n.ti-:;-.��,. "r1w, a I sawt � tatIL. &A a emew wayse.l. to the 4" 1,71n.taut *I'll 4 go, toy .6 .v saw . 1. 1; , it, - norestal.., "I'll. how h.i n., � . .aa&md am"-&% "I'-- . 11 itFwrXtL-T�_k;t,Av �441'- at. I own , � . rth.. 4 - 1101 I , !I -1 th" i P.- ..) a I 6" we swe amostwaly I.. "t I Ir -, '' .4. - %*. soomr,tr -f am-- I pl­ � 6" of cbmar -""up. =. .4 ad, 7 fibnot my 111.*'T.' ..i; P powles, onneww P.rann talk I .-z=wRz, �o:o= I �, c", - I- P.- I so, P.-sti of In... - 004 at or" � sobwAad P. via wk I - L"Aw"' " - said, as sas Istorions fnr fitero roob, sme r Pa In we , �% � , . *A liamse-Imil the of,stiost thus we , I . I we N--motom. "4 -, torms", awl" witider the air"--%==% ly-m a& ama." " EffiF .. I , .%ad looly. a = wito owa 4 -4 -" "--t.-Rt"-�.? I . � "bi - - - .(&.f .*"`k'r' hr,p. 'k.nit. 6=4 ===W1I= . ."b", ­blm me .at", .1 Is.. or I lkal:!�� ,n,.,iIbeiCiIAI . Ahtli 1. 0 � impes. ­," R*4 w&.m of the lesuviso , ..,%V.,rf"q In.s. a" am nwitor was - Ile I ." I 1. was _� I rtwo .a- bw 6, the few W wow AJwf*ftl - lossoal me a 71rho .b. '. - ,"',., ­ - - � a � --I flee me finer on" we .6" 4168 -ft-# �� �_ no oft,&A. I_ - b ____ the -A I.= r.nma.i -4-'t-- .111-4 _­ ainly very A. -W __ _x�r__ _��_�`t -1 zzitwt skew .. - � I an M-1 - , , .�, I - " we"I to .. * t I � I * . 'JA I voomfolemps"atmarniew ___ I P". - - --- I %11A_j._I, _ j,.tf.1waXwf,. ~, L TJ ". .a be", , .. . &Ifit on.%: , awdowles limae, tismal �, il rr *1L iVIA OF %%-,--4 UM%MO4- P- IvAbeeA. ,44 kV..l �,tfht line. knovit, lina is vow =6 I ither im'subi 6- b� Eaton ,&at the ft�of bar an = bases -4 - in 8 *.w- as L G. M�"llkKA19, I � " :4 - vollf"i"t I It �ltff 11 o2j­ 1-1 .f'**.l :WEMI&Rkson-st oCestAIV-poetwibilevad holson bow r Ila hot rai'ar. show nown rust. dow Lwow... a 01h. *d?&[*%A11T I.) . She to AWeiell, wition §UkV Asia ebantryfinovear ilk* IGNO 61haft Mr. Mow kl�bw,j .., Me I, mah.,, l Has now 11,,.Tlla's..�.., �� '. � ;� 1, AoRmeows tl . . - . . I -*ft's �. to rw")Now4m. f .!hem 6? (A sAno T 4 1 Ago*( h -w -of %ohm wrory pm I we mow bit " -ever- aem*64 #a* `Ilew"so me � I 4"' r foe mom %them N .00 " on' , .wt be .nA . - Q. .. mad of loll r%-, sq.. 'asetmot, I loft I rn-so . , , - * tet -'e. P..~ T*w a l,woW To" was.ea as , = ad sea oh!hpol t, wo,ol ft 1111, 01 Will � * t . espo'l ,liet li,nImas -M "'ustaus reemA obwmbndt-!,]-**. hdorwax"fil'tew P.lik'". h'" now to sh. #_rR.R .but lu-I them hromight lopoe Viewless 7�­ ."r rb ,*T,Nx*, a, aq. - ------. ___ ,aysmf the &06614 sloe law% of bomber a aramo 1 11111 11111 I o- ptz , , nw,"in".1,A101,0111. . . - #wrown'timsemoolef-A I wastoor bmymg'tama&.6m.ghthme-bum owm%"LP- .1 I -*a to fin Ili* Ow W -ft i 4� homrsed awl up em the ols a-IlI and w" !;V� an, , 4 , 1 41,44 of on Yom No ,bM=du4f. 04 A'"Eraser ; T."Unit. aft .� :rrl AUD-1LG=73-.*aG§ nW GO"n ANOM 6 W"I - I - , 44 1 &boo .", noshing Wt % Ame. Iniewromm Joks On "awl to An -rp"OA obiliketton. how- I ft 1 $W*wm &A boom f.m" nut, NM a ," � PH" to . � " - = awl that " lReatemot. twommis 'a K. . . k*p *,*.) r - - n, Wnm. I � I IF.," mus I ad had been dianow �44 st-astsm dbb h1bu-'s6*3w=� -1�� " q - � __---­, 11% IRT, I we she givers. =04 ­ twvmorot asommA.1*4-p boo* T.ren". on 'I'm z - 6.60 1 I L 4i: _,� =1 Agrney Office. B*yth. . __ 11% I to ,,, " , ; -a ou @win" .460M . r ' - . I n , . ­ mod w,o* ever; =, 1. Pa. of !-t 4" wow I = " iy wmwo In a I , 'it Ao4 we Most P.awvawww VA -1 -Weres 4W48 4 -it" Its nook "sandy "s, ,VYT 1.4 r " T mad # � i,� ./ #; ::Ij ""%4'y. ene *boo I 114 �. %Ill t list t.6,0010 to vas, - 'ud and make the Irstel.." . TU fe_""�� , a as mod 11 MY - . r � bsts"� lie 4. a Von -tit - - I ! I . 1k � . bet rRimbso. womf Us" - Pow IPTI 0 -- ­ ­ , , . a . ..I, bem,do% r, worrilloor, ­_ Age ban th. W floyarlsabor.on N.mop4owt-lorl"4 - -,,-,.- � I TOCOG LADIMSCIWDRR THR NNI - It - ( i - C01111ES, . f- r I "a" tInse; in my worl, bem,do% � tr.� I I _� . . t . inharr ,4 tie" - F= . make itme .meow#.n" borrowed an %,,ua-tf" * m, the 4--" 44 -- -I Rod . ill 6.1b,"..% sad 4 1r, End M= be some" .1, WI L � I 1646 if *8 bet wmi the ww4o "is refloat bwe" ,ese &W . I I I boBW. booloviatut. ,.-,-,- ­_ am"M Sew" 00 lkostw= M ompayanow, riewbor to C%&NW7. am& � � 6 . "t_ r " .. but be- - Un"h"... Am VV sion I - mod A* "r, oil shot internal took Poo 6.1d him &a about kC " A 1, 4 Goe ii no" awns ffennim. - # owl ad shoot Law I , M X.0 &. 71 shot "I 0"ell, .W. I 11 F." Rest W a pe't 4*N$K did A$mw in amid be be bM.W..d .b.k I � 41101111111111111"T - . = .1 ITaU . -A* 149 UsAir cur -1 � - Tit., A,' ,lowman we - east. am __ _- .- a "Is 28;4 . ;x;d!I1r i Z I she asell. "% I an, L ­ . - ­­, o AN, . I ill% dim - 01 wt *p on" i1b. pension 7=- - -ulxar� L,= low on" , ____ _ I 1, as 0 We phro K T - not 4rajond I&Pii.JW 6, boome6to vlessfif V. ons we "'Tes"am" I I - . 9 we . �,, - . wasibragarrad ft* VM W. No 1 UP that h--- _. I _21kiwilow.111 net , L _5iiI­T_Fm&j, --,,,-I Am for idn petite, .1 **_A%v_-r­Tow.m8_" "W 1. Ad *.head. best oumbe AN gas wowgks* --- . Lose. Llda land .- - bin"m omo"nit"� -IJ mallal'I "Vilow ORO" ronabl�. r-1 4, Illso, 14A 0111"P. am sled ed it, load I if" ,;LmIll so *book a a &W-"" � .1 ., . ;." = At � ,@W� I . .. ....... "Go � - ­ boure take" Ilstooms, , win "ft so wend so so, weleang. ad I be rl elbon be sea- 1 donative .... ... ;6 Aer. hwwwmw. Th. wt f ms�rv,uo. m� ,,a%- ad onsite :r:. ......, .: a , M ... was iisa'nesse ill SITE We 4 ordeals by eel " vossib , L meow, ..... ..... To sew oemova but =11-6= PA I " I to "it f a smanolasteem, is be "a"'I ""a CU You"u'll *'* i�tl , Valid . L � ...-p..- a as I MUOLAS UCKINZIZ '" a hmudbs"bwt JU bobd,M It to wat Iffolow'.4 sit- T-$tft ruplib" 410� Saii-lim. I i Asset, a gmud. #saw . Iwo bond, wrow pas *- 1, I he. a debt wand I h to ownese � *A 06 %noth,ly,�-w%oaod ".. 0116i mainly "'n"elp"U" Tbaso '" ev Mow *IN.balositomkog"bll Uld be tb� a � Il&fi) 6-6 sew � , - - . r . � "cl .... .. use bow , h .it* ikenot &%a bettem.no, flees b- quieter it,�� siodo It wee swevoill. AlVowton f,tr owo"rAWn we" t" frontelo " ph. 4@4 o. "4- be " A* Aa� or p I , low at= 1�,J (;oiw. - - - ..;.. -.4oI. 11 0 VIVI: "".0- ft Seem as -,ft�l WS#Chonaker it" t1b.rm be r4 fit, ,; a. sawas of a Joultaller, 8, . . ­_ 1 :*4 the" -woully vUl be low, *u"PW. - plea&, ., .. ......... sag waso beeme am. 8. a strings 6.4 . s"61, b.t be leto stow -I 41.. �-ehbs ON i "now Mae, I *oppose Ili In'# !M' waft unimost �4 evit-bor how mat, OW 0 Wk tormu� it" retorted ohm the now* vive,sar..... 1=7 *a. . I I I" t'moiomm sow I. 5 elfilso godor In -6it, 1 --tier- Kaweerm, we � .... ..... .40 .. I", !;:���, - pill , -- was - so-so. as ft. I pol� .pan "At, somillify1tat Is, In, ob" htr..waffiedi efoan w,wo" I *"" 6. so b.- bull she beat b~, tonot imilorwil I., ohm mad Ana. , .due ""mug is ibm-g% ft- I, �, ated tit advasm , , ,!n, , - ""-as* --k-km tows va a. , I � fty-M q-rtop4y 1'.6.4 owww� .. U". be .*A rit"" bv M:_ F*Wi� I !s sky AS* . J. I, 4 slab 60-1 - . W6 We 'roe* LZ"I 6" too 4 C-04,41,1111 Postal .4 A To " I I 1 osodi6- weak 64 t!�&-;- -1 L`- e.d� ft ,,, .. - -_ Iftow . bas ___4 .. iii, , � . = I , . ialwasee .". Vs -news I -b" I- - 4sb_.o:t%m,=,..ti,- ar. @_ tbot raft *k- ,A a. -P 1, 1, . we, �, If ..#.I .6 oft in "a",," Mambo ow" out .4 11011111611 unit - ot,__,� I &%.IF Am." aw"84 -he mass, haveou, k a ".,L�t ofs).n: "i .... I .?Jlnd Z two mantissa. fe.motesid romilwev = w it " ow X x4r . bow x1a. 11111-owltile we be" moo tem etwe �--. be Paris mair - .. "" ___�__ eel p� "Ilik amofft" sawom one. it .a. O" Ilsom m�-- Ham ammy * bond. 6-1 a ir.-w.4 '" lawe Lead. -t, - - "Ibw� I hmmay - I I ban bum Jos. " 1K4L . 14M oft o-" " ft -4%X, sal poetem, RVSSXU WATOR , .Ilitvo.".,>uA Ity4ow. ,,,.,',�,.ommi.lt wwill bow a. Avoided, I - I, we ,_ I I- 1= i -1-'..i I" Vessel'. . stemov -man a* sh-mod boll,wo hem. me volb-1vowwal of r4a­ -ff... - - Is a , , .edition " 41111104 bohr": TV`e0 'ir'"' � lain of Abu t--" 11 " I `*od lbor isi,br�, jhT,m, wit *o4 Easy be ip"o my% liplesmom 4.11" a I - - - " all& __ Avv-a�l , ;;Z-.-*.-= ..... R,,,hu,,"__M.aw,fwV,nr 1 &W " new*, RE4 washes he wenIal "Amil, th- 6 -As �vw the 4 A I M: 0 wjp" as- , : tic-:. - Wb"" sool, wfitsimig but ft W *or "fe'"d poserob hit*. naaa.- tor S,ww (.-�Wvato. a r "44" i I@ ?be best . o A, N" &::U%-wao ma eR­ "40% %ft .110111 14.ri,�Ivw's paro." = bet abowth. . .44 Toofteebw" 'anlaaa 4 RU oft owl" or --lot- _� - Alme .6."elmpm" - a .1 -T;t so shIlambly of %brinev. *"*I ',*w- t ft RU own I*- ftd . I . .LTL9 tselise-ed.,well .1 .;W;S.=. ever L)etv* I've K,tiverseems final le I rt, "atimest, - All bases, "it filase 6" I �A A" 6, � - r ,infi, ,ad Miss Pons, "T�ll Yner oness" I @I -#"d qp did" Itioloor It I I 4" &4 the net, me"�­ - - -__ r . hbe . been be be kept feame work ; - __ _ - L ­ x To the troso1*4 v "*it it *1 � 1 3 1 to I 'w". " fl.ky Ann. I 2"" * """"-,"R` , ""� ""' '" **=sib. , aw .7 30,W=x- X. in 3M v I 'AL. ",b an ower- room mod as . I - bow The venom, sad A" avu"- ,.'' g - A L X-atiscootcl, "diothit4mrso, isvislose _t� .4 "A ="-"X-. Th *a %bed; wast I TLot Me M.,v".ouoo",."r.,o"� t ­esa Wrist jim"11,1111 W,,, ., I wo - * r -a ... he .tin. I � to onallb, , Ilsm .-A is am saithe trafwis�e of U old a (). . I. .4 - ;"a L . imod I 111111-wrib" A L sed . C :r - too &.ft" sw f%.Iw" good _4 11 " . I g.'" , .P _.: it Wow., not ... , am$ a =Mlomw�-gloi�,ewov,4.%t,t.w.v4 Now 1.,. = pridow ')mi.. . . -X4. & If a saw 109 als 4 U01IUAJI. Z�; - - lof 4y .1 "low I - '-" if rtc: mt ".4 to I" N. If Ill seamen? a -a wAaw LL FA&Tvw l%P41VT11V To lot a.- ��� i thisn's moyflimos I %.I. , , ".". she. tinini 4 "WI I Plm,-nsw,. .1',ollseal . ,unna I It . = oo"ity' witi, be. keep. du fifig'111% %k End as' fall", PNW*ohm 111aw J 4 - Vi-elim- " A ...a. VII'Mme I I " until shut up . I a vWXY %twor, 6*4 " its a tewl Ili- " %ft 6� by 41, a lot own, , . tway "". 8*4 "by, � but thot I 0686=" I *Kfflft 7 r I ebood to valba" is in bin koft. a. ft. D. X-611411VIIIIIIJ19. I. '.no "ad be - imamidthivwttwnwl sliarli4goa­ sougare - . .t- . -as em6wbo, Itill am. lam "a" Poomb" "a $ft em -tio,pp,bus 146 or"*" of a oak 'be" 8 --I - t- - I , o . �, � 4 I , . - '_ � --."--- L"', --- - -_ I . I ., � - � . I I . '. � I I . I � , I " . i I I � . � . -1 a- .. , I " , , W -U. I --- 9% j,il-q n-- tt ; ��l = � M*O" .., I ,I �, , ''V TO - Noma I I I 4 smanou-�.., ,=!�l m 41111 I , 11, " V t. , 1:1114 wwomw bwAN&EAWAI � rumily "A hommiag sw 10= If & as wfL,T& ?.:.-:%�'M .05Z 7! wAa , -go 4. a= sohow I I i 4 1 TNTXR=T. I , I -,,-d . I I I i -ho I've - M YW- fi�i = I I',- J Mo 10 I T Is I - A , A., " I - t- � = !, "I , 'an", UIXIbp �J ,h , � 1A W I f I U_ I I i , - :��. = S I . ism, : , � i" I .,.� - �4 1 A- . - . *0A-06,*1 1. ,.k:.w ) A L �*% , 1 , , .% � I %#� I I I .1 'L I- . 111&� " �"�', I- I— . ' I I ,it-." - r 41,1,�.. ­ . 11, , 'L , I � *!l __ . . �4 - . -0 . I ­ 1. - , . _. . I L - � I L . ^ r I . . 1. . I I . ­ *_ ­ - L 11 - . . . 4. -W--W-4- _ - 'Jim, - .mlamr­ - - - :, - -_-m--_ . ­lW.___% . -----., I ....VI,_Rw­ ­'n,___r_, I � .1. . . � � . ._� war" amba '. 7 � _­. ­ ; � . ­ .­ I I r. � . I I ..,-. .1 ­ I .11 ­ .. r � 14Z - . . '. I I,-.--. � . . �,F - I \ - - - .-,---- ­­ r L- 1. r . . � "= I - __ .- --Alli' , -am ­ �111; �� - _ ­ - - V - � !!�� -