HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-04-07, Page 16MR. & MRS. HUGH LOVE Former area couple mark 70 years wed SAVE '40 Tiffany Lamp Specials! Reg. $139.00 $99 L,,TSON LIGHTING RR 1, GRAND BEND 238.8240 When buying, beware of imitators! If you're looking for the real thing, check the label for the word "maple". If it's not a pure maple product, a complete list of ingredients in descending order of their proportions is required on the label. Artificial flavoring must be declared. Keep unopened containers of maple syrup in a cool, dry place. Once opened, store tightly closed in the refrigerator. To keep a gallon of maple syrup for any length of time, bring the syrup to boil, bottle it in sterilized pint sealers or other jars of con- i? New Spring • Fashions ARRIVING DAILY Boyle's Ladies Wear Main St., Exe%r OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9:00 CLOSED SATURDAYS AT 5:30 A•romminiirmaisommilloimaminnome*****14114.• Salada Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS 60's '1.07 CRISCO OIL $4.99 I k y f I T TU F I F , A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET- A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET ft E F A M E • I• 7 11 • 1 1 4 rl e FT W wI l i I - 1 I - 1 .23 6 7. 1. V V. / . 1 ', I r, TA I L -1 1 I •_ 11 7 I 1 41 -1 1 0 T * 1 . 1 -1 ' at 4 SAVE ON YOUR OPEN THURS. TILL 9 FULLY COOKED BONE IN PARTLY SKINNED HAMS LB '1.19 ONLY MAPLE LEAF IS TENDERSWEET pi a lb 1.4C07 Polish Sausage 99' Maple Leaf Boneless Fully Cooker' MICA ® PIMP% Dinner Hams I;1.89 Maple Leaf C 'e"`"" vac vs Side Bacon ,ib 1 .4111 Burns Dinner Style Pork a Shoulders 0 FROZEN TEND-R-FRESH GRADE B oc :TURKEYS LB. Centre Cut Ham Slices Burns Golden Garlic lb. Burns Small Link Sausage lb. 79 . Burns Regular or All Beef Wieners lb. 69' Schneiders Minced Ham li!.1.09 10-16 LB. AVG. 3) RD Swifts Premium Store Sliced co lb. 1.59 Cooked Han 01.99 .T1 xP HUM PAC1111 lb '1.45 Club House Pimento Manzanillo OLIVES 12 0,55' York.Fancy PEAS 14 oz. 3/$11 Im; 4 a O oe 0 „, a. od Maple Leaf Skinless Defatted Fully Cooked FOOTBALL HAMS Re X U) C m xe 0 3 0 0 3:0 m Aylmer BEANS & PORK 14. 3/1 Maple Leaf White Swan White or Coloured PICNIC SHOULDERS BATHROOM TISSUE 1 lb. tin $ 1 .79 4's 89' 2-14 oz. Green, 1 14 oz. Wax Free, Plus 104 Coupon 0 FROZEN FRESH BAKING - Superior Enriched Bread 24 OZ, 3/1.09 Westons 15 oz. Angel Food Cake 99' Hot Cross Buns 79' Hostess pkg. of 6 I MARKET Y. Ro N C m 0 Jrg De a. 4 00 91, 0 0 O m Yr I iA C Re FRUIT & VEG A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET Maxwell House All Purpose Grind COFFEE 1 lb. bog 339 611 C x• Kelloggs CORN FLAKES large box 675 g 89' Hersheys Drinking CHOCOLATE • 2 lbs. $ 1 .79 Imperial MARGARINE 3 lb. carton s 1 .43 Ingersoll CHEESE SPREAD 16„,,,s1.29 W bit ac .4 O a oc 0 oe iu • U) ad S. Del Monte Seasoned Green Bean Deal deaht og 4 a O Chiquita Bananas 2 lbs. 49' Can. No. 1 P.E.I. Potatoes 20 lb. bag 1.69 Produce of U.S.A., 16's, Can. 1 Cauliflower ea 69' McCa ins Fancy PEAS 2 lbs. 79' SWEET TALK — The sop-running time of the year or the "Maple Moon" days are with us once more. Agriculture Canada entices you to savor the delicate flavor of maple syrup and to sweet talk your guests into this delightful "Maple Raisin Pie". Make certain it's ,p6re maple syrup Villit111111111101111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111 lllllll 1 lllllll S I LVE RWOOD'S 2% MILK 3 QT. JUG $ 111 29 PLUS DEPOSIT 11 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 E L L 1 1 1 1 235-2350 Main St. Exeter By ELAINE TOWNSHEND The public worries about the TV violence, that children are exposed to. As a result, most channels feature an early evening "family time" with good, clean, wholesome shows. Meanwhile ,the toddlers, who are too young to understand the television programs, are tucked into bed and told little stories called nursery rhymes. For example, a big bad wolf chases three defenseless little pigs. He huffs, and he puffs, and he blows their houses down. If not for their fast get-aways and a lot of luck, the pigs would have become his dinner. Our three heroes finally end their dilemma with a pot of boiling water. Another mean old wolf almost fools Little Red Riding Hood, who walks through the woods to take a basket of goodies to her grand- mother. The wolf, disguised as the grandmother, waits for her. Page I .15. Times-Advocate, April 7, 1977 - • ' • • • • • •• • • • ' ' .1.=:711517alMMAMETZL—M ,...:a..; „ix Odds n' Ends Where violence begins "Oh Grandma, what big teeth you have," says. Red innocently. "The better to eat you with, my dear," growls the wolf as he springs from the bed. If a passerby had not heard the little girl's screams, the would have suffered the same fate that was intended for the three pigs. Meanwhile Hansel and Gretel's father is too poor to feed his children. ' he abandons them in the forest to fend for themselves, Their hunger leads them to a gingerbread house, which turns out to be a trap. The wicked witbh catches them, and prepares to eat them. Fortunately, they are too thin to be eaten immediately and before she can fatten them up, they manage to escape. Even lovely Snow White is haunted by a jealous queen, who hires a witch to kill the Seven Dwarfs' friend with a poisonous apple. Action is more vivid in the story of the three blind mice that chase the farmer'?; wife and ultimately have their tails chopped off with a butcher knife. When the children grow beyond nursery rhymes, they become fascinated with TV cartoons, in which someone is always being venient size and store several months in a cool, dry place. Be sure to leave a 1-inch headspace if you're freezing the syrup. It may be stored up to one year in the freezer at 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C). Keep maple butter in a tightly covered container to prevent drying, or cover with a thin layer of water. If you buy maple taffy in cans, freeze it to prevent crystals forming that cause granulation. It can be stored in the freezer for one year at 0 degrees F (-18 degrees C). To enjoy that "taste of maple" serve maple syrup on pancakes, waffles, French toast, breakfast cereals or johnny cake. Use it to `flavor eggnogs, milk and "blender" drinks or to sweeten baked apples and applesauce. Use it as a glaze on baked ham and on vegetables - carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes or squash, or canned fruits like pears and peacheg. Pour hot or cold maple syrup over rice pudding, blancmange, ice cream and baked custards. Savor the delicate flavor of maple syrup and sweet talk your guests into this delightful "Maple Raisin Pie". They might not have realized that the sap is running! MAPLE RAISIN PIE 1 cup maple syrup 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons cornstarch 1 cup seedless raisins Pastry for 2-crust, 8-inch pie Combine maple syrup and water; blend with cornstarch. Add raisins. Stir and cook until thick and clear. Cool. Line pie plate with half the pastry. Pour in maple filling. Cover with lattice top made from remaining pastry. Bake 10 minutes at 450 degrees F; reduce heat to 350 degrees F and continue baking until pastry is golden brown (5 to 10 minutes). Cool. 6 servings. pushed off a cliff, rammed through a wall or batted over the head. Elmer Fudd hunts Bugs Bunny with a vengeance, even though the cool rabbit outsmarts him every time. Chopper is con- tinually called upon to rescue his pal, Tweety, from a conniving Puddy Cat. Meanwhile, Wiley's only goal in life is to stop the Road Runner dead in his tracks. He drops boulders onto the road; he paints tunnels on mountainsides; and he shoots cannon balls. Each plan back-fires, and Wiley is the one that sees stars. A little girl, that I know, doesn't like to go to sleep, because she's afraid the cookie monster will eat her up during the night, The cookie monster is not a character *in an adult TV show, he is part of a highly-rated children's prograin. If our desire to protect children from the influence of violence is sincere, we should consider all the sources. Adults watch Starsky and Hutch, who are out to get the bad guys at 10 p,m.; at noon, children watch Wiley, who's out to get the Road Runner. In the evening, we concerned adults wish the youngsters sweet dreams after telling them about a big bad wolf or a wicked old *itch. No wonder kids have night- mares! Food guide is revised Health and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde today made public the revised Canada's Food Guide. The purpose of Canada's Food Guide is to provide a common basis for nutrition education. It is a flexible tool which can be adapted to the needs and cir- cumstances of all Canadians. The new Food Guide was developed by the Federal- Provincial Committee on Nutrition, an advisory committee to the Department of National Health and Welfare. It evolved from earlier versions through evaluation of food consumption patterns found in the Nutrition Canada Survey. Comments on the revision were obtained from dietitians, home economists, physicians, and nutritionists, both through professional associations and directly from individuals. One change in the" revised Guide is the amalgamation of the fruit group and the vegetable group. This change does not minimize the importance of vegetables nor encourage the substitution of fruits for vegetables. The Guide specifies at least two servings of vegetables each day out of four or five servings recommended in the fruit and vegetable category. Other recommendations in- clude milk and milk products according to age, two servings of meat and alternates per day and three to five servings of bread and cereals. A handbook on the use of the Guide has been prepared and will be available later in the spring. Designed primarily for teachers and others involved in nutrition' education, it includes teaching ideas and covers such subjects as snacking, use of supplements and the special requirements of certain individuals. Copies of the new Canada's Food Guide are available free of charge to the general public from local health units and provincial health departments. It is hoped that many Canadians will take advantage of the Guide's availability and make an effort to improve their nutrition habits, particularly as the publication of this new Guide coincides with National Health Week, April 3-9, sponsored by the Health League of Canada. The 70th wedding anniversary of Mr, & Mrs. Hugh Love, for- merly of Hensall was celebrated quietly Saturday at the Huron- view Home in Clinton. The couple was married on April 2, 1907 at the Presbyterian manse in Kippen by the Rev. Urquhart. Mrs. Love was the former Annie Jarrott. The Love's farmed on the Parr Line north of Hills green until 1944 when they moved to Hensall, They took up residence in a Huronview apartment in Sep- tember, 1976. They have two children, Mrs. Percy (Emma) Campbell and Earl Love, both of Hensall, six grandchildren, 17 great grand- children and one great-great grandchild. Even if you're not about to toss around a volleyball or stretch your mind over a quiz, you still need a good meal to get you feeling on top of things. Nutritionists agree that there is no better way to begin an active day than with a nutritious break- fast, , To, solve the problem of the breakfast skipping syndroniel' face the facts!. In the morning, the body's supply of glucose, or blood sugar, which is the basic fuel for the brain and central nervous system, is at its low point for the day. At least seven hours, or more likely 10 to 12 hours, have gone by since your last meal, The body needs food to produce glucose, and after a long night's fast, there is less raw material left for the glucose-making machinery to utilize. That's why a meal at the beginning of the day is so important. Keep in mind that no one food needs to or was ever intended to, supply all of the required daily nutrients in the recommended amounts. That's why it's important to select a variety of foods at every meal. So what can be done for the inveterate breakfast skipper? Break away from the ordinary— be creative! Since more people find their first meal of the day uninteresting, they'd welcome any change. Here are some bright ideas that will surprise appetites. -Top fruit salad or grapefruit sections with frozen berries, -Make a breakfast shake with milk, vanilla ice cream and fruit or fruit preserves. -Serve an egg and slice of Asked about changes during the past 70 years, Mr. Love said, "The biggest change is in farm machinery and they don't work near as hard as we used to." Mr. Love said he passes the time by "mostly reading, eating and sleeping. He is a keen Toronto Maple Leaf hockey fan and Darryl Sittler is his favourite on ice performer. Tea was served from a table centered with an anniversary cake and flowers. Those serving were Brenda Schilbe, Betty Lynn Koehler, Sandra and Janice Webster. The couple received many floral arrpgements and letters of congratulations from Robert McKinley M.P. and Jack Riddell M.P.P. luncheon meat or cheese in a hamburger bun, -Stir chopped fresh or canned fruit (peaches, apples, blueberries) or nuts into pancake batter and serve with your favorte topping. -Make French toast with a new bread—cinnamon, raisin, French or Vienna and serve with maple syrup. ' -Perk up whole grain or enriched cereals with raisins, chopped nuts, flaked coconut or fresh fruit. -Top corn or wheat flakes with vanilla ice cream and fresh or frozen strawberries blueberries, or peaches, and a little milk. -For breakfast eaters on the go, have a bran muffin, a piece of cheese and an orange. Just make up your mind to spend a little extra effort, on the morning meal, and you'll see how a super breakfast can bring out s the best in you. Face the facts on breakfast skipping