HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-04-07, Page 7 I Tractors Equipment Save $$ Now On These APRIL SPECIALS sy 10% OFF * Batteries * Tune-Up Kits * Hydraulic Cylinders * All In-Stock Toys 5% OFF * All In-Stock Paint * All In-Stock Radios FILTER SPECIALS * Ford 300 Oil Filter BUY TWO AND RECEIVE FREE FILTER WRENCH * All Other Filters BUY THREE AND GET ONE FREE Kongskilde Cultivator Tines Fbg. $7.35 Each While Supply Lasts . . . 4.75 We Have A Complete Line of Parts For Briggs & Stratton Engines ' Better Farming Starts At EXETER FORD Equipment Sales Ltd EXETER 235-2200 By Lloyd Willert Four delegates from this area attended the annual convention of mers Union April 1 at Mitchell. District 5 of the National Far- Regional Co-Ordinator Blake Sanford was in attendance to enlighten us as to recent hap- penings on the farm scene. He revealed some interesting things that the NFU is involved in. One of the major being a push for a National Meat Authority. The NFU has pushed for this National Authority for a number of years now, with only moderate success although the Federal Minister of Agriculture seems to be all for some National Marketing structure. We were told to consider these facts. Average 1978 prices, Al and A2 steers more than 10 percent below 1975 and 3,7 per- cent below the five year average price of 42.88 per cwt. Average prices for feeder steers in 1976 up to 9.2 per cent below five year average prices on some markets. The present buying system has broken down. In 1976 more than 61 percent of all cattle slaughtered were delivered directly to Packing Plants, No Competition no bidding. Imports are rising, For 1977 Canada has agreed to import 144.75 million pounds of dressed beef and veal from the U.S. Australia and New Zealand.That's more than 400,000 slaughter weight cattle. No limits on U.S. live cattle imports. We have eaten more beef than we have produced since 1969, that tells us there is no surplus beef production problem in Canada. In 1976 each Canadian ate an average of 108 lbs. of beef, up from 102 lbs. in 1975, Many far- 1111111111111M11111111111111111111i11111111111111111:: ADAMS Heating & Cooling .! • Heating Systems! of All Types INSTALLED, MODERNIZED Fi and MAINTAINED fi:" • General Sheet g. Metal Work • Air Conditioning • Humidifiers • Ventilation 235-2187 133 Huron St., East, Exeter Stauffer C HE MICALS CUSTOM CLEANING ''and TREATING SEED GRAINS DEALERS IN • FORAGE SEED • SEED GRAIN • WEED SPRAYS • SEED CORN & BEANS SCHIRMER 21311,11311LING Times-Advocate, April 7, 1977 Pape 7 Ns" bodymeat competition in bidding between buyers. That's price fixing! The Federal Beef Inquiry said: All of the aforementioned unnecessary costs exists in the market system. That's inefficient! Western consumers pay more than Eastern consumers although Western cattle prices are lower. That's profiteering! Montreal Wholesalers get kick- backs through freight rebates. That's illegal! The Quebec crime commission proved crime does pay in the meat business. Taking all the aforementioned into account the NFU believes we need a National Authority with powers to negotiate prices; assure Honest grades and weights; control imports and exports; protect consumer prices. It was pointed out that a provincial structure does not under our constitution have the powers to regulate imports, y problems were also discussed at length with several major new things coming to the forefront. One is the appearance of artificial cheeses on the scene. A letter of protest is being sent to people in authority at different levels of governments. An information leak reveals that the $1.35 per cwt. holdback on industrial milk could climb to $1.77 a cwt. Also the task force report which was a study done on agriculture in the 70's is being implemented. This report said agriculture should stand on its own feet without subsidies or grants of any kind, This means subsidies dairy farmers and others are receiving could be gradually phased out. The darner of some farmers to do away with some of our marketing programs will help this along. A lot of people would like to see every thing go to the highest bidder and if this ever happens to farmers, God help the family farmers and small businessmen. Our most recent federal budget said we want to turn over more of the control to the private sector and that usually is the man with the money ends up ever thing and the guy on the bottom will end up being mere peasants. PIONE CAR STEREO It's the finest in stereo equipment for your car OFT OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY Jerry MacLean & Son AUTOMOTIVE LTD. Exel vr 235.0800 OUR STORE IS BIG ENOUGH TO SERVE YOUR NEEDS BUT SMALL ENOUGH TO BE FRIENDLY Join congregation at Centralia event By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA During the Palm Sunday service in the United Church Sunday morning 14 new members were welcomed into church membership. By transfer of membership there were Mr. & Mrs, Arthur Hunking, Mrs. Ross Lines, and Mrs. Barbara Sauder and from the Confirmation Class, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mills, Mrs. Richard Shoebottom, MarS, Lou Tindall, Pearl Buswell, Elizabeth Scott, Douglas Scott, Andy Beaton, Daniel Lines and Michael Mills. Mrs. Fred Cunnington has returned home after attending the funeral of her brother, the late Leonard Bender, Kitchener, and visiting at the hohie of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd 'Vogan in Listowel. She was a Sunday visitor with Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunnington and family, Thames Road. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Martin and girls, Crediton, were Friday evening visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel. Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel were guests at the home of their son and dhughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hirtzel and family in Exeter in celebration of their granddaughter Kathy's birthday. Easter Sunday a combined Centralia-Zion West United Church choir under the leader- ship of Mr. Doug Gill will present their Easter Cantata in both churches. POWER RING DRIVE Butler V-IT silage distributor-unloader features new I independent ring drive with 1/2 hp. motor, has no drive drum to manhandle, no weights to adjust. For you—fewer trips up the silo, fast feeding. lVe also install cattle feeding, ventilating, and manure-handling systems. h GEO, GLENDINNING & SON R.R. 2 LUCAN, ONTARIO 4 Phone ( 519) 294.6574 -- (519) 227-4593 h Ilhoommoommei..inekvmonoolowimema.moi NFU pushing for national mers have gone out or broke producing beef, Federal payments to cover part of their 1976 losses on slaughter cattle will reach 45 million. Provincial programs will pay many more millions of dollars to beef producers and cow calf operators. Most payments to farmers come from tax dollars to recover serious losses. The market system has failed to return farmers fair prices. Major packing companies report annual average profit increases of 17.6 percent between 1970176 even though beef plants have only been operating at about 65 per- cent capacity. Two recent commissions of inquiry into the beef industry have proven the power to control prices now is in the hands of the giant processing corporations and food chains. The Manitoba Meat & Livestock Commission said: Some farmers get poorer prices than others for cattle of the same grade and equality, That's discrimination! Grades and weights are often discounted. That's stealing! There is little TURNIP TALK — A Rutabaga Day sponsored by the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association was held Tuesday at Centralia College. Above, John Gardiner a crop specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food talks with Embro area farmer Lewis Thomson and area rutabaga producers Frank Vanneste, Jim Neil and Frank Kints. T-A photo 1 MT. CARMEL 11=11 MN IIIIIIII IN ASK NOW About Our Special PRE-SEASON PRICES On YAMAHA MOTORCYCLES Cycling weather is just around the corner and Yamaha is ready to make it one of the most enjoyable experiences you'll find, Get those corn rootworms: Use Dyfonate 20-G insecticide • Dyfonate has continued to prove its effectiveness year after year for the control of rootworms. • Dyfonate is easy to use. A free-flowing granular which does not ' excessively wear out application equipment. • Cut costs with economical Dyfonate. • No objectionable odor problem! This season, use economical, effective Dyfonate. Always follow label direc- tions carefully. Distributed in Canada by: Chipman Chemicals Limited Winnipeg, Stoney Creek, Longueuil *Reg. T.M. of Stauffer Chemical Company, U.S.A. 1 siDyfonate Dyfonate* . 40110), SILAGE DISTRIBUTOR- UNLOADER41 jik~ V• CietLgt hart4tieft e 111;',kaydoauri 7 n ryl 1,c,1 p 9 get ,40;!itiroi Ali et,doin 237-3456 •