HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-03-31, Page 25p * Annual Interest Payment • on 5 year term GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES STANDARD TRUST COMPANY 382 Dundas St. Woodstock, Ontario Telephone 539-5601 out of town call collect. MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Three hundred and fifty Junior Farmers from across Ontario represented 8,000 members at the Junior Farmer Annual Meeting and Provincial Conference at the Prince Hotel in Toronto, March 18 and 19. Representing Middlesex County Junior Farmers were Lent program continues Women of the community are reminded of the recom- mencement of the Learning for Lent program this morning at 9:30 promptly, continuing the interest groups and with U.C.W. President Marjorie Park taking her group on an "armchair vacation" to Mexico, Men, women and children are invited to share this interesting country with Mrs. Park. Child care is still provided. Mrs. Whilsmith will continue her inspirational discussions following the coffee break. At the final session April 7 Mrs, Whilsmith will show her pictures of the Holy Land. Women of the congregation were invited to the Ailsa Craig UCW Bazaar and Tea this Saturday from 2 - 4 p.m. in their S.S. rooms. The Cancer Society Service-to-Patients' Campaign Bake Sale was announced for Saturday, Apr. 16 at 9 a.m. at the Masonic Hall when all women of Lucan and Biddulph are invited to make their specialty and con- tribute to the sale. The "order-ahead" Easter Bake Sale was announced for Saturday, April 9, 11-12 a.m. in the Masonic Hall. Call in your orders to 227-4033 or 227-4833 before April 3 or come and take your chance of getting what you want! Delivery to shutins is again a feature of this event. , ;77:-.7n,•'•:','*'3,:s4,,,uh....- ,.. . m Seri„, " --,s,,,! „ • '-PA.i, •„„,, -40,,,--,...------------------- 4” 5 ' . • ;,... ' 013'''' omas Organs. SPRING SALE 0 OFF LIST LIMITED TIME NOW SAVE #1129 List Price$1295$1165.50 129.50 #1135 List Price $1595$1435.50 $159.50 Rimini Deluxe $ 895 $805.50 $89.50 #183 List Price $2895 $2605.50 $289.50 #281 List Price $4295 $3865.50 $429.50 All Sale Prices'Plus Sales Tax All Organs Complete with Bench, 5 Year Warran- ty, Headphone Jack. Many features that only Thomas Organs have. Must Be Seen And Heard Feel Free To Drop In While These Special Prices Prevail, GET ORGANIZiD WITH A THOMAS honialS ORGANS Closed Wednesdays, Open Friday Till 9 p.m. 429 Main St„ Exeter Phone 235.2522 Open Daily 1 0 1 0 Sunday; Noon - 6 235- 0620 ANYTIME Great strength! Great beauty! Great colours! stelco siding In fact, a great package! Improve your home the smart way. Manufactured from ultra-steloolour ins ar re. • . ......... U Call now for a free estimate from: Discount Dave's Home Centres (A Division of Conklin Lumber Company Limited) Exeter G rand Bend 235-1422 238-2374 7704/12 Attend Cancer Society Meeting A number from Granton at- tended the Lucan Biddulph Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society's Campaign launching meeting at Lucan Public S6hool Tuesday evening when Bill Brady of C.F.P.L. Radio was the quest speaker. Those who were present heard Bill prophesy that "Just as smallpox was a disease of the past, with research to find the cause, and new equipment to detect and new drugs used in Chemotherapy and Radiology for cures, Cancer could, hopefully in the near future become a disease of the past". Entries from a school Anti- Smoking poster contest were on display and judged by Bill Brady and Don Brand, Field Refreshments were served by Pam Moor and Christine Geert- sen, The next meeting will be Saturday, April 2, at 3 p.m. and members are asked to note the change in time. Lucan United Church Rev. Charles Scott continued his Lenten sermons on Sunday, on the topic' "The Voice of the People", speaking from the book of Luke. Mrs. Scott accompanied her husband in the pulpit and gave the children's story from her book "Playmates of the Northwoods". The Scripture lessons were read by Loyes Melanson and Christine Marcus. HEARING TESTS No Obligation EXETER PHARMACY Thurs., April 7 — 1 to 3 p.m. Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes Wegolie HEARING AIDS E. R. THEDE Hearing Aid Service Ltd. 88 Queen St., S. Kitchener THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET "The Store That Saves You More" Super Selection - Super Savings! KNITTING YARNS We've added new colors to our lines of "Beehive" Knitting Yarns. ASTRA KNITTING YARN BEEHIVE - 1 OZ. SKEIN BEEHIVE - 1 OZ. SAYELLE BABY YARN 11 COLOURS 67 4 BEEHIVE CRAFT YARN 100 PERCENT ACRYLIC - NOW 47 COLOURS 2 OZ. SKEIN CANADIANA 2 OZ. SKEIN SAYELLE NOW 64 COLOURS 9 94 Just Arrived - A Choice Selection of CURTAIN MATERIAL $2.57b. NOW 49 COLOURS THE BASE FACTORY OUTLET "The Store that Saves You More" on MEN'S—BOYS—LADIES—GIRLS & BABY WEAR YARD GOODS— F URNITURE—MATTRESSES— PAINT—SEWING MACHINES—SMALL APPLIANCES--LAMPS HOURS: Monday . Saturday 10 a.m. - S:30 p.m. Friday nights 'til 9:00 p.m. Highway 4 - South of Vinton or vonostro Greenway ladies attend 1\1°1631' ecumenical service 1977 Page 25 IAMPA4P111111 by ..cotty Hampton • Middlesex juniors at annual convention Kathy Hearn and Sheila Smith of Lucan, This year's conference looked at the role of "Youth in Society". With a series of speakers talking on young people's roles in education, energy conservation, consumer law i humankineticsand the family unit, delegates broadened their view of what their roles could be in our society. During the Annual Banquet, Saturday night, Provincial Directors for 1977 were installed including Gail Ready, London, Provincial Director for Mid- dlesex. Recipients of the 1977 Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food 'Scholarships to the United Kingdom were announced. This year's winners are Hugh Flet- cher, RR1, Ilderton; Theresa Dowling, RR 4, Gananoque; Henry Swierenga, RR 1, Caistor Centre; and Gordon MacKay, RR 5, Embro. The delegates were Selected on the basis of their contributions to organizations and activities in their home communities and their abilities to serve as am- bassadors of Ontario rural youth, Winner of the Junior Farmer Travelling Scholarship to Australia and New Zealand for 1978 is Stan Towers, RR 4, Glencoe. The six month exchange is sponsored by the Junior Farmers' Association of Ontario and United Co-operatives of Ontario. Explorers show recycled items Lori Riley conducted opening ceremony for the Lucan Explorers. Roll call of at- tendance at church Sunday School and Explorerg was read, by Jill Cunningham. Several girls brought recycled articles to show what can be done with throw away items, They decided to make doll furniture out of these for a doll house. These and other hobbies will be displayed at our annual Bunny Tea, April 16. The Live Love Mission Project will be the Thomas Crosby Boat on the British Columbia Coast. A story of pioneer times the Calico Dress was read by councillor Mabel Froats. Next expedition Monday, April 4, Special craft night April 6 from 7-8:30 p.m. Wizards plan to exhibit Members of the Wardrobe Wizards 4-H Club held their 6th meeting on Saturday, March 26, at the home of the leader, Mrs. Gerald Straatman. There was a long discussion on plans for Achievement Day and the Bunny Bundle. A committee was selected to plan the exhibit, in- cluding Lynn Haygarth, Elinor Mcllhargey and Annette Straatman. The title of the exhibit is "Seams and Seam Finishes". The members decided to run a Bunny bundle Campaign by raffling an Easter decorated cake and a chocolate rabbit. Mrs. Straatman and Mrs. Don O'Neil showed how to do set-in sleeves and collars. WIN BRANCH 540 BOWLING — The winners in Sunday's fun bowling games sponsored by Lucan Legion branch 540 are being congratulated by match chairlady Nancy Densmore, right. From the left are Heather Smith, Joseph Mathews (accepting for his wife Beth), Bernice Fenwick, Tom Dewan and Harold Frayne, photo by Daley ady Foresters make donations By MRS. E.1SUMMERS GRANTON Members of Court Valentine Lady Foresters met at the Lodge Hall Monday evening, March 21, with president Sister Sandra Hern in the chair. Plans were made to spend 'the • Court's evening out at the Bavarian Inn, London, A com- mittee consisting of Sisters Melba St, Denis and Lois Herbert was named to arrange dinner reservations and program, the date was set for Monday, April 18, any member wanting to go that evening is to contact one of the ladies on the committee. During the business session donations were voted to the Lucan-Biddulph Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society, Thameswood Lodge, Stratford Red Cross Society, The Easter Seal Crippled Children's Fund and Bunny Bundle, Winners of the draws were the No's draw Sister M, Morley; the bulletin draw for a C.F. coffee spoon, Sister Eileen Summers. Sisters Dorothy and Sandra Hern were in charge of lunch. By MANUEL CURTS GRUNWAY Several members of the United Church Women attended the Easter Ecumenical service on Monday evening which was held in the Alhambra Hall near Grand Bend, Mr, & Mrs. Jack Trevithick and Ruth, Brinsley, were dinner guests Friday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Walper, the oc- casion being Mrs. Trevithick's birthday. Mark Horner, Sault Ste Marie, spent the school break week with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Horner. His dad, Reg Horner, joined him later in the week, following a business trip to Toronto, Mr. & Mrs. Wm Curts and Viola Curts, London, were dinner guests with Evelyn and Manuel Curts, Friday evening. Of interest and concern to this community is the recent death of Mrs. Charlie Hodgins in Chesley. Mr. & Mrs, Harvey Walper, Joanne and Elizabeth were Hamilton visitors on Thursday with Keith Walper and with We'll Do the Job Right... Douglas Walper at Johnsen Hall, University of Guelph, Mr. & Mrs, Milton Pollock, Mr. & Mrs, Norman Greenwood, Mr, & Mrs. Morley Hodgins, Mr, & Mrs. Willis Steeper and Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Scott have returned home following a holiday in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. George Gollen visited with Mr. & Mrs. John Gollen and infant daughter, Sunday in Stratford. By the way: Johnny — "It's funny, ain't it, that everybody in our family's some kind of an animal?" Father — "What do you mean?" Johnny — "Why, mother's a dear, and baby is a little lamb, and I'm the kid, and you're the goat," Mail your problems to "Irn- pact' , c/o this paper. All letters will be answered provided a stamped ad- dressed envelope is enclos- ed. Some of general interest will be published. Letters must be signed but we will NOT reveal your identity. Pm= limin Mil MIN YAMAHA Mt. Carmel 237-3456 11111111111111 NMI 111011.111 EMI 11111111111 My sister bought me a pair of earrings that I liked for my birthday. The fourth time I wore them one broke at the clasp. My sister then relurned them to the store where she had bought them only to be told that they, carried no guarantee as they were originally sold as being fragile merchandise. I was proud of those earrings and took good care of them so I feel that this earring must have been faul- ty to begin with, so wonder if you people can convince the store of this? After our call the store agreed to take a look at the earring in question and came to the conclusion that the clasp had indeed been a faulty one. Hence our reader received a brand new set of earrings. Dtathe :hack' Authorized Dealer C-B's 282 Main St. 235-2261 STEREOS • TOWERS • AERIALS • TROPHIES GORD'S TROPHIES & ENGRAVING Last year we paid out over $2,000 to have vinyl siding put on our house and since then the repair men have been back at our place so much our neighbours must be thinking they are permanent boarders. The trouble is that the siding keeps on loosen- ing. The men fix up a troubl- ed spot and a short time later it's the same trouble in another place. This job is supposed to be guaranteed but we feel the job was not done properly in the first place, and that it should be completely done over. Will you contact this corn- pony on our behalf? The manager admits he's had a lot of trouble with poor help but has promised to send a crew out to this job when he has one available. Jack & Mare's 235-2444 HIGHWAYS 83 & 4 EXETER Almost a year ago just now we bought a combina- tion refrigerator-freezer which carried a twelve- month warranty. Well since just about "day one" we've had trouble with a faulty seal at the bottom of the door. When we noticed it getting worse we notified the dealer about our problem and he promised to get in touch with the service representative. That's quite a few months ago but we still haven't had • any action, and if this isn't repaired soon our warranty will have expired and I have no intention of paying out money for something that wasn't our fault in the first place. Can IMPACT help to speed things up please? The missing part has now arrived and your local ser- viceman should have it to in- stall, "anytime now." S T • Plica; Ltd. n 293 Main St. S., Exeter MONUMENTS - MARKERS LETTERING Plan London outing Representative for Western Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. The prize winners were the following students, in the Junior division, Terry Maslen, Ann Van Bussel, Jeff Lemon, most original Tony Straathen, grade 6, St, Patrick's Lucan. Senior division, Josie Sentjens, Elizabeth Morken, R. Roche, most original Lisa Vanderloo. Needlepoint Summary Day Granton was well represented at the Needlepoint for Beginners Course Summary Day, sponsored by the Women's Institute and held at Thorndale on Wednesday afternoon, March 23. Leaders for Granton and Prospect Hill W.I. were Mrs.. Clarence Lewis and Mrs. Chas. Gowan. Unit 5 U.C.W. Supper The supper held by the members of Unit 5 U.C.W. was very well attended and following the meal progressive euchre was enjoyed, prize winners were: ladies' high score, Mrs. Mervin Baker; lone hands, Mrs. E. Ferguson, low score, Linda Bryan; and for the men, high score, Tom Harlton; lone hands, . By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Bob Schieck, Drayton spent last week with his cousin Paul Stewart. Jack Borland returned home on Saturday from St. Joseph's IloSpital, London where he un4 derwent surgery last week. Mr. & Mrs, William Rohde were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Rohde of Mitchell. They visited with their nephew Jim Rohde who is a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. David Passmore, Tom and Jon were Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Passmore, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Lamport, Julie and Greg were on a cruise last week. They visited Haiti, Porto Rico, Virgin Islands, Dominican Republic and back to Miami, The Easter meeting of the United Church Women will be held on Monday evening April 4 at 8 p.m. in the church basement, Bridal shower Thirty-seven people attended a miscellaneous bridal shower for Miss Barbara Johns bride-elect of April. Several contests were enjoyed. Mrs. Sharon Gray read the address and Barbara received many lovely and useful gifts. Barbara replied. Lunch was then served. Mrs. E. Bryan (playing as a man); low score,Lloyd Cowdrey of Kirkton. Church news At the United Church Rev. Elwood Morden was in charge of the morning worship on Sunday, March 27, and took his sermon (the fifth in the Lenten series on the "Seven Last Words") from John 19 v. 28. Receiving Sunday School at- tendance awards were the following children: first pin, Julie McCall and Kim Marshall, Wreath, Cathy Riddell; third bar, Margaret McGuffin and Valerie Squire, Gold Pin. At the St. Thomas Anglican Church Rev. Mary Mills con- ducted the morning prayer Sunday, March 27. This being the fifth Sunday in Lent and com- monly called Passion Sunday, Rev, Mills referred this to the Passion Story found in the Gospel of St. Mark, this deals with our Lord's Activity. Passion Week is for us to prepare and direct ourselves for our dedication to the memory of Christ's crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, said Rev. Mills. Personals Mrs. Mina Kelly of Hamilton, Mrs. Aaron Sherritt of Brantford and Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Stanley of London called on Mr. & Mrs. Austin Hobbs on Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Ross Langford and Mrs. Wm. Rodd of Exeter. Mrs. B. Worton and daughter 'ramnzy of London was•a guest of her friend Mrs. Lois Herbert and her family on Wednesday of last week. A speedy recovery is extended to Mrs. Wm. Knapman who has been transferred to Victoria Hospital London from St, Mary's Mem. Hospital. Whatever the project, call on us for Ready-Mix Concrete • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • FARM (Including Manure Tanks) FREE ESTIMATES C. A. McDOWELL LTD. CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Plant: 235-0833 Office: 228-6961 Expert Car Repairs C-B Sales & Service