HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-03-31, Page 6MR. AND MRS. EDGAR CUDMORE KU r i TT PI • W i Tr a i i 7 fi l l IT T I M 14 oz. 3/s1 3,bs 99C Schneiders Red Hots & Dutch Treats Wieners lb. 79' Schneiders Vac l's, Skillet Strips lb $1.09 Canada Packers Perfection Brand Smoked Picnic Shoulders lb.79' 6 to 8 lb. avg., Burns Partially Boned Schneiders Farmers Market Sausage lb.. 1.19 Schneiders Vac l's Bologna lb. 95' Regular Ground Beef 2 lb. for 9 Burns Partly Skinned Fully Cooked Hams lb $ 1 • 19 A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET tx 4 2 3 SUPERIOR QUALITY MEATS ut Fresh Grade A 4 NO NEED TO CHASE FOOD BARGAINS! LB. A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET 89' ._ ki . il • l ik , k l• - if It i 4f i l ax k lA : 32 oz. 1.03 7 oz. 93' BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES 18.5 oz. 59' WHITE, CHOC., GERMAN CHOC., ETC Poland() Crushed, Tid Bits, Choice PINEAPPLE 19 oz. Carnation Milk 3 lb. $2.37 Rosedale Choice Peas 14 oz. 3/$1. Aliens Recon. Apple Juice 48 oz tin 57* Rosedale Choice' Corn Crown Brand Syrup Clarks Kernel Corn 12 oz. choice 0 2 0 ex oe o. 4 McCains Regular Cut French Fries 3 1/2 lb. bog MANY MORE IN STORE FEATURES PAVED PARKING AT REAR OF STORE YOU'RE WELCOME TO USE OUR REAR ENTRANCE Exeter — Phone 235-0212 0 4 xo A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET A&H SUPERIOR FOOD MARKET ae 0 0 LEGS 2 of O oe 0. ail 4 Maple Leaf Sliced Vac l's, Side Bacon $1.39 Schneiders Pkg. of 4, 1/4 lb. Beef Steakettes 16954 70 DELSEY BOUTIQUE BATHROOM TISSUE 2 rolls 49' WHITE OR COLOURED W x. 4 oo.• oe 3/s1 I to in Produce of U.S.A. LETTUCE 24's, ea. 39' FROZEN McCoins Fancy Brussel Sprouts FRUIT & VEG. California Navel, 113's SUNKIST ORANGES dozen 99' Ontario Hot House No. 1 ENGLISH CUCUMBERS ea. 75' FRESH BAKING tn m so 1.4 CLOVER LEAF SOLID WHITE TUNA .0 • 59' pkg. 6 $1.29 99' Granny's Lemon Tarts 2 lbs, Superior Enriched Bread 24 oz. 3/$1.09 FULLY COOKED O HAMS cc 0 n. GIS 4 IVORY LIQUID LB. DRYSDALE'S HOME HARDWARE WATCH FOR OUR SPRING SALE FLYER COMING SOON onthron's offlensall "Would you turn 300 students loose on your machine?" "If the people at Husqvarna want a testing ground, they have one right here. But their machines are so strong and run so smoothly, they'll never have to worry about results." Beverley Elaschuk, Home Economics teacher Oshawa, Ontario. Over 300 on hand to help pair celebrate By ELAINE TOWNSHEND - The instructor lined up the fifteen dogs with their fifteen nervous owners clutching at their leashes, and I took a seat at the back of the room with the other visitors to watch a lesson in obedience. With a pleasant Irish accent, the teacher issued his preliminary remarks to the handlers: "Everybody will be having the same problems, so don't worry about the other fellow; just concentrate on your own dog. Don't get nervous; don't get mad; and whatever you do, don't knock your dog around. Talk to your dog at all times. I don't care what you say to him, but keep talking. And if he tells EAT THE FOODS YOU LOVE AND STILL LOSE WEIGHT. r r )144460, • • tt, We'll show you how. $4.00 registration $3.00 a meeting, Call Free 1-800-261-0573 Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church 267 Andrews St. Exeter, Ontario Monday: 7:30 p.m. counterweight. a PEOPLE WHO CARE r Le.tdolg All Canadian Weight Control Orgitooxatton you he wants to do something take him out to the parking lot right away." Then the lesson began with fifteen people circling the room on rubber mats and repeating, Heel! Heel! Heel! Some of the dogs followed nonchalantly, while others glanced from side to side in bewilderment. A few troublemakers tried to disrupt the class by nipping at the heels of the dogs ahead of them and by twisting around to see who was behind them. An Afghan named Mingo was gliding gracefully through her paces when her mistress sud- Institutes join to hear singers Hurondale Institute en- tertained the members of Crediton and Elimville Institutes at their dessert meeting, Wed- nesday. The president welcomed all guests after all had enjoyed the delicious desserts, Mrs. Chas. Kernick introduced the Allethia singers which sang several in- spiring numbers which all en- joyed. Mrs. Wm Lamport thanked them, A way to welcome a new citizen in the community was the roll call. Miss Ann Brodie com- mented on the motto 'Respon- sible Citizenship' are we living up to this ideal? Mrs. Roylance Westcott read from the federated news and told how Pennies for Friendship helps finance cost of trips for officers. Current events were read by Mrs. Chas. Snell. Mrs. Joyce Morgan and her associate Mrs. Linda Johns explained how ceramics were made and had many lovely pieces on display for ladies to view. Olive Thomson thanked them. Mrs. H. Dougall conducted the business. Minutes were read and approved. There is to be an open meeting at Kirkton Woodham Community Center on March 30 to form a Huron District Health group. The rummage sale for South. Huron Hospital Auxiliary is to be held at Huron Park, April 22. denly stopped causing her to break her stride ungracefully. She glared up at her as though asking, "What do you think you're doing?" The instructor came to Mingo's rescue by reminding the human to take two strides after giving the command to halt. After a couple of dozen trips around the room and a few halts and about turns, the dogs were ordered to stand. Then the humans rearranged canine bodies lifting heads, straightening legs and shifting rears to the left or the right. A cocker spaniel named Lady licked her master's face in ap- preciation each time he smoothed her ears. Meanwhile, the instructor's German Shepherd smugly demonstrated the perfect pose in the centre of the pack. The lesson was interrupted by the entrance of a perky poodle wearing a bow in her hair. The whole canine class gave her a vociferous welcome, especially Rocky, a collie who until then had seemed indifferent to the proceedings. During a ten-minute break, the owners straggled out to a pop machine in the hall or flopped on the nearest chairs they could find. The students, meanwhile, became better acquainted. In the second half of the evening, the handlers and their dogs lined up against a wall. Each dog was orderd to stay, while their masters walked to the end of the leash and dropped it on the floor, The trick was to maintain their positions for one minute. Only two dogs persevered: Rocky, who seemed to be showing off for the poodle, and Rex, a Doberman Pinscher, who took a nap. Sixty minutes after the obedience lesson began, the class was dismissed. The poodle pranced out the door followed closely by Rock the cocker spaniel brushed playfully against her master's legs; after his nap, the Doberman Pinscher was raring to go and he practically dragged his master out to the car. The dogs looked 'as energetic as when they arrived, but most of the masters and mistresses seemed too tired to bother telling their pets to heel. More than 300 area persons attended an Open House at Exeter United Church Saturday to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, RR 1, Hensall. Edgar Cudmoreand the former Muriel Keyes were married on March 24, 1927 at the Hensall United Church parsonage by Rev. Arthur Sinclair. The at- tendants were Mervyn• Cudmore and Mrs. Harold Scruton. After their marriage the Cudmore's took up residence on Concession 2 of Usborne township for two years before moving to their present home at Lot 31, Concession 4 of Usborne. The couple has one daughter Mrs. Wilmer (Marjorie) Mac- Donald of Brampton and five grandchildren. A son Alvin was killed in a motor vehicle accident in 1975. Mr. Cudm ore now retired from his farming oeprations has been associated with many groups for more than 25 years. These in-' elude the Gideons, Youth For Christ, Christian Reach-Out and the drive-in church services in the area. At Saturday's Open House the tea table was tastefully arranged with floral decorations and golden candles. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Harold Parker, Mrs. Robert Keys, Mrs. Elsie Keys and Mrs. Harold Cudmore. Those serving were Mrs. Doug Wein, Mrs. Don Dalton, Miss Kathy Parker, Mrs, Larry Johnston and Mrs. Hugh Davis. In the evening Mrs. Marie Cudm ore, Mrs, Eva Parker, Mrs. Mervyn Cudmore and Mrs. Gordon Parker poured tea. Those serving were Mrs. Le Roy Keyes, Mrs. George Parker, Mrs. Ken Parker, Mrs. Marvin Taylor, Mrs. Ken Cudmore and Mrs. Don Rooth. The marriage vows were renewed at 4, to 5 o'clock in• the sanctuary. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Leila Fink- beiner. Mrs. Doug Warren was guest soloist. Rev. Doug Warren, London performed the ceremony assisted by Rev. Clayton Kuepfer', Zurich. The bride was attended by Mrs. Harold Scruton (nee Elva Shaddick) Port Dover who was her bridesmaid 50 ytears ago. Mervyn Cudmore, Exeter at- tended his brother as groomsman as he did fifty years ago. Following the ceremony a family dinner was served from a beautifully arranged table centered with a wedding cake, golden candles and carnations. Rev. Bruce Pierce, Crediton asked the blessing and Rev. Joe Baker, Toronto expressed congratulatory remarks. Mr. Jack McDonald, Brampton, grandson, was, master of ceremonies. Congratulations were received from Syracuse., New York and Calgary, Alberta. Many floral gifts were received from Dillbury, Penn. U.S.A., Calgary, Nova Scotia, Exeter Legion as well as many local organizations and friends. A scroll was received from Pierre Trudeau, a plaque com- memorating the 25th year of Queen Elizabeth's reign from Jack Riddell and a message of congratulations from Premier William Davis. At a recent meeting of the Gideons, 44 Bibles were donated in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Cudmore's Golden Anniversary. After returning to their home Saturday evening their neigh- bours and friends surprised them with a "chivaree" YACMR WEEK March 27 to April 3 has been deemed YACMR Week all over Ontario. The week has been set aside, in order that the public may become more aware of YACMR as a community function. Special events, assemblies, and fund raisings have been scheduled by various locals throughout Ontario. YACMR means Youth Across Canada working with the Mentally Regarded. There is a local here in Exeter, and they are planning to raffle off chocolate Easter bunnies in conjunction with YACMR Week. If you are interested or have any questions about YACMR or YACMR Week, please ask . Members are only too willing to answer questions, For more information contact local YACMR president Maureen Hartman at South Huron District High School, Page 6 Times-Advocate, March 31, 1977 Nol$10100110100.10tiW.,,:s .• • • • • • • • • '''' • ' • '' '' You've heard a lot about Swedish craftsmanship. Now you can take a close look. Come and watch the Husqvarna 2000 in action. Check out the features for yourself. Like a gear shift for stitch-by- stitch control without losing motor power. The extra long straight stitch — up to Odds n' Ends Talking to the dogs 355 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S0 (519) 235-1990 6mm. The 100% jam-proof hook and the bobbin thread that comes up automatically. You get all this on a machine that never needs oiling. If you're a serious sewer, come and take a look. There's a complete line of Husqvarna machines to fit all budgets. Husqvarna "The ultimate in sewing." Hopper Hockey Furniture Ltd.