HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-03-24, Page 25• TO EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE, P.O. BOX 850, EXETER, ONT. WE WILL PUT YOUR AD UNDER THE PROPER CLASSIFICATION. 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 YOU HAVE USED 20 , .WORDS,, ,ADDITIONAL 'WORDS 9c EACH. 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 EXAMPLE OF HOW OUR AD-O-GRAM WORKS I 4 0 Its # we. i . i --0.00 1- ea 11 y 5 , e Acell evnt c..6-.),,Jitt'o•-ru 0 'Pk IV col 5. op I .s 0 10 u b I. it c., ct.y.r ; ate 12 I i KC' 13 a h ew 14 t '''.-c..-oo 15 0 r 16 15 17 4- "Hier 0. A teOr "frl C1 t; 0 7%.., 18 (eekse 19 ' ..t.it i ri,„,„, 20 ...,„,.. (5a0.„ YOU HAVE USED 20 DITIONAL WWOORRDDSS9c EACH. 26 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 .40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 PAY CASH FOR YOUR ADVERTISEMENT, YOU'LL SAVE 50' NON COMMERCIAL ADS ONLY USE THIS CONVENIENT AD-O-GRAM, ENCLOSE YOUR PAYMENT. IT'S SIMPLER AND IT ENSURES MORE ACCURACY THAN HAVING US TAkE YOUR MESSAGE OVER THE TELEPHONE . CLASSIFIED AD - 20 words $2.40 9a per word thereafter BIRTHS — 20 words $2.00, 8¢ per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 8¢. IN MEMORIAMS — $2.00 plus 12a per line of verse. COMING EVENTS — 20 words $2.00, each additional word 84. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARDS OF THANKS — 30 Words $2.00, 4a per word WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. ADDITIONAL INSERTION $1.40 MINIMUM FOR FIRST 20 WORDS AND 74 PER WORD THEREAFTER PAYMENT ENCLOSED NAME ADDRESS PHONE All ads must be received by 4:00 p.m. Tuesday. ATMERNER'S Custom Killing Butcher Day Wednesday For pick up service call 237-3314 Choice of Clear See-Through Film or Brown Freezer Paper Fully Processed - Satisfaction Guaranteed CLASSIFIED RATES IT'S EASY TO CALCULATE YOUR OWN PAYMENT WIN V & G TROPHY — A rink skipped by Jim Chapman won the annual Victoria and Grey mixed curling bonspiel at the Exeter club over the weekend. Above, Exeter branch manager Dennis Smith presents the trophy to Jim and Dorothy Chapman and Bev and Bill Simpson. T-A photo SECOND DRAW WINNERS — The second draw and runnerup championship in Saturday's mixed curling bonspiel sponsored by Victoria and Grey was won by Gord Strang and his foursome. Above, bonspiel chairman Lee Learn congratulates Gord and Suzanne Strang and La Vonne and Bob Stephens. T-A photo 4W_44ktmr71` • . I mirb -7 1 L.L16; 1:r4' SHOP SELECT SAVEON ALLYOUR FOOD NEEDS Football HAMS Schneiders RING BOLOGNA Schneiders Thuringer SUMMER SAUSAGE Schneiders Bulk WIENERS Fresh SA M. Reddy Tip Coak, eg: 52 29 PIZZA DELUXE Bicks Sweet Mixed Pickles Kraft Cheese Whiz Kraft Mozzarella Cheese Slices Pillsbury Crescent Rolls Village Colored Parkay Margarine McCormicks Chocolate Chip Cookies 99' 2 n.'2.59 „e, °1.44 45' 42' ,,,.'1.29 -FROZEN FOOD ----- FRUITS & VEG. Oranges # 1 1 3 doz. 85' Celery Stalks Green bunch 59' 5 lb, bag $1.49 Cabbage lb. 39t Sunspun Orange Juice McCains French Fries 12 oz. 55' TOTAL COST FOR ADVERTISEMENT DEDUCT 50' FOR CASH PAYMENT COST OF INSERTION • • • • 50c DM SP IS FS CO RO RP LO HH CC CA HT AH WH PP PK AL HD BB RO LO MM PO UD TL IN SP NG 'IS TS GY HG IB AL RO BR EF DD FL SU KO SP C4 BL TB BS AJ TA CO YW BO CO OG CH TB TC MP FR AF LO BB DN TN CF RR BOWLING • SCORES Lucan Ladies M. Young 746 J. Sovereign 633 M. Jeff eries 629 J. McComb 555 E. Burt 572 P, Hirtzel 576 P. IN/McDonald 541 L. Ellyatt 776 S. Redick 620 J, Hodgins 649 A. Watt 638 W. Hardy 503 Tuesday Ladies H. Daniel 749 L. Weber 693 P. Haugh 700 Y. Jaques 510 E. Spurn 518 C. Hockey 635 B. Sangster 600 J. Simpson 525 S. Lewis 519 L. Latulippe 639 J. Frayne 554 P. Gower 467 Thursday Ladies M, Samis 683 N. Dowson 700 S. Weber 486 M.MacDonald 551 M. Bridges 417 I. Reid 637 J. Mantey 578 S. Bourne 542 H. Edwards 556 C. Whiteford 532 Mens Monday F. DuBarry 744 B. Farquhar 820 C. Murray 766 L. Christian 743 W. Pearce 748 D. Brintnell 659 H. Holtzmann 719 G. Smith 571 B. Nicol 801 E. Matzold 787 Mens Wednesday J, Glover 680 D. Brintnell 685 B. Hogarth 658 B. England 676 B. DeVries 696 H. Brand 693 F, Wells 737 S, Samis 691 Monday Afternoon Men Ted Bowden 494 Tom Yellow 439 Russ Collingwood 548 Chas. Hendy 526 • 110 97 81 77 75 71 64 63 60 41 33 27 7 107 7 51 7 121 0 53 0 83 7 132 3 114 0 58 4 104 7 122 0 74 0 21 7 134 0 132 7 58 0 86 0 19 7 65 2 114 5 90 0 69 7 106 7 104 0 103 5 113 2 66 7 98 0 58 7 111 0 22 4 105 3 137 5 73 2 98 7 71 0 72 4 117 3 97 5 90 2 110 Friday Mixed P. McFalls 719 R. Gridzak 64 C. Murray 743 C, Doxtator 688 W, Reynolds 583 L, Wein 614 Sunday Mixed G. Campbell 677 T. Wilcox 562 G. Wilson 703 B. Bierling 602 C, Smith 521 B, England 557 M. Looby 600 K. Cooper 587 5 115 2 68 5 118 2 90 5 64 2 47 5 132 2 31 4 92 3 72 6 88 1 62 5 96 2 99 Times-Advocate, March 24, 1977' Paws 25 Allowance increases Increases in the Old Age Security pension, Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, effective in April 1977, were announced this week by Health and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde, Increases in Old Age Security pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement payments represent the fourteenth quarterly escalation based on the cost of living, as provided for in the Old Age Security Act. The new monthly total at the single rate for persons receiving both the basic Old Age Security pension and maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement will be $244.08. For a married couple, both pensioners, the combination of the basic pension and maximum supplement will provide a payment of $465.62 for the couple monthly, The basic Old Age Security pension will rise in April to $143.46 from the present $141.34, The Guaranteed Income Supplement is paid to pensioners whose income apart from the Old Age Security pension, is limited. The amount of the supplement varies in relation to the amount of income. The maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement for a single person, or a married person whose spouse is not a pensioner and is not receiving a Spouse's Allowance, will go up in April to $100.62 from its current $99.13. The maximum supplement for a married couple, both pen- sioners, will increase to $89.35 each from $88.03. Added to the basic pension, this will give each married pensioner $232.81 monthly, or a total of $465.62 for the couple, The Spouse's Allowance is paid to persons between 60 and 65 years of age rho are married to Old Age Security pensioners and meet residence requirements, Entitlement to a Spouse's Allowance, and amount paid, is based on yearly income. The maximum Spouse's Allowance will increase to $232.81 from $229.37. The maximum Spouse's Allowance is made up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Security pension and the maximum Guaranteed Income Supplement at the married rate. I is