HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-02-10, Page 12Page 12 Times-Advocate, Fobruo
Okay arena agreement
Many Lucan and area youngsters enjoyed snowmobile rides Saturday.
To discuss problem of dogs
pa\ N.S.\\\* .• "‘.`41:%\• NNIVs."‘%.N.VM,N.N.\ V40a0)... N`AaNN NN. \ , \\\ NNA, /
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Our Sale continues because of the weather / ,
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ideal for small chairs
and hassocks etc.
25% off
All material in stock
Nylons - Homespuns
Cottons - Velvets .
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VELVET Tetlell ,
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Get those
corn rootworms:
Use Dyfonate 20-G
• Dyfonate has continued to prove its effectiveness year after year
for the control of rootworms.
• Dyfonate is easy to use. A free-flowing granular which does not
excessively wear out application equipment.
• Cut costs with economical Dyfonate. mOyfonate
• No objectionable odor problem!
This season, use economical, effective
Dyfonate. Always follow label direc-
tions carefully.
'Reg. T.M. of Stauffer Chemical Company, U.S.A.
Minute talk at UC
Jesus went out se often fora quiet W
time in order to be refilled with
God's power, as He had given so
much to others, So may we go. to.
God in quiet and be restored and
given power to live His way,
To all "Observer" Subscribers,
or would be subscribers, please
get your renewal, $4 to J.A.
Young as soon as possible, or at
least call him and let him know
you wish to receive your sub-
Members and friends are
reminded of the bake sale
Saturday, at the Masonic Han
from 10:30-12:30. The baking is to
be in by 10 a.m. for pricing,
please. Coffee will be available,
410F Canada Postes
Post Canada
Ilderton Post Office
will be officially
on Friday, Feb. 18. 1977
at 2:30 p.m.
Everyone Welcome
An' Open House will
follow the indoor
Viola Higgs Postmaster
The "Minute Talk" was given
by members of the Mission &
Service Committee Sunday
morning, entitled "Get This Word
Around The Neighbourhood"..
Those taking part were Mrs.
David Newman, Mrs. William
Froats, Mrs, David Park, Mrs,
M.H. Hodgins, J.A. Young and a
teen member of the choir Alex
Rev. Jardine chose as his
sermon title "Is Silence Always
Golden" based on Ps. 46:10. He
said that God wants us to stop in
all the perplexities and com-
plexities of life to "Be still and
know that I am God". He asked
us to be still and look for the
hidden meaning in our lives.
Old Age
Application forms
c a
ll'.* II 411.
111 l4 f :4 t04 `4,` •011ikolo,q.
Fill them out!
Send them in!
Guaranteed Income Supplement
application forms were mailed
recently to all pensioners now re-
ceiving the Supplement, To make
sure that your Supplement to the
Pension continues beyond March
31st you must reapply. So make
sure you fill in your form and return
it in the addressed envelope en-
closed with the form, as soon as you
possibly can,
1+ Health
and Welfare
Marc Lalonde,
Sante et
Bien-etre social
( 4 a 1
Environment that application
has' been made to the Ontario
Municipal Board for an increase
in the sewage surcharge.
The rate is being increased
from 48 percent to 70 percent of
the water rate. When the sewers
were first installed the charge
was 64 percent and was lowered
sometime later.
Reeve Ivan Hearn said the
annual sewage charge for the
average home in Lucan should be
about $75,39.
The rate of renumeration for
the Lucan committee of ad-
justment was increased from $30
to $50 for each meeting.
Works foreman Bert Thompson
reported three water services in
the village had frozen up.
Thompson said frost was now
more than four feet in the ground.
A council representative is
expected to attend a meeting in
Exeter Friday, February 25 to
discuss co-ordinating flood
Wow—we had wall to wall
children at the Legion for their
annual snowmobile party on
Saturday, February 5. Believe it
or not they ate 300 hot dogs and
drank unknown quantities of hot
chocolate and cans of pop.
Well it was their day and we
are sure they enjoyed the thrill of
snowmobiling. The weather co-
operated and after the recent
storms no shortage of snow.
The president and members of
Branch 540 wish to express their
appreciation to the many snow
vehicle owners and operators
who donated their time and
machines for this Legion en-
If it wasn't for these good
people this party would not be
possible—Again, Thank you. We
also thank the good ladies who
prepared the hot dogs etc. Each
year these same lovely ladies
give of their time and believe me
it is greatly appreciated. (their
photo appears elsewhere on this
Again many thanks to all the
good people, too numerous to
mention,who assisted in any way
in the success of this venture,
which is growing every year.
We still have some vacancies
for the bowling party to be held in
Distributed in Canada by:
Chipman Chemicals Limited
Winnipeg, Stoney Creek, Longueuil
Constable G.J. Barker of the
Lucan detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police reports the
final tally for the "Great Storm of
1977" was 62 accidents, 19 in-
juries and property damage at
In addition to the 62 accidents
during the past two weeks,
detachment officers received 127
other calls. Many of the calls
were storm related coming from
snow plow crews asking to have
stranded vehicles removed as
they interfered with snow
An Arva area man is in critical
condition in University Hospital,
London, following an accident at
the Canadian National Railways
crossing, on County road 16,
between Concession 4 and 5 in
14,:-,WeSt Nissouri township at 4:45
' p.m. Monday.
Johannes Joseph Berkvens was
taken to hospital by St, Marys
Ambulance after the car he was
driving collided with the side of a
CNR passenger train.
Investigating officer N.A.
Campbell said the car was
demolished upon impact.
Earlier the same day a car
driven by Joan Beverley Taylor,
RR 1, Ilderton, was in collision
with a CNR train at the crossing
on Concession 9 in London
Lucan council will be taking
immediate steps to improve the
current serious problem of dogs
running at large in the village.
Meeting in regular session
Monday night, council authorized
Reeve Ivan Hearn to set up a
meeting with the London
Humane Society to discuss the
situation, The London Society is
under contract to make weekly
patrols through the village and
pick up any animals on the loose.
The subject was brought up
Monday night when clerk Ed
Melanson read a letter from
Royden Herbert who
complained of dogs being a
severe nuisance in his area.
When the letter reading was
completed, councillor Norm
Steeper commented, "Amen, I
saw a lot of dogs running at large
this morning. We have to take
drastic steps to correct this
An agreement has been
reached with the three neigh-
bouring townships regarding the
sharing of any deficits in the
operation of the Lucan Com-
munity Memorial Centre.
The pact to cover the next
two year period calls for the
village of Lucan to take care of 47
percent of any deficit with Bid-
dulph township picking up 37
percent and the townships of
London and McGillivray each
defraying eight percent of the
For the year 1976 the overall
deficit for the Lucan arena was
$5,008.82 and council approved
payment of the village's share of
The 1977 subsidy allocation on
1977 expenditures has been set by.
the Ontario Ministry of Tran-
sportation and Communications
at $22,100 for construction and
$7,500 for maintenance.
Council learned from the
Ontario Ministry of the
Few seniors
brave storm
Only 16 members of the Lucan
Senior Citizens Club braved the
eleriaents Thursday afternoon to
attend the meeting. Vice-
president Charlotte Barker
opened the meeting by asking
Assistant Secretary Iva Hodgins
to read a poem for her entitled
"Too Small To Save".
The monthly financial
statement by 'Treasurer Alex
Young will be given at a later
meeting when more members
are present. Cecil Robb an-
nounced that a pair of glasses had
been found on Water Street and
may be claimed at Lankins'
Variety Store.
It was decided that lunch would
be dispensed with until the
weather gets better and at the
descretion of lunch conveners
Maud Hodgins and Oney
Members of both the Sunshine
Group and Busy Buddies Craft
Group played euchre with prizes
going as follows: lady's high,
Olive Atkinson; men's high, Cecil
Robb; lady's Lone hands Ross
Atkinson and man's lone hands,
Frank Mcllhargey.
Lunch was provided by Maude
Hodgins, Rachel Tuke and Percy
Women to share
in public relations
Women of the Community are
invited to share in the "Public
Relations" meeting next Wed-
nesday, February 16 in the
Masonic Hall at 2 p.m. The roll
call will be "Bring a gem of
thought, to read", and this means
a quote of some kind, humorous
or otherwise. There will be
"within-the-group" bake sale, so
bring your favourite item of
home baking.
Gabian Stone
Calcium Chloride
in 100 pound bags
Sand & Stone
Stone for
Weeping Beds
Ceediton 234-6382
control plans. It will be a joint
meeting of the Ausable-Bayfieki
Conservation Authority and the
Wingham officeof the Ministry of
Natural Resources.
Approval was given to the
reeve and cleric to sign the
garbage collection contract with
C,H. Lewis Ltd.
Reeve Ivan Hearn commended
the town works . crew on the ex-
cellent way they carried out the
snow removal program in recent
weeks under trying conditions.
A grant of $35 was approved to
help defray the expenses of the
February 24 public speaking
contest which will be held at
Biddulph Central School.
The contest is open to students
from six elementary schools in
the north-east part of Middlesex
including Biddulph Central and
St. Patrick's.
Another grant of $35 to the St.
John's Ambulance Corps was
Mrs. Taylor and her husband
James Gordon Taylor were taken
to hospital by Thames Valley
Ambulance. A small child riding
in the car was not injured.
Constable N.A. Campbell
credited a° "kiddy car" seat as
saving the youngster from injury.
Stricter rules
for parking
Lucan council will be in-
structing their solicitor to rewrite
the parking bylaw to allow for
stricter enforcement especially
in overnigh4arking.
AO4i.qagnlAion will call for
.Anil on streets
the Lucan Bowling Lanes,
Sunday, February 20,' starting
time 1 p.m. at the lanes. This is
open to all Legion members and
their guests and it doesn't matter
if you are a bowler or not.
Just place your name on the list
provided or phone one of our
amiable stewards to place your
name on the list for you.
Following the games all par-
ticipants return to the Lucan
Legion for a Pot luck supper.
Sounds like fun eh—well you want
to believe it—you will neverhave a
better time than being with your
There are still a few members
who are in arrears with their 1977
Legion dues, Check your card
and if it doesn't say 1977 then
send your cheque for $12 to
Branch 540 immediately.
Remember that's only a buck a
month or about 3 1/2 cents a day.
Who said pennies can't buy
anything—This is the biggest buy
in town. Get with it Comrades
let's get those dues paid up now.
And that's 30 for this week—
remember—Winning a race is not
always a matter of being on the
right track, as much as being
sure that you are running in the
right direction.
Serious injury listed
in crash with train
Wall to wall
Sales & Service
New & Used Machines
Financing Available
128 Market St., Lucan
Phone 227.4412
l*tween'theliOurs otAW,m, atm, ,
Thid will allow village
einployee.s to Barry out ,snow
plowing 'And street sweeping
more efficiently.
Works foreman Bert Thompson
will also be erecting several No
Parking Here To Corner signs at
several key intersections.
Couhcillor Larry Hotson said
the corner of Main and William
streets was extremely dangerous
to make a turn if vehicles were
parked closer than the prescribed
30 feet from an intersection.