HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-27, Page 18MR. AND MRS. RUSSELL CARTER
Anne Stanley and Russell Carter exchanged wedding vows recently at
Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Lucan. The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clare Stanley, Lucan and the groom's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Carter, London. Mr, and Mrs. Carter are now residing at
RR 2, Denfield. Photo, by Beta Photos
MIN sets dates for
Learning for Lent
on 5 year term
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and district, news
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atch For Our
Page 18 January 27, 1977
for Explorers
The new exploration for the
Luean Explorers is "What ;s
Important to you'?"
At the first Meeting in their
note books the girls made "things
we value" and "activities we like
to do", Three stories were read
with three possible results and
the girls chose the best solution to
rch PrOleM,
Mrs. Sharon MacDonald, a
guest helper read a story, "No
time for the team". Mrs. William
Froats led a discussion on the
choices and values in the story.
Each girls is to.bring pictures
for the next meeting as follows:
Red Star--House anywhere in the
world: Blue Star—Children
eating and hungry children;
Gold Star—Children playing with
toys, homemade and bought.
The next expedition will be held
Monday, January 31, when the
Bible will be explored for choices
Jesus made.
Five mishaps
for local OPP
Five accidents investigated
this week by officers of the
Ontario Provincial Police detach-
ment at Lucan resulted in
damages of $3,150. No one was
Saturday at 5:30 p.m. a vehicle
driven by Earl Gordon, London,
struck a cement block that was
lying on the roadway of Highway
4, north of Lucan. Constable D.R.
Vance set damages at $50.
A vehicle driven by Dr, Ronald
Box, RR 3, Komoka left Con-
cession 6 in London township, a
half mile west of Highbury and
struck a hydro pole at 3:15 p.m.
Sunday, Constable James Craig
listed damages at $900.
Tuesday at 1:35 p.m, vehicles
driven by Gayle Riley, Lucan and
Dennis Little, Clandeboye
collided on Highway 4 at Clan-
deboye causing damages of $800.
Constable Craig investigated.
Constable D.R. Vance estimated
damages at $600 when vehicles
driven by Gerald Murphy, RR 2,
Denfield and Oliver Grigg, Lucan
were in collision on Concession 15
in London township, just west of
Adelaide street on Thursday.
Sunday at 1:30 a.ne a vehicle
driven by Howard Mills, Granton
struck a parked vehicle owned by
William Pierson, RR 4, Denfield.
The mishap occurred on Con-
cession 2 in Biddulph township,
a half mile north of Highway 7.
Lucan-Biddulph branch
president of the Canadian Cancer
Society, Len Maslen, was a head
table guest at Saturday's lun-
cheon, at the 1976 Ontario
Campaign Conference Workshop
in Toronto, over the weekend. He
was billed, along with other
delegate from districts, as
representing the "Grass Roots of
the Canadian Cancer Society"—
The Branches.
The Southwestern District
includes Elgin, Huron, Kent,
Lambton, Oxford and Middlesex
"Resolutions" was the theme
for the Lucan Women's Institute
held Wednesday afternoon in the
lower Masonic Hall, with the
convener Mrs. Sheridan
Revington in charge of the
The roll call was answered by
giving "A resolution I have made
and kept" and the Motto "As our
Resolves are, so shall our
Progress be" was expanded by
Mrs. Revington who said that our
progress in life will only be as
great as we resolve to make it.
She also gave a brief paper on
"Criticism" how to give it con-
structively, not destructively.
Mrs. Lorne Barker gave a
reading from a back copy of the
"Almanac" entitled
"Tomorrow's Opportunities",
A poem, written by Maxwell
McLean of Ilderton regarding an
agricultural trip to the British
Isles, last summer, was read by
Mrs. Revington, with various
comments about the places
mentioned. It was both
humourous and enlightening.
Mrs. L. Ashton, president,
chaired the brief business session
when a letter of appreciation was
read from Mrs. Ewart Madden
and a card of good wishes from a
UC news
Once again those members not
present at morning worship on
Sunday missed an excellent
sermon given by guest minister,
Rev. Cecil Jardine. He took his
topic "Don't Lose Heart!" from
II Cor. 4:2 and 16, saying that in
this day of inflationand troubled
times, in dissatisfaction and
discontentments, many people
everywhere are wondering why
these things are happening. ,
We feel discouraged because
things are not going at all the way
we want them to and we tend to
lose our way, always restless
until we find "rest" in God. Our
hope is founded on God and we
must keep in tune with Him if we
are to recover from our
Mr. Jardine said "Weekends
are too often "weakends"
because we have not been
renewed by coming to God's
house to hear His word". Hesaid
to Call upon God, seek Him and
do not lose heart. Next Sunday
the annual congregational
meeting will follow a pot hick
"finger" luncheon, after church,
with the business commencing at
This morning, Thursday from
9:30 to 11:30 the "Inter Church
Fellowship" group will meet in
the GE. wing. All women of the
community are invited.
The Mission and Service
Committee of the Charge will
meet at the home of Mrs. Wm,
Froats on Monday, January 31, at
8 p,m. In case of had weather, the
weather meeting will be held on
Wednesday, February 2.
Mr. Harold Frost of Hearst is
spending a few days with his
relatives in the village and
staying with Mr.. & Mrs, Brian
Currie on Highway 23. It was
good to see and chat with him at
church Sunday.
Charlie entertains
counties. The guest speaker for
the luncheon was Paul Soles of
"Take 30", TV show.
The surprise guest at the
Saturday evening banquet head
table was I)on Harron and his
gracious and lovely wife,
Catherine McKinnon. Both Mr.
Harron and his wife were given a
standing ovation when in-
troduced as head table guests,
Mr. Herron had to leave early
but suddenly was replaced by the
farmer from Parry Sound
"Charlie Farquharson" who kept
past president, Mrs. M.
Snelgrove was circulated.
The next 4-H club was an-
nounced "Consider Your Clothes"
and the leaders of Clubs 2 and 3
will attend the leader's training
school this week. Unfortunately
leadership is not available for
Club 1 and as many members as
possible will be absorbed into
Clubs 2 and 3.
The one requirement is that the
girls have a machine at home on
which to do their sewing and that
their mothers can give them
some assistance; as with larger
clubs it is impossible to give as
great personal assistance during
the sessions.
The letter regarding an entry
for the "Farm Show Princess"
contest was referred to the 4-H
A "cake" contest was won by
Mrs. M.H. Hodgins and the
"mystery"prize waswon by Mrs.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Revington and Mrs. Barker.
Bake sale • is planned
The UCW bake sale committee
met at the home of Mrs. David
Park Wednesday afternoon to
plan the "Order Ahead" bake
sale to be held' Saturday,
February 12, at the Masonic Hall.
Poster have been placed in the
Lucan United Church and the
Masonic Hall for your to "order
ahead" your choice of pies,
cakes, butter tarts, and Valentine
cakes, cookies and cupcakes.
Other baking will be available
at the sale. Delivery will be made
to shut-ins of the village. Order
forms will also be placed in three
stores, with envelopes provided.
Just fill in the form and drop it in
the evelope, prior to the deadline,
Saturday, February 6.
All women of the congregation
are invited to share in this bake
sale, making their specialty or
some will be invited to bake the
"order ahead" items. Orders may
he phoned in to 227-4033 or 227-
Attention children of Lucanand
area. The Lucan Legion's annual
children's snowmobile party will
he held Sunday February
6 commencing at 1:30p.m.
So mum or dad dress your
children up warmly and bring or
send them over to the Legion for
an afternoon of fun. Hot dogs and
hot chocolate will be served to the
youngsters to round out their day.
Don't forget now, that's Sunday,
February 6. All children are
Now hear this—Now hear
this—here is the afternoon of fun
and games you have all teen
waiting for—Branch 540 will hold
social bowling on Sunday,
February 20 commencing at 1
p.m. at the Lucan Bowling Lanes.
Following the games all par-
ticipants are invited to return to
the Legion Hall for a pot luck
the crowdof 700 volunteers roaring
with laughter.
Sir Charles Wanstall of
Australia, spoke briefly and
thanked the Canadian people on
behalf of his wife and two other
guests from that country for
being so warm and friendly to
them during their visit at the
The many delegates were
guests of the Royal York Hotel at
a concert by the Irish Rovers who
were playing in the Black Nights'
Lounge at the hotel.
The theme of this year's con-
ference "was "A Fun Conference"
and was full of surprising and
exciting features,
The theme speaker, Dr. Peter
Scholefield, Assistant Executive
Director, National Cancer
Institute of Canada, said in his
address "everytime someone
lights up a cigarette our progess
in the fight against Lung Cancer
is given a push backwards".
When asked what was the
second greatest cause of lung
cancer over the cigarette, he
answered "the second cigaret-
Ontario objective for the 1977
campaign is $7,5 million and the
theme of "You are Still Making
the Difference" has been chosen.
Further information regarding
the objective of the local Branch
will be forthcoming at a later
Seniors play
euchre, bingo
Members of the Sunshine
Group and Busy Buddies met for
cards, bingo and crafts on
Thursday afternoon in the
Masonic Hall. The business
meeting was chaired by
president Merna O'Neil when a
card of thanks was read from Mr.
& Mrs. Earl Atkinson, birthday
wishes extended to Harriet
Holmes and Lexie Atkinson, and
two guests were welcomed,
Lillian Clatworthy of Granton
and Margaret Finkbeiner of
A film, courtesy of Labatts,
entitled "Stampede Fever" was
shown by Cecil Robb, and much
enjoyed by the members of the
Sunshine Group. The Busy
Buddies were sorry to miss it, but
knew the whole craft period
would be needed to start to learn
the art of cake decorating in-
structed by Gladys Ross. These
members report that this is going
to be a real "fun" course! They
hope to decorate a cake for the
Club at a later date.
Bridge was enjoyed by four
members with Gladys Atkinson
and Onie McFalls taking high
score. The rest of the Sunshine
Club members played bingo with
many of them winning prizes of
canned goods, etc. Lunch was
served by Pearl Shoebottom,
Dora Thompson, Lois Thompson
and Marjorie Steeper.
This event is open to all
members of the Legion and their
guests. Please believe me when I
say this is not serious bowling,
whether you have bowled before
or not makes no difference, it will
bejust a sociable afternoon where
good friends meet and have an
enjoyable time.
Please remember the Branch
holds their general meeting the,
second Wednesday of every
month, the next meeting date will
he Wednesday, February 9,
starting at 8:30 p.m. Our meeting
lasts about an hour and a half
and is open to all types of
member, so make it a point to
attend and have your say on how
the Branch is run.
And that's 30 for this week,
Remember—Our strength is
often composed of the weakness
we're damned if we're going to. show,
A number of persons have been
charged by officers of the Lucan
detachment of the Ontario
Provincial Police as the result of
two incidents recently at the
Downtown Shillelagh Hotel In
Wayne Joseph Marrinan, RR 2,
Lucan, and Ronald Lester Blanc,
RR 1, Lucan, have been charged
with creating a disturbance,
January 8. Constable James
Craig is investigating.
As the result of an incident,
January 18 a London resident
John Joseph Keogh has been
charged,with two counts of theft.
In connection with the same
incident, Douglas Patterson,
London and John and David
liarrigan, RR 3, Lucan have been
charged with creating a
disturbance by fighting, Con-
stable W.R. Disher is the in-
vestigating officer.
Saturday, Mervin Cannote, RR
2, Denfield reported the theft of,
tools valued at $245 from his
truck while it was parked on
Cameron sideroad at Concession
16 in London township,
Constable Craig reports the
vehicle was entered by smashing
the windshield and passenger
side window.Damage to the ye-
hi clewasjlisted at$125.
As a result of a traffic violation
on Lucan's Main Street, James
D. Brintnell, Granton has been
charged with an offence under
the Liquor Licence AO. Con-
stable B.I), Munro investigated.
Sun., Jan. 30
Do Your Share for
Crippled Children
100 Mile Snowarama
Starts and Finishes
at Hully Gully
The UCW Learning. for Lent
Committee met at the Church on
Saturday afternoon to plan the
program for this community
project, The dates will be
Thursday, March 3, 10, 17, 31 and
April 7„ omitting the 24th as it
occurs during the "winter
Interested Groups, one only to
be chosen, will includemakingan
arrangement for a hanging pot
and then following up with
making the macrame hanger.
Members registering for this
course will bring their own
container and earth and pay for
the plants they use. They will be
told at the first meeting what to
bring for the macrame classes,
during the next four weeks..
Crocheting and knitting will
continue this year. Please bring
wool and No. 350 Crochet needle
and 8-9 knitting needles. A third
group hopefully, will be "Women
and the Law". The fourth group
will be "Armchair Vacations" or
Travelogues to encourage men to
attend, if you prefer, on various
countries with Mrs. David Park
showing her pictures and telling
of her trip to Cuba, at the first
Bible study discussions will be
led by Mrs. A. Whilsmith of
Exeter, the author of "Singing
Waters", in this paper.
Pre-registration is a must
before February 12 and 13 so no
leader will be present without a
group, Forms are being mailed
along with the "President's
letter" to members and
adherents of the United Church
and forms with envelopes will be
placed in some of the stores and
other churches. Everyone is
welcome and child care is
provided. For further in-
formation call 227-4714, 227-4764
or 227-4879.
Resolves, progress
theme of WI meeting
Local president at convention
Plan party
You can count on us for top quality ,
meat cut by a professional butcher
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