HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1977-01-27, Page 16GROCERY ITEMS Treesweet Orange, Blended Juices • Grapefruit Humpty Dumpty Potato Chips Aylmer Whole Tomatoes Supreme Assorted, 5 Varieties Cookies FINAL FIVE DAYS SAVE 20% On Benjamin Moore Paints SAVE 20% On Wallpaper From Our Large Selection of Sample Books. Many More Specials On Carpeting • Vinyl and Solarian Floor Covering • Kirsch Drapery Hardware • Ceramic Tiles • Window Blinds and Woven Wood Shades FREE INSTALLATIONS on Carpeting for Month of January FREE ESTIMATES J ABARGAIN ►E HERE Daily 8:30 to 6:00 El ..01111•1. • .11011111110 • • .40M111. Schneiders Blue Ribbon By the Piece ' LB 88 BOLOGNA n 4. *of;N' Frozen Grade B YOUNG TURKEYS LB. 78' YAMAHA . . Something to believe in BUY NOW WHILE OUR STOCK LASTS 11111111111111 11111111111111 11.11111.1111111 OPEN 6 days a week, Fri. till 9 p.m." Prices Effective Jan. 26 to Feb. 1 CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT THE TENDERSPOT AND, SAVE 6% ON YOUR PURCHASE ONLY OFFER GOOD ANYTIME Excluding Cigarettes and Quarters of Beef GRAND BEND 4-H — Ten 4-H clubs participated in Saturday's Achievement Day at Stephen Central School. From the left are Grand Bend members Teresa Backx, Ellen Vanleeuwen, Elly Smeekens, Janet Allister and Margaret Smits, with their exhibit. T-A photo Times-Advocate, January 27, 1977 They started off in Grand Bend at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Harold Chamberlain with an appetizer of juice and salad. The main meal was held at Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Vincent, Crediton, and dessert was at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Ferman Snyder, Shipka. Following the meal they all gathered at the home of Mr. & Mrs. John Steckle in Dashwood for a social time of games. Orpha Club The Orpha Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Louise Wilson. Mrs. Susie Devine opened with a poem "Ingredient for a New Year's pie." A thank you letter was read from Lambton County childrens aid a t Sarnia, for the Christmas shower of gifts and clothing. President Mrs. C. Kennedy presided for the business, Mrs. W. F. B. MacLaren was asked to buy flannelette to be distributed and made into nighties and diapers. Toys were given out to be sewn up. Next meeting is to be held at the Village Inn and hosted by Mrs. Mary Ravelle and Mrs. Leroy Bariteau. Mrs. MacLaren closed the meeting by reading the poem "Desiderata," which was found in an old Baltimore church in 1692. Church news Induction of the elders was held Sunday morning at the United Church. Willis Gill wasre-elected and Glen Miller and John Moore appointed to replace two retiring elders. Rev. H. Moore's sermon topic was "Living Life with a pur- pose." Choir anthem was, "A seed will blossom," with solo parts taken by Mrs. Don Adams and Mrs. Dennis Mathers. At the official board meeting Thursday night at United Church an increase was accepted in mission allocation. United Church stewards re- elected for three year terms were Harvey Ratz, Mrs. Bill Stur- devant and Leroy Keyes. Larry Taylor was appointed for a three year term and Don Kobe a two year term. The annual vestry meeting at St. Johns by the Lake Grand Bend, is being called for Thur- sday evening at 6.30 p.m. beginning with a pot luck supper. Don Southcott of Southcott In addition, he wishes to con- Pines has again asked Grand struct docking facilities along the Bend council to change the zoning river front, on property he owns In the Green Southcott said he has checked Acres subdivision from single with the ministry of tran- family dwellings (R-1) to multi- sportation and communications, family dwellings (R3). Southcott the ministry of the environment made his request at the regular and the Ausable-Bayfield meeting of council Monday night, Authority concerning the erec- He explained to council he tion of the docks and they have wished the zoning changed as he voiced no objections, felt the area lent itself best to the He described the planned multi-family dwelling (con- docking facilities as being of dominiums) rather than single wood construction with walkways family dwellings, of turfstone. Light standards The property in question is would be erected with water and known as the Sherwood property hydro outlets for the boats and and is presently a wooded area in anchors would be placed twenty the Green Acres subdivision feet or so behind the shoring to bordering the Ausable river. To secure it firmly. There would be build single family dwellings, room to accommodate ap- Southcott pointed out to council proximately 25 boats depending that most of the wooded area on their size and the purchasers would have to be destroyed thus of his proposed condominiums eliminating a beautiful green would have first chance at ren- area which the people of Green ting the docking space. Acres have enjoyed in the past. However, Southcott added he is Southcott is proposing to build not "trying to ram anything two condominium complexes through" and that he wishes to along the edges of the property work with the people of Green fronting on the river. This would Acres to come up with ideas of supply the same number of living which they approve. units as the single dwelling Councillor Bill Baird said he concept according to the felt there was basically nothing developer, but would enable him wrong with the plan, The biggest to leave a good section of the problem he saw was with the wooded area untouched, renting of the boat docks to Green Acre plans outlined by Southcott- • no control over what could ther, development possible on the land be placed on the property. If the to the type he had outlined, property was sold an entirely Reeve Sharen suggested a different and not as pleasing a series of discussions in camera concept could perhaps be un- with Southcott would be the dertaken, answer. This would enable them Southcott replied his firm to work out the details and un- "would be quite prepared to have derstand each other more council put restrictions on the R-3 clearly, designation to limit the type of Southcott responded he "was at the mercy of the council" and would proceed in any manner PeAdoged4 they deemed feasible even though he said he does not like in camera meetings. Reeve Sharen responded to that by saying "otherwise we seem to have misunderstandings," About 20 residents of the Green Acres subdivision attended the meeting but as the meeting was intended to give information to council they were not allowed ,to ask questions of Southcott or participate in the discussions. Southcott ended by saying if council and Green Acres residents did not want him to develop the area according to the plans he had outlined, then he would sell the property as he would not develop it under its present R-1 zoning. LB. Fresh, Family Pack CHICKEN LEGS 884 48 oz. 65' 680 28 oz, 580 58' SAVE NOW rSPECIAL DISCOUNTS On the 4405TX Women's Institute Lunch hostesses were Mrs. Ed The Grand Bend Women's Gill, Mrs. Lawrence Curts and Institute met Thursday afternoon Mrs. Bill Love. in the town hall. President, Mrs. Nola Taylor presided. Thank you Golden Age Club letters were read from Goderich The Golden Age Club held a Children's Aid and War "Fun Day" Monday with 25 in Memorial Hospital for money attendance. donations sent from the W.I. Mr. & Mrs. Ellison Whiting, Exeter fair exhibit items were Parkhill put on a skit about a discussed and a committee was candy store building. named to plan for the District Les Greenwood, Corbett, Annual to be held in Grand Bend brought recording music and in May. called off dances for modern Roll Call was answered by a square dancing. "Metric measurement in corn- Euchre and crokinole were par ison." played in the social time and Mrs. Colin Love, convener of lunch served by theInn staff , Family and Consumer Affairs, The Catholic Womens League spoke on the motto, "It is not meeting scheduled for Monday enough to know the cost, be sure evening was postponed on ac- the quality is not lost." count of the stormy weather. She also spoke on household and shopping hints, dairy product Church of God labels, expropriation of farm The Church of God young land and laser beams used in people held a progressive supper, drainage systems on farms, She Friday evening when 16 travelled closed with a reading on, "Your to different homes for each Canada and mine." course of the meal. people living outside the Green Acres subdivision. Reeve Bob Sharen agreed, saying council had been informed that on hot sunny days one boat would usually attract at least two cars and this would be a definite problem as the area around the docks is residential and there is no room for fifty or so cars. Southcott disagreed with Reeve Sharen's estimate of fifty cars saying he felt that was very high, Further he stated the renting priorities would be first of all to The United Church Women rent to the owners of the con; catered Wednesday and Thur- d °minium s, second to the sday for coffee breaks and lun- residents of Green Acres and only ches to the men attending the then to outsiders. Hodgins-Hayter convention held However, Sharen reminded in the Legion hall, Grand Bend, him that his original estimate on Rev. John Campbell attended a when he could possibly have the Church of God ministers meeting condominiums built would have Friday and Saturday in Kit- to be put back for at least one chener. year as the sewer system ex- A number of people frOm this petted to begin this fall has been resort town are holidaying in postponed. This would mean that Florida, all the docks would be rented to Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Johnson the public for at least one year if welcome the arrival of their they were built this spring as fourth grandchild when a girl was Southcott had indicated he was born to their daughter Nancy,Mr. considering & Mrs. Don McArthur of Port , The villages solicitor, Dan Elgin on Sunday. Murphy of Donnelly and Murphy, Melvin Peariso spent a couple Goderich, also pointed out to of days last week in Hamilton at Southcott that if council did his daughter's home, Mr. & Mrs, decide to rezone the area, it has Alan Kraul and Jennifer.' APO LEMONS 115 size V Sunkist, Li/58c 4 Sunkist 113 ORANGES doz. 884 MAC APPLES 3 lb. bag 784 Everyday Low Price 3/9.09 lb. '1.15 98' 3qt. $ 1 .48 Seniors enjoy skit Institute plan district meeting L IV E A-1 Cl,arolais, Angus, Hereford STEER- BEEF SIDES LB. 894 Bottom Round, Family Pack SWISS STEAK L4.28 CANADA NO. 1 BUTTER LB 79' ONLY WITH COUPON AND $12.00 TENDERSPOT PURCHASE LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER Maple Leaf Tend-r-Sweet Ready-to-Eat, Whole or Half • •••••01*. • Weston's Sliced White 24 oz, PONYTAIL BREAD Canada No, 1 BUTTER Chapman's 2 litre ICE CREAM Silverwoods 2% or Skimmed BAG MILK FIRE KILLS! Fagirtn9aEl Fresh Medium, Family Pack LB. GROUND BEEF 78' Frozen, Grade A YOUNG DUCKS LB. 98' S Fresh, Country Cut FRYER PARTS LB. 58' 60's $ 125 48 oz. $ 178 49$ 21b. 784 '1'1'1'1'1 • • S . •11.11•••, • FOOTBALL STYLE HAM LB $1.28 GROCERY ITEMS Salado Orange Pekoe Tea Bags J & J Rain Barrel Fabric Softener Irish Spring Bath Size Soap McCain's Reg. or Crinkled Super Fries I II III I I rdl ABAKERY-SPRIAIV..P Dietrich 100% Whole Wheat BREAD 48' Weston's Lemon Filled BUNS 6 Pkg 65 SENIOR CITIZENS OFFER GOOD ON TUESDAYS TO ANY PERSON 65 YEARS OF AGE OR °LIR UPON PRESENTATION OF THEIR GOVE LAMENT HEALTH 8 WELFARE IDENTITY CARD, SAVE 6% CA ISCOUNT ON YOUR PURCHASE ON 238-2512 GRAND BEND ANY ill DAY Excluding Cigarettes and Quarters of Beef BABY BONUS TWO MORE REASONS TO SHOP AT THETENDER SPO